use of in project mssql-jdbc by Microsoft.
the class AlwaysEncrypted method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( {
System.out.print("Enter server name: ");
serverName = br.readLine();
System.out.print("Enter port number: ");
portNumber = br.readLine();
System.out.print("Enter database name: ");
databaseName = br.readLine();
System.out.print("Enter username: ");
username = br.readLine();
System.out.print("Enter password: ");
password = br.readLine();
// e.g. C:\\Dev\\Always Encrypted\\keystore.jks
System.out.print("Enter the location of the keystore: ");
keyStoreLocation = br.readLine();
// e.g. lp-e796acea-c3bd-4a27-b657-2bb71e3517d1
System.out.print("Enter the alias of the key stored in the keystore: ");
keyAlias = br.readLine();
System.out.print("Enter the password of the keystore and the key: ");
keyStoreSecret = br.readLine().toCharArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
String connectionString = GetConnectionString();
try {
// Note: if you are not using try-with-resources statements (as here),
// you must remember to call close() on any Connection, Statement,
// ResultSet objects that you create.
// Open a connection to the database.
try (Connection sourceConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionString)) {
// Instantiate the Java Key Store provider.
SQLServerColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider storeProvider = new SQLServerColumnEncryptionJavaKeyStoreProvider(keyStoreLocation, keyStoreSecret);
* Create column mater key For details on syntax refer:
String createCMKSQL = "CREATE COLUMN MASTER KEY " + columnMasterKeyName + " WITH ( " + " KEY_STORE_PROVIDER_NAME = '" + storeProvider.getName() + "' , KEY_PATH = '" + keyAlias + "' ) ";
try (Statement cmkStatement = sourceConnection.createStatement()) {
System.out.println("Column Master Key created with name : " + columnMasterKeyName);
byte[] encryptedCEK = getEncryptedCEK(storeProvider);
* Create column encryption key For more details on the syntax refer: Encrypted CEK
* first needs to be converted into varbinary_literal from bytes, for which DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary is used
String createCEKSQL = "CREATE COLUMN ENCRYPTION KEY " + columnEncryptionKey + " WITH VALUES ( " + " COLUMN_MASTER_KEY = " + columnMasterKeyName + " , ALGORITHM = '" + algorithm + "' , ENCRYPTED_VALUE = 0x" + bytesToHexString(encryptedCEK, encryptedCEK.length) + " ) ";
try (Statement cekStatement = sourceConnection.createStatement()) {
System.out.println("CEK created with name : " + columnEncryptionKey);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Handle any errors that may have occurred.
use of in project mssql-jdbc by Microsoft.
the class AESetup method setUpConnection.
* Create connection, statement and generate path of resource file
* @throws Exception
* @throws TestAbortedException
static void setUpConnection() throws TestAbortedException, Exception {
assumeTrue(13 <= new DBConnection(connectionString).getServerVersion(), "Aborting test case as SQL Server version is not compatible with Always encrypted ");
String AETestConenctionString = connectionString + ";sendTimeAsDateTime=false";
readFromFile(javaKeyStoreInputFile, "Alias name");
try (SQLServerConnection con = (SQLServerConnection) DriverManager.getConnection(AETestConenctionString);
SQLServerStatement stmt = (SQLServerStatement) con.createStatement()) {
keyPath = Utils.getCurrentClassPath() + jksName;
storeProvider = new SQLServerColumnEncryptionJavaKeyStoreProvider(keyPath, secretstrJks.toCharArray());
stmtColEncSetting = SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting.Enabled;
Properties info = new Properties();
info.setProperty("ColumnEncryptionSetting", "Enabled");
info.setProperty("keyStoreAuthentication", "JavaKeyStorePassword");
info.setProperty("keyStoreLocation", keyPath);
info.setProperty("keyStoreSecret", secretstrJks);
con = (SQLServerConnection) DriverManager.getConnection(AETestConenctionString, info);
stmt = (SQLServerStatement) con.createStatement();
createCMK(keyStoreName, javaKeyAliases);