use of in project azure-sdk-for-java by Azure.
the class ServiceBusPublishSubscribeAdvanceFeatures method runSample.
* Main function which runs the actual sample.
* @param azure instance of the azure client
* @return true if sample runs successfully
public static boolean runSample(Azure azure) {
// New resources
final String rgName = SdkContext.randomResourceName("rgSB04_", 24);
final String namespaceName = SdkContext.randomResourceName("namespace", 20);
final String topic1Name = SdkContext.randomResourceName("topic1_", 24);
final String topic2Name = SdkContext.randomResourceName("topic2_", 24);
final String subscription1Name = SdkContext.randomResourceName("subs_", 24);
final String subscription2Name = SdkContext.randomResourceName("subs_", 24);
final String subscription3Name = SdkContext.randomResourceName("subs_", 24);
final String sendRuleName = "SendRule";
final String manageRuleName = "ManageRule";
try {
// Create a namespace.
System.out.println("Creating name space " + namespaceName + " in resource group " + rgName + "...");
ServiceBusNamespace serviceBusNamespace = azure.serviceBusNamespaces().define(namespaceName).withRegion(Region.US_WEST).withNewResourceGroup(rgName).withSku(NamespaceSku.PREMIUM_CAPACITY1).withNewTopic(topic1Name, 1024).create();
System.out.println("Created service bus " +;
System.out.println("Created topic following topic along with namespace " + namespaceName);
Topic firstTopic = serviceBusNamespace.topics().getByName(topic1Name);
// Create a service bus subscription in the topic with session and dead-letter enabled.
System.out.println("Creating subscription " + subscription1Name + " in topic " + topic1Name + "...");
ServiceBusSubscription firstSubscription = firstTopic.subscriptions().define(subscription1Name).withSession().withDefaultMessageTTL(new Period().withMinutes(20)).withMessageMovedToDeadLetterSubscriptionOnMaxDeliveryCount(20).withExpiredMessageMovedToDeadLetterSubscription().withMessageMovedToDeadLetterSubscriptionOnFilterEvaluationException().create();
System.out.println("Created subscription " + subscription1Name + " in topic " + topic1Name + "...");
// Create another subscription in the topic with auto deletion of idle entities.
System.out.println("Creating another subscription " + subscription2Name + " in topic " + topic1Name + "...");
ServiceBusSubscription secondSubscription = firstTopic.subscriptions().define(subscription2Name).withSession().withDeleteOnIdleDurationInMinutes(20).create();
System.out.println("Created subscription " + subscription2Name + " in topic " + topic1Name + "...");
// Create second topic with new Send Authorization rule, partitioning enabled and a new Service bus Subscription.
System.out.println("Creating second topic " + topic2Name + ", with De-duplication and AutoDeleteOnIdle features...");
Topic secondTopic = serviceBusNamespace.topics().define(topic2Name).withNewSendRule(sendRuleName).withPartitioning().withNewSubscription(subscription3Name).create();
System.out.println("Created second topic in namespace");
System.out.println("Creating following authorization rules in second topic ");
PagedList<TopicAuthorizationRule> authorizationRules = secondTopic.authorizationRules().list();
for (TopicAuthorizationRule authorizationRule : authorizationRules) {
// Update second topic to change time for AutoDeleteOnIdle time, without Send rule and with a new manage authorization rule.
System.out.println("Updating second topic " + topic2Name + "...");
secondTopic = secondTopic.update().withDeleteOnIdleDurationInMinutes(5).withoutAuthorizationRule(sendRuleName).withNewManageRule(manageRuleName).apply();
System.out.println("Updated second topic to change its auto deletion time");
System.out.println("Updated following authorization rules in second topic, new list of authorization rules are ");
authorizationRules = secondTopic.authorizationRules().list();
for (TopicAuthorizationRule authorizationRule : authorizationRules) {
// Get connection string for default authorization rule of namespace
PagedList<NamespaceAuthorizationRule> namespaceAuthorizationRules = serviceBusNamespace.authorizationRules().list();
System.out.println("Number of authorization rule for namespace :" + namespaceAuthorizationRules.size());
for (NamespaceAuthorizationRule namespaceAuthorizationRule : namespaceAuthorizationRules) {
System.out.println("Getting keys for authorization rule ...");
AuthorizationKeys keys = namespaceAuthorizationRules.get(0).getKeys();
// Send a message to topic.
try {
Configuration config = Configuration.load();
config.setProperty(ServiceBusConfiguration.CONNECTION_STRING, keys.primaryConnectionString());
ServiceBusContract service = ServiceBusService.create(config);
service.sendTopicMessage(topic1Name, new BrokeredMessage("Hello World"));
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Delete a topic and namespace
System.out.println("Deleting topic " + topic1Name + "in namespace " + namespaceName + "...");
System.out.println("Deleted topic " + topic1Name + "...");
System.out.println("Deleting namespace " + namespaceName + "...");
// This will delete the namespace and topic within it.
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Deleted namespace " + namespaceName + "...");
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
System.out.println("Deleting Resource Group: " + rgName);
System.out.println("Deleted Resource Group: " + rgName);
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {
System.out.println("Did not create any resources in Azure. No clean up is necessary");
} catch (Exception g) {
return false;