use of in project by linkedin.
the class TestSchemaTranslator method testUnionDefaultValues.
public void testUnionDefaultValues() throws IOException {
boolean debug = true;
final String emptySchemaText = "{ " + " \"type\" : \"record\", " + " \"name\" : \"foo\", " + " \"fields\" : [] " + "}";
final Schema emptySchema = Schema.parse(emptySchemaText);
final String emptyRecord = "{}";
final String[] input = { "{ " + " \"type\" : \"record\", " + " \"name\" : \"foo\", " + " \"fields\" : [ " + " { " + " \"name\" : \"f1\", " + " \"type\" : [ \"int\", \"null\" ], " + " \"default\" : 42 " + " }, " + " { " + " \"name\" : \"f2\", " + " \"type\" : { " + " \"type\" : \"record\", " + " \"name\" : \"bar\", " + " \"fields\" : [ " + " { " + " \"name\" : \"b1\", \"type\" : [ \"string\", \"null\" ] " + " } " + " ] " + " }, " + " \"default\" : { \"b1\" : \"abc\" } " + " } " + " ] " + "}", "{ " + " \"type\" : \"record\", " + " \"name\" : \"foo\", " + " \"fields\" : [ " + " { " + " \"name\" : \"f1\", " + " \"type\" : [ \"int\", \"null\" ], " + " \"default\" : 42 " + " }, " + " { " + " \"name\" : \"f2\", " + " \"type\" : { " + " \"type\" : \"record\", " + " \"name\" : \"bar\", " + " \"fields\" : [ " + " { " + " \"name\" : \"b1\", \"type\" : [ \"string\", \"null\" ], \"default\" : \"abc\" " + " } " + " ] " + " }, " + " \"default\" : { } " + " } " + " ] " + "}" };
for (String readerSchemaText : input) {
final Schema readerSchema = Schema.parse(readerSchemaText);
GenericRecord record = genericRecordFromString(emptyRecord, emptySchema, readerSchema);
if (debug)
SchemaParser parser = new SchemaParser();
if (debug)
use of in project by linkedin.
the class TestSchemaTranslator method testToAvroSchema.
private void testToAvroSchema(String schemaText, Object[] row) throws IOException {
boolean debug = false;
if (debug)
for (int i = 1; i < row.length; i++) {
Object[] modeInputs = (Object[]) row[i];
OptionalDefaultMode[] optionalDefaultModes = (OptionalDefaultMode[]) modeInputs[0];
Object expected = modeInputs[1];
for (EmbedSchemaMode embedSchemaMode : EmbedSchemaMode.values()) {
for (OptionalDefaultMode optionalDefaultMode : optionalDefaultModes) {
DataSchema schema = TestUtil.dataSchemaFromString(schemaText);
String preTranslateSchemaText = schema.toString();
Exception exc = null;
String avroTextFromSchema = null;
try {
avroTextFromSchema = SchemaTranslator.dataToAvroSchemaJson(schema, new DataToAvroSchemaTranslationOptions(optionalDefaultMode, JsonBuilder.Pretty.SPACES, embedSchemaMode));
if (debug) {
System.out.println("EmbeddedSchema: " + embedSchemaMode + ", OptionalDefaultMode: " + optionalDefaultMode + ", Avro Schema: " + avroTextFromSchema);
} catch (Exception e) {
exc = e;
if (debug) {
if (expected instanceof String) {
String expectedAvroText = (String) expected;
if (embedSchemaMode == EmbedSchemaMode.ROOT_ONLY && hasEmbeddedSchema(schema)) {
// when embeddedSchema is enabled
// for map, array, enums. and records, we embed the original Pegasus schema
DataMap expectedAvroDataMap = TestUtil.dataMapFromString(expectedAvroText);
DataMap resultAvroDataMap = TestUtil.dataMapFromString(avroTextFromSchema);
Object dataProperty = resultAvroDataMap.remove(SchemaTranslator.DATA_PROPERTY);
assertEquals(resultAvroDataMap, expectedAvroDataMap);
// look for embedded schema
assertTrue(dataProperty instanceof DataMap);
Object schemaProperty = ((DataMap) dataProperty).get(SchemaTranslator.SCHEMA_PROPERTY);
assertTrue(schemaProperty instanceof DataMap);
// make sure embedded schema is same as the original schema
