use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class IndividualEnrollmentManager method getAttestationMechanism.
AttestationMechanism getAttestationMechanism(String registrationId) throws ProvisioningServiceClientException {
if (Tools.isNullOrEmpty(registrationId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("registrationId cannot be null or empty.");
String enrollmentAttestationMechanismPath = IndividualEnrollmentManager.getEnrollmentAttestationMechanismPath(registrationId);
String payload = "{}";
HttpResponse httpResponse = contractApiHttp.request(HttpMethod.POST, enrollmentAttestationMechanismPath, null, payload);
byte[] body = httpResponse.getBody();
if (body == null) {
throw new ProvisioningServiceClientServiceException("Unexpected empty body received from service");
return new AttestationMechanism(new String(body, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class IndividualEnrollmentManager method bulkOperation.
* Rum a bulk individualEnrollment operation.
* @see ProvisioningServiceClient#runBulkEnrollmentOperation(BulkOperationMode, Collection)
* @param bulkOperationMode the {@link BulkOperationMode} that defines the single operation to do over the individualEnrollments. It cannot be {@code null}.
* @param individualEnrollments the collection of {@link IndividualEnrollment} that contains the description of each individualEnrollment. It cannot be {@code null} or empty.
* @return An {@link BulkEnrollmentOperationResult} with the result of the bulk operation request.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided parameters are not correct.
* @throws ProvisioningServiceClientTransportException if the SDK failed to send the request to the Device Provisioning Service.
* @throws ProvisioningServiceClientException if the Device Provisioning Service was not able to execute the bulk operation.
BulkEnrollmentOperationResult bulkOperation(BulkOperationMode bulkOperationMode, Collection<IndividualEnrollment> individualEnrollments) throws ProvisioningServiceClientException {
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_012: [The BulkEnrollmentOperation shall throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided bulkOperationMode is null.] */
if (bulkOperationMode == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("bulkOperationMode cannot be null.");
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_013: [The BulkEnrollmentOperation shall throw IllegalArgumentException if the provided individualEnrollments is null or empty.] */
if ((individualEnrollments == null) || individualEnrollments.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("individualEnrollments cannot be null or empty.");
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_014: [The BulkEnrollmentOperation shall send a Http request for the path `individualEnrollments`.] */
String bulkEnrollmentPath = IndividualEnrollmentManager.getEnrollmentsPath();
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_015: [The BulkEnrollmentOperation shall send a Http request with a body with the individualEnrollments content in JSON format.] */
String bulkEnrollmentPayload = BulkEnrollmentOperation.toJson(bulkOperationMode, individualEnrollments);
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_016: [The BulkEnrollmentOperation shall send a Http request with a Http verb `POST`.] */
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_017: [The BulkEnrollmentOperation shall throw ProvisioningServiceClientTransportException if the request failed. Threw by the callee.] */
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_018: [The BulkEnrollmentOperation shall throw ProvisioningServiceClientException if the Device Provisioning Service could not successfully execute the request. Threw by the callee.] */
HttpResponse httpResponse = contractApiHttp.request(HttpMethod.POST, bulkEnrollmentPath, null, bulkEnrollmentPayload);
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_043: [The BulkEnrollmentOperation shall throw ProvisioningServiceClientServiceException if the heepResponse contains a null body.] */
byte[] body = httpResponse.getBody();
if (body == null) {
throw new ProvisioningServiceClientServiceException("Http response for BulkEnrollmentOperation cannot contains a null body");
/* SRS_INDIVIDUAL_ENROLLMENT_MANAGER_21_019: [The BulkEnrollmentOperation shall return a BulkEnrollmentOperationResult object created from the body of the response for the Http request .] */
return new BulkEnrollmentOperationResult(new String(body, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class Query method next.
* Return the next page of result for the query.
* @return A {@link QueryResult} with the next page of items for the query.
