use of com.linkedin.d2.balancer.util.hashing.ConsistentHashRing.Point in project by linkedin.
the class SimpleLoadBalancerState method refreshTransportClientsPerService.
void refreshTransportClientsPerService(ServiceProperties serviceProperties) {
String serviceName = serviceProperties.getServiceName();
//create new TransportClients
Map<String, TransportClient> newTransportClients = createAndInsertTransportClientTo(serviceProperties);
// clients-by-scheme map is never edited, only replaced.
newTransportClients = Collections.unmodifiableMap(newTransportClients);
final Map<String, TransportClient> oldTransportClients = _serviceClients.put(serviceName, newTransportClients);
// gets the information for configuring the parameter for how DegraderImpl should behave for
// each tracker clients that we instantiate here. If there's no such information, then we'll instantiate
// each tracker clients with default configuration
DegraderImpl.Config config = null;
if (serviceProperties.getDegraderProperties() != null && !serviceProperties.getDegraderProperties().isEmpty()) {
config = DegraderConfigFactory.toDegraderConfig(serviceProperties.getDegraderProperties());
} else {
debug(_log, "trying to see if there's a special degraderImpl properties but serviceInfo.getDegraderImpl() is null" + " for service name = " + serviceName + " so we'll set config to default");
Clock clk = SystemClock.instance();
if (serviceProperties.getLoadBalancerStrategyProperties() != null) {
Map<String, Object> loadBalancerStrategyProperties = serviceProperties.getLoadBalancerStrategyProperties();
clk = MapUtil.getWithDefault(loadBalancerStrategyProperties, PropertyKeys.CLOCK, SystemClock.instance(), Clock.class);
Map<URI, TrackerClient> newTrackerClients;
// update all tracker clients to use new configs
LoadBalancerStateItem<UriProperties> uriItem = _uriProperties.get(serviceProperties.getClusterName());
UriProperties uriProperties = uriItem == null ? null : uriItem.getProperty();
if (uriProperties != null) {
Set<URI> uris = uriProperties.Uris();
// clients-by-uri map may be edited later by UriPropertiesListener.handlePut
newTrackerClients = new ConcurrentHashMap<URI, TrackerClient>(CollectionUtils.getMapInitialCapacity(uris.size(), 0.75f), 0.75f, 1);
long trackerClientInterval = getTrackerClientInterval(serviceProperties);
String errorStatusPattern = getErrorStatusPattern(serviceProperties);
for (URI uri : uris) {
TrackerClient trackerClient = getTrackerClient(serviceName, uri, uriProperties.getPartitionDataMap(uri), config, clk, trackerClientInterval, errorStatusPattern);
if (trackerClient != null) {
newTrackerClients.put(uri, trackerClient);
} else {
// clients-by-uri map may be edited later by UriPropertiesListener.handlePut
newTrackerClients = new ConcurrentHashMap<URI, TrackerClient>(16, 0.75f, 1);
//override the oldTrackerClients with newTrackerClients
_trackerClients.put(serviceName, newTrackerClients);
// No need to shut down oldTrackerClients, because they all point directly to the TransportClient for the service
// We do need to shut down the old transport clients
shutdownTransportClients(oldTransportClients, serviceName);
use of com.linkedin.d2.balancer.util.hashing.ConsistentHashRing.Point in project by linkedin.
the class DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyV2 method getUnhealthyTrackerClients.
private static List<String> getUnhealthyTrackerClients(List<TrackerClient> trackerClients, Map<URI, Integer> pointsMap, DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig config) {
List<String> unhealthyClients = new ArrayList<String>();
for (TrackerClient client : trackerClients) {
int perfectHealth = (int) (client.getPartitionWeight(DEFAULT_PARTITION_ID) * config.getPointsPerWeight());
Integer point = pointsMap.get(client.getUri());
if (point < perfectHealth) {
unhealthyClients.add(client.getUri() + ":" + point + "/" + perfectHealth);
return unhealthyClients;
use of com.linkedin.d2.balancer.util.hashing.ConsistentHashRing.Point in project by linkedin.
the class TestRouteLookupClient method testRouteLookupClientCallback.
