use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class DeviceOperationsTest method invoke_throwOnhttpResponseVerification_failed.
/* Tests_SRS_DEVICE_OPERATIONS_21_016: [If the resulted HttpResponseStatus represents fail, the request shall throw proper Exception by calling httpResponseVerification.] */
@Test(expected = IotHubBadFormatException.class)
public void invoke_throwOnhttpResponseVerification_failed(@Mocked IotHubServiceSasToken iotHubServiceSasToken, @Mocked HttpRequest httpRequest) throws Exception {
final int status = 400;
final byte[] body = { 1 };
final Map<String, List<String>> headerFields = new HashMap<>();
final byte[] errorReason = "{\"ExceptionMessage\":\"This is the error message\"}".getBytes();
HttpResponse sendResponse = new HttpResponse(status, body, headerFields, errorReason);
new NonStrictExpectations() {
result = httpRequest;
result = httpRequest;
httpRequest.setHeaderField(REQUEST_ID, STANDARD_REQUEST_ID);
result = httpRequest;
httpRequest.setHeaderField(USER_AGENT, TransportUtils.getJavaServiceClientIdentifier() + TransportUtils.getServiceVersion());
result = httpRequest;
httpRequest.setHeaderField(ACCEPT, ACCEPT_VALUE);
result = httpRequest;
httpRequest.setHeaderField(CONTENT_TYPE, ACCEPT_VALUE + "; " + ACCEPT_CHARSET);
result = httpRequest;
result = sendResponse;
result = new IotHubBadFormatException();
HttpResponse response = DeviceOperations.request(IOT_HUB_CONNECTION_STRING, new URL(STANDARD_URL), HttpMethod.POST, STANDARD_PAYLOAD, STANDARD_REQUEST_ID, 0);
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class IotHubExceptionManagerTest method httpResponseVerification_400_withNULLErrorReason.
// Tests_SRS_SERVICE_SDK_JAVA_IOTHUBEXCEPTIONMANAGER_21_013: [If the httpresponse contains a reason message, the function must print this reason in the error message]
// Assert
public void httpResponseVerification_400_withNULLErrorReason() throws IotHubException {
// Arrange
final int status = 400;
final byte[] body = { 1 };
final Map<String, List<String>> headerFields = new HashMap<>();
final byte[] errorReason = "{\"ExceptionMessage\":null}".getBytes();
HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse(status, body, headerFields, errorReason);
// Act
try {
assert true;
} catch (IotHubBadFormatException expected) {
// Expected throw.
assertThat(expected.getMessage(), is("Bad message format!"));
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class IotHubExceptionManagerTest method httpResponseVerification_400_withEmptyErrorReason.
// Tests_SRS_SERVICE_SDK_JAVA_IOTHUBEXCEPTIONMANAGER_21_013: [If the httpresponse contains a reason message, the function must print this reason in the error message]
// Assert
public void httpResponseVerification_400_withEmptyErrorReason() throws IotHubException {
// Arrange
final int status = 400;
final byte[] body = { 1 };
final Map<String, List<String>> headerFields = new HashMap<>();
final byte[] errorReason = "{\"ExceptionMessage\":}".getBytes();
HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse(status, body, headerFields, errorReason);
// Act
try {
assert true;
} catch (IotHubBadFormatException expected) {
// Expected throw.
assertThat(expected.getMessage(), is("Bad message format!"));
use of in project azure-iot-sdk-java by Azure.
the class IotHubExceptionManagerTest method httpResponseVerification_400_withErrorReason.
// Tests_SRS_SERVICE_SDK_JAVA_IOTHUBEXCEPTIONMANAGER_21_013: [If the httpresponse contains a reason message, the function must print this reason in the error message]
// Assert
public void httpResponseVerification_400_withErrorReason() throws IotHubException {
// Arrange
final int status = 400;
final byte[] body = { 1 };
final Map<String, List<String>> headerFields = new HashMap<>();
final byte[] errorReason = "{\"ExceptionMessage\":\"This is the error message\"}".getBytes();
HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse(status, body, headerFields, errorReason);
// Act
try {
assert true;
} catch (IotHubBadFormatException expected) {
// Expected throw.
assertThat(expected.getMessage(), is("Bad message format! This is the error message"));