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Example 1 with ListBlobItem

use of in project camel by apache.

the class BlobServiceProducer method listBlobs.

private void listBlobs(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
    CloudBlobContainer client = BlobServiceUtil.createBlobContainerClient(getConfiguration());
    BlobServiceRequestOptions opts = BlobServiceUtil.getRequestOptions(exchange);
    LOG.trace("Getting the blob list from the container [{}] from exchange [{}]...", getConfiguration().getContainerName(), exchange);
    BlobServiceConfiguration cfg = getConfiguration();
    EnumSet<BlobListingDetails> details = null;
    Object detailsObject = exchange.getIn().getHeader(BlobServiceConstants.BLOB_LISTING_DETAILS);
    if (detailsObject instanceof EnumSet) {
        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") EnumSet<BlobListingDetails> theDetails = (EnumSet<BlobListingDetails>) detailsObject;
        details = theDetails;
    } else if (detailsObject instanceof BlobListingDetails) {
        details = EnumSet.of((BlobListingDetails) detailsObject);
    Iterable<ListBlobItem> items = client.listBlobs(cfg.getBlobPrefix(), cfg.isUseFlatListing(), details, opts.getRequestOpts(), opts.getOpContext());
Also used : BlobListingDetails( ListBlobItem( EnumSet(java.util.EnumSet) CloudBlobContainer(

Example 2 with ListBlobItem

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class AzureNativeFileSystemStore method list.

private PartialListing list(String prefix, String delimiter, final int maxListingCount, final int maxListingDepth, String priorLastKey) throws IOException {
    try {
        if (0 < prefix.length() && !prefix.endsWith(PATH_DELIMITER)) {
            prefix += PATH_DELIMITER;
        // Enable flat listing option only if depth is unbounded and config
        // KEY_ENABLE_FLAT_LISTING is enabled.
        boolean enableFlatListing = false;
        if (maxListingDepth < 0 && sessionConfiguration.getBoolean(KEY_ENABLE_FLAT_LISTING, DEFAULT_ENABLE_FLAT_LISTING)) {
            enableFlatListing = true;
        Iterable<ListBlobItem> objects;
        if (prefix.equals("/")) {
            objects = listRootBlobs(true, enableFlatListing);
        } else {
            objects = listRootBlobs(prefix, true, enableFlatListing);
        ArrayList<FileMetadata> fileMetadata = new ArrayList<FileMetadata>();
        for (ListBlobItem blobItem : objects) {
            if (0 < maxListingCount && fileMetadata.size() >= maxListingCount) {
            if (blobItem instanceof CloudBlockBlobWrapper || blobItem instanceof CloudPageBlobWrapper) {
                String blobKey = null;
                CloudBlobWrapper blob = (CloudBlobWrapper) blobItem;
                BlobProperties properties = blob.getProperties();
                // Determine format of the blob name depending on whether an absolute
                // path is being used or not.
                blobKey = normalizeKey(blob);
                FileMetadata metadata;
                if (retrieveFolderAttribute(blob)) {
                    metadata = new FileMetadata(blobKey, properties.getLastModified().getTime(), getPermissionStatus(blob), BlobMaterialization.Explicit);
                } else {
                    metadata = new FileMetadata(blobKey, getDataLength(blob, properties), properties.getLastModified().getTime(), getPermissionStatus(blob));
                // Add the metadata to the list, but remove any existing duplicate
                // entries first that we may have added by finding nested files.
                FileMetadata existing = getFileMetadataInList(fileMetadata, blobKey);
                if (existing != null) {
            } else if (blobItem instanceof CloudBlobDirectoryWrapper) {
                CloudBlobDirectoryWrapper directory = (CloudBlobDirectoryWrapper) blobItem;
                // Determine format of directory name depending on whether an absolute
                // path is being used or not.
                String dirKey = normalizeKey(directory);
                // Strip the last /
                if (dirKey.endsWith(PATH_DELIMITER)) {
                    dirKey = dirKey.substring(0, dirKey.length() - 1);
                // Reached the targeted listing depth. Return metadata for the
                // directory using default permissions.
                // Note: Something smarter should be done about permissions. Maybe
                // inherit the permissions of the first non-directory blob.
                // Also, getting a proper value for last-modified is tricky.
                FileMetadata directoryMetadata = new FileMetadata(dirKey, 0, defaultPermissionNoBlobMetadata(), BlobMaterialization.Implicit);
                // there.
                if (getFileMetadataInList(fileMetadata, dirKey) == null) {
                if (!enableFlatListing) {
                    // Currently at a depth of one, decrement the listing depth for
                    // sub-directories.
                    buildUpList(directory, fileMetadata, maxListingCount, maxListingDepth - 1);
        // Note: Original code indicated that this may be a hack.
        priorLastKey = null;
        PartialListing listing = new PartialListing(priorLastKey, fileMetadata.toArray(new FileMetadata[] {}), 0 == fileMetadata.size() ? new String[] {} : new String[] { prefix });
        return listing;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new AzureException(e);
Also used : ListBlobItem( CloudBlockBlobWrapper( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URISyntaxException( InvalidKeyException( UnsupportedEncodingException( StorageException( IOException( CloudBlobWrapper( CloudPageBlobWrapper( BlobProperties( CloudBlobDirectoryWrapper(