* @throws NoSuchElementException if the query does no have more pages to return.
public QueryResult next() {
if (!hasNext) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("There are no more pending elements");
Map<String, String> headerParameters = new HashMap<>();
if (pageSize != 0) {
headerParameters.put(PAGE_SIZE_KEY, Integer.toString(pageSize));
if (!Tools.isNullOrEmpty(this.continuationToken)) {
headerParameters.put(CONTINUATION_TOKEN_KEY, this.continuationToken);
HttpResponse httpResponse;
try {
httpResponse = contractApiHttp.request(HttpMethod.POST, queryPath, headerParameters, querySpecificationJson);
} catch (ProvisioningServiceClientException e) {
// Because Query implements the iterator interface, the next cannot throws ProvisioningServiceClientException.
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
byte[] body = httpResponse.getBody();
if (body == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Http response for next cannot contains a null body");
String bodyStr = new String(body, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
Map<String, String> headers = httpResponse.getHeaderFields();
String type = headers.get(ITEM_TYPE_KEY);
this.continuationToken = headers.get(CONTINUATION_TOKEN_KEY);
hasNext = (this.continuationToken != null);
return new QueryResult(type, bodyStr, this.continuationToken);
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class ContractApiHttp method request.
* This function sends a raw information to the Device Provisioning Service service using http protocol.
* <p>
* The purpose of this function is be the base communication between the controllers and the
* Service, and should be used only if you have full understanding of the Device Provisioning Service rest APIs.
* We highly recommend that you uses the APis under <b>{@link ProvisioningServiceClient}</b>
* instead of directly access the rest API using this class.
* </p>
* @param httpMethod is the http verb in the request (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH).
* @param path is the path to the resource in the service that will compose the URL.
* @param headerParameters is a list of pairs key values that contains optional parameters in the http header.
* @param payload is the body of the message.
* @return the {@code HttpResponse} that contains the response of the request.
* @throws ProvisioningServiceClientTransportException if the Service Client failed to exchange http messages with the Provisioning Service.
* @throws ProvisioningServiceClientException if the Provisioning Service response contains an error message.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided parameters are not correct.
public synchronized HttpResponse request(HttpMethod httpMethod, String path, Map<String, String> headerParameters, String payload) throws ProvisioningServiceClientException {
/* SRS_HTTP_DEVICE_REGISTRATION_CLIENT_21_005: [The request shall create a SAS token based on the connection string.*/
/* SRS_HTTP_DEVICE_REGISTRATION_CLIENT_21_006: [If the request get problem to create the SAS token, it shall throw IllegalArgumentException.*/
String sasTokenString = new ProvisioningSasToken(this.provisioningConnectionString).toString();
/* SRS_HTTP_DEVICE_REGISTRATION_CLIENT_21_007: [The request shall create a HTTP URL based on the Device Registration path.*/
URL url = getUrlForPath(path);
/* SRS_HTTP_DEVICE_REGISTRATION_CLIENT_21_010: [The request shall create a new HttpRequest.*/
HttpRequest request = createRequest(url, httpMethod, headerParameters, payload.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), sasTokenString);
/* SRS_HTTP_DEVICE_REGISTRATION_CLIENT_21_014: [The request shall send the request to the Device Provisioning Service service by using the HttpRequest.send().*/
/* SRS_HTTP_DEVICE_REGISTRATION_CLIENT_21_015: [If the HttpRequest failed send the message, the request shall throw ProvisioningServiceClientTransportException, threw by the callee.*/
HttpResponse httpResponse;
try {
httpResponse = request.send();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ProvisioningServiceClientTransportException(e);
/* SRS_HTTP_DEVICE_REGISTRATION_CLIENT_21_016: [If the Device Provisioning Service service respond to the HttpRequest with any error code, the request shall throw the appropriated ProvisioningServiceClientException, by calling ProvisioningServiceClientExceptionManager.responseVerification().*/
ProvisioningServiceClientExceptionManager.httpResponseVerification(httpResponse.getStatus(), new String(httpResponse.getErrorReason(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
return httpResponse;
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class ContractAPIHttp method requestNonceForTPM.