PegasusSchemaParser schemaParser = TestUtil.schemaParserFromObjects(Arrays.asList(schemaProperty));
DataSchema embeddedSchema = schemaParser.topLevelDataSchemas().get(0);
assertEquals(embeddedSchema, schema.getDereferencedDataSchema());
// look for optional default mode
Object optionalDefaultModeProperty = ((DataMap) dataProperty).get(SchemaTranslator.OPTIONAL_DEFAULT_MODE_PROPERTY);
assertEquals(optionalDefaultModeProperty, optionalDefaultMode.toString());
} else {
// for unions and primitives, we never embed the pegasus schema
if (embedSchemaMode == EmbedSchemaMode.NONE && hasEmbeddedSchema(schema)) {
// make sure no embedded schema when
DataMap resultAvroDataMap = TestUtil.dataMapFromString(avroTextFromSchema);
assertEquals(avroTextFromSchema, expectedAvroText);
String postTranslateSchemaText = schema.toString();
assertEquals(preTranslateSchemaText, postTranslateSchemaText);
// make sure Avro accepts it
Schema avroSchema = Schema.parse(avroTextFromSchema);
if (debug)
System.out.println("AvroSchema: " + avroSchema);
SchemaParser parser = new SchemaParser();
ValidationOptions options = new ValidationOptions();
assertFalse(parser.hasError(), parser.errorMessage());
if (optionalDefaultMode == DataToAvroSchemaTranslationOptions.DEFAULT_OPTIONAL_DEFAULT_MODE) {
// use other dataToAvroSchemaJson
String avroSchema2Json = SchemaTranslator.dataToAvroSchemaJson(TestUtil.dataSchemaFromString(schemaText));
String avroSchema2JsonCompact = SchemaTranslator.dataToAvroSchemaJson(TestUtil.dataSchemaFromString(schemaText), new DataToAvroSchemaTranslationOptions());
assertEquals(avroSchema2Json, avroSchema2JsonCompact);
Schema avroSchema2 = Schema.parse(avroSchema2Json);
assertEquals(avroSchema2, avroSchema);
// use dataToAvroSchema
Schema avroSchema3 = SchemaTranslator.dataToAvroSchema(TestUtil.dataSchemaFromString(schemaText));
assertEquals(avroSchema3, avroSchema2);
if (modeInputs.length >= 4) {
// check if the translated default value is good by using it.
// writer schema and Avro JSON value should not include fields with default values.
String writerSchemaText = (String) modeInputs[2];
String avroValueJson = (String) modeInputs[3];
Schema writerSchema = Schema.parse(writerSchemaText);
GenericRecord genericRecord = genericRecordFromString(avroValueJson, writerSchema, avroSchema);
if (modeInputs.length >= 5) {
String genericRecordJson = (String) modeInputs[4];
String genericRecordAsString = genericRecord.toString();
DataMap expectedGenericRecord = TestUtil.dataMapFromString(genericRecordJson);
DataMap resultGenericRecord = TestUtil.dataMapFromString(genericRecordAsString);
assertEquals(resultGenericRecord, expectedGenericRecord);
if (embedSchemaMode == EmbedSchemaMode.ROOT_ONLY && hasEmbeddedSchema(schema)) {
// if embedded schema is enabled, translate Avro back to Pegasus schema.
// the output Pegasus schema should be exactly same the input schema
// taking into account typeref.
AvroToDataSchemaTranslationOptions avroToDataSchemaMode = new AvroToDataSchemaTranslationOptions(AvroToDataSchemaTranslationMode.VERIFY_EMBEDDED_SCHEMA);
DataSchema embeddedSchema = SchemaTranslator.avroToDataSchema(avroTextFromSchema, avroToDataSchemaMode);
assertEquals(embeddedSchema, schema.getDereferencedDataSchema());
} else {
Class<?> expectedExceptionClass = (Class<?>) expected;
String expectedString = (String) modeInputs[2];
assertTrue(exc.getMessage().contains(expectedString), "\"" + exc.getMessage() + "\" does not contain \"" + expectedString + "\"");
use of in project by linkedin.
the class TestSchemaTranslator method testToAvroSchemaInternal.
