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Example 1 with Table

use of com.mapr.db.Table in project drill by apache.

the class JsonTableGroupScan method getRegionsToScan.

protected NavigableMap<TabletFragmentInfo, String> getRegionsToScan(int scanRangeSizeMB) {
    // If regionsToScan already computed, just return.
    double estimatedRowCount = ROWCOUNT_UNKNOWN;
    if (doNotAccessRegionsToScan == null) {
        final Table t = this.formatPlugin.getJsonTableCache().getTable(scanSpec.getTableName(), scanSpec.getIndexDesc(), getUserName());
        final MetaTable metaTable = t.getMetaTable();
        QueryCondition scanSpecCondition = scanSpec.getCondition();
        List<ScanRange> scanRanges = (scanSpecCondition == null) ? metaTable.getScanRanges(scanRangeSizeMB) : metaTable.getScanRanges(scanSpecCondition, scanRangeSizeMB);
        logger.debug("getRegionsToScan() with scanSpec {}: table={}, index={}, condition={}, sizeMB={}, #ScanRanges={}", System.identityHashCode(scanSpec), scanSpec.getTableName(), scanSpec.getIndexName(), scanSpec.getCondition() == null ? "null" : scanSpec.getCondition(), scanRangeSizeMB, scanRanges == null ? "null" : scanRanges.size());
        final TreeMap<TabletFragmentInfo, String> regionsToScan = new TreeMap<>();
        if (isIndexScan()) {
            String idxIdentifier = stats.buildUniqueIndexIdentifier(scanSpec.getIndexDesc().getPrimaryTablePath(), scanSpec.getIndexDesc().getIndexName());
            if (stats.isStatsAvailable()) {
                estimatedRowCount = stats.getRowCount(scanSpec.getCondition(), idxIdentifier);
        } else {
            if (stats.isStatsAvailable()) {
                estimatedRowCount = stats.getRowCount(scanSpec.getCondition(), null);
        // If limit pushdown has occurred - factor it in the rowcount
        if (this.maxRecordsToRead > 0) {
            estimatedRowCount = Math.min(estimatedRowCount, this.maxRecordsToRead);
        // If the estimated row count > 0 then scan ranges must be > 0
        Preconditions.checkState(estimatedRowCount == ROWCOUNT_UNKNOWN || estimatedRowCount == 0 || (scanRanges != null && scanRanges.size() > 0), String.format("#Scan ranges should be greater than 0 since estimated rowcount=[%f]", estimatedRowCount));
        if (scanRanges != null && scanRanges.size() > 0) {
            // set the start-row of the scanspec as the start-row of the first scan range
            ScanRange firstRange = scanRanges.get(0);
            QueryCondition firstCondition = firstRange.getCondition();
            byte[] firstStartRow = ((ConditionImpl) firstCondition).getRowkeyRanges().get(0).getStartRow();
            // set the stop-row of ScanSpec as the stop-row of the last scan range
            ScanRange lastRange = scanRanges.get(scanRanges.size() - 1);
            QueryCondition lastCondition = lastRange.getCondition();
            List<RowkeyRange> rowkeyRanges = ((ConditionImpl) lastCondition).getRowkeyRanges();
            byte[] lastStopRow = rowkeyRanges.get(rowkeyRanges.size() - 1).getStopRow();
            for (ScanRange range : scanRanges) {
                TabletInfoImpl tabletInfoImpl = (TabletInfoImpl) range;
                regionsToScan.put(new TabletFragmentInfo(tabletInfoImpl), range.getLocations()[0]);
    return doNotAccessRegionsToScan;
Also used : TabletInfoImpl(com.mapr.db.impl.TabletInfoImpl) Table(com.mapr.db.Table) MetaTable(com.mapr.db.MetaTable) ScanRange(com.mapr.db.scan.ScanRange) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) ConditionImpl(com.mapr.db.impl.ConditionImpl) MetaTable(com.mapr.db.MetaTable) QueryCondition( TabletFragmentInfo( RowkeyRange(com.mapr.db.impl.ConditionNode.RowkeyRange)

Example 2 with Table

use of com.mapr.db.Table in project drill by apache.

the class JsonTableGroupScan method getFirstKeyEstimatedStatsInternal.

