use of com.manydesigns.elements.text.TextFormat in project Portofino by ManyDesigns.
the class ModelSelectionProviderSupport method createHQLOptionProvider.
protected OptionProvider createHQLOptionProvider(DatabaseSelectionProvider selectionProvider, String name, String databaseName, String hql) {
Database database = DatabaseLogic.findDatabaseByName(persistence.getModel(), databaseName);
Table table = QueryUtils.getTableFromQueryString(database, hql);
if (table == null) {
logger.error("Selection provider {} has a HQL query that " + "refers to an entity that does not exist ({})", name, hql);
return null;
return new MemoizingOptionProvider(() -> {
String entityName = table.getActualEntityName();
Session session = persistence.getSession(databaseName);
QueryStringWithParameters queryWithParameters = QueryUtils.mergeQuery(hql, null, this);
Collection<Object> objects = getFromQueryCache(selectionProvider, queryWithParameters);
if (objects == null) {
String queryString = queryWithParameters.getQueryString();
Object[] parameters = queryWithParameters.getParameters();
logger.debug("Query not in cache: {}", queryString);
try {
objects = QueryUtils.runHqlQuery(session, queryString, parameters);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Exception in populating selection provider " + name, e);
return null;
putInQueryCache(selectionProvider, queryWithParameters, objects);
TableAccessor tableAccessor = persistence.getTableAccessor(databaseName, entityName);
ShortName shortNameAnnotation = tableAccessor.getAnnotation(ShortName.class);
TextFormat[] textFormats = null;
// L'ordinamento e' usato solo in caso di chiave singola
if (shortNameAnnotation != null && tableAccessor.getKeyProperties().length == 1) {
textFormats = new TextFormat[] { OgnlTextFormat.create(shortNameAnnotation.value()) };
final TextFormat[] actualTextFormats = textFormats;
Stream<OptionProvider.Option> optionStream = -> SelectionProviderLogic.getOption(name, tableAccessor.getKeyProperties(), actualTextFormats, o));
if (selectionProvider instanceof ForeignKey) {
optionStream = optionStream.sorted(DefaultSelectionProvider.OPTION_COMPARATOR_BY_LABEL);
return optionStream.collect(Collectors.toList());
use of com.manydesigns.elements.text.TextFormat in project Portofino by ManyDesigns.
the class ManyToManyAction method createSelectionProviderFromHql.
public DefaultSelectionProvider createSelectionProviderFromHql(String name, String databaseName, String hql, DisplayMode dm, SearchDisplayMode sdm) {
Database database = DatabaseLogic.findDatabaseByName(persistence.getModel(), databaseName);
Table table = QueryUtils.getTableFromQueryString(database, hql);
String entityName = table.getActualEntityName();
Session session = persistence.getSession(databaseName);
Collection<Object> objects = QueryUtils.getObjects(session, hql, null, null);
TableAccessor tableAccessor = persistence.getTableAccessor(databaseName, entityName);
ShortName shortNameAnnotation = tableAccessor.getAnnotation(ShortName.class);
TextFormat[] textFormats = null;
// L'ordinamento e' usato solo in caso di chiave singola
if (shortNameAnnotation != null && tableAccessor.getKeyProperties().length == 1) {
textFormats = new TextFormat[] { OgnlTextFormat.create(shortNameAnnotation.value()) };
DefaultSelectionProvider selectionProvider = SelectionProviderLogic.createSelectionProvider(name, objects, tableAccessor.getKeyProperties(), textFormats);
return selectionProvider;
use of com.manydesigns.elements.text.TextFormat in project Portofino by ManyDesigns.
the class SelectionProviderLogic method getOption.
public static OptionProvider.Option getOption(String name, PropertyAccessor[] propertyAccessors, @Nullable TextFormat[] textFormats, Object object) {
boolean active = true;
if (object instanceof Object[]) {
Object[] valueAndActive = (Object[]) object;
if (valueAndActive.length > 1) {
active = valueAndActive[1] instanceof Boolean && (Boolean) valueAndActive[1];
if (valueAndActive.length > 0) {
object = valueAndActive[0];
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid selection provider query result - sp: " + name);
Object[] values = new Object[propertyAccessors.length];
String[] labels = new String[propertyAccessors.length];
int j = 0;
for (PropertyAccessor property : propertyAccessors) {
Object value = property.get(object);
values[j] = value;
if (textFormats == null || textFormats[j] == null) {
String label = OgnlUtils.convertValueToString(value);
labels[j] = label;
} else {
TextFormat textFormat = textFormats[j];
labels[j] = textFormat.format(object);
return new OptionProvider.Option(values, labels, active);