public void testRouteLookupClientCallback() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
RouteLookup routeLookup = new SimpleTestRouteLookup();
final D2Client d2Client = new D2ClientBuilder().setZkHosts("localhost:2121").build();
d2Client.start(new FutureCallback<None>());
RouteLookupClient routeLookupClient = new RouteLookupClient(d2Client, routeLookup, "WestCoast");
RestRequest dummyRestRequest = new RestRequestBuilder(URI.create("d2://simple_uri")).build();
FutureCallback<RestResponse> futureCallback = new FutureCallback<RestResponse>();
routeLookupClient.restRequest(dummyRestRequest, futureCallback, "5555");
try {
RestResponse response = futureCallback.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);"Unexpected success, request should have thrown a ServiceUnavailableException");
} catch (Exception e) {
String message = e.getMessage();
if (!message.contains("_serviceName=simple_uriWestCoast5555Foo")) {"request was not rewritten to point at the d2 service simple_uriWestCoast5555Foo");
use of com.linkedin.d2.balancer.util.hashing.ConsistentHashRing.Point in project by linkedin.
the class DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyV2_1 method doUpdateState.
* updateState
* We have two mechanisms to influence the health and traffic patterns of the client. They are
* by load balancing (switching traffic from one host to another) and by degrading service
* (dropping calls). We load balance by allocating points in a consistent hash ring based on the
* computedDropRate of the individual TrackerClients, which takes into account the latency
* seen by that TrackerClient's requests. We can alternatively, if the cluster is
* unhealthy (by using a high latency watermark) drop a portion of traffic across all tracker
* clients corresponding to this cluster.
* The reason we do not currently consider error rate when adjusting the hash ring is that
* there are legitimate errors that servers can send back for clients to handle, such as
* 400 return codes. A potential improvement would be to catch transport level exceptions and 500
* level return codes, but the implication of that would need to be carefully understood and documented.
* We don't want both to reduce hash points and allow clients to manage their own drop rates
* because the clients do not have a global view that the load balancing strategy does. Without
* a global view, the clients won't know if it already has a reduced number of hash points. If the
* client continues to drop at the same drop rate as before their points have been reduced, then
* the client would have its outbound request reduced by both reduction in points and the client's
* drop rate. To avoid this, the drop rate is managed globally by the load balancing strategy and
* provided to each client. The strategy will ALTERNATE between adjusting the hash ring points or
* the global drop rate in order to avoid double penalizing a client. See below:
* Period 1
* We found the average latency is greater than high water mark.
* Then increase the global drop rate for this cluster (let's say from 0% to 20%)
* so 20% of all calls gets dropped.
* .
* .
* Period 2
* The average latency is still higher than high water mark and we found
* it is especially high for few specific clients in the cluster
* Then reduce the number of hash points for those clients in the hash ring, with the hope we'll
* redirect the traffic to "healthier" client and reduce the average latency
* .
* .
* Period 3
* The average latency is still higher than high water mark
* Then we will alternate strategy by increasing the global rate for the whole cluster again
* .
* .
* repeat until the latency becomes smaller than high water mark and higher than low water mark
* to maintain the state. If the latency becomes lower than low water mark that means the cluster
* is getting healthier so we can serve more traffic so we'll start recovery as explained below
* We also have a mechanism for recovery if the number of points in the hash ring is not
* enough to receive traffic. The initialRecoveryLevel is a number between 0.0 and 1.0, and
* corresponds to a weight of the tracker client's full hash points. e.g. if a client
* has a default 100 hash points in a ring, 0.0 means there's 0 point for the client in the ring
* and 1.0 means there are 100 points in the ring for the client.
* The second configuration, rampFactor, will geometrically increase the
* previous recoveryLevel if traffic still hasn't been seen for that tracker client.
* The reason for using weight instead of real points is to allow an initialRecoveryLevel that corresponds to
* less than one hash point. This would be useful if a "cooling off" period is desirable for the
* misbehaving tracker clients i.e. given a full weight of 100 hash points, 0.005 initialRecoverylevel
* 0 hashpoints at start and rampFactor = 2 means that there will be one cooling off period before the
* client is reintroduced into the hash ring (see below).
* Period 1
* 100 * 0.005 = 0.5 point -> So nothing in the hashring
* Period 2
* 100 * (0.005 * 2 because of rampfactor) = 1 point -> So we'll add one point in the hashring
* Another example, given initialRecoveryLevel = 0.01, rampFactor = 2, and default tracker client hash
* points of 100, we will increase the hash points in this pattern on successive update States:
* 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08, 0.16, 0.32, etc. -> 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 points in the hashring and aborting
* as soon as calls are recorded for that tracker client.
