use of com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException in project databus by linkedin.
the class GGEventGenerationFactory method convertToSimpleType.
public static Object convertToSimpleType(String fieldValue, Schema.Field avroField) throws DatabusException {
String databaseFieldType = SchemaHelper.getMetaField(avroField, "dbFieldType");
String recordFieldName =;
//return int
if (databaseFieldType.equalsIgnoreCase("INTEGER")) {
return new Integer(fieldValue);
} else //return long
if (databaseFieldType.equalsIgnoreCase("LONG")) {
return new Long(fieldValue);
} else if (databaseFieldType.equalsIgnoreCase("DATE")) {
return ggDateStringToLong(fieldValue);
} else if (databaseFieldType.equalsIgnoreCase("TIMESTAMP")) {
return ggTimeStampStringToMilliSeconds(fieldValue);
} else //return float
if (databaseFieldType.equalsIgnoreCase("FLOAT")) {
return new Float(fieldValue);
} else //return double
if (databaseFieldType.equalsIgnoreCase("DOUBLE")) {
return new Double(fieldValue);
} else //return string
if (databaseFieldType.equalsIgnoreCase("CLOB")) {
return fieldValue;
} else if (databaseFieldType.equalsIgnoreCase("VARCHAR")) {
return fieldValue;
} else if (databaseFieldType.equalsIgnoreCase("VARCHAR2")) {
return fieldValue;
} else if (databaseFieldType.equalsIgnoreCase("NVARCHAR")) {
return fieldValue;
} else if (databaseFieldType.equalsIgnoreCase("NVARCHAR2")) {
return fieldValue;
} else if (databaseFieldType.equalsIgnoreCase("XMLTYPE")) {
return fieldValue;
} else if (databaseFieldType.equalsIgnoreCase("CHAR")) {
return fieldValue;
} else //return bytes
if (databaseFieldType.equalsIgnoreCase("BLOB") || databaseFieldType.equalsIgnoreCase("RAW")) {
if (fieldValue.length() == 0) {
return fieldValue.getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset());
if (fieldValue.length() <= 2) {
throw new DatabusException("Unable to decode the string because length is less than 2");
if (!isStringHex(fieldValue)) {
throw new DatabusException("Unable to decode the string because it is not hex-encoded");
try {
return stringToHex(fieldValue.substring(2, fieldValue.length() - 1));
} catch (DecoderException e) {
throw new DatabusException("Unable to decode a " + databaseFieldType + " field: " + recordFieldName);
} else //return array
if (databaseFieldType.equalsIgnoreCase("ARRAY")) {
//TODO add support for array
throw new DatabusException("ARRAY type still not implemented!");
} else //return record
if (databaseFieldType.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")) {
//TODO add support for table
throw new DatabusException("TABLE type still not implemented!");
} else {
throw new DatabusException("unknown field type: " + recordFieldName + ":" + databaseFieldType);
use of com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException in project databus by linkedin.
the class TestGoldenGateEventProducer method testAddEventToBuffer.
public void testAddEventToBuffer() throws InvalidConfigException, UnsupportedKeyException, DatabusException {
// No rate control
long rate = 0;
PhysicalSourceStaticConfig pssc = buildPssc(rate, 0L);
long scn = 10;
DbusEventBuffer mb = (DbusEventBuffer) createBufMult(pssc);
GoldenGateEventProducer gg = new GoldenGateEventProducer(pssc, null, mb, null, null);
List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates = new ArrayList<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate>(10);
int sourceId = 505;
HashSet<DBUpdateImage> db = new HashSet<DBUpdateImage>();
Object key = new String("name");
Schema.Type keyType = Schema.Type.RECORD;
ColumnsState.KeyPair kp = new ColumnsState.KeyPair(key, keyType);
ArrayList<ColumnsState.KeyPair> keyPairs = new ArrayList<ColumnsState.KeyPair>(1);
Schema s = Schema.parse(avroSchema);
GenericRecord gr = new GenericData.Record(s);
gr.put("name", "phani");
DBUpdateImage dbi = new DBUpdateImage(keyPairs, scn, gr, s, DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage.OpType.INSERT, false);
TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate dbUpdate = new TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate(sourceId, db);
long timestamp = System.nanoTime();
gg.addEventToBuffer(dbUpdates, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, scn));
Assert.assertEquals(gg.getRateControl().getNumSleeps(), 0);
DbusEventIterator iter = mb.acquireIterator("test");
int count = 0;
long eventTs = 0;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
DbusEvent e =;
if (count == 1) {
// first event prev control event
eventTs = e.timestampInNanos();
Assert.assertEquals("Event timestamp in Ns", timestamp, eventTs);
Assert.assertEquals("Got events ", 3, count);
use of com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException in project databus by linkedin.
the class TestDatabusRelayEvents method testV2Events.
