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Example 6 with IotHubTransportMessage

use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.

the class FileUploadTask method getFileUploadSasUri.

public FileUploadSasUriResponse getFileUploadSasUri(FileUploadSasUriRequest request) throws IOException {
    IotHubTransportMessage message = new IotHubTransportMessage(request.toJson());
    ResponseMessage responseMessage;;
    responseMessage = httpsTransportManager.getFileUploadSasUri(message);
    String responseMessagePayload = validateServiceStatusCode(responseMessage, "Failed to get the file upload SAS URI");
    if (responseMessagePayload == null || responseMessagePayload.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IOException("Sas URI response message had no payload");
    return new FileUploadSasUriResponse(responseMessagePayload);
Also used : ResponseMessage( IOException( FileUploadSasUriResponse( IotHubTransportMessage(

Example 7 with IotHubTransportMessage

use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.

the class HttpsIotHubConnection method sendMessage.

 * Sends an event message.
 * @param message the event message.
 * @return the IotHubStatusCode from sending the event message.
 * @throws TransportException if the IoT Hub could not be reached.
public IotHubStatusCode sendMessage(Message message) throws TransportException {
    synchronized (HTTPS_CONNECTION_LOCK) {
        // Here we check if it's a bulk message and serialize it.
        HttpsMessage httpsMessage;
        if (message instanceof BatchMessage) {
            try {
                List<HttpsSingleMessage> httpsMessageList = new ArrayList<>();
                for (Message msg : ((BatchMessage) message).getNestedMessages()) {
                httpsMessage = new HttpsBatchMessage(httpsMessageList);
            } catch (IotHubSizeExceededException e) {
                throw new TransportException("Failed to create HTTPS batch message", e);
        } else {
            httpsMessage = HttpsSingleMessage.parseHttpsMessage(message);
        String iotHubHostname = getHostName();
        String deviceId = this.config.getDeviceId();
        String moduleId = this.config.getModuleId();
        // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_002: [The function shall send a request to the URL 'https://[iotHubHostname]/devices/[deviceId]/messages/events?api-version=2016-02-03'.]
        IotHubEventUri iotHubEventUri = new IotHubEventUri(iotHubHostname, deviceId, moduleId);
        URL eventUrl = this.buildUrlFromString(HTTPS_HEAD_TAG + iotHubEventUri.toString());
        // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_003: [The function shall send a POST request.]
        // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_004: [The function shall set the request body to the message body.]
        HttpsRequest request = new HttpsRequest(eventUrl, HttpsMethod.POST, httpsMessage.getBody(), this.config.getProductInfo().getUserAgentString(), config.getProxySettings());
        // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_005: [The function shall write each message property as a request header.]
        for (MessageProperty property : httpsMessage.getProperties()) {
            request.setHeaderField(property.getName(), property.getValue());
        if (message.getContentEncoding() != null) {
            // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_34_073: [If the provided message has a content encoding, this function shall set the request header to include that value with the key "iothub-contentencoding".]
            request.setHeaderField(MessageProperty.IOTHUB_CONTENT_ENCODING, message.getContentEncoding());
        if (message.getContentType() != null) {
            // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_34_074: [If the provided message has a content type, this function shall set the request header to include that value with the key "iothub-contenttype".]
            request.setHeaderField(MessageProperty.IOTHUB_CONTENT_TYPE, message.getContentType());
        if (message.getCreationTimeUTC() != null) {
            // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_34_075: [If the provided message has a creation time utc, this function shall set the request header to include that value with the key "iothub-contenttype".]
            request.setHeaderField(MessageProperty.IOTHUB_CREATION_TIME_UTC, message.getCreationTimeUTCString());
        if (message.isSecurityMessage()) {
            request.setHeaderField(MessageProperty.IOTHUB_SECURITY_INTERFACE_ID, MessageProperty.IOTHUB_SECURITY_INTERFACE_ID_VALUE);
        Map<String, String> systemProperties = httpsMessage.getSystemProperties();
        for (String systemProperty : systemProperties.keySet()) {
            request.setHeaderField(systemProperty, systemProperties.get(systemProperty));
        // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_008: [The function shall set the header field 'iothub-to' to be '/devices/[deviceId]/messages/events'.]
        request.setHeaderField(HTTPS_PROPERTY_IOTHUB_TO_TAG, iotHubEventUri.getPath()).setHeaderField(HTTPS_PROPERTY_CONTENT_TYPE_TAG, httpsMessage.getContentType());
        // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_25_040: [The function shall set the IotHub SSL context by calling setSSLContext on the request.]
        // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_007: [The function shall set the header field 'authorization' to be a valid SAS token generated from the configuration parameters.]
        // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_34_059: [If this config is using x509 authentication, this function shall retrieve its sslcontext from its x509 Authentication object.]
        // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_11_006: [The function shall set the request read timeout to be the configuration parameter readTimeoutMillis.]
        log.trace("Sending message using http request ({})", message);
        HttpsResponse response = this.sendRequest(request);
        IotHubStatusCode status = IotHubStatusCode.getIotHubStatusCode(response.getStatus());
        log.trace("Iot Hub responded to http message for iot hub message ({}) with status code {}", message, status);
        IotHubTransportMessage transportMessage = new IotHubTransportMessage(httpsMessage.getBody(), message.getMessageType(), message.getMessageId(), message.getCorrelationId(), message.getProperties());
        if (status == IotHubStatusCode.OK || status == IotHubStatusCode.OK_EMPTY) {
            // Codes_SRS_HTTPSIOTHUBCONNECTION_34_067: [If the response from the service is OK or OK_EMPTY, this function shall notify its listener that a message was sent with no exception.]
            this.listener.onMessageSent(transportMessage, this.config.getDeviceId(), null);
        return status;
Also used : IotHubTransportMessage( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IotHubTransportMessage( TransportException( URL( IotHubSizeExceededException(