* We also have highWaterMark and lowWaterMark as properties of the DegraderLoadBalancer strategy
* so that the strategy can make decisions on whether to start dropping traffic GLOBALLY across
* all tracker clients for this cluster. The amount of traffic to drop is controlled by the
* globalStepUp and globalStepDown properties, where globalStepUp controls how much the global
* drop rate increases per interval, and globalStepDown controls how much the global drop rate
* decreases per interval. We only step up the global drop rate when the average cluster latency
* is higher than the highWaterMark, and only step down the global drop rate when the average
* cluster latency is lower than the global drop rate.
* This code is thread reentrant. Multiple threads can potentially call this concurrently, and so
* callers must pass in the DegraderLoadBalancerState that they based their shouldUpdate() call on.
* The multiple threads may have different views of the trackerClients latency, but this is
* ok as the new state in the end will have only taken one action (either loadbalance or
* call-dropping with at most one step). Currently we will not call this concurrently, as
* checkUpdateState will control entry to a single thread.
* @param clusterGenerationId
* @param oldState
* @param config
* @param trackerClientUpdaters
private static DegraderLoadBalancerState doUpdateState(long clusterGenerationId, DegraderLoadBalancerState oldState, DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig config, List<TrackerClientUpdater> trackerClientUpdaters) {
debug(_log, "updating state for: ", trackerClientUpdaters);
double sumOfClusterLatencies = 0.0;
double computedClusterDropSum = 0.0;
double computedClusterWeight = 0.0;
long totalClusterCallCount = 0;
boolean hashRingChanges = false;
boolean recoveryMapChanges = false;
DegraderLoadBalancerState.Strategy strategy = oldState.getStrategy();
Map<TrackerClient, Double> oldRecoveryMap = oldState.getRecoveryMap();
Map<TrackerClient, Double> newRecoveryMap = new HashMap<TrackerClient, Double>(oldRecoveryMap);
double currentOverrideDropRate = oldState.getCurrentOverrideDropRate();
double initialRecoveryLevel = config.getInitialRecoveryLevel();
double ringRampFactor = config.getRingRampFactor();
int pointsPerWeight = config.getPointsPerWeight();
DegraderLoadBalancerState newState;
for (TrackerClientUpdater clientUpdater : trackerClientUpdaters) {
TrackerClient client = clientUpdater.getTrackerClient();
double averageLatency = client.getDegraderControl(DEFAULT_PARTITION_ID).getLatency();
long callCount = client.getDegraderControl(DEFAULT_PARTITION_ID).getCallCount();
oldState.getPreviousMaxDropRate().put(client, clientUpdater.getMaxDropRate());
sumOfClusterLatencies += averageLatency * callCount;
totalClusterCallCount += callCount;
double clientDropRate = client.getDegraderControl(DEFAULT_PARTITION_ID).getCurrentComputedDropRate();
computedClusterDropSum += client.getPartitionWeight(DEFAULT_PARTITION_ID) * clientDropRate;
computedClusterWeight += client.getPartitionWeight(DEFAULT_PARTITION_ID);
boolean recoveryMapContainsClient = newRecoveryMap.containsKey(client);
// points in the hash ring for the clients.
if (callCount == 0) {
// due solely to low volume.
if (recoveryMapContainsClient) {
// it may do nothing.
if (strategy == DegraderLoadBalancerState.Strategy.LOAD_BALANCE) {
double oldMaxDropRate = clientUpdater.getMaxDropRate();
double transmissionRate = 1.0 - oldMaxDropRate;
if (transmissionRate <= 0.0) {
// We use the initialRecoveryLevel to indicate how many points to initially set
// the tracker client to when traffic has stopped flowing to this node.
transmissionRate = initialRecoveryLevel;
} else {
transmissionRate *= ringRampFactor;
transmissionRate = Math.min(transmissionRate, 1.0);
double newMaxDropRate = 1.0 - transmissionRate;
recoveryMapChanges = true;
} else //else we don't really need to change the client maxDropRate.
if (recoveryMapContainsClient) {
// else if the recovery map contains the client and the call count was > 0
// tough love here, once the rehab clients start taking traffic, we
// restore their maxDropRate to it's original value, and unenroll them
// from the program.
// This is safe because the hash ring points are controlled by the
// computedDropRate variable, and the call dropping rate is controlled by
// the overrideDropRate. The maxDropRate only serves to cap the computedDropRate and
// overrideDropRate.