* Requests hub to provide a device key to begin authentication over HTTP (Only for TPM)
* @param responseCallback A non {@code null} value for the callback
* @param dpsAuthorizationCallbackContext An object for context. Can be {@code null}
* @param requestData A non {@code null} value with all the required request data
* @throws ProvisioningDeviceClientException If any of the parameters are invalid ({@code null} or empty)
* @throws ProvisioningDeviceTransportException If any of the API calls to transport fail
* @throws ProvisioningDeviceHubException If hub responds back with status other than 300 or less
public synchronized void requestNonceForTPM(RequestData requestData, ResponseCallback responseCallback, Object dpsAuthorizationCallbackContext) throws ProvisioningDeviceClientException {
// SRS_ContractAPIHttp_25_003: [If either registrationId, sslcontext or responseCallback is null or if registrationId is empty then this method shall throw ProvisioningDeviceClientException.]
if (requestData.getRegistrationId() == null || requestData.getRegistrationId().isEmpty()) {
throw new ProvisioningDeviceClientException(new IllegalArgumentException("registration Id cannot be null or empty"));
if (requestData.getEndorsementKey() == null) {
throw new ProvisioningDeviceClientException(new IllegalArgumentException("Endorsement key cannot be null"));
if (requestData.getStorageRootKey() == null) {
throw new ProvisioningDeviceClientException(new IllegalArgumentException("Storage root key cannot be null"));
if (requestData.getSslContext() == null) {
throw new ProvisioningDeviceClientException(new IllegalArgumentException("sslContext cannot be null"));
if (responseCallback == null) {
throw new ProvisioningDeviceClientException(new IllegalArgumentException("responseCallback cannot be null"));
try {
// SRS_ContractAPIHttp_25_004: [This method shall retrieve the Url by calling 'generateRegisterUrl' on an object for UrlPathBuilder.]
String url = new UrlPathBuilder(this.hostName, this.idScope, ProvisioningDeviceClientTransportProtocol.HTTPS).generateRegisterUrl(requestData.getRegistrationId());
String base64EncodedEk = new String(encodeBase64(requestData.getEndorsementKey()), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
String base64EncodedSrk = new String(encodeBase64(requestData.getStorageRootKey()), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
// SRS_ContractAPIHttp_25_025: [ This method shall build the required Json input using parser. ]
byte[] payload = new DeviceRegistrationParser(requestData.getRegistrationId(), requestData.getPayload(), base64EncodedEk, base64EncodedSrk).toJson().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
// SRS_ContractAPIHttp_25_005: [This method shall prepare the PUT request by setting following headers on a HttpRequest 1. User-Agent : User Agent String for the SDK 2. Accept : "application/json" 3. Content-Type: "application/json; charset=utf-8".]
HttpRequest httpRequest = this.prepareRequest(new URL(url), HttpMethod.PUT, payload, null);
// SRS_ContractAPIHttp_25_006: [This method shall set the SSLContext for the Http Request.]
HttpResponse httpResponse = null;
try {
// SRS_ContractAPIHttp_25_007: [This method shall send http request and verify the status by calling 'ProvisioningDeviceClientExceptionManager.verifyHttpResponse'.]
httpResponse = httpRequest.send();
} catch (ProvisioningDeviceHubException e) {
// SRS_ContractAPIHttp_25_008: [If service return a status as 404 then this method shall trigger the callback to the user with the response message.]
if (httpResponse.getStatus() == ACCEPTABLE_NONCE_HTTP_STATUS) {
String tpmRegistrationResultJson = new String(httpResponse.getErrorReason(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
TpmRegistrationResultParser registerResponseTPMParser = TpmRegistrationResultParser.createFromJson(tpmRegistrationResultJson);
byte[] base64DecodedAuthKey = decodeBase64(registerResponseTPMParser.getAuthenticationKey().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); ResponseData(base64DecodedAuthKey, ContractState.DPS_REGISTRATION_RECEIVED, 0), dpsAuthorizationCallbackContext);
} else {
// SRS_ContractAPIHttp_25_009: [If service return any other status other than 404 then this method shall throw ProvisioningDeviceTransportException in case of 202 or ProvisioningDeviceHubException on any other status.]
throw e;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ProvisioningDeviceTransportException(e);
throw new ProvisioningDeviceTransportException("Service did not return any authorization request");