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the class ProvisioningErrorParserTest method getExceptionMessageContainsErrorCodeTrackingIdAndMessage.
// Tests_SRS_PROVISIONING_ERROR_PARSER_34_002: [This function shall return a string containing the saved error code, message, and tracking id]
public void getExceptionMessageContainsErrorCodeTrackingIdAndMessage() {
// arrange
final int statusCode = 200;
final String trackingIdValue = "some tracking id";
final String messageValue = "This is an error message!";
final String provisioningErrorParserJson = "{\"errorCode\" : " + statusCode + ", \"trackingId\" : \"" + trackingIdValue + "\", \"message\" : \"" + messageValue + "\"}";
ProvisioningErrorParser errorParser = ProvisioningErrorParser.createFromJson(provisioningErrorParserJson);
// act
String errorMessage = errorParser.getExceptionMessage();
// assert
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class RegisterTask method authenticateWithSasToken.
private RegistrationOperationStatusParser authenticateWithSasToken(RequestData requestData) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ProvisioningDeviceClientException, SecurityProviderException {
/*SRS_RegisterTask_25_014: [ If the provided security client is for Key then, this method shall construct SasToken by doing the following
1. Build a tokenScope of format <scope>/registrations/<registrationId>
2. Sign the HSM with the string of format <tokenScope>/n<expiryTime> and receive a token
3. Encode the token to Base64 format and UrlEncode it to generate the signature. ]*/
String sasToken = this.constructSasToken();
// SRS_RegisterTask_25_016: [ If the provided security client is for Key then, this method shall trigger authenticateWithProvisioningService on the contract API using the sasToken generated and wait for response and return it. ]
ResponseData responseDataForSasTokenAuth = new ResponseData();
this.provisioningDeviceClientContract.authenticateWithProvisioningService(requestData, responseCallback, responseDataForSasTokenAuth);
if (responseDataForSasTokenAuth.getResponseData() != null && responseDataForSasTokenAuth.getContractState() == DPS_REGISTRATION_RECEIVED) {
String jsonBody = new String(responseDataForSasTokenAuth.getResponseData(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
try {
return RegistrationOperationStatusParser.createFromJson(jsonBody);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
ProvisioningErrorParser provisioningErrorParser = ProvisioningErrorParser.createFromJson(jsonBody);
throw new ProvisioningDeviceClientException(provisioningErrorParser.getExceptionMessage());
} else {
// SRS_RegisterTask_25_017: [ If the provided security client is for Key then, this method shall throw ProvisioningDeviceClientException if null response to authenticateWithProvisioningService is received. ]
throw new ProvisioningDeviceClientAuthenticationException("Service did not authorize SasToken");
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class RegisterTask method authenticateWithX509.
private RegistrationOperationStatusParser authenticateWithX509(RequestData requestData) throws ProvisioningDeviceClientException {
try {
// SRS_RegisterTask_25_006: [ If the provided security client is for X509 then, this method shall trigger authenticateWithProvisioningService on the contract API and wait for response and return it. ]
ResponseData dpsRegistrationData = new ResponseData();
this.provisioningDeviceClientContract.authenticateWithProvisioningService(requestData, responseCallback, dpsRegistrationData);
if (dpsRegistrationData.getResponseData() != null && dpsRegistrationData.getContractState() == DPS_REGISTRATION_RECEIVED) {
String jsonBody = new String(dpsRegistrationData.getResponseData(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
try {
return RegistrationOperationStatusParser.createFromJson(jsonBody);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// SRS_StatusTask_34_010: [ If the response data cannot be parsed into a RegistrationOperationStatusParser,
// this function shall parse it into a ProvisioningErrorParser and throw a ProvisioningDeviceClientException with the parsed message. ]
ProvisioningErrorParser provisioningErrorParser = ProvisioningErrorParser.createFromJson(jsonBody);
throw new ProvisioningDeviceClientException(provisioningErrorParser.getExceptionMessage());
} else {
// SRS_RegisterTask_25_007: [ If the provided security client is for X509 then, this method shall throw ProvisioningDeviceClientException if null response is received. ]
throw new ProvisioningDeviceClientException("Did not receive DPS registration successfully");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new ProvisioningDeviceClientException(e);
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class StatusTask method getRegistrationStatus.
private RegistrationOperationStatusParser getRegistrationStatus(String operationId, Authorization authorization) throws ProvisioningDeviceClientException {
try {
// SRS_StatusTask_25_003: [ This method shall throw ProvisioningDeviceClientException if registration id is null or empty. ]
String registrationId = this.securityProvider.getRegistrationId();
if (registrationId == null || registrationId.isEmpty()) {
throw new ProvisioningDeviceSecurityException("registrationId cannot be null or empty");
// SRS_StatusTask_25_004: [ This method shall retrieve the SSL context from Authorization and throw ProvisioningDeviceClientException if it is null. ]
SSLContext sslContext = authorization.getSslContext();
if (sslContext == null) {
throw new ProvisioningDeviceSecurityException("SSL context cannot be null");
RequestData requestData = new RequestData(registrationId, operationId, authorization.getSslContext(), authorization.getSasToken(), null);
// SRS_StatusTask_25_005: [ This method shall trigger getRegistrationState on the contract API and wait for response and return it. ]
ResponseData responseData = new ResponseData();
provisioningDeviceClientContract.getRegistrationStatus(requestData, new ResponseCallbackImpl(), responseData);
if (responseData.getResponseData() == null || responseData.getContractState() != ContractState.DPS_REGISTRATION_RECEIVED) {
if (responseData.getResponseData() != null && responseData.getContractState() == ContractState.DPS_REGISTRATION_RECEIVED) {
String jsonBody = new String(responseData.getResponseData(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
try {
return RegistrationOperationStatusParser.createFromJson(jsonBody);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// SRS_StatusTask_34_007: [ If the response data cannot be parsed into a RegistrationOperationStatusParser,
// this function shall parse it into a ProvisioningErrorParser and throw a ProvisioningDeviceClientException with the parsed message. ]
ProvisioningErrorParser provisioningErrorParser = ProvisioningErrorParser.createFromJson(jsonBody);
throw new ProvisioningDeviceClientException(provisioningErrorParser.getExceptionMessage());
} else {
// SRS_StatusTask_25_006: [ This method shall throw ProvisioningDeviceClientException if null response or no response is received in maximum time of 90 seconds. ]
throw new ProvisioningDeviceClientException("Did not receive DPS Status information");
} catch (InterruptedException | SecurityProviderException e) {
throw new ProvisioningDeviceClientException(e);
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class ProvisioningErrorParserTest method createFromJsonWorks.
// Tests_SRS_PROVISIONING_ERROR_PARSER_34_001: [This function shall create a ProvisioningErrorParser instance from the provided json]
public void createFromJsonWorks() {
// arrange
final int statusCode = 200;
final String trackingIdValue = "some tracking id";
final String messageValue = "This is an error message!";
final String provisioningErrorParserJson = "{\"errorCode\" : " + statusCode + ", \"trackingId\" : \"" + trackingIdValue + "\", \"message\" : \"" + messageValue + "\"}";
// act
ProvisioningErrorParser errorParser = ProvisioningErrorParser.createFromJson(provisioningErrorParserJson);
// assert
assertEquals(statusCode, (int) Deencapsulation.getField(errorParser, "errorCode"));
assertEquals(trackingIdValue, Deencapsulation.getField(errorParser, "trackingId"));
assertEquals(messageValue, Deencapsulation.getField(errorParser, "message"));