use of com.linkedin.d2.balancer.util.hashing.HashFunction in project by linkedin.
the class RelativeLoadBalancerStrategyFactory method getRequestHashFunction.
private HashFunction<Request> getRequestHashFunction(D2RelativeStrategyProperties relativeStrategyProperties) {
if (relativeStrategyProperties.hasRingProperties() && relativeStrategyProperties.getRingProperties().hasHashConfig()) {
HashMethod hashMethod = relativeStrategyProperties.getRingProperties().getHashMethod();
HashConfig hashConfig = relativeStrategyProperties.getRingProperties().getHashConfig();
switch(hashMethod) {
return new URIRegexHash(RelativeStrategyPropertiesConverter.toHashConfigMap(hashConfig));
case RANDOM:
return new RandomHash();
// Fall back to RandomHash if not specified
return new RandomHash();
use of com.linkedin.d2.balancer.util.hashing.HashFunction in project by linkedin.
the class RingBasedUriMapper method distributeToHosts.
private <KEY> Map<URI, Set<KEY>> distributeToHosts(Map<Integer, List<URIKeyPair<KEY>>> requestsByParititonId, Map<Integer, Ring<URI>> rings, HashFunction<Request> hashFunction, Map<URI, Integer> hostToPartitionId, Map<Integer, Set<KEY>> unmapped) {
if (hashFunction instanceof RandomHash) {
return distributeToHostNonSticky(requestsByParititonId, rings, hostToPartitionId, unmapped);
Map<URI, Set<KEY>> hostToKeySet = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<URIKeyPair<KEY>>> entry : requestsByParititonId.entrySet()) {
int partitionId = entry.getKey();
for (URIKeyPair<KEY> request : entry.getValue()) {
int hashcode = hashFunction.hash(new URIRequest(request.getRequestUri()));
URI resolvedHost = rings.get(partitionId).get(hashcode);
if (resolvedHost == null) {
// under custom use case, key will be null, in which case we will just return a map from partition id to empty set
// Users should be able to understand what partitions do not have available hosts by examining the keys in "unmapped"
Set<KEY> unmappedKeys = convertURIKeyPairListToKeySet(entry.getValue());
unmapped.computeIfAbsent(entry.getKey(), k -> new HashSet<>()).addAll(unmappedKeys);
} else {
// under custom use case, key will be null, in which case we will just return a map from uri to empty set
hostToPartitionId.putIfAbsent(resolvedHost, entry.getKey());
Set<KEY> newSet = hostToKeySet.computeIfAbsent(resolvedHost, host -> new HashSet<>());
if (request.getKey() != null) {
return hostToKeySet;
use of com.linkedin.d2.balancer.util.hashing.HashFunction in project by linkedin.
the class RingBasedUriMapper method mapUris.
* To achieve scatter-gather, there will be two passes.
* Pass 1: All requests are assigned a partitionId based on partition properties
* If partitioning is not enabled, all requests will have default partitionId of 0;
* Pass 2: All requests in the same partition will be routed based on the ring of that partition.
* If sticky routing is not specified, ONE host on the ring of that partition will be assigned for all hosts assigned to that partition.
* Unmapped key in either step will be collected in the unmapped keySet in the result.
* @param <KEY> type of provided key
* @param requestUriKeyPairs a list of URIKeyPair, each contains a d2 request uri and a unique resource key.
* @return {@link URIMappingResult} that contains host to keySet mapping as well as unmapped keys.
* @throws ServiceUnavailableException when the requested service is not available
public <KEY> URIMappingResult<KEY> mapUris(List<URIKeyPair<KEY>> requestUriKeyPairs) throws ServiceUnavailableException {
if (requestUriKeyPairs == null || requestUriKeyPairs.isEmpty()) {
return new URIMappingResult<>(Collections.emptyMap(), Collections.emptyMap(), Collections.emptyMap());
// API assumes that all requests will be made to the same service, just use the first request to get the service name and act as sample uri
URI sampleURI = requestUriKeyPairs.get(0).getRequestUri();
String serviceName = LoadBalancerUtil.getServiceNameFromUri(sampleURI);
// To achieve scatter-gather, we require the following information
PartitionAccessor accessor = _partitionInfoProvider.getPartitionAccessor(serviceName);
Map<Integer, Ring<URI>> rings = _hashRingProvider.getRings(sampleURI);
HashFunction<Request> hashFunction = _hashRingProvider.getRequestHashFunction(serviceName);
Map<Integer, Set<KEY>> unmapped = new HashMap<>();
// Pass One
Map<Integer, List<URIKeyPair<KEY>>> requestsByPartition = distributeToPartitions(requestUriKeyPairs, accessor, unmapped);
// Pass Two
Map<URI, Integer> hostToParitionId = new HashMap<>();
Map<URI, Set<KEY>> hostToKeySet = distributeToHosts(requestsByPartition, rings, hashFunction, hostToParitionId, unmapped);
return new URIMappingResult<>(hostToKeySet, unmapped, hostToParitionId);
use of com.linkedin.d2.balancer.util.hashing.HashFunction in project by linkedin.
the class RingBasedURIMapperTest method testMapUrisStickyRoutingOnly.
