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Example 1 with ArrayDataSchema

use of in project by linkedin.

the class RestLiDataValidator method buildArrayDataSchemaByProjection.

   * Build a new {@link ArrayDataSchema} schema that contains only the masked fields.
private static ArrayDataSchema buildArrayDataSchemaByProjection(ArrayDataSchema originalSchema, DataMap maskMap) {
    if (maskMap.containsKey(FilterConstants.WILDCARD)) {
        DataSchema newItemsSchema = reuseOrBuildDataSchema(originalSchema.getItems(), maskMap.get(FilterConstants.WILDCARD));
        ArrayDataSchema newSchema = new ArrayDataSchema(newItemsSchema);
        if (originalSchema.getProperties() != null) {
        return newSchema;
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing wildcard key in projection mask: " + maskMap.keySet());
Also used : UnionDataSchema( TyperefDataSchema( RecordDataSchema( ArrayDataSchema( DataSchema( MapDataSchema( ArrayDataSchema(

Example 2 with ArrayDataSchema

use of in project by linkedin.

the class AbstractDefaultDataTranslator method translate.

protected Object translate(List<Object> path, Object value, DataSchema dataSchema) {
    dataSchema = dataSchema.getDereferencedDataSchema();
    DataSchema.Type type = dataSchema.getType();
    Object result;
    switch(type) {
        case NULL:
            if (value != Data.NULL) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(message(path, "value must be null for null schema"));
            result = value;
        case BOOLEAN:
            result = ((Boolean) value).booleanValue();
        case INT:
            result = ((Number) value).intValue();
        case LONG:
            result = ((Number) value).longValue();
        case FLOAT:
            result = ((Number) value).floatValue();
        case DOUBLE:
            result = ((Number) value).doubleValue();
        case STRING:
            result = (String) value;
        case BYTES:
            Class<?> clazz = value.getClass();
            if (clazz != String.class && clazz != ByteString.class) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(message(path, "bytes value %1$s is not a String or ByteString", value));
            result = value;
        case ENUM:
            String enumValue = (String) value;
            EnumDataSchema enumDataSchema = (EnumDataSchema) dataSchema;
            if (!enumDataSchema.getSymbols().contains(enumValue)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(message(path, "enum value %1$s not one of %2$s", value, enumDataSchema.getSymbols()));
            result = value;
        case FIXED:
            clazz = value.getClass();
            ByteString byteString;
            if (clazz == String.class) {
                byteString = ByteString.copyAvroString((String) value, true);
            } else if (clazz == ByteString.class) {
                byteString = (ByteString) value;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(message(path, "fixed value %1$s is not a String or ByteString", value));
            FixedDataSchema fixedDataSchema = (FixedDataSchema) dataSchema;
            if (fixedDataSchema.getSize() != byteString.length()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(message(path, "ByteString size %1$d != FixedDataSchema size %2$d", byteString.length(), fixedDataSchema.getSize()));
            result = byteString;
        case MAP:
            DataMap map = (DataMap) value;
            DataSchema valueDataSchema = ((MapDataSchema) dataSchema).getValues();
            Map<String, Object> resultMap = new DataMap(map.size() * 2);
            for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {
                String key = entry.getKey();
                Object entryAvroValue = translate(path, entry.getValue(), valueDataSchema);
                path.remove(path.size() - 1);
                resultMap.put(key, entryAvroValue);
            result = resultMap;
        case ARRAY:
            DataList list = (DataList) value;
            DataList resultList = new DataList(list.size());
            DataSchema elementDataSchema = ((ArrayDataSchema) dataSchema).getItems();
            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
                Object entryAvroValue = translate(path, list.get(i), elementDataSchema);
                path.remove(path.size() - 1);
            result = resultList;
        case RECORD:
            DataMap recordMap = (DataMap) value;
            RecordDataSchema recordDataSchema = (RecordDataSchema) dataSchema;
            DataMap resultRecordMap = new DataMap(recordDataSchema.getFields().size() * 2);
            for (RecordDataSchema.Field field : recordDataSchema.getFields()) {
                String fieldName = field.getName();
                Object fieldValue = recordMap.get(fieldName);
                Object resultFieldValue = translateField(path, fieldValue, field);
                path.remove(path.size() - 1);
                if (resultFieldValue != null) {
                    resultRecordMap.put(fieldName, resultFieldValue);
            result = resultRecordMap;
        case UNION:
            result = translateUnion(path, value, (UnionDataSchema) dataSchema);
            throw new IllegalStateException(message(path, "schema type unknown %1$s", type));
    return result;
Also used : ByteString( MapDataSchema( ByteString( DataMap( EnumDataSchema( FixedDataSchema( DataSchema( RecordDataSchema( UnionDataSchema( MapDataSchema( ArrayDataSchema( DataList( ArrayDataSchema( UnionDataSchema( EnumDataSchema( FixedDataSchema( RecordDataSchema( DataMap( Map(java.util.Map)

Example 3 with ArrayDataSchema

use of in project by linkedin.

the class DataElementUtil method element.

