use of in project spring-cloud-digital-sign by SpringForAll.
the class RaService method synchroTemplate.
* 获取证书模板
* @Title: synchroTemplate
* @Description: TODO(获取证书模板)
* @return JSONObject
* @throws JSONException
public JSONObject synchroTemplate() throws JSONException {
JSONObject ret = new JSONObject();
try {
UserAPIServicePortTypeProxy proxy = axisUtil.getProxyNow();
AccountConfigResult result = proxy.synchroTemplate(ACCOUNT_HASH);
ret.put("code", "0");
ret.put("msg", "");
ret.put("result", result);
} catch (Exception e) {
ret.put("code", "20010101");
ret.put("msg", errorCode.getErrorCode().get(20010101) + ":" + e.getMessage());
return ret;
return ret;
use of in project spring-cloud-digital-sign by SpringForAll.
the class RaService method downloadCA.
* 下载CA证书链
* @Title: downloadCA
* @Description: TODO(下载CA证书链)
* @return JSONObject
* @throws JSONException
public JSONObject downloadCA() throws JSONException {
JSONObject ret = new JSONObject();
try {
UserAPIServicePortTypeProxy proxy = axisUtil.getProxyNow();
String ca = proxy.downloadCA(ACCOUNT_HASH);
ret.put("code", "0");
ret.put("msg", "");
ret.put("result", ca);
} catch (Exception e) {
ret.put("code", "20010101");
ret.put("msg", errorCode.getErrorCode().get(20010101) + ":" + e.getMessage());
return ret;
return ret;
use of in project spring-cloud-digital-sign by SpringForAll.
the class RaService method downloadCACrl.
* 下载CRL
* @Title: downloadCACrl
* @Description: TODO(下载CRL)
* @return JSONObject
* @throws JSONException
public JSONObject downloadCACrl() throws JSONException {
JSONObject ret = new JSONObject();
try {
UserAPIServicePortTypeProxy proxy = axisUtil.getProxyNow();
String caCrl = proxy.downloadCRL(ACCOUNT_HASH);
ret.put("code", "0");
ret.put("msg", "");
ret.put("result", caCrl);
} catch (Exception e) {
ret.put("code", "20010101");
ret.put("msg", errorCode.getErrorCode().get(20010101) + ":" + e.getMessage());
return ret;
return ret;
use of in project spring-cloud-digital-sign by SpringForAll.
the class AxisUtil method getProxyNow.
* plz use this function
* @return proxy
public UserAPIServicePortTypeProxy getProxyNow() {
UserAPIServicePortTypeProxy proxy = new UserAPIServicePortTypeProxy();
return proxy;
use of in project spring-cloud-digital-sign by SpringForAll.
the class RaService method revokeCert.
* 吊销个人用户证书
* @Title: revokeCert
* @Description: TODO(吊销个人用户证书)
* @param serialNumber
* 需要吊销的个人用户证书的序列号
* @param certReqChallenge
* 证书申请时的保护口令,若AA模式申请的证书则可传入传入空值
* @param revokeReason
* 吊销证书原因:可选值为:1:密钥遭受损害 2:停止使用,3:证书被替代,4:证书暂停使用,5:从属关系变动,0:未知、其他
* @return JSONObject 返回结果信息
* @throws JSONException
public JSONObject revokeCert(String serialNumber, String certReqChallenge, String revokeReason) throws JSONException {
JSONObject ret = new JSONObject();
try {
String json = "";
String certRevokeReasonStr = null;
UserAPIServicePortTypeProxy proxy = axisUtil.getProxyNow();
if ("1".equals(revokeReason)) {
certRevokeReasonStr = "Key compromise[密钥遭受损害]";
} else if ("2".equals(revokeReason)) {
certRevokeReasonStr = "Cessation of operatio[停止使用]";
} else if ("3".equals(revokeReason)) {
certRevokeReasonStr = "Superseded[证书被替代]";
} else if ("4".equals(revokeReason)) {
certRevokeReasonStr = "Certificate hold[证书暂停使用]";
} else if ("5".equals(revokeReason)) {
certRevokeReasonStr = "Affiliation changed[从属关系变动]";
} else if ("0".equals(revokeReason)) {
certRevokeReasonStr = "Unspecified[其他]";
if (null == certReqChallenge || certReqChallenge.equals("")) {
proxy.revokeCert(serialNumber, CERT_REQ_CHALLENGE, certRevokeReasonStr, ACCOUNT_HASH, json);
} else {
proxy.revokeCert(serialNumber, certReqChallenge, certRevokeReasonStr, ACCOUNT_HASH, json);
ret.put("code", "0");
ret.put("msg", "您的证书已成功吊销......");
} catch (Exception e) {
ret.put("code", "20010101");
ret.put("msg", errorCode.getErrorCode().get(20010101) + ":" + e.getMessage());
return ret;