use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class HttpsResponseTest method getHeaderFieldRejectsInvalidFieldName.
// Tests_SRS_HTTPSRESPONSE_25_006: [If a value could not be found for the given header field name, the function shall throw an IllegalArgumentException.]
// Assert
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void getHeaderFieldRejectsInvalidFieldName() throws IllegalArgumentException {
// Arrange
final int status = 200;
final byte[] body = { 1 };
final byte[] errorReason = {};
final Map<String, List<String>> headerFields = new HashMap<>();
final String field = "test-field";
// Act
HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse(status, body, headerFields, errorReason);
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class RegistrationStatusManager method get.
* Get device registration status information.
* @see ProvisioningServiceClient#getDeviceRegistrationState(String)
* @param id the {@code String} that identifies the registration status. It cannot be {@code null} or empty.
* @return An {@link DeviceRegistrationState} with the registration status information.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided parameter is not correct.
* @throws ProvisioningServiceClientTransportException if the SDK failed to send the request to the Device Provisioning Service.
* @throws ProvisioningServiceClientException if the Device Provisioning Service was not able to execute the bulk operation.
public DeviceRegistrationState get(String id) throws ProvisioningServiceClientException {
/* SRS_REGISTRATION_STATUS_MANAGER_21_005: [The get shall throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided id is null or empty.] */
if (Tools.isNullOrEmpty(id)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Id cannot be null or empty.");
/* SRS_REGISTRATION_STATUS_MANAGER_21_006: [The get shall send a Http request for the path `registrations/[id]`.] */
String enrollmentPath = RegistrationStatusManager.getDeviceRegistrationStatePath(id);
/* SRS_REGISTRATION_STATUS_MANAGER_21_007: [The get shall send a Http request with a Http verb `GET`.] */
/* SRS_REGISTRATION_STATUS_MANAGER_21_008: [The get shall throw ProvisioningServiceClientTransportException if the request failed. Threw by the callee.] */
/* SRS_REGISTRATION_STATUS_MANAGER_21_009: [The get shall throw ProvisioningServiceClientException if the Device Provisioning Service could not successfully execute the request. Threw by the callee.] */
HttpResponse httpResponse = contractApiHttp.request(HttpMethod.GET, enrollmentPath, null, "");
/* SRS_REGISTRATION_STATUS_MANAGER_21_028: [The get shall throw ProvisioningServiceClientServiceException if the heepResponse contains a null body.] */
byte[] body = httpResponse.getBody();
if (body == null) {
throw new ProvisioningServiceClientServiceException("Http response for get cannot contains a null body");
/* SRS_REGISTRATION_STATUS_MANAGER_21_010: [The get shall return a DeviceRegistrationState object created from the body of the response for the Http request .] */
return new DeviceRegistrationState(new String(body, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class IndividualEnrollmentManager method createOrUpdate.
* Create or update a device enrollment record.
* @see ProvisioningServiceClient#createOrUpdateIndividualEnrollment(IndividualEnrollment)
* @param individualEnrollment is an {@link IndividualEnrollment} that describes the enrollment that will be created of updated. It cannot be {@code null}.
* @return An {@link IndividualEnrollment} with the result of the creation or update request.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided parameter is not correct.
* @throws ProvisioningServiceClientTransportException if the SDK failed to send the request to the Device Provisioning Service.
* @throws ProvisioningServiceClientException if the Device Provisioning Service was not able to create or update the enrollment.