// We store the maxDropRate and restore it here because the initialRecoveryLevel could
// potentially be higher than what the default maxDropRate allowed. (the maxDropRate doesn't
// necessarily have to be 1.0). For instance, if the maxDropRate was 0.99, and the
// initialRecoveryLevel was 0.05 then we need to store the old maxDropRate.
recoveryMapChanges = true;
double computedClusterDropRate = computedClusterDropSum / computedClusterWeight;
debug(_log, "total cluster call count: ", totalClusterCallCount);
debug(_log, "computed cluster drop rate for ", trackerClientUpdaters.size(), " nodes: ", computedClusterDropRate);
if (oldState.getClusterGenerationId() == clusterGenerationId && totalClusterCallCount <= 0 && !recoveryMapChanges) {
// if the cluster has not been called recently (total cluster call count is <= 0)
// and we already have a state with the same set of URIs (same cluster generation),
// and no clients are in rehab, then don't change anything.
debug(_log, "New state is the same as the old state so we're not changing anything. Old state = ", oldState, ", config=", config);
return new DegraderLoadBalancerState(oldState, clusterGenerationId, config.getUpdateIntervalMs(), config.getClock().currentTimeMillis());
// update our overrides.
double newCurrentAvgClusterLatency = -1;
if (totalClusterCallCount > 0) {
newCurrentAvgClusterLatency = sumOfClusterLatencies / totalClusterCallCount;
debug(_log, "average cluster latency: ", newCurrentAvgClusterLatency);
// This points map stores how many hash map points to allocate for each tracker client.
Map<URI, Integer> points = new HashMap<URI, Integer>();
Map<URI, Integer> oldPointsMap = oldState.getPointsMap();
for (TrackerClientUpdater clientUpdater : trackerClientUpdaters) {
TrackerClient client = clientUpdater.getTrackerClient();
double successfulTransmissionWeight;
URI clientUri = client.getUri();
// Don't take into account cluster health when calculating the number of points
// for each client. This is because the individual clients already take into account
// latency, and a successfulTransmissionWeight can and should be made
// independent of other nodes in the cluster. Otherwise, one unhealthy client in a small
// cluster can take down the entire cluster if the avg latency is too high.
// The global drop rate will take into account the cluster latency. High cluster-wide error
// rates are not something d2 can address.
// this client's maxDropRate and currentComputedDropRate may have been adjusted if it's in the
// rehab program (to gradually send traffic it's way).
double dropRate = Math.min(client.getDegraderControl(DEFAULT_PARTITION_ID).getCurrentComputedDropRate(), clientUpdater.getMaxDropRate());
// calculate the weight as the probability of successful transmission to this
// node divided by the probability of successful transmission to the entire
// cluster
successfulTransmissionWeight = client.getPartitionWeight(DEFAULT_PARTITION_ID) * (1.0 - dropRate);
// calculate the weight as the probability of a successful transmission to this node
// multiplied by the client's self-defined weight. thus, the node's final weight
// takes into account both the self defined weight (to account for different
// hardware in the same cluster) and the performance of the node (as defined by the
// node's degrader).
debug(_log, "computed new weight for uri ", clientUri, ": ", successfulTransmissionWeight);
// keep track if we're making actual changes to the Hash Ring in this updateState.
int newPoints = (int) (successfulTransmissionWeight * pointsPerWeight);
if (newPoints == 0) {
// We are choking off traffic to this tracker client.
// Enroll this tracker client in the recovery program so that
// we can make sure it still gets some traffic
Double oldMaxDropRate = clientUpdater.getMaxDropRate();
// set the default recovery level.
newPoints = (int) (initialRecoveryLevel * pointsPerWeight);
// Keep track of the original maxDropRate
if (!newRecoveryMap.containsKey(client)) {
// keep track of this client,
newRecoveryMap.put(client, oldMaxDropRate);
clientUpdater.setMaxDropRate(1.0 - initialRecoveryLevel);
points.put(clientUri, newPoints);
if (!oldPointsMap.containsKey(clientUri) || oldPointsMap.get(clientUri) != newPoints) {
hashRingChanges = true;
// if there were changes to the members of the cluster
if ((strategy == DegraderLoadBalancerState.Strategy.LOAD_BALANCE && hashRingChanges == true) || // strategy
oldState.getClusterGenerationId() != clusterGenerationId) {
// atomic overwrite
// try Call Dropping next time we updateState.
newState = new DegraderLoadBalancerState(config.getUpdateIntervalMs(), clusterGenerationId, points, config.getClock().currentTimeMillis(), DegraderLoadBalancerState.Strategy.CALL_DROPPING, currentOverrideDropRate, newCurrentAvgClusterLatency, true, newRecoveryMap, oldState.getServiceName(), oldState.getDegraderProperties(), totalClusterCallCount);
logState(oldState, newState, config, trackerClientUpdaters);
} else {
// time to try call dropping strategy, if necessary.
