use of com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException in project databus by linkedin.
the class OpenReplicatorEventProducerServiceProvider method createProducer.
public EventProducer createProducer(PhysicalSourceStaticConfig physicalSourceConfig, SchemaRegistryService schemaRegistryService, DbusEventBufferAppendable eventBuffer, DbusEventsStatisticsCollector statsCollector, MaxSCNReaderWriter checkpointWriter) throws InvalidConfigException {
// Parse each one of the logical sources
List<OpenReplicatorAvroEventFactory> eventFactories = new ArrayList<OpenReplicatorAvroEventFactory>();
for (LogicalSourceStaticConfig sourceConfig : physicalSourceConfig.getSources()) {
OpenReplicatorAvroEventFactory factory = null;
try {
factory = buildEventFactory(sourceConfig, physicalSourceConfig, schemaRegistryService);
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.error("Got exception while building monitored sources for config :" + sourceConfig, ex);
throw new InvalidConfigException(ex);
EventProducer producer = null;
try {
producer = new OpenReplicatorEventProducer(eventFactories, eventBuffer, checkpointWriter, physicalSourceConfig, statsCollector, null, null, schemaRegistryService, JMX_DOMAIN);
} catch (DatabusException e) {
LOG.error("Got databus exception when instantiating Open Replicator event producer for source : " + physicalSourceConfig.getName(), e);
throw new InvalidConfigException(e);
return producer;
use of com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException in project databus by linkedin.
the class RegisterRequestProcessor method getSchemas.
* Returns list of versioned source (or key?) schemas for the given source name and associates
* them with the specified ID.
* TODO: either add support for key schemas or rename method to getSourceSchemas()
private // IN
void getSchemas(// IN
SchemaRegistryService schemaRegistry, // IN: source name
String name, // IN
Integer sourceId, // IN (for error-logging only)
String sources, // OUT
ArrayList<RegisterResponseEntry> registeredSources) throws RequestProcessingException {
Map<Short, String> versionedSchemas = null;
try {
versionedSchemas = schemaRegistry.fetchAllSchemaVersionsBySourceName(name);
} catch (DatabusException ie) {
HttpStatisticsCollector relayStatsCollector = _relay.getHttpStatisticsCollector();
if (relayStatsCollector != null)
throw new RequestProcessingException(ie);
if ((null == versionedSchemas) || (versionedSchemas.isEmpty())) {
HttpStatisticsCollector relayStatsCollector = _relay.getHttpStatisticsCollector();
if (relayStatsCollector != null)
LOG.error("Problem fetching schema for sourceId " + sourceId + "; sources string = " + sources);
} else {
for (Entry<Short, String> e : versionedSchemas.entrySet()) {
registeredSources.add(new RegisterResponseEntry(sourceId.longValue(), e.getKey(), e.getValue()));
use of com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException in project databus by linkedin.
the class RegisterRequestProcessor method getMetadataSchemas.
* Returns list of versioned metadata schemas.
* TODO (DDSDBUS-2093): implement this.
private // IN
void getMetadataSchemas(// IN
SchemaRegistryService schemaRegistry, // OUT
ArrayList<RegisterResponseMetadataEntry> registeredMetadata) throws RequestProcessingException {
Map<SchemaId, VersionedSchema> versionedSchemas = null;
try {
VersionedSchemaSet schemaSet = schemaRegistry.fetchAllMetadataSchemaVersions();
if (schemaSet != null) {
versionedSchemas = schemaSet.getAllVersionsWithSchemaId(SchemaRegistryService.DEFAULT_METADATA_SCHEMA_SOURCE);
} catch (DatabusException ie) {
HttpStatisticsCollector relayStatsCollector = _relay.getHttpStatisticsCollector();
if (relayStatsCollector != null)
throw new RequestProcessingException(ie);
if (versionedSchemas != null && !versionedSchemas.isEmpty()) {
for (SchemaId id : versionedSchemas.keySet()) {
VersionedSchema entry = versionedSchemas.get(id);
if (entry.getOrigSchemaStr() == null) {
throw new RequestProcessingException("Null schema string for metadata version " + entry.getVersion());
registeredMetadata.add(new RegisterResponseMetadataEntry((short) entry.getVersion(), entry.getOrigSchemaStr(), id.getByteArray()));
use of com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException in project databus by linkedin.
the class RelayCommandRequestProcessor method process.