* Stuffs an event buffer with both a v1 and a v2 event, then reads the buffer two ways:
* first accepting only v1 events (verifying conversion of the v2 event to v1); then accepting
* both v1 and v2 events.
* Note that the version of the _EOP_ events must match the version of the event factory,
* regardless of the versions of any preceding "real" events. (This matches DbusEventBuffer
* behavior; see the serializeLongKeyEndOfPeriodMarker() call in endEvents() for details.)
public void testV2Events() throws KeyTypeNotImplementedException, InvalidEventException, IOException, DatabusException {
final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("TestDatabusRelayEvents.testV2Events");
String[] srcs = { "" };
String pSourceName = DatabusRelayTestUtil.getPhysicalSrcName(srcs[0]);
short srcId = 2;
short pId = 1;
int relayPort = Utils.getAvailablePort(11993);
// create relay
final DatabusRelayMain relay1 = createRelay(relayPort, pId, srcs);
DatabusRelayTestUtil.RelayRunner r1 = null;
ClientRunner cr = null;
try {
//EventProducer[] producers = relay1.getProducers();
r1 = new DatabusRelayTestUtil.RelayRunner(relay1);"Relay created");
DbusEventBufferMult bufMult = relay1.getEventBuffer();
PhysicalPartition pPartition = new PhysicalPartition((int) pId, pSourceName);
DbusEventBuffer buf = (DbusEventBuffer) bufMult.getDbusEventBufferAppendable(pPartition);"create some events");
long windowScn = 100L;
ByteBuffer serializationBuffer = addEvent(windowScn, srcId, relay1.getSchemaRegistryService().fetchSchemaIdForSourceNameAndVersion(srcs[0], 2).getByteArray(), pId, DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V2);
ReadableByteChannel channel = Channels.newChannel(new ByteBufferInputStream(serializationBuffer));
int readEvents = buf.readEvents(channel);"successfully read in " + readEvents + " events ");
windowScn = 101L;
serializationBuffer = addEvent(windowScn, srcId, relay1.getSchemaRegistryService().fetchSchemaIdForSourceNameAndVersion(srcs[0], 2).getByteArray(), pId, DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V1);
channel = Channels.newChannel(new ByteBufferInputStream(serializationBuffer));
readEvents = buf.readEvents(channel);"successfully read in " + readEvents + " events ");
channel.close();"starting relay on port " + relayPort);
// wait until relay comes up
TestUtil.assertWithBackoff(new ConditionCheck() {
public boolean check() {
return relay1.isRunningStatus();
}, "Relay hasn't come up completely ", 30000, LOG);"now create client");
String srcSubscriptionString = TestUtil.join(srcs, ",");
String serverName = "localhost:" + relayPort;
final EventsCountingConsumer countingConsumer = new EventsCountingConsumer();
int id = (RngUtils.randomPositiveInt() % 10000) + 1;
DatabusSourcesConnection clientConn = RelayEventProducer.createDatabusSourcesConnection("testProducer", id, serverName, srcSubscriptionString, countingConsumer, 1 * 1024 * 1024, 50000, 30 * 1000, 100, 15 * 1000, 1, true, DatabusClientNettyThreadPools.createNettyThreadPools(id), 0, DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V1, 0);
cr = new ClientRunner(clientConn);"starting client");
// wait till client gets the event
TestUtil.assertWithBackoff(new ConditionCheck() {
public boolean check() {
int events = countingConsumer.getNumDataEvents();"client got " + events + " events");
return events == 2;
}, "Consumer didn't get 2 events ", 64 * 1024, LOG);
// asserts
Assert.assertEquals(countingConsumer.getNumDataEvents(), 2);
Assert.assertEquals(countingConsumer.getNumWindows(), 2);
Assert.assertEquals(countingConsumer.getNumDataEvents(DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V1), 2);"shutdown first client");
cr = null;"start another client who understands V2");
final EventsCountingConsumer countingConsumer1 = new EventsCountingConsumer();
clientConn = RelayEventProducer.createDatabusSourcesConnection("testProducer", id, serverName, srcSubscriptionString, countingConsumer1, 1 * 1024 * 1024, 50000, 30 * 1000, 100, 15 * 1000, 1, true, DatabusClientNettyThreadPools.createNettyThreadPools(id), 0, DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V2, 0);
cr = new ClientRunner(clientConn);
cr.start();"wait till client gets the event");
TestUtil.assertWithBackoff(new ConditionCheck() {
public boolean check() {
int events = countingConsumer1.getNumDataEvents();
LOG.debug("client got " + events + " events");
return events == 2;
}, "Consumer didn't get 2 events ", 64 * 1024, LOG);
// asserts
Assert.assertEquals(countingConsumer1.getNumDataEvents(), 2);
Assert.assertEquals(countingConsumer1.getNumWindows(), 2);
Assert.assertEquals(countingConsumer1.getNumDataEvents(DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V1), 1);
Assert.assertEquals(countingConsumer1.getNumDataEvents(DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V2), 1);
} finally {
cleanup(new DatabusRelayTestUtil.RelayRunner[] { r1 }, cr);
use of com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException in project databus by linkedin.
the class TestDatabusRelayEvents method createRelay.