private void testToAvroSchemaInternal(String schemaText, OptionalDefaultMode[] optionalDefaultModes, String expected, String writerSchemaText, String avroValueJson, String expectedGenericRecordJson) throws IOException {
for (EmbedSchemaMode embedSchemaMode : EmbedSchemaMode.values()) {
for (OptionalDefaultMode optionalDefaultMode : optionalDefaultModes) {
DataSchema schema = TestUtil.dataSchemaFromString(schemaText);
String preTranslateSchemaText = schema.toString();
String avroTextFromSchema = null;
DataToAvroSchemaTranslationOptions transOptions = new DataToAvroSchemaTranslationOptions(optionalDefaultMode, JsonBuilder.Pretty.SPACES, embedSchemaMode);
transOptions.setTyperefPropertiesExcludeSet(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("validate", "java")));
avroTextFromSchema = SchemaTranslator.dataToAvroSchemaJson(schema, transOptions);
if (embedSchemaMode == EmbedSchemaMode.ROOT_ONLY && hasEmbeddedSchema(schema)) {
// when embeddedSchema is enabled
// for map, array, enums. and records, we embed the original Pegasus schema
DataMap expectedAvroDataMap = TestUtil.dataMapFromString(expected);
DataMap resultAvroDataMap = TestUtil.dataMapFromString(avroTextFromSchema);
Object dataProperty = resultAvroDataMap.remove(SchemaTranslator.DATA_PROPERTY);
assertEquals(resultAvroDataMap, expectedAvroDataMap);
// look for embedded schema
assertTrue(dataProperty instanceof DataMap);
Object schemaProperty = ((DataMap) dataProperty).get(SchemaTranslator.SCHEMA_PROPERTY);
assertTrue(schemaProperty instanceof DataMap);
// make sure embedded schema is same as the original schema
PegasusSchemaParser schemaParser = TestUtil.schemaParserFromObjects(Arrays.asList(schemaProperty));
DataSchema embeddedSchema = schemaParser.topLevelDataSchemas().get(0);
assertEquals(embeddedSchema, schema.getDereferencedDataSchema());
// look for optional default mode
Object optionalDefaultModeProperty = ((DataMap) dataProperty).get(SchemaTranslator.OPTIONAL_DEFAULT_MODE_PROPERTY);
assertEquals(optionalDefaultModeProperty, optionalDefaultMode.toString());
} else {
// for unions and primitives, we never embed the pegasus schema
if (embedSchemaMode == EmbedSchemaMode.NONE && hasEmbeddedSchema(schema)) {
// make sure no embedded schema when
DataMap resultAvroDataMap = TestUtil.dataMapFromString(avroTextFromSchema);
assertEquals(avroTextFromSchema, expected);
String postTranslateSchemaText = schema.toString();
assertEquals(postTranslateSchemaText, preTranslateSchemaText);
// make sure Avro accepts it
Schema avroSchema = Schema.parse(avroTextFromSchema);
SchemaParser parser = new SchemaParser();
ValidationOptions options = new ValidationOptions();
assertFalse(parser.hasError(), parser.errorMessage());
if (optionalDefaultMode == DataToAvroSchemaTranslationOptions.DEFAULT_OPTIONAL_DEFAULT_MODE) {
// use other dataToAvroSchemaJson
String avroSchema2Json = SchemaTranslator.dataToAvroSchemaJson(TestUtil.dataSchemaFromString(schemaText));
String avroSchema2JsonCompact = SchemaTranslator.dataToAvroSchemaJson(TestUtil.dataSchemaFromString(schemaText), new DataToAvroSchemaTranslationOptions());
assertEquals(avroSchema2Json, avroSchema2JsonCompact);
Schema avroSchema2 = Schema.parse(avroSchema2Json);
assertEquals(avroSchema2, avroSchema);
// use dataToAvroSchema
Schema avroSchema3 = SchemaTranslator.dataToAvroSchema(TestUtil.dataSchemaFromString(schemaText));
assertEquals(avroSchema3, avroSchema2);
if (writerSchemaText != null || avroValueJson != null) {
// check if the translated default value is good by using it.
// writer schema and Avro JSON value should not include fields with default values.
Schema writerSchema = Schema.parse(writerSchemaText);
GenericRecord genericRecord = genericRecordFromString(avroValueJson, writerSchema, avroSchema);
if (expectedGenericRecordJson != null) {
String genericRecordAsString = genericRecord.toString();
assertEquals(genericRecordAsString, TestAvroUtil.serializedEnumValueProcessor(expectedGenericRecordJson));
if (embedSchemaMode == EmbedSchemaMode.ROOT_ONLY && hasEmbeddedSchema(schema)) {
// if embedded schema is enabled, translate Avro back to Pegasus schema.
// the output Pegasus schema should be exactly same the input schema
// taking into account typeref.
AvroToDataSchemaTranslationOptions avroToDataSchemaMode = new AvroToDataSchemaTranslationOptions(AvroToDataSchemaTranslationMode.VERIFY_EMBEDDED_SCHEMA);
DataSchema embeddedSchema = SchemaTranslator.avroToDataSchema(avroTextFromSchema, avroToDataSchemaMode);
assertEquals(embeddedSchema, schema.getDereferencedDataSchema());
use of in project by linkedin.
the class TestSchemaTranslator method testPegasusDefaultToAvroOptionalSchemaTranslation.