Example 8 with IotHubTransportMessage

use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.

the class AmqpsTelemetryReceiverLinkHandler method protonMessageToIoTHubMessage.

protected IotHubTransportMessage protonMessageToIoTHubMessage(AmqpsMessage protonMsg) {
    IotHubTransportMessage iotHubTransportMessage = super.protonMessageToIoTHubMessage(protonMsg);
    if (protonMsg.getMessageAnnotations() != null && protonMsg.getMessageAnnotations().getValue() != null) {
        Map<Symbol, Object> applicationProperties = protonMsg.getMessageAnnotations().getValue();
        for (Map.Entry<Symbol, Object> entry : applicationProperties.entrySet()) {
            String propertyKey = entry.getKey().toString();
            if (propertyKey.equals(INPUT_NAME_PROPERTY_KEY)) {
    // inputName may be null, and if it is, then the default callback and default callback context will be used from config
    String inputName = iotHubTransportMessage.getInputName();
    MessageCallback messageCallback = deviceClientConfig.getDeviceTelemetryMessageCallback(inputName);
    Object messageContext = deviceClientConfig.getDeviceTelemetryMessageContext(inputName);
    return iotHubTransportMessage;
Also used : Symbol(org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.Symbol) IotHubTransportMessage( Map(java.util.Map) MessageCallback(

Example 9 with IotHubTransportMessage

use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.

the class MqttDeviceTwin method receive.