 * Get the estimated statistics after applying the {@link QueryCondition} condition
 * @param condition filter to apply
 * @param index to use for generating the estimate
 * @param scanRel the current scan rel
 * @return {@link MapRDBStatisticsPayload} statistics
private MapRDBStatisticsPayload getFirstKeyEstimatedStatsInternal(QueryCondition condition, IndexDesc index, RelNode scanRel) {
    // If no index is specified, get it from the primary table
    if (index == null && scanSpec.isSecondaryIndex()) {
        // table = MapRDB.getTable(scanSpec.getPrimaryTablePath());
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("getFirstKeyEstimatedStats should be invoked on primary table");
    // Get the index table or primary table and use the DB API to get the estimated number of rows. For size estimates,
    // we assume that all the columns would be read from the disk.
    final Table table = this.formatPlugin.getJsonTableCache().getTable(scanSpec.getTableName(), index, getUserName());
    if (table != null) {
        // Factor reflecting confidence in the DB estimates. If a table has few tablets, the tablet-level stats
        // might be off. The decay scalingFactor will reduce estimates when one tablet represents a significant percentage
        // of the entire table.
        double scalingFactor = 1.0;
        boolean isFullScan = false;
        final MetaTable metaTable = table.getMetaTable();
        com.mapr.db.scan.ScanStats stats = (condition == null) ? metaTable.getScanStats() : metaTable.getScanStats(condition);
        if (index == null && condition != null) {
            // Given table condition might not be on leading column. Check if the rowcount matches full table rows.
            // In that case no leading key present or does not prune enough. Treat it like so.
            com.mapr.db.scan.ScanStats noConditionPTabStats = metaTable.getScanStats();
            if (stats.getEstimatedNumRows() == noConditionPTabStats.getEstimatedNumRows()) {
                isFullScan = true;
        // should be selected. So the scalingFactor should not reduce the returned rows
        if (condition != null && !isFullScan) {
            double forcedScalingFactor = PrelUtil.getSettings(scanRel.getCluster()).getIndexStatsRowCountScalingFactor();
            // For 2 or less matching tablets, the error is assumed to be 50%. The Sqrt gives the decaying scalingFactor
            if (stats.getTabletCount() > 2) {
                double accuracy = 1.0 - (2.0 / stats.getTabletCount());
                scalingFactor = Math.min(1.0, 1.0 / Math.sqrt(1.0 / accuracy));
            } else {
                scalingFactor = 0.5;
            if (forcedScalingFactor < 1.0 && metaTable.getScanStats().getTabletCount() < PluginConstants.JSON_TABLE_NUM_TABLETS_PER_INDEX_DEFAULT) {
                // User forced confidence scalingFactor for small tables (assumed as less than 32 tablets (~512 MB))
                scalingFactor = forcedScalingFactor;
        }"index_plan_info: getEstimatedRowCount obtained from DB Client for {}: indexName: {}, indexInfo: {}, " + "condition: {} rowCount: {}, avgRowSize: {}, estimatedSize {}, tabletCount {}, totalTabletCount {}, " + "scalingFactor {}", this, (index == null ? "null" : index.getIndexName()), (index == null ? "null" : index.getIndexInfo()), (condition == null ? "null" : condition.toString()), stats.getEstimatedNumRows(), (stats.getEstimatedNumRows() == 0 ? 0 : stats.getEstimatedSize() / stats.getEstimatedNumRows()), stats.getEstimatedSize(), stats.getTabletCount(), metaTable.getScanStats().getTabletCount(), scalingFactor);
        return new MapRDBStatisticsPayload(scalingFactor * stats.getEstimatedNumRows(), scalingFactor * stats.getEstimatedNumRows(), ((stats.getEstimatedNumRows() == 0 ? 0 : (double) stats.getEstimatedSize() / stats.getEstimatedNumRows())));
    } else {"index_plan_info: getEstimatedRowCount: {} indexName: {}, indexInfo: {}, " + "condition: {} rowCount: UNKNOWN, avgRowSize: UNKNOWN", this, (index == null ? "null" : index.getIndexName()), (index == null ? "null" : index.getIndexInfo()), (condition == null ? "null" : condition.toString()));
Also used : Table(com.mapr.db.Table) MetaTable(com.mapr.db.MetaTable) MapRDBStatisticsPayload(org.apache.drill.exec.planner.index.MapRDBStatisticsPayload) MetaTable(com.mapr.db.MetaTable)

