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Example 1 with XMLBlockState

use of in project malmo by Microsoft.

the class MazeDecoratorImplementation method getBlock.

private XMLBlockState getBlock(MazeBlock mblock, Random rand) {
    BlockType blockName = chooseBlock(mblock.getType(), rand);
    Colour blockCol = chooseColour(mblock.getColour(), rand);
    Variation blockVar = chooseVariant(mblock.getVariant(), rand);
    return new XMLBlockState(blockName, blockCol, null, blockVar);
Also used : BlockType( Variation( XMLBlockState( Colour(

Example 2 with XMLBlockState

use of in project malmo by Microsoft.

the class MazeDecoratorImplementation method placeBlocks.

private void placeBlocks(World world, Cell[] grid, Cell start, Cell end) {
    BlockDrawingHelper drawContext = new BlockDrawingHelper();
    int scale = this.mazeParams.getSizeAndPosition().getScale();
    // First remove any entities lying around in our area:
    drawContext.clearEntities(world, this.xOrg, this.yOrg, this.zOrg, this.xOrg + this.width * scale, this.yOrg + this.mazeParams.getSizeAndPosition().getHeight(), this.zOrg + this.length * scale);
    // Clear a volume of air, lay a carpet, and put the random pavement over it:
    for (int x = 0; x < this.width * scale; x++) {
        for (int z = 0; z < this.length * scale; z++) {
            for (int y = 0; y < this.mazeParams.getSizeAndPosition().getHeight(); y++) {
                world.setBlockToAir(new BlockPos(x + this.xOrg, y + this.yOrg, z + this.zOrg));
            BlockPos bp = new BlockPos(x + this.xOrg, this.yOrg, z + this.zOrg);
            drawContext.setBlockState(world, bp, this.floorBlock);
            Cell c = grid[(x / scale) + ((z / scale) * this.width)];
            XMLBlockState bs = (c == null) ? this.gapBlock : (c.isOnOptimalPath ? this.optimalPathBlock : this.pathBlock);
            int h = (c == null) ? this.gapHeight : (c.isOnOptimalPath ? this.optimalPathHeight : this.pathHeight);
            if (c != null && c.isSubgoal) {
                bs = this.subgoalPathBlock;
                h = this.subgoalHeight;
            if (c != null && c.isWaypoint && x % scale == scale / 2 && z % scale == scale / 2) {
                if (this.mazeParams.getWaypoints().getWaypointBlock() != null) {
                    bs = this.waypointBlock;
                    h = this.pathHeight;
                } else if (this.waypointItem != null) {
                    // Place a waypoint item here:
                    // (scale % 2 == 0) ? 1 : 0;
                    int offset = 0;
                    drawContext.placeItem(this.waypointItem.copy(), new BlockPos(x + this.xOrg + offset, this.yOrg + h + 1, z + this.zOrg + offset), world, (scale % 2 == 1));
            if (c != null && c == start) {
                h = this.startHeight;
                bs = this.startBlock;
            if (c != null && c == end) {
                h = this.endHeight;
                bs = this.endBlock;
            for (int y = 1; y <= h; y++) {
                BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(x + this.xOrg, y + this.yOrg, z + this.zOrg);
                drawContext.setBlockState(world, pos, bs);
Also used : BlockDrawingHelper( BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) XMLBlockState(

Example 3 with XMLBlockState

use of in project malmo by Microsoft.

the class MovingTargetDecoratorImplementation method parseParameters.

public boolean parseParameters(Object params) {
    if (params == null || !(params instanceof MovingTargetDecorator))
        return false;
    this.targetParams = (MovingTargetDecorator) params;
    this.arenaBounds = this.targetParams.getArenaBounds();
    DrawBlockBasedObjectType targetBlock = this.targetParams.getBlockType();
    this.blockType = (targetBlock != null) ? new XMLBlockState(targetBlock.getType(), targetBlock.getColour(), targetBlock.getFace(), targetBlock.getVariant()) : null;
    Pos pos = this.targetParams.getStartPos();
    int xPos = pos.getX().intValue();
    int yPos = pos.getY().intValue();
    int zPos = pos.getZ().intValue();
    // Check start pos lies within arena:
    xPos = Math.min(this.arenaBounds.getMax().getX(), Math.max(this.arenaBounds.getMin().getX(), xPos));
    yPos = Math.min(this.arenaBounds.getMax().getY(), Math.max(this.arenaBounds.getMin().getY(), yPos));
    zPos = Math.min(this.arenaBounds.getMax().getZ(), Math.max(this.arenaBounds.getMin().getZ(), zPos));
    this.startPos = new BlockPos(xPos, yPos, zPos);
    if (this.targetParams.getUpdateSpeed() == null || this.targetParams.getUpdateSpeed().equals("turnbased")) {
        this.mustWaitTurn = true;
    } else {
        this.speedInTicks = Integer.parseInt(this.targetParams.getUpdateSpeed());
    return true;
Also used : Pos( BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) DrawBlockBasedObjectType( BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) MovingTargetDecorator( XMLBlockState(

Example 4 with XMLBlockState

use of in project malmo by Microsoft.

the class MovingTargetDecoratorImplementation method update.

