use of in project spring-cloud-digital-sign by SpringForAll.
the class RaService method queryCertByCertId.
* 通过CERT_ID查询证书
* @Title: queryCertByCertId
* @Description: TODO(通过CERT_ID查询证书 )
* @param certId
* 证书ID
* @return JSONObject 返回结果信息
* @throws JSONException
public JSONObject queryCertByCertId(int certId) throws JSONException {
JSONObject ret = new JSONObject();
String json = "";
if (certId == 0) {
ret.put("code", "10010107");
ret.put("msg", errorCode.getErrorCode().get(10010107));
return ret;
try {
if (CERT_ISKMC != null) {
json = "{'certKmcReq2':'" + (CERT_ISKMC.equals("false") ? "" : "kmcClientVersion=20150130") + "','certValidity':'" + CERT_REQ_CHALLENGE + "'}";
UserAPIServicePortTypeProxy proxy = axisUtil.getProxyNow();
QueryCertResult result = proxy.queryCertByCertId(certId, ACCOUNT_HASH, json);
ret.put("code", "0");
ret.put("msg", "");
ret.put("result", result);
} catch (Exception e) {
ret.put("code", "20010101");
ret.put("msg", errorCode.getErrorCode().get(20010101) + ":" + e.getMessage());
return ret;
return ret;
use of in project spring-cloud-digital-sign by SpringForAll.
the class RaService method enrollCert.
* ENROLL模式 申请个人用户证书
* @Title: enrollCert
* @Description: TODO(申请个人用户证书)
* @param userInfo
* 证书用户信息
* @param certReqBuf
* 证书请求,使用客户端的加密服务提供者来产生PKCS10格式的证书申请请求信息
* @param passCode
* 通行码,若使用通行码模式签发证书时则需要录入得到的通行码信息,缺省为""
* @param certValidity
* 证书有效期 ,若传入0,则默认使用services.properties配置的值
* @return CertInfo 返回签发的证书信息
* @throws JSONException
public JSONObject enrollCert(UserInfo userInfo, String certReqBuf, String passCode, Integer certValidity) throws JSONException {
JSONObject ret = new JSONObject();
String json = "";
// 用户名不能为空
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userInfo.getUserName())) {
ret.put("code", "10010101");
ret.put("msg", errorCode.getErrorCode().get(10010101));
return ret;
// 用户邮箱不能为空
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userInfo.getUserEmail())) {
ret.put("code", "10010102");
ret.put("msg", errorCode.getErrorCode().get(10010102));
return ret;
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(certReqBuf)) {
ret.put("code", "10010103");
ret.put("msg", errorCode.getErrorCode().get(10010103));
return ret;
// 有效期为空
if (certValidity == 0) {
certValidity = CERT_VALIDITY;
try {
if (CERT_ISKMC != null) {
json = "{'certKmcReq2':'" + (CERT_ISKMC.equals("false") ? "" : "kmcClientVersion=20150130") + "','certValidity':'" + certValidity + "'}";
UserAPIServicePortTypeProxy proxy = axisUtil.getProxyNow();
proxy.enrollCert(userInfo, certReqBuf, ACCOUNT_HASH, CERT_REQ_CHALLENGE, json);
ret.put("code", "0");
ret.put("msg", "PassCode模式申请证书成功,请等待管理员批准......");
} catch (Exception e) {
ret.put("code", "20010101");
ret.put("msg", errorCode.getErrorCode().get(20010101) + ":" + e.getMessage());
return ret;
return ret;
use of in project spring-cloud-digital-sign by SpringForAll.
the class RaService method unsuspendCert.
* 恢复证书
* @Title: unsuspendCert
* @Description: TODO(恢复证书 )
* @param serialNumber
* 证书序列号
* @return JSONObject 返回结果信息
* @throws JSONException
public JSONObject unsuspendCert(String serialNumber) throws JSONException {
JSONObject ret = new JSONObject();
String json = "";
if (StringUtils.isBlank(serialNumber)) {
ret.put("code", "10010106");
ret.put("msg", errorCode.getErrorCode().get(10010106));
return ret;
try {
if (CERT_ISKMC != null) {
json = "{'certKmcReq2':'" + (CERT_ISKMC.equals("false") ? "" : "kmcClientVersion=20150130") + "','certValidity':'" + CERT_REQ_CHALLENGE + "'}";
UserAPIServicePortTypeProxy proxy = axisUtil.getProxyNow();
proxy.unsuspendCert(serialNumber, ACCOUNT_HASH, json);
ret.put("code", "0");
ret.put("msg", "");
} catch (Exception e) {
ret.put("code", "20010101");
ret.put("msg", errorCode.getErrorCode().get(20010101) + ":" + e.getMessage());
return ret;
return ret;
use of in project spring-cloud-digital-sign by SpringForAll.
the class RaService method pickupCert.
* 获取证书 *
* @Title: pickupCert
* @Description: TODO(申请个人用户证书)
* @param pinCode
* PIN码
* @param certReqBuf
* 证书请求,使用客户端的加密服务提供者来产生PKCS10格式的证书申请请求信息
* @return CertInfo 返回签发的证书信息
* @throws JSONException
public JSONObject pickupCert(String pinCode, String certReqBuf) throws JSONException {
JSONObject ret = new JSONObject();
String json = "";
if (StringUtils.isBlank(pinCode)) {
ret.put("code", "10010105");
ret.put("msg", errorCode.getErrorCode().get("10010105"));
return ret;
if (StringUtils.isBlank(certReqBuf)) {
ret.put("code", "10010103");
ret.put("msg", errorCode.getErrorCode().get(10010103));
return ret;
try {
if (CERT_ISKMC != null) {
json = "{'certKmcReq2':'" + (CERT_ISKMC.equals("false") ? "" : "kmcClientVersion=20150130") + "','certValidity':'" + CERT_REQ_CHALLENGE + "'}";
UserAPIServicePortTypeProxy proxy = axisUtil.getProxyNow();
CertInfo certInfo = proxy.pickupCert(pinCode, CERT_REQ_CHALLENGE, certReqBuf, ACCOUNT_HASH, json);
ret.put("certInfo", certInfo);
ret.put("code", "0");
ret.put("msg", "");
} catch (Exception e) {
ret.put("code", "20010101");
ret.put("msg", errorCode.getErrorCode().get(20010101) + ":" + e.getMessage());
return ret;
return ret;
use of in project spring-cloud-digital-sign by SpringForAll.
the class RaService method suspendCert.
* 挂起证书
* @Title: suspendCert
* @Description: TODO(挂起证书 )
* @param serialNumber
* 证书序列号
* @return JSONObject 返回结果信息
* @throws JSONException
public JSONObject suspendCert(String serialNumber) throws JSONException {
JSONObject ret = new JSONObject();
String json = "";
if (StringUtils.isBlank(serialNumber)) {
ret.put("code", "10010106");
ret.put("msg", errorCode.getErrorCode().get(10010106));
return ret;
try {
if (CERT_ISKMC != null) {
json = "{'certKmcReq2':'" + (CERT_ISKMC.equals("false") ? "" : "kmcClientVersion=20150130") + "','certValidity':'" + CERT_REQ_CHALLENGE + "'}";
UserAPIServicePortTypeProxy proxy = axisUtil.getProxyNow();
proxy.suspendCert(serialNumber, ACCOUNT_HASH, json);
ret.put("code", "0");
ret.put("msg", "");
} catch (Exception e) {
ret.put("code", "20010101");
ret.put("msg", errorCode.getErrorCode().get(20010101) + ":" + e.getMessage());
return ret;
return ret;