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Example 1 with IItemAdapter

use of com.mikepenz.fastadapter.IItemAdapter in project FastAdapter by mikepenz.

the class SubItemUtil method deleteSelected.

     * deletes all selected items from the adapter respecting if the are sub items or not
     * subitems are removed from their parents sublists, main items are directly removed
     * @param deleteEmptyHeaders if true, empty headers will be removed from the adapter
     * @return List of items that have been removed from the adapter
public static List<IItem> deleteSelected(final FastAdapter fastAdapter, boolean notifyParent, boolean deleteEmptyHeaders) {
    List<IItem> deleted = new ArrayList<>();
    // we use a LinkedList, because this has performance advantages when modifying the listIterator during iteration!
    // Modifying list is O(1)
    LinkedList<IItem> selectedItems = new LinkedList<>(getSelectedItems(fastAdapter));
    //        Log.d("DELETE", "selectedItems: " + selectedItems.size());
    // we delete item per item from the adapter directly or from the parent
    // if keepEmptyHeaders is false, we add empty headers to the selected items set via the iterator, so that they are processed in the loop as well
    IItem item, parent;
    int pos, parentPos;
    boolean expanded;
    ListIterator<IItem> it = selectedItems.listIterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        item =;
        pos = fastAdapter.getPosition(item);
        // search for parent - if we find one, we remove the item from the parent's subitems directly
        parent = getParent(item);
        if (parent != null) {
            parentPos = fastAdapter.getPosition(parent);
            boolean success = ((IExpandable) parent).getSubItems().remove(item);
            // check if parent is expanded and notify the adapter about the removed item, if necessary (only if parent is visible)
            if (parentPos != -1 && ((IExpandable) parent).isExpanded()) {
                fastAdapter.notifyAdapterSubItemsChanged(parentPos, ((IExpandable) parent).getSubItems().size() + 1);
            // if desired, notify the parent about its changed items (only if parent is visible!)
            if (parentPos != -1 && notifyParent) {
                expanded = ((IExpandable) parent).isExpanded();
                // expand the item again if it was expanded before calling notifyAdapterItemChanged
                if (expanded) {
            if (deleteEmptyHeaders && ((IExpandable) parent).getSubItems().size() == 0) {
        } else if (pos != -1) {
            // if we did not find a parent, we remove the item from the adapter
            IAdapter adapter = fastAdapter.getAdapter(pos);
            boolean success = false;
            if (adapter instanceof IItemAdapter) {
                success = ((IItemAdapter) adapter).remove(pos) != null;
            boolean isHeader = item instanceof IExpandable && ((IExpandable) item).getSubItems() != null;
            //                Log.d("DELETE", "success=" + success + " | deletedId=" + item.getIdentifier() + "(" + (isHeader ? "EMPTY HEADER" : "ITEM WITHOUT HEADER") + ")");
    return deleted;
Also used : IExpandable(com.mikepenz.fastadapter.IExpandable) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IItemAdapter(com.mikepenz.fastadapter.IItemAdapter) IItem(com.mikepenz.fastadapter.IItem) IAdapter(com.mikepenz.fastadapter.IAdapter) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)

Example 2 with IItemAdapter

use of com.mikepenz.fastadapter.IItemAdapter in project FastAdapter by mikepenz.

the class SubItemUtil method delete.

     * deletes all items in identifiersToDelete collection from the adapter respecting if there are sub items or not
     * subitems are removed from their parents sublists, main items are directly removed
     * @param fastAdapter the adapter to remove the items from
     * @param identifiersToDelete ids of items to remove
     * @param notifyParent if true, headers of removed items will be notified about the change of their child items
     * @param deleteEmptyHeaders if true, empty headers will be removed from the adapter
     * @return List of items that have been removed from the adapter
public static List<IItem> delete(final FastAdapter fastAdapter, Collection<Long> identifiersToDelete, boolean notifyParent, boolean deleteEmptyHeaders) {
    List<IItem> deleted = new ArrayList<>();
    if (identifiersToDelete == null || identifiersToDelete.size() == 0) {
        return deleted;
    // we use a LinkedList, because this has performance advantages when modifying the listIterator during iteration!
    // Modifying list is O(1)
    LinkedList<Long> identifiers = new LinkedList<>(identifiersToDelete);
    // we delete item per item from the adapter directly or from the parent
    // if keepEmptyHeaders is false, we add empty headers to the selected items set via the iterator, so that they are processed in the loop as well
    IItem item, parent;
    int pos, parentPos;
    boolean expanded;
    Long identifier;
    ListIterator<Long> it = identifiers.listIterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        identifier =;
        pos = fastAdapter.getPosition(identifier);
        item = fastAdapter.getItem(pos);
        // search for parent - if we find one, we remove the item from the parent's subitems directly
        parent = getParent(item);
        if (parent != null) {
            parentPos = fastAdapter.getPosition(parent);
            boolean success = ((IExpandable) parent).getSubItems().remove(item);
            // check if parent is expanded and notify the adapter about the removed item, if necessary (only if parent is visible)
            if (parentPos != -1 && ((IExpandable) parent).isExpanded()) {
                fastAdapter.notifyAdapterSubItemsChanged(parentPos, ((IExpandable) parent).getSubItems().size() + 1);
            // if desired, notify the parent about it's changed items (only if parent is visible!)
            if (parentPos != -1 && notifyParent) {
                expanded = ((IExpandable) parent).isExpanded();
                // expand the item again if it was expanded before calling notifyAdapterItemChanged
                if (expanded) {
            if (deleteEmptyHeaders && ((IExpandable) parent).getSubItems().size() == 0) {
        } else if (pos != -1) {
            // if we did not find a parent, we remove the item from the adapter
            IAdapter adapter = fastAdapter.getAdapter(pos);
            boolean success = false;
            if (adapter instanceof IItemAdapter) {
                success = ((IItemAdapter) adapter).remove(pos) != null;
                if (success) {
            boolean isHeader = item instanceof IExpandable && ((IExpandable) item).getSubItems() != null;
            //                Log.d("DELETE", "success=" + success + " | deletedId=" + item.getIdentifier() + "(" + (isHeader ? "EMPTY HEADER" : "ITEM WITHOUT HEADER") + ")");
    return deleted;
Also used : IExpandable(com.mikepenz.fastadapter.IExpandable) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IItemAdapter(com.mikepenz.fastadapter.IItemAdapter) IItem(com.mikepenz.fastadapter.IItem) IAdapter(com.mikepenz.fastadapter.IAdapter) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)


IAdapter (com.mikepenz.fastadapter.IAdapter)2 IExpandable (com.mikepenz.fastadapter.IExpandable)2 IItem (com.mikepenz.fastadapter.IItem)2 IItemAdapter (com.mikepenz.fastadapter.IItemAdapter)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)2