use of in project azure-tools-for-java by Microsoft.
the class WANewCertificate method onExecute.
public Object onExecute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
try {
NewCertificateDialogData data = new NewCertificateDialogData();
* third parameter is jdkPath
* as its toolbar button, do not refer any project for JDK path
* just pass empty string.
NewCertificateDialog dialog = new NewCertificateDialog(PluginUtil.getParentShell(), data, "");
// Open the dialog;
} catch (Exception e) {
PluginUtil.displayErrorDialogAndLog(PluginUtil.getParentShell(), Messages.newCertDlgCrtErTtl, Messages.newCertMsg, e);
Activator.getDefault().log(Messages.newCertMsg, e);
return null;