use of in project databus by linkedin.
the class DatabusHttpClientImpl method initializeRelayConnections.
private synchronized void initializeRelayConnections() {
for (List<DatabusSubscription> subsList : _relayGroups.keySet()) {
List<String> sourcesStrList = DatabusSubscription.getStrList(subsList);
List<DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration> relayConsumers = getRelayGroupStreamConsumers().get(subsList);
//nothing to do
if (null == relayConsumers || 0 == relayConsumers.size())
try {
DatabusSourcesConnection.StaticConfig connConfig = getClientStaticConfig().getConnection(sourcesStrList);
if (null == connConfig) {
connConfig = getClientStaticConfig().getConnectionDefaults();
// make sure we have the right policy.
if (!connConfig.getEventBuffer().isEnableScnIndex() && connConfig.getEventBuffer().getQueuePolicy() != DbusEventBuffer.QueuePolicy.BLOCK_ON_WRITE) {
throw new InvalidConfigException("If SCN index is disabled, queue policy must be BLOCK_ON_WRITE");
CheckpointPersistenceProvider cpPersistenceProvder = getCheckpointPersistenceProvider();
if (null != cpPersistenceProvder && getClientStaticConfig().getCheckpointPersistence().isClearBeforeUse()) {
ServerInfo server0 = _relayGroups.get(subsList).iterator().next();
ArrayList<DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration> bstConsumersRegs = new ArrayList<DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration>();
for (List<DatabusSubscription> bstSubSourcesList : getRelayGroupBootstrapConsumers().keySet()) {
List<DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration> bstRegsistrations = getRelayGroupBootstrapConsumers().get(bstSubSourcesList);
for (DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration bstConsumerReg : bstRegsistrations) {
if (server0.supportsSources(bstConsumerReg.getSources())) {
DbusEventBuffer eventBuffer = connConfig.getEventBuffer().getOrCreateEventBuffer(_eventFactory);
DbusEventBuffer bootstrapBuffer = null;
// create bootstrap only if it is enabled
if (_clientStaticConfig.getRuntime().getBootstrap().isEnabled()) {
bootstrapBuffer = new DbusEventBuffer(connConfig.getEventBuffer());
}"The sourcesList is " + sourcesStrList);"The relayGroupStreamConsumers is " + getRelayGroupStreamConsumers().get(subsList));
Set<ServerInfo> relays = _relayGroups.get(subsList);
Set<ServerInfo> bootstrapServices = _bootstrapGroups.get(subsList);
String statsCollectorName = generateSubsStatsName(sourcesStrList);
int ownerId = getContainerStaticConfig().getId();
_bootstrapEventsStats.addStatsCollector(statsCollectorName, new DbusEventsStatisticsCollector(ownerId, statsCollectorName + "", true, false, getMbeanServer()));
_inBoundStatsCollectors.addStatsCollector(statsCollectorName, new DbusEventsStatisticsCollector(ownerId, statsCollectorName + ".inbound", true, false, getMbeanServer()));
_outBoundStatsCollectors.addStatsCollector(statsCollectorName, new DbusEventsStatisticsCollector(ownerId, statsCollectorName + ".outbound", true, false, getMbeanServer()));
_consumerStatsCollectors.addStatsCollector(statsCollectorName, new ConsumerCallbackStats(ownerId, statsCollectorName + ".inbound.cons", statsCollectorName + ".inbound.cons", true, false, null, getMbeanServer()));
_bsConsumerStatsCollectors.addStatsCollector(statsCollectorName, new ConsumerCallbackStats(ownerId, statsCollectorName + "", statsCollectorName + "", true, false, null, getMbeanServer()));
_unifiedClientStatsCollectors.addStatsCollector(statsCollectorName, new UnifiedClientStats(ownerId, statsCollectorName + ".inbound.unified.cons", statsCollectorName + ".inbound.unified.cons", true, false, _clientStaticConfig.getPullerThreadDeadnessThresholdMs(), null, getMbeanServer()));
ConnectionStateFactory connStateFactory = new ConnectionStateFactory(DatabusSubscription.getStrList(subsList));
DatabusSourcesConnection newConn = new DatabusSourcesConnection(connConfig, subsList, relays, bootstrapServices, relayConsumers, //_relayGroupBootstrapConsumers.get(sourcesList),
bstConsumersRegs, eventBuffer, bootstrapBuffer, getDefaultExecutorService(), getContainerStatsCollector(), _inBoundStatsCollectors.getStatsCollector(statsCollectorName), _bootstrapEventsStats.getStatsCollector(statsCollectorName), _consumerStatsCollectors.getStatsCollector(statsCollectorName), _bsConsumerStatsCollectors.getStatsCollector(statsCollectorName), _unifiedClientStatsCollectors.getStatsCollector(statsCollectorName), getCheckpointPersistenceProvider(), getRelayConnFactory(), getBootstrapConnFactory(), getHttpStatsCollector(), null, this, _eventFactory, connStateFactory);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("connection initialization issue for source(s):" + subsList + "; please check your configuration", e);
if (0 == _relayConnections.size()) {
LOG.warn("No connections specified");
use of in project databus by linkedin.
the class DatabusV2ClusterRegistrationImpl method activateOnePartition.