IndividualEnrollment createOrUpdate(IndividualEnrollment individualEnrollment) throws ProvisioningServiceClientException {
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_005: [The createOrUpdate shall throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided individualEnrollment is null.] */
if (individualEnrollment == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("individualEnrollment cannot be null.");
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_006: [The createOrUpdate shall send a Http request for the path `enrollments/[registrationId]`.] */
String id = individualEnrollment.getRegistrationId();
String enrollmentPath = IndividualEnrollmentManager.getEnrollmentPath(id);
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_007: [The createOrUpdate shall send a Http request with a body with the individualEnrollment content in JSON format.] */
String enrollmentPayload = individualEnrollment.toJson();
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_045: [If the individualEnrollment contains eTag, the createOrUpdate shall send a Http request with `If-Match` the eTag in the header.] */
Map<String, String> headerParameters = new HashMap<>();
if (!Tools.isNullOrEmpty(individualEnrollment.getEtag())) {
headerParameters.put(CONDITION_KEY, individualEnrollment.getEtag());
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_008: [The createOrUpdate shall send a Http request with a Http verb `PUT`.] */
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_009: [The createOrUpdate shall throw ProvisioningServiceClientTransportException if the request failed. Threw by the callee.] */
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_010: [The createOrUpdate shall throw ProvisioningServiceClientException if the Device Provisioning Service could not successfully execute the request. Threw by the callee.] */
HttpResponse httpResponse = contractApiHttp.request(HttpMethod.PUT, enrollmentPath, headerParameters, enrollmentPayload);
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_042: [The createOrUpdate shall throw ProvisioningServiceClientServiceException if the heepResponse contains a null body.] */
byte[] body = httpResponse.getBody();
if (body == null) {
throw new ProvisioningServiceClientServiceException("Http response for createOrUpdate cannot contains a null body");
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_011: [The createOrUpdate shall return an IndividualEnrollment object created from the body of the response for the Http request .] */
return new IndividualEnrollment(new String(body, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class IndividualEnrollmentManager method get.
* Get individualEnrollment information.
* @see ProvisioningServiceClient#getIndividualEnrollment(String)
* @param registrationId the {@code String} that identifies the individualEnrollment. It cannot be {@code null} or empty.
* @return An {@link IndividualEnrollment} with the enrollment information.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided parameter is not correct.
* @throws ProvisioningServiceClientTransportException if the SDK failed to send the request to the Device Provisioning Service.
* @throws ProvisioningServiceClientException if the Device Provisioning Service was not able to execute the get operation.
IndividualEnrollment get(String registrationId) throws ProvisioningServiceClientException {
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_020: [The get shall throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided registrationId is null or empty.] */
if (Tools.isNullOrEmpty(registrationId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("registrationId cannot be null or empty.");
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_021: [The get shall send a Http request for the path `enrollments/[registrationId]`.] */
String enrollmentPath = IndividualEnrollmentManager.getEnrollmentPath(registrationId);
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_022: [The get shall send a Http request with a Http verb `GET`.] */
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_023: [The get shall throw ProvisioningServiceClientTransportException if the request failed. Threw by the callee.] */
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_024: [The get shall throw ProvisioningServiceClientException if the Device Provisioning Service could not successfully execute the request. Threw by the callee.] */
HttpResponse httpResponse = contractApiHttp.request(HttpMethod.GET, enrollmentPath, null, "");
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_044: [The get shall throw ProvisioningServiceClientServiceException if the heepResponse contains a null body.] */
byte[] body = httpResponse.getBody();
if (body == null) {
throw new ProvisioningServiceClientServiceException("Http response for get cannot contains a null body");
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_025: [The get shall return an IndividualEnrollment object created from the body of the response for the Http request .] */
return new IndividualEnrollment(new String(body, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class HttpsRequestTest method sendReturnsHeaderFieldsOnBadStatusException.
// Tests_SRS_HTTPSREQUEST_25_008: [If an I/O exception occurs because of a bad response status code, the function shall attempt to flush or read the error stream so that the underlying HTTPS connection can be reused.]
public void sendReturnsHeaderFieldsOnBadStatusException(@Mocked final HttpConnection mockConn, @Mocked final URL mockUrl) throws IOException {
// Arrange
final Map<String, List<String>> headerFields = new HashMap<>();
final String field = "test-field";
final List<String> values = new LinkedList<>();
final String value = "test-value0";
headerFields.put(field, values);
final HttpMethod httpsMethod = HttpMethod.POST;
final byte[] body = new byte[0];
new NonStrictExpectations() {
result = "http";
result = new IOException();
result = headerFields;
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(mockUrl, httpsMethod, body);
// Act
HttpResponse response = request.send();
String testValues = response.getHeaderField(field);
// Assert
assertThat(testValues, is(value));