public DatabusRequest process(DatabusRequest request) throws IOException, RequestProcessingException {
String command = request.getParams().getProperty(DatabusRequest.PATH_PARAM_NAME);
if (null == command) {
throw new InvalidRequestParamValueException(COMMAND_NAME, "command", "null");
String reply = "Command " + command + " completed ";"got relayCommand = " + command);
if (command.equals(SAVE_META_STATE_PARAM)) {
} else if (command.equals(SHUTDOWN_RELAY_PARAM)) {
String msg = "received shutdown curl request from: " + request.getRemoteAddress() + ". Shutting down\n";
} else if (command.equals(VALIDATE_RELAY_BUFFER_PARAM)) {
} else if (command.equals(DISCONNECT_CLIENTS)) {
Channel rspChannel = request.getResponseContent().getRawChannel();
} else if (command.equals(RUN_GC_PARAM)) {
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
long mem = rt.freeMemory();"mem before gc = " + rt.freeMemory() + " out of " + rt.totalMemory());
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
mem = rt.freeMemory() - mem;
reply = new String("GC run. Took " + time + " millsecs. Freed " + mem + " bytes out of " + rt.totalMemory());
} else if (command.startsWith(RESET_RELAY_BUFFER_PARAM)) {
// We expect the request to be of the format:
// resetRelayBuffer/<dbName>/<partitionId>?prevScn=<long>&binlogOffset=<long>
String[] resetCommands = command.split("/");
if (resetCommands.length != 3) {
throw new InvalidRequestParamValueException(COMMAND_NAME, "command", command);
String dbName = resetCommands[1];
String dbPart = resetCommands[2];
long prevScn = request.getRequiredLongParam(PREV_SCN_PARAM);
long binlogOffset = request.getOptionalLongParam(BINLOG_OFFSET_PARAM, 0L);"reset command = " + dbName + " part =" + dbPart);
try {
_relay.resetBuffer(new PhysicalPartition(Integer.parseInt(dbPart), dbName), prevScn, binlogOffset);
} catch (BufferNotFoundException e) {
reply = new String("command " + command + ":" + e.getMessage());
} else if (command.startsWith(GET_BINLOG_OFFSET_PARAM)) {
String[] getOfsArgs = command.split("/");
if (getOfsArgs.length != 2) {
throw new InvalidRequestParamValueException(GET_BINLOG_OFFSET_PARAM, "Server ID", "");
int serverId;
try {
serverId = Integer.parseInt(getOfsArgs[1]);
int[] offset = _relay.getBinlogOffset(serverId);
if (offset.length != 2) {
reply = "Error getting binlog offset";
} else {
reply = new String("RelayLastEvent(" + offset[0] + "," + offset[1] + ")");
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new InvalidRequestParamValueException(GET_BINLOG_OFFSET_PARAM, "Server ID", getOfsArgs[1]);
} catch (DatabusException e) {
reply = new String("command " + command + "failed with:" + e.getMessage());
} else if (command.startsWith(PRINT_RELAY_INFO_PARAM)) {
try {
Map<String, String> infoMap = _relay.printInfo();
reply = makeJsonResponse(infoMap, request);
} catch (Exception e) {
reply = new String("command " + command + " failed with:" + e.getMessage());
} else {
// invalid command
reply = new String("command " + command + " is invalid. Valid commands are: " + SAVE_META_STATE_PARAM + "|" + SHUTDOWN_RELAY_PARAM + "|" + VALIDATE_RELAY_BUFFER_PARAM + "|" + RUN_GC_PARAM + "|" + RESET_RELAY_BUFFER_PARAM + "|" + GET_BINLOG_OFFSET_PARAM + "|" + PRINT_RELAY_INFO_PARAM + "|" + DISCONNECT_CLIENTS);
byte[] responseBytes = new byte[(reply.length() + 2)];
System.arraycopy(reply.getBytes("UTF-8"), 0, responseBytes, 0, reply.length());
int idx = reply.length();
responseBytes[idx] = (byte) '\r';
responseBytes[idx + 1] = (byte) '\n';
return request;
use of com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException in project databus by linkedin.
the class TokensState method onEndElement.
public void onEndElement(StateMachine stateMachine, XMLStreamReader xmlStreamReader) throws DatabusException, XMLStreamException {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("picking scn from token state: " + stateMachine.tokenState.getScn());
if ((ReplicationBitSetterStaticConfig.SourceType.TOKEN == stateMachine.getReplicationBitConfig().getSourceType()) && (!stateMachine.tokenState.isSeenReplicationField()) && (MissingValueBehavior.STOP_WITH_ERROR == stateMachine.getReplicationBitConfig().getMissingValueBehavior()))
throw new DatabusException("The replication field was not seen in the trail files in the tokens, this field is mandatory! The scn associated is: " + stateMachine.tokenState.getScn());
if (stateMachine.tokenState.isSeenReplicationField())
_isReplicated = stateMachine.tokenState.isReplicated();
_isReplicated = StateMachineHelper.verifyReplicationStatus(stateMachine.getReplicationValuePattern(), null, stateMachine.getReplicationBitConfig().getMissingValueBehavior());
stateMachine.tokenState.cleanUpState(stateMachine, xmlStreamReader);
setNextStateProcessor(stateMachine, xmlStreamReader);