Example 3 with Table

use of com.mapr.db.Table in project drill by apache.

the class JsonTableGroupScan method getAverageRowSizeStats.

 * Get the estimated average rowsize. DO NOT call this API directly.
 * Call the stats API instead which modifies the counts based on preference options.
 * @param index to use for generating the estimate
 * @return row count post filtering
public MapRDBStatisticsPayload getAverageRowSizeStats(IndexDescriptor index) {
    IndexDesc indexDesc = null;
    double avgRowSize = AVG_ROWSIZE_UNKNOWN;
    if (index != null) {
        indexDesc = (IndexDesc) ((MapRDBIndexDescriptor) index).getOriginalDesc();
    // If no index is specified, get it from the primary table
    if (indexDesc == null && scanSpec.isSecondaryIndex()) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("getAverageRowSizeStats should be invoked on primary table");
    // Get the index table or primary table and use the DB API to get the estimated number of rows. For size estimates,
    // we assume that all the columns would be read from the disk.
    final Table table = this.formatPlugin.getJsonTableCache().getTable(scanSpec.getTableName(), indexDesc, getUserName());
    if (table != null) {
        final MetaTable metaTable = table.getMetaTable();
        if (metaTable != null) {
            avgRowSize = metaTable.getAverageRowSize();
    logger.debug("index_plan_info: getEstimatedRowCount obtained from DB Client for {}: indexName: {}, indexInfo: {}, " + "avgRowSize: {}, estimatedSize {}", this, (indexDesc == null ? "null" : indexDesc.getIndexName()), (indexDesc == null ? "null" : indexDesc.getIndexInfo()), avgRowSize, fullTableEstimatedSize);
    return new MapRDBStatisticsPayload(ROWCOUNT_UNKNOWN, ROWCOUNT_UNKNOWN, avgRowSize);
Also used : Table(com.mapr.db.Table) MetaTable(com.mapr.db.MetaTable) MapRDBStatisticsPayload(org.apache.drill.exec.planner.index.MapRDBStatisticsPayload) IndexDesc(com.mapr.db.index.IndexDesc) MetaTable(com.mapr.db.MetaTable) MapRDBIndexDescriptor(org.apache.drill.exec.planner.index.MapRDBIndexDescriptor)

Example 4 with Table

use of com.mapr.db.Table in project drill by apache.

the class JsonTableRangePartitionFunction method initialize.

