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Example 6 with JobProperties

use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.

the class ExportImportTests method runImportJob.

private static void runImportJob(List<ExportImportDevice> devices, ImportMode importMode, Optional<StorageAuthenticationType> storageAuthenticationType) throws Exception {
    // Creating the json string to be submitted for import using the specified importMode
    StringBuilder devicesToAdd = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < devices.size(); i++) {
        ExportImportDeviceParser parser = Deencapsulation.invoke(devices.get(i), "toExportImportDeviceParser");
        if (i < devices.size() - 1) {
    byte[] blobToImport = devicesToAdd.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    // Creating the Azure storage blob and uploading the serialized string of devices
    InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(blobToImport);
    String importBlobName = "devices.txt";
    BlockBlobClient importBlob = importContainer.getBlobClient(importBlobName).getBlockBlobClient();
    importBlob.upload(stream, blobToImport.length);
    // Starting the import job
    boolean importJobScheduled = false;
    JobProperties importJob = null;
    while (!importJobScheduled) {
        try {
            if (storageAuthenticationType.isPresent()) {
                // For a given StorageAuthenticationType, create JobProperties and pass it
                JobProperties importJobProperties = JobProperties.createForImportJob(getContainerSasUri(importContainer), getContainerSasUri(importContainer), storageAuthenticationType.get());
                importJob = registryManager.importDevices(importJobProperties);
            } else {
                importJob = registryManager.importDevices(getContainerSasUri(importContainer), getContainerSasUri(importContainer));
            importJobScheduled = true;
        } catch (IotHubTooManyDevicesException e) {
            // test is being throttled, wait a while and try again
            Thread.sleep(10 * 1000);
    // Waiting for the import job to complete
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    while (true) {
        importJob = registryManager.getJob(importJob.getJobId());
        if (importJob.getStatus() == JobProperties.JobStatus.COMPLETED || importJob.getStatus() == JobProperties.JobStatus.FAILED) {
        if (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime > IMPORT_JOB_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS) {
            fail("Timed out waiting for the import job to complete");
    // Checking the result of the import job
    if (importJob.getStatus() != JobProperties.JobStatus.COMPLETED) {"The import job was not completed successfully for " + importMode + " operation.");
Also used : JobProperties( BlockBlobClient( ByteArrayInputStream( ByteArrayInputStream( BlobInputStream( InputStream( ExportImportDeviceParser( IotHubTooManyDevicesException(

Example 7 with JobProperties

use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.

the class DeviceManagerImportExportWithIdentitySample method ImportDevices.

public static void ImportDevices() throws IOException, IotHubException, InterruptedException {
    RegistryManager registryManager = RegistryManager.createFromConnectionString(destinationHubConnectionString);
    // If StorageAuthenticationType is set to IdentityBased and userAssignedIdentity property is
    // not null, the jobs will use user defined managed identity. If the IoT hub is not
    // configured with the user defined managed identity specified in userAssignedIdentity,
    // the job will fail.
    // If StorageAuthenticationType is set to IdentityBased the userAssignedIdentity property is
    // null, the jobs will use system defined identity. If the IoT hub is not configured with the
    // user defined managed identity, the job will fail.
    // If StorageAuthenticationType is set to IdentityBased and neither user defined nor system defined
    // managed identities are configured on the hub, the job will fail.
    ManagedIdentity identity = new ManagedIdentity();
    JobProperties jobProperties = JobProperties.createForImportJob(blobContainerUri, blobContainerUri, StorageAuthenticationType.IDENTITY, identity);
    JobProperties exportJob = registryManager.importDevices(jobProperties);
    while (true) {
        exportJob = registryManager.getJob(exportJob.getJobId());
        if (exportJob.getStatus() == JobProperties.JobStatus.COMPLETED) {
Also used : JobProperties( RegistryManager( ManagedIdentity(


JobProperties ( RegistryManager ( BlobInputStream ( ExportImportDeviceParser ( JobPropertiesParser ( ManagedIdentity ( IotHubTooManyDevicesException ( Date (java.util.Date)2 Test (org.junit.Test)2 BlobItem ( BlockBlobClient ( ExportImportDevice ( CloudStorageAccount ( CloudBlob ( CloudBlobClient ( CloudBlobContainer ( ListBlobItem ( ByteArrayInputStream ( FileOutputStream ( InputStream (