@Test(dataProvider = "pegasusDefaultToAvroOptionalSchemaTranslationProvider", description = "Test schemaTranslator for default fields to optional fields translation, in different schema translation modes")
public void testPegasusDefaultToAvroOptionalSchemaTranslation(String... testSchemaTextAndExpected) throws IOException {
String schemaText = null;
String expectedAvroSchema = null;
DataMap resultAvroDataMap = null;
DataMap expectedAvroDataMap = null;
schemaText = testSchemaTextAndExpected[0];
expectedAvroSchema = testSchemaTextAndExpected[1];
List<String> schemaTextForTesting = null;
if (schemaText.contains("##T_START")) {
String noTyperefSchemaText = schemaText.replace("##T_START", "").replace("##T_END", "");
String typerefSchemaText = schemaText.replace("##T_START", "{ \"type\" : \"typeref\", \"name\" : \"Ref\", \"ref\" : ").replace("##T_END", "}");
schemaTextForTesting = Arrays.asList(noTyperefSchemaText, typerefSchemaText);
} else {
schemaTextForTesting = Arrays.asList(schemaText);
for (String schemaStringText : schemaTextForTesting) {
DataSchema schema = TestUtil.dataSchemaFromString(schemaStringText);
String avroTextFromSchema = null;
avroTextFromSchema = SchemaTranslator.dataToAvroSchemaJson(schema, new DataToAvroSchemaTranslationOptions(PegasusToAvroDefaultFieldTranslationMode.DO_NOT_TRANSLATE));
resultAvroDataMap = TestUtil.dataMapFromString(avroTextFromSchema);
expectedAvroDataMap = TestUtil.dataMapFromString(expectedAvroSchema);
assertEquals(resultAvroDataMap, expectedAvroDataMap);
// Test avro Schema
Schema avroSchema = Schema.parse(avroTextFromSchema);
// Test validation parsing
SchemaParser parser = new SchemaParser();
ValidationOptions options = new ValidationOptions();
assertFalse(parser.hasError(), parser.errorMessage());
use of in project by linkedin.
the class TestFilteredSchemaDataTranslation method testFilteredDataSchemaDataTranslation.
* Removed field from Pegasus schema.
public void testFilteredDataSchemaDataTranslation() throws IOException {
Object[][] inputs = { { "{ " + " \"type\" : \"record\", " + " \"name\" : \"Foo\", " + " \"fields\" : [ " + " { \"name\" : \"a\", \"type\" : \"int\" }, " + " { \"name\" : \"b\", \"type\" : [ \"null\", \"int\" ], \"default\" : null }, " + " { \"name\" : \"removeMe\", \"type\" : \"int\" } " + " ] " + "}", Predicates.hasChildWithNameValue("name", "removeMe"), "{ " + " \"type\" : \"record\", " + " \"name\" : \"Foo\", " + " \"fields\" : [ " + " { \"name\" : \"a\", \"type\" : \"int\" }, " + " { \"name\" : \"b\", \"type\" : \"int\", \"optional\" : true } " + " ] " + "}", // "removeMe" is dropped from output because it is not in output schema
"{ \"a\" : 1, \"b\" : { \"int\" : 2 }, \"removeMe\" : 3 }", "{ \"a\" : 1, \"b\" : 2 }", // "b" has null value is dropped from output, "removeMe" is dropped from output because it is not in output schema
"{ \"a\" : 1, \"b\" : null, \"removeMe\" : 3 }", "{ \"a\" : 1 }" } };
for (Object[] row : inputs) {
int i = 0;
String avroSchemaText = (String) row[i++];
Predicate predicate = (Predicate) row[i++];
String schemaText = (String) row[i++];
Schema avroSchema = Schema.parse(avroSchemaText);
RecordDataSchema schema = (RecordDataSchema) SchemaTranslator.avroToDataSchema(avroSchema);
RecordDataSchema filteredSchema = (RecordDataSchema) Filters.removeByPredicate(schema, predicate, new SchemaParser());
DataSchema expectedSchema = TestUtil.dataSchemaFromString(schemaText);
assertEquals(filteredSchema, expectedSchema);
while (i < row.length) {
String translationSourceJson = (String) row[i++];
String translationExpectedJson = (String) row[i++];
GenericRecord genericRecord = AvroUtil.genericRecordFromJson(translationSourceJson, avroSchema);
DataMap dataMap = DataTranslator.genericRecordToDataMap(genericRecord, filteredSchema, avroSchema);
assertEquals(dataMap, TestUtil.dataMapFromString(translationExpectedJson));