public void update(World world) {
    if (// Using the turn scheduler?
    this.mustWaitTurn && !this.isOurTurn)
    if (!this.mustWaitTurn) {
        // Not using turn scheduler - using update speed
        if (this.timeSinceLastUpdate < this.speedInTicks)
    this.timeSinceLastUpdate = 0;
    // We're taking it right now.
    this.isOurTurn = false;
    if (!pinchedByPlayer(world)) {
        BlockPos posHead = this.path.peekFirst();
        BlockPos posTail = this.path.peekLast();
        // For now, only move in 2D - can make this more flexible later.
        ArrayList<BlockPos> possibleMovesForward = new ArrayList<BlockPos>();
        ArrayList<BlockPos> possibleMovesBackward = new ArrayList<BlockPos>();
        for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) {
            for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) {
                if (z != 0 && x != 0)
                    // No diagonal moves.
                if (z == 0 && x == 0)
                    // Don't allow no-op.
                // Check this is a valid move...
                BlockPos candidateHeadPos = new BlockPos(posHead.getX() + x, posHead.getY(), posHead.getZ() + z);
                BlockPos candidateTailPos = new BlockPos(posTail.getX() + x, posTail.getY(), posTail.getZ() + z);
                if (isValid(world, candidateHeadPos))
                if (isValid(world, candidateTailPos))
        // Choose whether to move the "head" or the "tail"
        ArrayList<BlockPos> candidates = null;
        boolean forwards = true;
        if (possibleMovesBackward.isEmpty()) {
            candidates = possibleMovesForward;
            forwards = true;
        } else if (possibleMovesForward.isEmpty()) {
            candidates = possibleMovesBackward;
            forwards = false;
        } else {
            forwards = this.rng.nextDouble() < 0.5;
            candidates = forwards ? possibleMovesForward : possibleMovesBackward;
        if (!candidates.isEmpty()) {
            BlockDrawingHelper drawContext = new BlockDrawingHelper();
            BlockPos newPos = candidates.get(this.rng.nextInt(candidates.size()));
            if (forwards) {
                // Add the new head:
                drawContext.setBlockState(world, newPos, this.blockType);
                // Move the tail?
                if (this.path.size() > this.pathSize) {
                    drawContext.setBlockState(world, posTail, new XMLBlockState(this.originalPath.removeLast()));
            } else {
                // Backwards - add the new tail:
                drawContext.setBlockState(world, newPos, this.blockType);
                // Move the head?
                if (this.path.size() > this.pathSize) {
                    drawContext.setBlockState(world, posHead, new XMLBlockState(this.originalPath.removeFirst()));
    if (this.mustWaitTurn) {
        // Let server know we have finished.
        Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>();
        data.put("agentname", this.guid); MalmoMod.MalmoMessage(MalmoMessageType.CLIENT_TURN_TAKEN, 0, data));
Also used : BlockDrawingHelper( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BlockPos(net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos) MalmoMod( XMLBlockState(

Example 5 with XMLBlockState

use of in project malmo by Microsoft.

the class BuildBattleDecoratorImplementation method parseParameters.

 * Attempt to parse the given object as a set of parameters for this handler.
 * @param params the parameter block to parse
 * @return true if the object made sense for this handler; false otherwise.
public boolean parseParameters(Object params) {
    if (params == null || !(params instanceof BuildBattleDecorator))
        return false;
    this.params = (BuildBattleDecorator) params;
    this.sourceBounds = this.params.getGoalStructureBounds();
    this.destBounds = this.params.getPlayerStructureBounds(); = new Vec3i(destBounds.getMin().getX() - sourceBounds.getMin().getX(), destBounds.getMin().getY() - sourceBounds.getMin().getY(), destBounds.getMin().getZ() - sourceBounds.getMin().getZ());
    this.structureVolume = volumeOfBounds(this.sourceBounds);
    assert (this.structureVolume == volumeOfBounds(this.destBounds));
    this.dest = new ArrayList<IBlockState>(Collections.nCopies(this.structureVolume, (IBlockState) null));
    this.source = new ArrayList<IBlockState>(Collections.nCopies(this.structureVolume, (IBlockState) null));
    DrawBlockBasedObjectType tickBlock = this.params.getBlockTypeOnCorrectPlacement();
    DrawBlockBasedObjectType crossBlock = this.params.getBlockTypeOnIncorrectPlacement();
    this.blockTypeOnCorrectPlacement = (tickBlock != null) ? new XMLBlockState(tickBlock.getType(), tickBlock.getColour(), tickBlock.getFace(), tickBlock.getVariant()) : null;
    this.blockTypeOnIncorrectPlacement = (crossBlock != null) ? new XMLBlockState(crossBlock.getType(), crossBlock.getColour(), crossBlock.getFace(), crossBlock.getVariant()) : null;
    return true;
Also used : Vec3i(net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i) IBlockState(net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState) DrawBlockBasedObjectType( BuildBattleDecorator( XMLBlockState(


XMLBlockState ( BlockPos (net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos)4 BlockDrawingHelper ( DrawBlockBasedObjectType ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 IBlockState (net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState)2 MalmoMod ( BlockType ( BuildBattleDecorator ( Colour ( MovingTargetDecorator ( Pos ( Variation ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Vec3i (net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3i)1