* Callback to activate one partition that was added
* @param partition
* @throws DatabusException
private synchronized void activateOnePartition(DbusPartitionInfo partition) throws DatabusClientException {"Trying to activate partition :" + partition);
try {
if (regMap.containsKey(partition)) {"Partition (" + partition + ") is already added and is currently in state : " + regMap.get(partition).getState() + " skipping !!");
// Call factories to get consumer callbacks and server-side filter config.
Collection<DatabusCombinedConsumer> consumers = _consumerFactory.createPartitionedConsumers(_clusterInfo, partition);
DbusKeyCompositeFilterConfig filterConfig = null;
if (_serverSideFilterFactory != null)
filterConfig = _serverSideFilterFactory.createServerSideFilter(_clusterInfo, partition);
if ((null == consumers) || (consumers.isEmpty())) {
_log.error("ConsumerFactory for cluster (" + _clusterInfo + ") returned null or empty consumers ");
throw new DatabusClientException("ConsumerFactory for cluster (" + _clusterInfo + ") returned null or empty consumers");
// Create Registration
RegistrationId id = new RegistrationId(_id + "-" + partition.getPartitionId());
CheckpointPersistenceProvider ckptProvider = createCheckpointPersistenceProvider(partition);
DatabusV2RegistrationImpl reg = createChildRegistration(id, _client, ckptProvider);
String[] srcs = new String[_sources.size()];
srcs = _sources.toArray(srcs);
regMap.put(partition, reg);
// Add Server-Side Filter
if (null != filterConfig)
// Notify Listener
if (null != _partitionListener)
_partitionListener.onAddPartition(partition, reg);
// Start the registration
try {
} catch (DatabusClientException e) {
_log.error("Got exception while starting the registration for partition (" + partition + ")", e);
throw e;
//Add partition Specific metrics to cluster-merge
_relayEventStatsMerger.addStatsCollector(id.getId(), (DbusEventsStatisticsCollector) reg.getRelayEventStats());
_bootstrapEventStatsMerger.addStatsCollector(id.getId(), (DbusEventsStatisticsCollector) reg.getBootstrapEventStats());
_relayCallbackStatsMerger.addStatsCollector(id.getId(), (ConsumerCallbackStats) reg.getRelayCallbackStats());
_bootstrapCallbackStatsMerger.addStatsCollector(id.getId(), (ConsumerCallbackStats) reg.getBootstrapCallbackStats());"Partition (" + partition + ") started !!");
} catch (DatabusException e) {
_log.error("Got exception while activating partition(" + partition + ")", e);
throw new DatabusClientException(e);
} catch (ClusterCheckpointException e) {
_log.error("Got exception while activating partition(" + partition + ")", e);
throw new DatabusClientException(e);
use of in project databus by linkedin.
the class CheckpointSerializerMain method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
PatternLayout defaultLayout = new PatternLayout("%d{ISO8601} +%r [%t] (%p) {%c{1}} %m%n");
ConsoleAppender defaultAppender = new ConsoleAppender(defaultLayout);
Logger.getRootLogger().info("NOTE. This tool works only with V2/V1 checkpoints");
CheckpointPersistenceProvider cp3 = null;
if (null != _cp3Props) {
CheckpointPersistenceStaticConfigBuilder cp3ConfBuilder = new CheckpointPersistenceStaticConfigBuilder();
ConfigLoader<CheckpointPersistenceStaticConfig> configLoader = new ConfigLoader<DatabusHttpClientImpl.CheckpointPersistenceStaticConfig>(_propPrefix, cp3ConfBuilder);
CheckpointPersistenceStaticConfig cp3Conf =;
if (cp3Conf.getType() != CheckpointPersistenceStaticConfig.ProviderType.FILE_SYSTEM) {
throw new RuntimeException("don't know what to do with cp3 type:" + cp3Conf.getType());
cp3 = new FileSystemCheckpointPersistenceProvider(cp3Conf.getFileSystem(), 2);
} else if (null != _clientProps) {
DatabusHttpClientImpl.Config clientConfBuilder = new DatabusHttpClientImpl.Config();
ConfigLoader<DatabusHttpClientImpl.StaticConfig> configLoader = new ConfigLoader<DatabusHttpClientImpl.StaticConfig>(_propPrefix, clientConfBuilder);
DatabusHttpClientImpl.StaticConfig clientConf =;
if (clientConf.getCheckpointPersistence().getType() != CheckpointPersistenceStaticConfig.ProviderType.FILE_SYSTEM) {
throw new RuntimeException("don't know what to do with cp3 type:" + clientConf.getCheckpointPersistence().getType());
cp3 = new FileSystemCheckpointPersistenceProvider(clientConf.getCheckpointPersistence().getFileSystem(), 2);
List<String> sourceList = Arrays.asList(_sources);
Checkpoint cpOld = null != cp3 ? cp3.loadCheckpoint(sourceList) : new Checkpoint();
Checkpoint cpNew;
if (Action.PRINT == _action) {
cpNew = updateCheckpoint(cpOld);
} else if (Action.CHANGE == _action) {
cpNew = updateCheckpoint(cpOld);
cp3.storeCheckpoint(sourceList, cpNew);
//reread as a sanity check
cpNew = cp3.loadCheckpoint(sourceList);
} else if (Action.DELETE == _action) {
cpNew = cp3.loadCheckpoint(sourceList);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("don't know what to do with action: " + _action);
if (null != cpOld)
System.out.println("old: " + cpOld.toString());
System.out.println("old: null");
if (null != cpNew)
System.out.println("new: " + cpNew.toString());
System.out.println("new: null");
use of in project databus by linkedin.
the class DatabusBootstrapProducer method validateAndRepairBootstrapDBCheckpoint.