Example 3 with ListBlobItem

use of in project hadoop by apache.

the class AzureNativeFileSystemStore method retrieveMetadata.

public FileMetadata retrieveMetadata(String key) throws IOException {
    // server.
    if (null == storageInteractionLayer) {
        final String errMsg = String.format("Storage session expected for URI '%s' but does not exist.", sessionUri);
        throw new AssertionError(errMsg);
    LOG.debug("Retrieving metadata for {}", key);
    try {
        if (checkContainer(ContainerAccessType.PureRead) == ContainerState.DoesntExist) {
            // return null now.
            return null;
        // key is a container.
        if (key.equals("/")) {
            // Set the modification time for root to zero.
            return new FileMetadata(key, 0, defaultPermissionNoBlobMetadata(), BlobMaterialization.Implicit);
        CloudBlobWrapper blob = getBlobReference(key);
        // exists.
        if (null != blob && blob.exists(getInstrumentedContext())) {
            LOG.debug("Found {} as an explicit blob. Checking if it's a file or folder.", key);
            // The blob exists, so capture the metadata from the blob
            // properties.
            BlobProperties properties = blob.getProperties();
            if (retrieveFolderAttribute(blob)) {
                LOG.debug("{} is a folder blob.", key);
                return new FileMetadata(key, properties.getLastModified().getTime(), getPermissionStatus(blob), BlobMaterialization.Explicit);
            } else {
                LOG.debug("{} is a normal blob.", key);
                return new FileMetadata(// Always return denormalized key with metadata.
                key, getDataLength(blob, properties), properties.getLastModified().getTime(), getPermissionStatus(blob));
        // There is no file with that key name, but maybe it is a folder.
        // Query the underlying folder/container to list the blobs stored
        // there under that key.
        Iterable<ListBlobItem> objects = listRootBlobs(key, true, EnumSet.of(BlobListingDetails.METADATA), null, getInstrumentedContext());
        // Check if the directory/container has the blob items.
        for (ListBlobItem blobItem : objects) {
            if (blobItem instanceof CloudBlockBlobWrapper || blobItem instanceof CloudPageBlobWrapper) {
                LOG.debug("Found blob as a directory-using this file under it to infer its properties {}", blobItem.getUri());
                blob = (CloudBlobWrapper) blobItem;
                // The key specifies a directory. Create a FileMetadata object which
                // specifies as such.
                BlobProperties properties = blob.getProperties();
                return new FileMetadata(key, properties.getLastModified().getTime(), getPermissionStatus(blob), BlobMaterialization.Implicit);
        // Return to caller with a null metadata object.
        return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Re-throw the exception as an Azure storage exception.
        throw new AzureException(e);
Also used : CloudBlobWrapper( ListBlobItem( CloudPageBlobWrapper( CloudBlockBlobWrapper( BlobProperties( URISyntaxException( InvalidKeyException( UnsupportedEncodingException( StorageException( IOException(

