use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class IotHubReceiveTaskTest method runDoesNotCrashFromThrowable.
// Tests_SRS_IOTHUBRECEIVETASK_11_005: [The function shall not crash because of any error or exception thrown by the transport.]
public void runDoesNotCrashFromThrowable() throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
new NonStrictExpectations() {
result = new Throwable("Test if the receive task does not crash.");
IotHubReceiveTask receiveTask = new IotHubReceiveTask(mockTransport);;
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class IotHubReceiveTaskTest method runDoesNotCrashFromIoException.
// Tests_SRS_IOTHUBRECEIVETASK_11_004: [The function shall not crash because of an IOException thrown by the transport.]
public void runDoesNotCrashFromIoException() throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
new NonStrictExpectations() {
result = new IOException();
IotHubReceiveTask receiveTask = new IotHubReceiveTask(mockTransport);;
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class DeviceIO method open.
* Starts asynchronously sending and receiving messages from an IoT Hub. If
* the client is already open, the function shall do nothing.
* @throws IOException if a connection to an IoT Hub is cannot be established.
public void open() throws IOException {
/* Codes_SRS_DEVICE_IO_21_007: [If the client is already open, the open shall do nothing.] */
if (this.state == IotHubClientState.OPEN) {
if (this.config.getPathToCertificate() == null && this.config.getUserCertificateString() == null) {
try {
/* Codes_SRS_DEVICE_IO_21_008: [The open shall create default IotHubSSL context if no certificate input was provided by user and save it by calling setIotHubSSLContext.] */
IotHubSSLContext iotHubSSLContext = new IotHubSSLContext();
} catch (Exception e) {
/* Codes_SRS_DEVICE_IO_21_011: [If an exception is thrown when creating a SSL context then Open shall throw IOException to the user indicating the failure] */
throw new IOException(e.getCause());
} else if (this.config.getPathToCertificate() != null) {
try {
/* Codes_SRS_DEVICE_IO_21_009: [The open shall create IotHubSSL context with the certificate path if input was provided by user and save it by calling setIotHubSSLContext.] */
IotHubSSLContext iotHubSSLContext = new IotHubSSLContext(this.config.getPathToCertificate(), true);
} catch (Exception e) {
/* Codes_SRS_DEVICE_IO_21_011: [If an exception is thrown when creating a SSL context then open shall throw IOException to the user indicating the failure] */
throw new IOException(e.getCause());
} else {
try {
/* Codes_SRS_DEVICE_IO_21_010: [The open shall create IotHubSSL context with the certificate String if input was provided by user and save it by calling setIotHubSSLContext.] */
IotHubSSLContext iotHubSSLContext = new IotHubSSLContext(this.config.getUserCertificateString(), false);
} catch (Exception e) {
/* Codes_SRS_DEVICE_IO_21_011: [If an exception is thrown when creating a SSL context then open shall throw IOException to the user indicating the failure] */
throw new IOException(e.getCause());
/* Codes_SRS_DEVICE_IO_21_012: [The open shall open the transport to communicate with an IoT Hub.] */
/* Codes_SRS_DEVICE_IO_21_015: [If an error occurs in opening the transport, the open shall throw an IOException.] */;
this.sendTask = new IotHubSendTask(this.transport);
this.receiveTask = new IotHubReceiveTask(this.transport);
this.taskScheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2);
// the scheduler waits until each execution is finished before
// scheduling the next one, so executions of a given task
// will never overlap.
/* Codes_SRS_DEVICE_IO_21_013: [The open shall schedule send tasks to run every SEND_PERIOD_MILLIS milliseconds.] */
this.taskScheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(this.sendTask, 0, sendPeriodInMilliseconds, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
/* Codes_SRS_DEVICE_IO_21_014: [The open shall schedule receive tasks to run every receivePeriodInMilliseconds milliseconds.] */
this.taskScheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(this.receiveTask, 0, receivePeriodInMilliseconds, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
/* Codes_SRS_DEVICE_IO_21_016: [The open shall set the `state` as `OPEN`.] */
this.state = IotHubClientState.OPEN;
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class IotHubReceiveTaskTest method runReceivesAllMessages.
// Tests_SRS_IOTHUBRECEIVETASK_11_001: [The constructor shall save the transport.]
// Tests_SRS_IOTHUBRECEIVETASK_11_002: [The function shall poll an IoT Hub for messages, invoke the message callback if one exists, and return one of COMPLETE, ABANDON, or REJECT to the IoT Hub.]
public void runReceivesAllMessages() throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
IotHubReceiveTask receiveTask = new IotHubReceiveTask(mockTransport);;
new Verifications() {