public void initialize(MapRDBFormatPlugin plugin) {
    // get the table handle from the table cache
    Table table = plugin.getJsonTableCache().getTable(tableName, userName);
    // Get all scan ranges for the primary table.
    // The reason is the row keys could typically belong to any one of the tablets of the table, so
    // there is no use trying to get only limited set of scan ranges.
    // NOTE: here we use the restrictedScanRangeSizeMB because the range partitioning should be parallelized
    // based on the number of scan ranges on the RestrictedJsonTableGroupScan.
    List<ScanRange> ranges = table.getMetaTable().getScanRanges(plugin.getRestrictedScanRangeSizeMB());
    this.startKeys = Lists.newArrayList();
    this.stopKeys = Lists.newArrayList();
    logger.debug("Num scan ranges for table {} = {}", table.getName(), ranges.size());
    int count = 0;
    for (ScanRange r : ranges) {
        QueryCondition condition = r.getCondition();
        List<RowkeyRange> rowkeyRanges = ((ConditionImpl) condition).getRowkeyRanges();
        byte[] start = rowkeyRanges.get(0).getStartRow();
        byte[] stop = rowkeyRanges.get(rowkeyRanges.size() - 1).getStopRow();
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(start, String.format("Encountered a null start key at position %d for scan range condition %s.", count, condition.toString()));
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(stop, String.format("Encountered a null stop key at position %d for scan range condition %s.", count, condition.toString()));
        if (count > 0) {
            // after the first start key, rest should be non-empty
            Preconditions.checkState(!(Bytes.equals(start, MapRConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY)), String.format("Encountered an empty start key at position %d", count));
        if (count < ranges.size() - 1) {
            // except for the last stop key, rest should be non-empty
            Preconditions.checkState(!(Bytes.equals(stop, MapRConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY)), String.format("Encountered an empty stop key at position %d", count));
    // check validity; only need to check one of the lists since they are populated together
    Preconditions.checkArgument(startKeys.size() > 0, "Found empty list of start/stopKeys.");
    Preconditions.checkState(startKeys.size() == ranges.size(), String.format("Mismatch between the lengths: num start keys = %d, num scan ranges = %d", startKeys.size(), ranges.size()));
    Preconditions.checkState(stopKeys.size() == ranges.size(), String.format("Mismatch between the lengths: num stop keys = %d, num scan ranges = %d", stopKeys.size(), ranges.size()));
Also used : ConditionImpl(com.mapr.db.impl.ConditionImpl) Table(com.mapr.db.Table) ScanRange(com.mapr.db.scan.ScanRange) QueryCondition( RowkeyRange(com.mapr.db.impl.ConditionNode.RowkeyRange)

Example 5 with Table

use of com.mapr.db.Table in project drill by apache.

the class TestEncodedFieldPaths method setup_TestEncodedFieldPaths.

public static void setup_TestEncodedFieldPaths() throws Exception {
    try (Table table = DBTests.createOrReplaceTable(TABLE_NAME, ImmutableMap.of("codes", "codes"))) {
        tableCreated = true;
        tablePath = table.getPath().toUri().getPath();
        DBTests.createIndex(TABLE_NAME, INDEX_NAME, new String[] { "age" }, new String[] { "name.last", "data.salary" });
        DBTests.admin().getTableIndexes(table.getPath(), true);
        try (final InputStream in = TestEncodedFieldPaths.class.getResourceAsStream(JSON_FILE_URL);
            final DocumentStream stream = Json.newDocumentStream(in)) {
        // wait for the indexes to sync
        DBTests.waitForRowCount(table.getPath(), 5, INDEX_FLUSH_TIMEOUT);
        DBTests.waitForIndexFlush(table.getPath(), INDEX_FLUSH_TIMEOUT);
    } finally {
        test("ALTER SESSION SET `planner.disable_full_table_scan` = true");
Also used : Table(com.mapr.db.Table) InputStream( DocumentStream(org.ojai.DocumentStream) BeforeClass(org.junit.BeforeClass)


Table (com.mapr.db.Table)11 MetaTable (com.mapr.db.MetaTable)4 InputStream ( DocumentStream (org.ojai.DocumentStream)4 BeforeClass (org.junit.BeforeClass)3 Document (org.ojai.Document)3 ConditionImpl (com.mapr.db.impl.ConditionImpl)2 RowkeyRange (com.mapr.db.impl.ConditionNode.RowkeyRange)2 ScanRange (com.mapr.db.scan.ScanRange)2 DrillRuntimeException (org.apache.drill.common.exceptions.DrillRuntimeException)2 MapRDBStatisticsPayload (org.apache.drill.exec.planner.index.MapRDBStatisticsPayload)2 QueryCondition ( BaseJsonTable (com.mapr.db.impl.BaseJsonTable)1 MultiGet (com.mapr.db.impl.MultiGet)1 TabletInfoImpl (com.mapr.db.impl.TabletInfoImpl)1 IndexDesc (com.mapr.db.index.IndexDesc)1 DBDocumentReaderBase (com.mapr.db.ojai.DBDocumentReaderBase)1 IOException ( StringBufferInputStream ( ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)1