 * Get the {@link DataElement} by following the specified path starting from
 * the provided {@link DataElement}.
 * @param element provides the {@link DataElement} that is the starting point.
 * @param path provides the path components through an {@link Iterable}.
 * @return the {@link DataElement} if the path can be followed, else return null.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided path's syntax is incorrect, Data object does not match provided
 *                                  {@link DataSchema}.
public static DataElement element(DataElement element, Iterable<Object> path) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    DataElement currentElement = element;
    for (Object component : path) {
        Object name;
        if (currentElement.getValue().getClass() == DataMap.class && component.getClass() != String.class) {
            name = component.toString();
        } else if (currentElement.getValue().getClass() == DataList.class && component.getClass() != Integer.class) {
            try {
                name = Integer.parseInt(component.toString());
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                return null;
        } else {
            name = component;
        Object childValue = currentElement.getChild(name);
        if (childValue == null) {
            return null;
        DataSchema childSchema = null;
        DataSchema schema = currentElement.getSchema();
        if (schema != null) {
            schema = schema.getDereferencedDataSchema();
            switch(schema.getType()) {
                case ARRAY:
                    childSchema = ((ArrayDataSchema) schema).getItems();
                case MAP:
                    childSchema = ((MapDataSchema) schema).getValues();
                case UNION:
                    childSchema = ((UnionDataSchema) schema).getTypeByMemberKey((String) name);
                case RECORD:
                    RecordDataSchema.Field field = ((RecordDataSchema) schema).getField((String) name);
                    if (field != null) {
                        childSchema = field.getType();
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(currentElement.pathAsString() + " has schema of type " + schema.getType() + " which cannot have child, but has child with name \"" + name + "\"");
        currentElement = new SimpleDataElement(childValue, name, childSchema, currentElement);
    return currentElement;
Also used : RecordDataSchema( DataSchema( UnionDataSchema( MapDataSchema( ArrayDataSchema( RecordDataSchema( DataMap(

Example 4 with ArrayDataSchema

use of in project by linkedin.

the class PdlSchemaParser method parseArray.

private ArrayDataSchema parseArray(ArrayDeclarationContext array) throws ParseException {
    ArrayDataSchema schema = new ArrayDataSchema(toDataSchema(array.typeParams.items));
    return schema;
Also used : ArrayDataSchema(

Example 5 with ArrayDataSchema

use of in project by linkedin.

the class DynamicRecordTemplate method putArray.

 * Puts an array field value by doing the necessary unwrapping at the items level.
 * @param field specifies the field to put the value for.
 * @param fieldDef specifies the field definition to put the value for.
 * @param value provides the value to put for the specified field.
 * @param <T> provides the type of the value.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
private <T> void putArray(RecordDataSchema.Field field, FieldDef<T> fieldDef, T value) {
    DataList data = new DataList();
    Class<?> itemType = null;
    ArrayDataSchema arrayDataSchema = null;
    if (fieldDef.getDataSchema() instanceof ArrayDataSchema) {
        arrayDataSchema = (ArrayDataSchema) fieldDef.getDataSchema();
        DataSchema itemSchema = arrayDataSchema.getItems();
        if (itemSchema instanceof TyperefDataSchema) {
            itemType = DataSchemaUtil.dataSchemaTypeToPrimitiveDataSchemaClass(itemSchema.getDereferencedType());
        } else {
            itemType = fieldDef.getType().getComponentType();
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field " + fieldDef.getName() + " does not have an array schema; although the data is an array.");
    boolean isDataTemplate = DataTemplate.class.isAssignableFrom(itemType);
    List<Object> items;
    if (value instanceof DataList) {
        items = (List<Object>) value;
    } else {
        items = Arrays.asList((Object[]) value);
    for (Object item : items) {
        if (isDataTemplate) {
            Object itemData;
            if (item instanceof DataMap) {
                itemData = item;
            } else {
                itemData = ((DataTemplate) item).data();
        } else {
            data.add(DataTemplateUtil.coerceInput(item, (Class<Object>) item.getClass(), itemType.isEnum() ? String.class : itemType));
    putDirect(field, DataList.class, data, SetMode.DISALLOW_NULL);
Also used : RecordDataSchema( DataSchema( ArrayDataSchema( TyperefDataSchema( DataList( ArrayDataSchema( TyperefDataSchema( DataMap(


ArrayDataSchema ( RecordDataSchema ( DataSchema ( Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)22 MapDataSchema ( DataList ( TyperefDataSchema ( UnionDataSchema ( DataMap ( EnumDataSchema ( NamedDataSchema ( PrimitiveDataSchema ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)8 FixedDataSchema ( ByteString ( Name ( TestDataTemplateUtil ( ParameterSchema (com.linkedin.restli.restspec.ParameterSchema)4 DataTemplate ( TemplateRuntimeException (