Example 4 with ListBlobItem

use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.

the class AzureStorageServiceImpl method deleteFiles.

public void deleteFiles(String account, LocationMode mode, String container, String path) throws URISyntaxException, StorageException {
    logger.trace("delete files container [{}], path [{}]", container, path);
    // Container name must be lower case.
    CloudBlobClient client = this.getSelectedClient(account, mode);
    CloudBlobContainer blobContainer = client.getContainerReference(container);
    SocketAccess.doPrivilegedVoidException(() -> {
        if (blobContainer.exists()) {
            // We list the blobs using a flat blob listing mode
            for (ListBlobItem blobItem : blobContainer.listBlobs(path, true)) {
                String blobName = blobNameFromUri(blobItem.getUri());
                logger.trace("removing blob [{}] full URI was [{}]", blobName, blobItem.getUri());
                deleteBlob(account, mode, container, blobName);
Also used : CloudBlobClient( ListBlobItem( CloudBlobContainer(

Example 5 with ListBlobItem

use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.

the class AzureStorageServiceImpl method listBlobsByPrefix.

public Map<String, BlobMetaData> listBlobsByPrefix(String account, LocationMode mode, String container, String keyPath, String prefix) throws URISyntaxException, StorageException {
    // NOTE: this should be here: if (prefix == null) prefix = "";
    // however, this is really inefficient since deleteBlobsByPrefix enumerates everything and
    // then does a prefix match on the result; it should just call listBlobsByPrefix with the prefix!
    logger.debug("listing container [{}], keyPath [{}], prefix [{}]", container, keyPath, prefix);
    MapBuilder<String, BlobMetaData> blobsBuilder = MapBuilder.newMapBuilder();
    CloudBlobClient client = this.getSelectedClient(account, mode);
    CloudBlobContainer blobContainer = client.getContainerReference(container);
    SocketAccess.doPrivilegedVoidException(() -> {
        if (blobContainer.exists()) {
            for (ListBlobItem blobItem : blobContainer.listBlobs(keyPath + (prefix == null ? "" : prefix))) {
                URI uri = blobItem.getUri();
                logger.trace("blob url [{}]", uri);
                // uri.getPath is of the form /container/keyPath.* and we want to strip off the /container/
                // this requires 1 + container.length() + 1, with each 1 corresponding to one of the /
                String blobPath = uri.getPath().substring(1 + container.length() + 1);
                CloudBlockBlob blob = blobContainer.getBlockBlobReference(blobPath);
                // fetch the blob attributes from Azure (getBlockBlobReference does not do this)
                // this is needed to retrieve the blob length (among other metadata) from Azure Storage
                BlobProperties properties = blob.getProperties();
                String name = blobPath.substring(keyPath.length());
                logger.trace("blob url [{}], name [{}], size [{}]", uri, name, properties.getLength());
                blobsBuilder.put(name, new PlainBlobMetaData(name, properties.getLength()));
    return blobsBuilder.immutableMap();
Also used : CloudBlobClient( ListBlobItem( PlainBlobMetaData( BlobMetaData(org.elasticsearch.common.blobstore.BlobMetaData) PlainBlobMetaData( BlobProperties( CloudBlobContainer( CloudBlockBlob( URI(


ListBlobItem ( CloudBlob ( CloudBlobContainer ( StorageException ( BlobProperties ( URISyntaxException ( CloudBlobClient ( CloudBlobDirectory ( CloudBlobWrapper ( CloudBlockBlobWrapper ( CloudPageBlobWrapper ( BlobListingDetails ( IOException ( UnsupportedEncodingException ( InvalidKeyException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 CloudBlobDirectoryWrapper ( DataStoreException ( JobProperties ( RegistryManager (