* Compares the Checkpoint and bootstrap_producer_state's SCN to check against
* the possibility of gap in event consumption!! If gap is found, makes
* best-effort to repair it.
* Three Scenario that should be allowed
* 1. Bootstrap Producer started after seeding In this case checkpoint SCN
* should not be greater than producer SCN. 2. Bootstrap Producer started
* after adding sources without seeding In this case the producer SCN is "-1".
* The checkpoint "could" be empty 3. Bootstrap Producer bounced In this case
* checkpoint SCN should not be greater than producer SCN.
* @throws SQLException
* @throws BootstrapDBException
* if there is a gap and cannot be repaired
* @throws IOException
* `
private void validateAndRepairBootstrapDBCheckpoint() throws SQLException, BootstrapDBException, IOException {"Validating bootstrap DB checkpoints !!");
for (List<DatabusSubscription> subsList : _relayGroups.keySet()) {
List<String> sourceNames = DatabusSubscription.getStrList(subsList);
long scn = -1;
try {
scn = _dbDao.getMinWindowSCNFromStateTable(sourceNames, "bootstrap_producer_state");
} catch (BootstrapDBException ex) {
LOG.error("Got exception while trying to fetch SCN from bootstrap_producer_state for sources :" + sourceNames, ex);
throw ex;
CheckpointPersistenceProvider provider = getCheckpointPersistenceProvider();
Checkpoint cp = provider.loadCheckpoint(sourceNames);"Bootstrap Producer SCN :" + scn + ", Checkpoint :" + cp);
if (null != cp) {
if (cp.getConsumptionMode() != DbusClientMode.ONLINE_CONSUMPTION) {
// Bootstrapping bootstrap Producer not yet supported !!
String msg = "Bootstrap Producer starting from non-online consumption mode for sources :" + sourceNames + ", Ckpt :" + cp;
throw new BootstrapDBException(msg);
} else {
String msg = null;
if (((cp.getWindowScn() > scn) && (scn > -1)) || ((cp.getWindowScn() < scn) && (scn > -1))) {
if (((cp.getWindowScn() > scn) && (scn > -1)))
LOG.warn("Non-Empty checkpint. Bootstrap Producer is at SCN:" + scn + ", while checkpoint is :" + cp + ", Could result in gap in event consumption. Repairing ckpt !!");
else"Non-Empty checkpoint. Bootstrap Producer is at SCN:" + scn + ", while checkpoint is :" + cp + ", Copying producer Scn to checkpoint !!");
try {
provider.storeCheckpoint(sourceNames, cp);
// Check if persisted properly
cp = provider.loadCheckpoint(sourceNames);
if ((null == cp) || (cp.getWindowScn() != scn) || (cp.getWindowOffset() != -1) || (cp.getConsumptionMode() != DbusClientMode.ONLINE_CONSUMPTION)) {
msg = "Unable to repair and store the new checkpoint (" + cp + ") to make it same as producer SCN (" + scn + ") !!";
throw new BootstrapDBException(msg);
} catch (IOException ex) {
msg = "Unable to repair and store the new checkpoint (" + cp + ") to make it same as producer SCN (" + scn + ") !!";
LOG.fatal(msg, ex);
throw new BootstrapDBException(msg);
} else {
* Currently since bootstrapping is not available, a null ckpt would
* result in flexible checkpoint and could result in gap !!
if (scn > -1) {
String msg = "Empty checkpoint. Bootstrap Producer SCN is at SCN:" + scn + ", while checkpoint is null !! Could result in gap in event consumption. Repairing ckpt !!";
cp = new Checkpoint();
try {
provider.storeCheckpoint(sourceNames, cp);
// Check if persisted properly
cp = provider.loadCheckpoint(sourceNames);
if ((null == cp) || (cp.getWindowScn() != scn) || (cp.getWindowOffset() != -1) || (cp.getConsumptionMode() != DbusClientMode.ONLINE_CONSUMPTION)) {
LOG.fatal("Unable to repair and store the checkpoint (" + cp + ") to make it same as producer SCN (" + scn + ") !!");
throw new BootstrapDBException(msg);
} catch (IOException ex) {
msg = "Unable to repair and store the checkpoint (" + cp + ") to make it same as producer SCN (" + scn + ") !!";
LOG.fatal(msg, ex);
throw new BootstrapDBException(msg);
}"Validating bootstrap DB checkpoints done successfully!!");