use of com.linkedin.pinot.core.segment.index.loader.V3RemoveIndexException in project pinot by linkedin.
the class SegmentFetcherAndLoader method addOrReplaceOfflineSegment.
public void addOrReplaceOfflineSegment(String tableName, String segmentId, boolean retryOnFailure) {
OfflineSegmentZKMetadata offlineSegmentZKMetadata = ZKMetadataProvider.getOfflineSegmentZKMetadata(_propertyStore, tableName, segmentId);
// Try to load table schema from Helix property store.
// This schema is used for adding default values for newly added columns.
Schema schema = null;
try {
schema = getSchema(tableName);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Caught exception while trying to load schema for table: {}", tableName, e);
}"Adding or replacing segment {} for table {}, metadata {}", segmentId, tableName, offlineSegmentZKMetadata);
try {
SegmentMetadata segmentMetadataForCheck = new SegmentMetadataImpl(offlineSegmentZKMetadata);
// We lock the segment in order to get its metadata, and then release the lock, so it is possible
// that the segment is dropped after we get its metadata.
SegmentMetadata localSegmentMetadata = _dataManager.getSegmentMetadata(tableName, segmentId);
if (localSegmentMetadata == null) {"Segment {} of table {} is not loaded in memory, checking disk", segmentId, tableName);
final String localSegmentDir = getSegmentLocalDirectory(tableName, segmentId);
if (new File(localSegmentDir).exists()) {"Segment {} of table {} found on disk, attempting to load it", segmentId, tableName);
try {
localSegmentMetadata = _metadataLoader.loadIndexSegmentMetadataFromDir(localSegmentDir);"Found segment {} of table {} with crc {} on disk", segmentId, tableName, localSegmentMetadata.getCrc());
} catch (Exception e) {
// The localSegmentDir should help us get the table name,
LOGGER.error("Failed to load segment metadata from {}. Deleting it.", localSegmentDir, e);
FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(localSegmentDir));
localSegmentMetadata = null;
try {
if (!isNewSegmentMetadata(localSegmentMetadata, segmentMetadataForCheck, segmentId, tableName)) {"Segment metadata same as before, loading {} of table {} (crc {}) from disk", segmentId, tableName, localSegmentMetadata.getCrc());
AbstractTableConfig tableConfig = ZKMetadataProvider.getOfflineTableConfig(_propertyStore, tableName);
_dataManager.addSegment(localSegmentMetadata, tableConfig, schema);
// TODO Update zk metadata with CRC for this instance
} catch (V3RemoveIndexException e) {"Unable to remove local index from V3 format segment: {}, table: {}, try to reload it from controller.", segmentId, tableName, e);
FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(localSegmentDir));
localSegmentMetadata = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Failed to load {} of table {} from local, will try to reload it from controller!", segmentId, tableName, e);
FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(localSegmentDir));
localSegmentMetadata = null;
// that we have is different from that in zookeeper.
if (isNewSegmentMetadata(localSegmentMetadata, segmentMetadataForCheck, segmentId, tableName)) {
if (localSegmentMetadata == null) {"Loading new segment {} of table {} from controller", segmentId, tableName);
} else {"Trying to refresh segment {} of table {} with new data.", segmentId, tableName);
int retryCount;
int maxRetryCount = 1;
if (retryOnFailure) {
maxRetryCount = _segmentLoadMaxRetryCount;
for (retryCount = 0; retryCount < maxRetryCount; ++retryCount) {
long attemptStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
AbstractTableConfig tableConfig = ZKMetadataProvider.getOfflineTableConfig(_propertyStore, tableName);
final String uri = offlineSegmentZKMetadata.getDownloadUrl();
final String localSegmentDir = downloadSegmentToLocal(uri, tableName, segmentId);
final SegmentMetadata segmentMetadata = _metadataLoader.loadIndexSegmentMetadataFromDir(localSegmentDir);
_dataManager.addSegment(segmentMetadata, tableConfig, schema);"Downloaded segment {} of table {} crc {} from controller", segmentId, tableName, segmentMetadata.getCrc());
// Successfully loaded the segment, break out of the retry loop
} catch (Exception e) {
long attemptDurationMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - attemptStartTime;
LOGGER.warn("Caught exception while loading segment " + segmentId + "(table " + tableName + "), attempt " + (retryCount + 1) + " of " + maxRetryCount, e);
// Do we need to wait for the next retry attempt?
if (retryCount < maxRetryCount - 1) {
// Exponentially back off, wait for (minDuration + attemptDurationMillis) *
// 1.0..(2^retryCount)+1.0
double maxRetryDurationMultiplier = Math.pow(2.0, (retryCount + 1));
double retryDurationMultiplier = Math.random() * maxRetryDurationMultiplier + 1.0;
long waitTime = (long) ((_segmentLoadMinRetryDelayMs + attemptDurationMillis) * retryDurationMultiplier);
LOGGER.warn("Waiting for " + TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(waitTime) + " seconds to retry(" + segmentId + " of table " + tableName);
long waitEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + waitTime;
while (System.currentTimeMillis() < waitEndTime) {
try {
Thread.sleep(Math.max(System.currentTimeMillis() - waitEndTime, 1L));
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
// Ignore spurious wakeup
if (_segmentLoadMaxRetryCount <= retryCount) {
String msg = "Failed to download segment " + segmentId + " (table " + tableName + " after " + retryCount + " retries";
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
} else {"Got already loaded segment {} of table {} crc {} again, will do nothing.", segmentId, tableName, localSegmentMetadata.getCrc());
} catch (final Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Cannot load segment : " + segmentId + " for table " + tableName, e);
throw new AssertionError("Should not reach this");
use of com.linkedin.pinot.core.segment.index.loader.V3RemoveIndexException in project pinot by linkedin.
the class V3DefaultColumnHandler method updateDefaultColumn.
protected void updateDefaultColumn(String column, DefaultColumnAction action) throws Exception {"Starting default column action: {} on column: {}", action, column);
// Throw exception to drop and re-download the segment.
if (action.isRemoveAction()) {
throw new V3RemoveIndexException("Default value indices for column: " + column + " cannot be removed for V3 format segment.");
// Delete existing dictionary and forward index for the column. For V3, this is for error handling.
// For ADD and UPDATE action, need to create new dictionary and forward index, and update column metadata.
if (!action.isRemoveAction()) {
// Write index to V3 format.
FieldSpec fieldSpec = _schema.getFieldSpecFor(column);
boolean isSingleValue = fieldSpec.isSingleValueField();
File dictionaryFile = new File(_indexDir, column + V1Constants.Dict.FILE_EXTENTION);
File forwardIndexFile;
if (isSingleValue) {
forwardIndexFile = new File(_indexDir, column + V1Constants.Indexes.SORTED_FWD_IDX_FILE_EXTENTION);
} else {
forwardIndexFile = new File(_indexDir, column + V1Constants.Indexes.UN_SORTED_MV_FWD_IDX_FILE_EXTENTION);
LoaderUtils.writeIndexToV3Format(_segmentWriter, column, dictionaryFile, ColumnIndexType.DICTIONARY);
LoaderUtils.writeIndexToV3Format(_segmentWriter, column, forwardIndexFile, ColumnIndexType.FORWARD_INDEX);