* create a test relay with event producer turned off
private DatabusRelayMain createRelay(int relayPort, int pId, String[] srcs) throws IOException, DatabusException {
// create main relay with random generator
PhysicalSourceConfig[] srcConfigs = new PhysicalSourceConfig[srcs.length];
String pSourceName = DatabusRelayTestUtil.getPhysicalSrcName(srcs[0]);
PhysicalSourceConfig src1 = DatabusRelayTestUtil.createPhysicalConfigBuilder((short) pId, pSourceName, "mock", 500, 0, srcs);
srcConfigs[0] = src1;
HttpRelay.Config httpRelayConfig = DatabusRelayTestUtil.createHttpRelayConfig(1002, relayPort, 3024);
// do not produce any events
final DatabusRelayMain relay1 = DatabusRelayTestUtil.createDatabusRelay(srcConfigs, httpRelayConfig);
return relay1;
use of com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException in project databus by linkedin.
the class TestDatabusRelayEvents method testEventConversion.
public /**
* append event V2 to the buffer and stream it to the client
* which only accepts events V1. Make sure it got converted
void testEventConversion() throws InterruptedException, IOException, DatabusException {
final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("TestDatabusRelayEvents.testEventConversion");
DatabusRelayTestUtil.RelayRunner r1 = null;
ClientRunner cr = null;
try {
String[] srcs = { "" };
int pId = 1;
int srcId = 2;
int relayPort = Utils.getAvailablePort(11994);
final DatabusRelayMain relay1 = createRelay(relayPort, pId, srcs);
r1 = new DatabusRelayTestUtil.RelayRunner(relay1);"Relay created");
DbusEventBufferMult bufMult = relay1.getEventBuffer();
String pSourceName = DatabusRelayTestUtil.getPhysicalSrcName(srcs[0]);
PhysicalPartition pPartition = new PhysicalPartition(pId, pSourceName);
DbusEventBufferAppendable buf = bufMult.getDbusEventBufferAppendable(pPartition);
DbusEventKey key = new DbusEventKey(123L);
byte[] schemaId = relay1.getSchemaRegistryService().fetchSchemaIdForSourceNameAndVersion(srcs[0], 2).getByteArray();
byte[] payload = RngUtils.randomString(100).getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset());
DbusEventInfo eventInfo = new DbusEventInfo(DbusOpcode.UPSERT, 100L, (short) pId, (short) pId, 897L, (short) srcId, schemaId, payload, false, true);
buf.appendEvent(key, eventInfo, null);
buf.endEvents(100L, null);
r1.start();"Relay started");
// wait until relay comes up
TestUtil.assertWithBackoff(new ConditionCheck() {
public boolean check() {
return relay1.isRunningStatus();
}, "Relay hasn't come up completely ", 7000, LOG);
// now create client:
String srcSubscriptionString = TestUtil.join(srcs, ",");
String serverName = "localhost:" + relayPort;
final EventsCountingConsumer countingConsumer = new EventsCountingConsumer();
int id = (RngUtils.randomPositiveInt() % 10000) + 1;
DatabusSourcesConnection clientConn = RelayEventProducer.createDatabusSourcesConnection("testProducer", id, serverName, srcSubscriptionString, countingConsumer, 1 * 1024 * 1024, 50000, 30 * 1000, 100, 15 * 1000, 1, true, DatabusClientNettyThreadPools.createNettyThreadPools(id), 0, DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V1, 0);
cr = new ClientRunner(clientConn);
cr.start();"Consumer started");
// wait till client gets the event
TestUtil.assertWithBackoff(new ConditionCheck() {
public boolean check() {
return countingConsumer.getNumDataEvents() == 1;
}, "Consumer didn't get any events ", 64 * 1024, LOG);
// asserts
Assert.assertEquals(1, countingConsumer.getNumDataEvents());
Assert.assertEquals(1, countingConsumer.getNumWindows());
Assert.assertEquals(1, countingConsumer.getNumDataEvents(DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V1));
} finally {
cleanup(new DatabusRelayTestUtil.RelayRunner[] { r1 }, cr);