// we are explicitly setting the override drop rate to a number between 0 and 1, inclusive.
double newDropLevel = Math.max(0.0, currentOverrideDropRate);
// to get the cluster latency stabilized
if (newCurrentAvgClusterLatency > 0 && totalClusterCallCount >= config.getMinClusterCallCountHighWaterMark()) {
// statistically significant
if (newCurrentAvgClusterLatency >= config.getHighWaterMark() && currentOverrideDropRate != 1.0) {
// if the cluster latency is too high and we can drop more traffic
newDropLevel = Math.min(1.0, newDropLevel + config.getGlobalStepUp());
} else if (newCurrentAvgClusterLatency <= config.getLowWaterMark() && currentOverrideDropRate != 0.0) {
// else if the cluster latency is good and we can reduce the override drop rate
newDropLevel = Math.max(0.0, newDropLevel - config.getGlobalStepDown());
// else the averageClusterLatency is between Low and High, or we can't change anything more,
// then do not change anything.
} else if (newCurrentAvgClusterLatency > 0 && totalClusterCallCount >= config.getMinClusterCallCountLowWaterMark()) {
//but we might recover a bit if the latency is healthy
if (newCurrentAvgClusterLatency <= config.getLowWaterMark() && currentOverrideDropRate != 0.0) {
// the cluster latency is good and we can reduce the override drop rate
newDropLevel = Math.max(0.0, newDropLevel - config.getGlobalStepDown());
// else the averageClusterLatency is somewhat high but since the qps is not that high, we shouldn't degrade
} else {
// if we enter here that means we have very low traffic. We should reduce the overrideDropRate, if possible.
// when we have below 1 QPS traffic, we should be pretty confident that the cluster can handle very low
// traffic. Of course this is depending on the MinClusterCallCountLowWaterMark that the service owner sets.
// Another possible cause for this is if we had somehow choked off all traffic to the cluster, most
// likely in a one node/small cluster scenario. Obviously, we can't check latency here,
// we'll have to rely on the metric in the next updateState. If the cluster is still having
// latency problems, then we will oscillate between off and letting a little traffic through,
// and that is acceptable. If the latency, though high, is deemed acceptable, then the
// watermarks can be adjusted to let more traffic through.
newDropLevel = Math.max(0.0, newDropLevel - config.getGlobalStepDown());
if (newDropLevel != currentOverrideDropRate) {
overrideClusterDropRate(newDropLevel, trackerClientUpdaters);
// don't change the points map or the recoveryMap, but try load balancing strategy next time.
newState = new DegraderLoadBalancerState(config.getUpdateIntervalMs(), clusterGenerationId, oldPointsMap, config.getClock().currentTimeMillis(), DegraderLoadBalancerState.Strategy.LOAD_BALANCE, newDropLevel, newCurrentAvgClusterLatency, true, oldRecoveryMap, oldState.getServiceName(), oldState.getDegraderProperties(), totalClusterCallCount);
logState(oldState, newState, config, trackerClientUpdaters);
points = oldPointsMap;
// adjust the min call count for each client based on the hash ring reduction and call dropping
// fraction.
overrideMinCallCount(currentOverrideDropRate, trackerClientUpdaters, points, pointsPerWeight);
return newState;
use of com.linkedin.d2.balancer.util.hashing.ConsistentHashRing.Point in project by linkedin.
the class D2Config method configure.
public int configure() throws Exception {
// original map derived from properties file
Map<String, Object> clusterServiceConfiguration = merge(_clusterServiceConfigurations);
// map of clusterName -> cluster configuration
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> clusters = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();
// map of serviceName -> service configuration
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> services = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();
// Ugly. But this is a map of service groups, so it needs to reflect multiple services maps.
Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, Object>>> serviceVariants = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Map<String, Object>>>();
// temporary mapping from cluster name to services map, to aid in create cluster variants and
// service groups.
Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, Object>>> clusterToServiceMapping = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Map<String, Object>>>();
int status;
// temporary mapping from cluster name to the list of colo variants it has.
Map<String, List<String>> variantToVariantsMapping = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
// temporary mapping from cluster name to coloVariant ClusterNames list.
Map<String, List<String>> clusterToColoClustersMapping = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
// mapping from regular cluster name to the list of containing services
// which will be added as children of the regular cluster znode.