public void testMapUrisStickyRoutingOnly() throws ServiceUnavailableException, PartitionAccessException {
int partitionCount = 1;
int requestPerPartition = 1000;
int totalHostCount = 100;
HashRingProvider ringProvider = createStaticHashRingProvider(totalHostCount, partitionCount, getHashFunction(true));
PartitionInfoProvider infoProvider = createRangeBasedPartitionInfoProvider(partitionCount);
URIMapper mapper = new RingBasedUriMapper(ringProvider, infoProvider);
List<URIKeyPair<Integer>> requests = testUtil.generateRequests(partitionCount, requestPerPartition);
URIMappingResult<Integer> results1 = mapper.mapUris(requests);
URIMappingResult<Integer> results2 = mapper.mapUris(requests);
// Sticky routing between two runs
Assert.assertEquals(results1.getMappedKeys(), results2.getMappedKeys());
Assert.assertEquals(results1.getUnmappedKeys(), results2.getUnmappedKeys());
Map<URI, Set<Integer>> mapping = results1.getMappedKeys();
// Testing universal stickiness, take out 50 requests randomly and make sure they would be resolved to the same host as does URIMapper
HashFunction<Request> hashFunction = ringProvider.getRequestHashFunction(TEST_SERVICE);
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
URIKeyPair<Integer> request = requests.get(i);
int partitionId = infoProvider.getPartitionAccessor(TEST_SERVICE).getPartitionId(request.getRequestUri());
Ring<URI> ring = ringProvider.getRings(request.getRequestUri()).get(partitionId);
URI uri = ring.get(hashFunction.hash(new URIRequest(request.getRequestUri())));
// Only one partition
Assert.assertEquals(1, new HashSet<>(results1.getHostPartitionInfo().values()).size());
Assert.assertEquals(1, new HashSet<>(results2.getHostPartitionInfo().values()).size());
use of com.linkedin.d2.balancer.util.hashing.HashFunction in project by linkedin.
the class RingBasedURIMapperTest method testUniversalStickiness.
public void testUniversalStickiness() throws ServiceUnavailableException, URISyntaxException {
int partitionCount = 4;
int totalHostCount = 200;
HashRingProvider ringProvider = createStaticHashRingProvider(totalHostCount, partitionCount, getHashFunction(true));
HashFunction<Request> hashFunction = ringProvider.getRequestHashFunction(TEST_SERVICE);
PartitionInfoProvider infoProvider = createRangeBasedPartitionInfoProvider(partitionCount);
URIMapper mapper = new RingBasedUriMapper(ringProvider, infoProvider);
// no partition, will be unmapped
URIKeyPair<Integer> request1 = new URIKeyPair<>(1, new URI("d2://testService/1"));
// partition 0
URIKeyPair<Integer> request2 = new URIKeyPair<>(2, new URI("d2://testService/2?partition=0"));
// partition 1
URIKeyPair<Integer> request3 = new URIKeyPair<>(3, new URI("d2://testService/3?partition=1"));
// partition 2
URIKeyPair<Integer> request4 = new URIKeyPair<>(4, new URI("d2://testService/4?partition=2"));
// partition 3
URIKeyPair<Integer> request5 = new URIKeyPair<>(5, new URI("d2://testService/5?partition=3"));
URIKeyPair<Integer> request6 = // partition 0 with different sticky key
new URIKeyPair<>(6, new URI("d2://testService/6?partition=0"));
URIKeyPair<Integer> request7 = // partition 1 with different sticky key
new URIKeyPair<>(7, new URI("d2://testService/7?partition=1"));
URIKeyPair<Integer> request8 = // partition 2 with different sticky key
new URIKeyPair<>(8, new URI("d2://testService/8?partition=2"));
URIKeyPair<Integer> request9 = // partition 3 with different sticky key
new URIKeyPair<>(9, new URI("d2://testService/9?partition=3"));
URIKeyPair<Integer> request10 = // with extra parameters
new URIKeyPair<>(10, new URI("d2://testService/10?partition=0&uuid=1"));
List<URIKeyPair<Integer>> requests = Arrays.asList(request1, request2, request3, request4, request5, request6, request7, request8, request9, request10);
// uriMapper mapping
URIMappingResult<Integer> uriMapperResult = mapper.mapUris(requests);
// normal mapping
Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> normalUnmapped = new HashMap<>();
Map<URI, Set<Integer>> normalHostToKeySet = new HashMap<>();
for (URIKeyPair<Integer> request : requests) {
int partitionId = 0;
try {
partitionId = infoProvider.getPartitionAccessor(TEST_SERVICE).getPartitionId(request.getRequestUri());
} catch (PartitionAccessException e) {
normalUnmapped.computeIfAbsent(-1, k -> new HashSet<>()).add(request.getKey());
Ring<URI> ring = ringProvider.getRings(request.getRequestUri()).get(partitionId);
URI uri = ring.get(hashFunction.hash(new URIRequest(request.getRequestUri())));
normalHostToKeySet.computeIfAbsent(uri, k -> new HashSet<>());
// they should have the same results
Assert.assertEquals(uriMapperResult.getUnmappedKeys(), normalUnmapped);
for (Map.Entry<URI, Set<Integer>> resolvedKeys : uriMapperResult.getMappedKeys().entrySet()) {
Set<Integer> uriMapperKeySet = resolvedKeys.getValue();
Set<Integer> normalKeySet = normalHostToKeySet.get(resolvedKeys.getKey());
Assert.assertEquals(uriMapperKeySet, normalKeySet);