public IotHubTransportMessage receive() throws TransportException {
    synchronized (this.receivedMessagesLock) {
        IotHubTransportMessage message = null;
        Pair<String, byte[]> messagePair = this.receivedMessages.peek();
        if (messagePair != null) {
            String topic = messagePair.getKey();
            if (topic != null && topic.length() > 0) {
                if (topic.length() > TWIN.length() && topic.startsWith(TWIN)) {
                    byte[] data = messagePair.getValue();
                    // remove this message from the queue as this is the correct handler
                    if (topic.length() > RES.length() && topic.startsWith(RES)) {
                        // Tokenize on backslash
                        String[] topicTokens = topic.split(Pattern.quote("/"));
                        if (data != null && data.length > 0) {
                            message = new IotHubTransportMessage(data, MessageType.DEVICE_TWIN);
                        } else {
                            // Case for $iothub/twin/res/{status}/?$rid={request id}
                            // empty body
                            message = new IotHubTransportMessage(new byte[0], MessageType.DEVICE_TWIN);
                        // Case for $iothub/twin/res/{status}/?$rid={request id}&$version={new version}
                        if (topicTokens.length > STATUS_TOKEN) {
                        } else {
                            this.throwDeviceTwinTransportException(new IotHubServiceException("Message received without status"));
                        if (topicTokens.length > REQID_TOKEN) {
                            String requestId = getRequestId(topicTokens[REQID_TOKEN]);
                            // MQTT does not have the concept of correlationId for request/response handling but it does have a requestId
                            // To handle this we are setting the correlationId to the requestId to better handle correlation
                            // whether we use MQTT or AMQP.
                            if (requestMap.containsKey(requestId)) {
                                switch(requestMap.remove(requestId)) {
                                    case DEVICE_OPERATION_TWIN_GET_REQUEST:
                            } else {
                                this.throwDeviceTwinTransportException(new UnsupportedOperationException("Request Id is mandatory"));
                        if (topicTokens.length > VERSION_TOKEN) {
                    } else if (topic.length() > PATCH.length() && topic.startsWith(PATCH)) {
                        if (topic.startsWith(PATCH + BACKSLASH + PROPERTIES + BACKSLASH + DESIRED)) {
                            if (data != null) {
                                message = new IotHubTransportMessage(data, MessageType.DEVICE_TWIN);
                            } else {
                                this.throwDeviceTwinTransportException(new UnsupportedOperationException());
                            // Case for $iothub/twin/PATCH/properties/desired/?$version={new version}
                            // Tokenize on backslash
                            String[] topicTokens = topic.split(Pattern.quote("/"));
                            if (topicTokens.length > PATCH_VERSION_TOKEN) {
                                if (message != null) {
                        } else {
                            this.throwDeviceTwinTransportException(new UnsupportedOperationException());
                    } else {
                        this.throwDeviceTwinTransportException(new UnsupportedOperationException());
        return message;
Also used : IotHubServiceException( IotHubTransportMessage(

Example 10 with IotHubTransportMessage

use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.

the class FileUploadTaskTest method runSendRequestThrows.

/* Tests_SRS_FILEUPLOADTASK_21_031: [If run failed to send the request, it shall call the userCallback with the status `ERROR`, and abort the upload.] */
public void runSendRequestThrows() throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, URISyntaxException {
    // arrange
    new NonStrictExpectations() {

            new FileUploadSasUriRequest(VALID_BLOB_NAME);
            result = mockFileUploadSasUriRequest;
            result = VALID_REQUEST_JSON;
            new IotHubTransportMessage(VALID_REQUEST_JSON);
            result = mockMessageRequest;
            result = new IOException();
    FileUploadTask fileUploadTask = Deencapsulation.newInstance(FileUploadTask.class, new Class[] { String.class, InputStream.class, long.class, HttpsTransportManager.class, IotHubEventCallback.class, Object.class }, VALID_BLOB_NAME, mockInputStream, VALID_STREAM_LENGTH, mockHttpsTransportManager, mockIotHubEventCallback, VALID_CALLBACK_CONTEXT);
    // act
    Deencapsulation.invoke(fileUploadTask, "run");
    // assert
    new Verifications() {

            times = 1;
            mockIotHubEventCallback.execute(IotHubStatusCode.ERROR, VALID_CALLBACK_CONTEXT);
            times = 1;
Also used : FileUploadTask( IOException( IotHubTransportMessage( Verifications(mockit.Verifications) NonStrictExpectations(mockit.NonStrictExpectations) FileUploadSasUriRequest( Test(org.junit.Test)


IotHubTransportMessage ( Test (org.junit.Test)108 Message ( MutablePair (org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.MutablePair)33 Pair (org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair)33 DeviceTwin ( MqttDeviceTwin ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)24 DeviceOperations ( ConcurrentLinkedQueue (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue)16 MessageType ( Verifications (mockit.Verifications)10 MqttDeviceMethod ( NonStrictExpectations (mockit.NonStrictExpectations)8 IOException ( FileUploadTask ( MessageCallback ( MethodResult ( HttpsTransportManager ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3