use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class AmqpsMessageTest method acknowledgeTest.
public void acknowledgeTest() {
// arrange
AmqpsMessage message = new AmqpsMessage();
final DeliveryState expectedDisposition = Accepted.getInstance();
// act
// assert
new Verifications() {
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class AmqpsCbsReceiverLinkHandler method handleCBSResponseMessage.
private void handleCBSResponseMessage(Receiver receiver) {
AmqpsMessage amqpsMessage = super.getMessageFromReceiverLink(receiver);
if (amqpsMessage != null) {
if (amqpsMessage.getApplicationProperties() != null && amqpsMessage.getProperties() != null) {
Properties properties = amqpsMessage.getProperties();
UUID correlationId = (UUID) properties.getCorrelationId();
Map<String, Object> applicationProperties = amqpsMessage.getApplicationProperties().getValue();
if (!this.correlationMap.containsKey(correlationId)) {
log.error("Received cbs authentication message with no correlation id. Ignoring it...");
AuthenticationMessageCallback authenticationMessageCallback = this.correlationMap.remove(correlationId);
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : applicationProperties.entrySet()) {
String propertyKey = entry.getKey();
if (propertyKey.equals(APPLICATION_PROPERTY_STATUS_CODE) && entry.getValue() instanceof Integer) {
int authenticationResponseCode = (int) entry.getValue();
String statusDescription = "";
if (applicationProperties.containsKey(APPLICATION_PROPERTY_STATUS_DESCRIPTION)) {
statusDescription = (String) applicationProperties.get(APPLICATION_PROPERTY_STATUS_DESCRIPTION);
DeliveryState ackType = authenticationMessageCallback.handleAuthenticationResponseMessage(authenticationResponseCode, statusDescription, receiver.getSession().getConnection().getReactor());
} else {
log.warn("Could not handle authentication message because it had no application properties or had no system properties");
// By default, we can't process the message
if (amqpsMessage != null) {
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class AmqpsReceiverLinkHandler method getMessageFromReceiverLink.
AmqpsMessage getMessageFromReceiverLink(Receiver receiver) {
Delivery delivery = receiver.current();
if (delivery == null) {
return null;
if (delivery.isReadable() && !delivery.isPartial()) {
int size = delivery.pending();
byte[] buffer = new byte[size];
int bytesRead = receiver.recv(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
log.trace("read {} bytes from {} receiver link with address {} and link correlation id {}", bytesRead, getLinkInstanceType(), this.receiverLinkAddress, this.linkCorrelationId);
boolean receiverLinkAdvanced = receiver.advance();
if (!receiverLinkAdvanced) {
log.warn("{} receiver link with link correlation id {} did not advance after bytes were read from it", getLinkInstanceType(), this.linkCorrelationId);
if (size != bytesRead) {
log.warn("Amqp read operation on {} receiver link with link correlation id {} did not read the expected amount of bytes. Read {} but expected {}", getLinkInstanceType(), this.linkCorrelationId, bytesRead, size);
AmqpsMessage amqpsMessage = new AmqpsMessage();
amqpsMessage.decode(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
return amqpsMessage;
if (delivery.isPartial()) {
log.trace("Partial delivery received on {} receiver link with address {} and link correlation id {}.", getLinkInstanceType(), this.receiverLinkAddress, this.linkCorrelationId);
} else {
// not partial, but not readable either
log.warn("Unreadable delivery received on {} receiver link with address {} and link correlation id {}.", getLinkInstanceType(), this.receiverLinkAddress, this.linkCorrelationId);
return null;
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class AmqpsReceiverLinkHandler method onDelivery.
public void onDelivery(Event event) {
// Safe to cast as receiver here since this event only fires when a message is ready to be received over this receiver link
Receiver receiverLink = (Receiver) event.getLink();
AmqpsMessage amqpsMessage = this.getMessageFromReceiverLink(receiverLink);
if (amqpsMessage == null) {
// continue to be called until it is fully formed.
IotHubTransportMessage iotHubMessage = this.protonMessageToIoTHubMessage(amqpsMessage);
this.receivedMessagesMap.put(iotHubMessage, amqpsMessage);
log.trace("Current link credit on {} receiver link with address {} and link correlation id {} is {}", this.getLinkInstanceType(), this.receiverLinkAddress, this.linkCorrelationId, receiverLink.getCredit());
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class CbsReceiverLinkHandler method handleCBSResponseMessage.
private void handleCBSResponseMessage() {
AmqpsMessage amqpsMessage = super.getMessageFromReceiverLink();
if (amqpsMessage != null) {
if (amqpsMessage.getApplicationProperties() != null && amqpsMessage.getProperties() != null) {
Properties properties = amqpsMessage.getProperties();
UUID correlationId = (UUID) properties.getCorrelationId();
Map<String, Object> applicationProperties = amqpsMessage.getApplicationProperties().getValue();
if (!this.authenticationMessageCorrelationId.equals(correlationId)) {
log.error("Received cbs authentication message with unexpected correlation id. Ignoring it...");
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : applicationProperties.entrySet()) {
String propertyKey = entry.getKey();
if (propertyKey.equals(APPLICATION_PROPERTY_STATUS_CODE_TAG) && entry.getValue() instanceof Integer) {
int authenticationResponseCode = (int) entry.getValue();
String statusDescription = "";
if (applicationProperties.containsKey(APPLICATION_PROPERTY_STATUS_DESCRIPTION_TAG)) {
statusDescription = (String) applicationProperties.get(APPLICATION_PROPERTY_STATUS_DESCRIPTION_TAG);
DeliveryState ackType = authenticationMessageCallback.handleAuthenticationResponseMessage(authenticationResponseCode, statusDescription);
} else {
log.warn("Could not handle authentication message because it had no application properties or system properties");
} else {
log.warn("Failed to read the message on the CBS receiver link");
// By default, we can't process the message
if (amqpsMessage != null) {