Map<String, List<String>> regularClusterToServicesMapping = new HashMap<>();"basePath: " + _basePath);"clusterDefaults: " + _clusterDefaults);"serviceDefaults: " + _serviceDefaults);
final String defaultColo = (String) _clusterDefaults.remove(PropertyKeys.DEFAULT_COLO);
// Solution 2 is the approach taken below.
for (String clusterName : clusterServiceConfiguration.keySet()) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> clusterConfig = (Map<String, Object>) clusterServiceConfiguration.get(clusterName);
clusterConfig.put(PropertyKeys.CLUSTER_NAME, clusterName);
final Object servicesProperty = clusterConfig.remove(PropertyKeys.SERVICES);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Map<String, Object>> servicesConfigs = (Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) servicesProperty;
final Object clusterVariantProperty = clusterConfig.remove(PropertyKeys.CLUSTER_VARIANTS);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Map<String, Object>> clusterVariantConfig = (Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) clusterVariantProperty;
final Object coloVariantsProperty = clusterConfig.remove(PropertyKeys.COLO_VARIANTS);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> coloVariants = (List<String>) coloVariantsProperty;
final String masterColo = (String) clusterConfig.remove(PropertyKeys.MASTER_COLO);
final String enableSymlinkString = (String) clusterConfig.remove(PropertyKeys.ENABLE_SYMLINK);
final boolean enableSymlink;
regularClusterToServicesMapping.put(clusterName, servicesConfigs.keySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toList()));
if (enableSymlinkString != null && "true".equalsIgnoreCase(enableSymlinkString)) {
enableSymlink = true;
} else {
enableSymlink = false;
// do some sanity check for partitions if any
// Moving handling of partitionProperties before any coloVariant manipulations
final Object partitionPropertiesProperty = clusterConfig.get(PropertyKeys.PARTITION_PROPERTIES);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> partitionProperties = (Map<String, Object>) partitionPropertiesProperty;
if (partitionProperties != null) {
status = handlePartitionProperties(partitionProperties, clusterConfig, clusterName);
if (status != 0) {
return status;
Map<String, String> clusterProperties = new HashMap<>();
if (coloVariants != null && coloVariants.size() > 0 && !(coloVariants.size() == 1 && coloVariants.contains(""))) {
clusterProperties.put(PropertyKeys.COLO_VARIANTS, String.join(LIST_SEPARATOR, coloVariants));
if (masterColo != null && !masterColo.equals("")) {
clusterProperties.put(PropertyKeys.MASTER_COLO, masterColo);
if (clusterVariantConfig != null && clusterVariantConfig.size() > 0) {
clusterProperties.put(PropertyKeys.CLUSTER_VARIANTS, String.join(LIST_SEPARATOR, clusterVariantConfig.keySet()));
clusterConfig.put(PropertyKeys.CLUSTER_PROPERTIES, clusterProperties);
// lots of if/else.
if (coloVariants == null || (coloVariants.size() == 1 && coloVariants.contains(""))) {
coloVariants = Collections.singletonList("");
} else {
// one of the peer colos, if applicable.
if (!coloVariants.contains(defaultColo)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The default colo: " + defaultColo + " is not one of the peer colos = " + coloVariants);
if (masterColo != null && !coloVariants.contains(masterColo) && !enableSymlink) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The master colo: " + masterColo + " is not one of the peer colos = " + coloVariants);
boolean defaultServicesCreated = false;
for (String colo : coloVariants) {
// the coloClusterName will be equal to the original cluster name if colo is the empty string
String coloClusterName = D2Utils.addSuffixToBaseName(clusterName, colo);
// coloServicesConfigs are the set of d2 services in this cluster in this colo
// for the regular cluster case I could avoid creation of a new HashMap for both coloServicesConfig
// and coloServiceConfig, as an optimization at the expense of simplicity.
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> coloServicesConfigs = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();
// Only create the default services once, and only when we have an empty colo string or the
// colo matches the default colo.
boolean createDefaultServices = (defaultServicesCreated == false) ? shouldCreateDefaultServices(colo, defaultColo) : false;
for (String serviceName : servicesConfigs.keySet()) {
// "resource" level config
Map<String, Object> serviceConfig = servicesConfigs.get(serviceName);
// There are some cases where we may not want to create colo variants of a particular service
// We can't remove properties from the serviceConfig here because we might need to loop
// over it multiple times.
