use of in project collect by opendatakit.
the class MapboxMapFragment method addMbtiles.
private void addMbtiles(String id, File file) {
MbtilesFile mbtiles;
try {
mbtiles = new MbtilesFile(file);
} catch (MbtilesException e) {
TileSet tileSet = createTileSet(mbtiles, tileServer.getUrlTemplate(id));
tileServer.addSource(id, mbtiles);
if (mbtiles.getLayerType() == LayerType.VECTOR) {
addOverlaySource(new VectorSource(id, tileSet));
List<MbtilesFile.VectorLayer> layers = mbtiles.getVectorLayers();
for (MbtilesFile.VectorLayer layer : layers) {
// Pick a colour that's a function of the filename and layer name.
// The colour will appear essentially random; the only purpose here
// is to try to assign different colours to different layers, such
// that each individual layer appears in its own consistent colour.
int hue = (((id + "." + & 0x7fffffff) % 360;
addOverlayLayer(new LineLayer(id + "/" +, id).withProperties(lineColor(Color.HSVToColor(new float[] { hue, 0.7f, 1 })), lineWidth(1f), lineOpacity(0.7f)).withSourceLayer(;
if (mbtiles.getLayerType() == LayerType.RASTER) {
addOverlaySource(new RasterSource(id, tileSet));
addOverlayLayer(new RasterLayer(id + ".raster", id));
Timber.i("Added %s as a %s layer at /%s", file, mbtiles.getLayerType(), id);