String createColoVariants = (String) serviceConfig.get(PropertyKeys.HAS_COLO_VARIANTS);
boolean createColoVariantsForService = shouldCreateColoVariantsForService(colo, createColoVariants);
String coloServiceName = serviceName;
final boolean defaultRoutingToMasterColo = serviceConfig.containsKey(PropertyKeys.DEFAULT_ROUTING) && PropertyKeys.MASTER_SUFFIX.equals(serviceConfig.get(PropertyKeys.DEFAULT_ROUTING));
// any colo variants of that serviceName.
if (createColoVariantsForService) {
coloServiceName = D2Utils.addSuffixToBaseName(serviceName, colo);
final Object transportClientProperty = serviceConfig.get(PropertyKeys.TRANSPORT_CLIENT_PROPERTIES);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> transportClientConfig = (Map<String, Object>) transportClientProperty;
serviceConfig.put(PropertyKeys.TRANSPORT_CLIENT_PROPERTIES, transportClientConfig);
Map<String, Object> coloServiceConfig = new HashMap<String, Object>(serviceConfig);
// so it does not have to know about what are the default services.
if (createDefaultServices && !defaultServicesCreated) {
// create the Master version of this service.
if (masterColo != null && createColoVariantsForService) {
// we need to create a "Master" version of this service to point to the current Master
// Cluster. Why not just use the original service name? We will point the original
// service name at the local cluster, as well as to make it explicit that requests
// sent to this service might cross colos, if the master is located in another colo.
Map<String, Object> masterServiceConfig = new HashMap<String, Object>(serviceConfig);
String masterServiceName = serviceName + PropertyKeys.MASTER_SUFFIX;
String masterClusterName;
if (enableSymlink) {
masterClusterName = D2Utils.getSymlinkNameForMaster(clusterName);
} else {
masterClusterName = D2Utils.addSuffixToBaseName(clusterName, masterColo);
masterServiceConfig.put(PropertyKeys.CLUSTER_NAME, masterClusterName);
masterServiceConfig.put(PropertyKeys.SERVICE_NAME, masterServiceName);
masterServiceConfig.put(PropertyKeys.IS_MASTER_SERVICE, "true");
coloServicesConfigs.put(masterServiceName, masterServiceConfig);
// this block will handle:
// the colo-agnostic service -> colo-specific default cluster mapping (fooService -> FooCluster-WestCoast)
// the colo-agnostic service -> colo-agnostic cluster mapping (fooService -> FooCluster)
// the latter only being done for regular clusters, the former only being done for clusters
// that have coloVariants specified.
Map<String, Object> regularServiceConfig = new HashMap<String, Object>(serviceConfig);
if (createColoVariantsForService) {
// we set isDefaultService flag only if it is a multi-colo aware service.
regularServiceConfig.put(PropertyKeys.IS_DEFAULT_SERVICE, "true");
if (defaultRoutingToMasterColo) {
regularServiceConfig.put(PropertyKeys.DEFAULT_ROUTING_TO_MASTER, "true");
final String defaultColoClusterName = clusterNameWithRouting(clusterName, colo, defaultColo, masterColo, defaultRoutingToMasterColo, enableSymlink);
regularServiceConfig.put(PropertyKeys.CLUSTER_NAME, defaultColoClusterName);
regularServiceConfig.put(PropertyKeys.SERVICE_NAME, serviceName);
coloServicesConfigs.put(serviceName, regularServiceConfig);
if (!serviceName.equals(coloServiceName)) {
// this block will handle:
// the colo-specific service-> colo-specific cluster mapping (fooService-WestCoast -> FooCluster-WestCoast,
// fooService-EastCoast -> FooCluster-EastCoast)
coloServiceConfig.put(PropertyKeys.CLUSTER_NAME, coloClusterName);
coloServiceConfig.put(PropertyKeys.SERVICE_NAME, coloServiceName);
coloServicesConfigs.put(coloServiceName, coloServiceConfig);
// end for each service
status = addServicesToServicesMap(coloServicesConfigs, services, coloClusterName);
if (status != NO_ERROR_EXIT_CODE) {
return status;
// Now that we've created colo-specific service to colo-specific cluster mappings, we now need
// to actually create those colo-specific clusters.
Map<String, Object> coloClusterConfig = clusterConfig;
if (!clusterName.equals(coloClusterName)) {
coloClusterConfig = new HashMap<String, Object>(clusterConfig);
coloClusterConfig.put(PropertyKeys.CLUSTER_NAME, coloClusterName);
if (createDefaultServices) {
clusters.put(clusterName, clusterConfig);
clusters.put(coloClusterName, coloClusterConfig);
// list before the cluster variants.
if (clusterVariantConfig != null) {
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> coloClusterVariantConfig = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>(clusterVariantConfig);
status = handleClusterVariants(coloClusterVariantConfig, clusterConfig, clusters, coloServicesConfigs, clusterToServiceMapping, colo, variantToVariantsMapping, masterColo, enableSymlink);
if (status != 0) {
return status;
} else {
// even if clusterVariant is not defined, it is still needed to save the coloServicesConfigs
// in case the serviceGroup directly refers the cluster name
clusterToServiceMapping.put(coloClusterName, coloServicesConfigs);
// also save the coloClusterName
addNewVariantToVariantsList(clusterToColoClustersMapping, clusterName, coloClusterName);
// the set the flag marking the default services for this cluster as created.
if (!defaultServicesCreated && createDefaultServices == true) {
defaultServicesCreated = true;
// end for each colo variant
// there are service variants
if (_serviceVariants != null) {
for (String serviceGroup : _serviceVariants.keySet()) {
// each service group contains a list of cluster names and a type field that
// describes how to treat the list. We group together the services described by these
// listed clusters, and prep that for writing to a different znode than the default service
// znode directory. Note that we had already pointed those services to the appropriate cluster
// variant earlier.
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> servicesGroupConfig = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> configGroupMap = (Map<String, Object>) _serviceVariants.get(serviceGroup);
String type = (String) configGroupMap.get(PropertyKeys.TYPE);
final Object clusterListProperty = configGroupMap.get(PropertyKeys.CLUSTER_LIST);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> clusterList = (List<String>) clusterListProperty;
// create an alternate service table for the services specified by these cluster variants
for (Iterator<String> iter = clusterList.listIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
String clusterItem =;
List<String> coloClusterVariantList = variantToVariantsMapping.get(clusterItem);
if (coloClusterVariantList == null && PropertyKeys.FULL_CLUSTER_LIST.equals(type)) {
// For full_cluster_list type, it is allowed to specify real cluster name, not
// necessarily always clusterVariant. Check the clusterToColoClustersMappings.
coloClusterVariantList = clusterToColoClustersMapping.get(clusterItem);
if (coloClusterVariantList == null) {
// the service group had an unknown cluster!
_log.error("Unknown cluster specified: " + clusterItem);
// in those coloVariants to this service group's list of services.
for (String coloClusterVariant : coloClusterVariantList) {
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> candidateServices = clusterToServiceMapping.get(coloClusterVariant);
if (candidateServices == null) {
// the service group had an unknown cluster!
_log.error("Unknown cluster specified: " + coloClusterVariant);
for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> mapEntry : candidateServices.entrySet()) {
Object testValue = servicesGroupConfig.put(mapEntry.getKey(), mapEntry.getValue());
if (testValue != null) {
// We shouldn't have had conflicting services, two variants of the same cluster
// were probably specified in the same service group.
_log.error("Service group has variants of the same cluster: " + serviceGroup);
if (PropertyKeys.CLUSTER_VARIANTS_LIST.equals(type)) {
// start from the full list of services, and then overwrite the services specified by the
// cluster variants.
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> fullServiceList = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>(services);
serviceVariants.put(serviceGroup, fullServiceList);
} else if (PropertyKeys.FULL_CLUSTER_LIST.equals(type)) {
// The use has explicitly indicated that we should put these and only the services that
// correspond to the named clusters in the serviceGroup.
serviceVariants.put(serviceGroup, servicesGroupConfig);
} else {
_log.error("unknown serviceVariant type: " + type);
_log.debug("serviceVariants: " + serviceVariants);
try {"Cluster configuration:\n" + clusters);
writeConfig(ZKFSUtil.clusterPath(_basePath), new ClusterPropertiesJsonSerializer(), new ClusterPropertiesJsonSerializer(), clusters, _clusterDefaults);"Wrote cluster configuration");"Service configuration:\n" + services);
writeConfig(ZKFSUtil.servicePath(_basePath), new ServicePropertiesJsonSerializer(), new ServicePropertiesJsonSerializer(), services, _serviceDefaults);"Wrote service configuration");
writeChildren(regularClusterToServicesMapping);"Wrote service children nodes under clusters");
if (!serviceVariants.isEmpty()) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Map<String, Object>>> entry : serviceVariants.entrySet()) {
if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {"serviceVariant: " + entry + "\n");
} else {"serviceVariant: " + entry.getKey() + "\n");
writeConfig(ZKFSUtil.servicePath(_basePath, entry.getKey()), new ServicePropertiesJsonSerializer(), new ServicePropertiesJsonSerializer(), entry.getValue(), _serviceDefaults);
}"Wrote service variant configurations");
}"Configuration complete");
} finally {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
_log.warn("ZooKeeper shutdown interrupted", e);