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Example 1 with Alignment

use of com.milaboratory.core.alignment.Alignment in project mixcr by milaboratory.

the class FieldExtractors method getFields.

public static synchronized Field[] getFields() {
    if (descriptors == null) {
        List<Field> descriptorsList = new ArrayList<>();
        // Number of targets
        descriptorsList.add(new PL_O("-targets", "Export number of targets", "Number of targets", "numberOfTargets") {

            protected String extract(VDJCObject object) {
                return Integer.toString(object.numberOfTargets());
        // Best hits
        for (final GeneType type : GeneType.values()) {
            char l = type.getLetter();
            descriptorsList.add(new PL_O("-" + Character.toLowerCase(l) + "Hit", "Export best " + l + " hit", "Best " + l + " hit", "best" + l + "Hit") {

                protected String extract(VDJCObject object) {
                    VDJCHit bestHit = object.getBestHit(type);
                    if (bestHit == null)
                        return NULL;
                    return bestHit.getGene().getName();
        // Best gene
        for (final GeneType type : GeneType.values()) {
            char l = type.getLetter();
            descriptorsList.add(new PL_O("-" + Character.toLowerCase(l) + "Gene", "Export best " + l + " hit gene name (e.g. TRBV12-3 for TRBV12-3*00)", "Best " + l + " gene", "best" + l + "Gene") {

                protected String extract(VDJCObject object) {
                    VDJCHit bestHit = object.getBestHit(type);
                    if (bestHit == null)
                        return NULL;
                    return bestHit.getGene().getGeneName();
        // Best family
        for (final GeneType type : GeneType.values()) {
            char l = type.getLetter();
            descriptorsList.add(new PL_O("-" + Character.toLowerCase(l) + "Family", "Export best " + l + " hit family name (e.g. TRBV12 for TRBV12-3*00)", "Best " + l + " family", "best" + l + "Family") {

                protected String extract(VDJCObject object) {
                    VDJCHit bestHit = object.getBestHit(type);
                    if (bestHit == null)
                        return NULL;
                    return bestHit.getGene().getFamilyName();
        // Best hit score
        for (final GeneType type : GeneType.values()) {
            char l = type.getLetter();
            descriptorsList.add(new PL_O("-" + Character.toLowerCase(l) + "HitScore", "Export score for best " + l + " hit", "Best " + l + " hit score", "best" + l + "HitScore") {

                protected String extract(VDJCObject object) {
                    VDJCHit bestHit = object.getBestHit(type);
                    if (bestHit == null)
                        return NULL;
                    return String.valueOf(bestHit.getScore());
        // All hits
        for (final GeneType type : GeneType.values()) {
            char l = type.getLetter();
            descriptorsList.add(new PL_O("-" + Character.toLowerCase(l) + "HitsWithScore", "Export all " + l + " hits with score", "All " + l + " hits", "all" + l + "HitsWithScore") {

                protected String extract(VDJCObject object) {
                    VDJCHit[] hits = object.getHits(type);
                    if (hits.length == 0)
                        return "";
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
                        if (i == hits.length - 1)
                    return sb.toString();
        // All hits without score
        for (final GeneType type : GeneType.values()) {
            char l = type.getLetter();
            descriptorsList.add(new PL_O("-" + Character.toLowerCase(l) + "Hits", "Export all " + l + " hits", "All " + l + " Hits", "all" + l + "Hits") {

                protected String extract(VDJCObject object) {
                    VDJCHit[] hits = object.getHits(type);
                    if (hits.length == 0)
                        return "";
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
                        if (i == hits.length - 1)
                    return sb.toString();
        // All gene names
        for (final GeneType type : GeneType.values()) {
            char l = type.getLetter();
            descriptorsList.add(new StringExtractor("-" + Character.toLowerCase(l) + "Genes", "Export all " + l + " gene names (e.g. TRBV12-3 for TRBV12-3*00)", "All " + l + " genes", "all" + l + "Genes", type) {

                String extractStringForHit(VDJCHit hit) {
                    return hit.getGene().getGeneName();
        // All families
        for (final GeneType type : GeneType.values()) {
            char l = type.getLetter();
            descriptorsList.add(new StringExtractor("-" + Character.toLowerCase(l) + "Families", "Export all " + l + " gene family anmes (e.g. TRBV12 for TRBV12-3*00)", "All " + l + " families", "all" + l + "Families", type) {

                String extractStringForHit(VDJCHit hit) {
                    return hit.getGene().getFamilyName();
        // Best alignment
        for (final GeneType type : GeneType.values()) {
            char l = type.getLetter();
            descriptorsList.add(new PL_O("-" + Character.toLowerCase(l) + "Alignment", "Export best " + l + " alignment", "Best " + l + " alignment", "best" + l + "Alignment") {

                protected String extract(VDJCObject object) {
                    VDJCHit bestHit = object.getBestHit(type);
                    if (bestHit == null)
                        return NULL;
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
                        Alignment<NucleotideSequence> alignment = bestHit.getAlignment(i);
                        if (alignment == null)
                        if (i == object.numberOfTargets() - 1)
                    return sb.toString();
        // All alignments
        for (final GeneType type : GeneType.values()) {
            char l = type.getLetter();
            descriptorsList.add(new PL_O("-" + Character.toLowerCase(l) + "Alignments", "Export all " + l + " alignments", "All " + l + " alignments", "all" + l + "Alignments") {

                protected String extract(VDJCObject object) {
                    VDJCHit[] hits = object.getHits(type);
                    if (hits.length == 0)
                        return "";
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int j = 0; ; ++j) {
                        for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
                            Alignment<NucleotideSequence> alignment = hits[j].getAlignment(i);
                            if (alignment == null)
                            if (i == object.numberOfTargets() - 1)
                        if (j == hits.length - 1)
                    return sb.toString();
        descriptorsList.add(new FeatureExtractors.NSeqExtractor("-nFeature", "Export nucleotide sequence of specified gene feature", "N. Seq. ", "nSeq") {

            public String convert(NSequenceWithQuality seq) {
                return seq.getSequence().toString();
        descriptorsList.add(new FeatureExtractors.NSeqExtractor("-qFeature", "Export quality string of specified gene feature", "Qual. ", "qual") {

            public String convert(NSequenceWithQuality seq) {
                return seq.getQuality().toString();
        descriptorsList.add(new FeatureExtractors.WithHeader("-aaFeature", "Export amino acid sequence of specified gene feature", 1, new String[] { "AA. Seq. " }, new String[] { "aaSeq" }) {

            protected String extractValue(VDJCObject object, GeneFeature[] parameters) {
                GeneFeature geneFeature = parameters[parameters.length - 1];
                NSequenceWithQuality feature = object.getFeature(geneFeature);
                if (feature == null)
                    return NULL;
                int targetId = object.getTargetContainingFeature(geneFeature);
                TranslationParameters tr = targetId == -1 ? TranslationParameters.FromLeftWithIncompleteCodon : object.getPartitionedTarget(targetId).getPartitioning().getTranslationParameters(geneFeature);
                if (tr == null)
                    return NULL;
                return AminoAcidSequence.translate(feature.getSequence(), tr).toString();
        // descriptorsList.add(new FeatureExtractorDescriptor("-aaFeatureFromLeft", "Export amino acid sequence of " +
        // "specified gene feature starting from the leftmost nucleotide (differs from -aaFeature only for " +
        // "sequences which length are not multiple of 3)", "AA. Seq.", "aaSeq") {
        // @Override
        // public String convert(NSequenceWithQuality seq) {
        // return AminoAcidSequence.translate(seq.getSequence(), FromLeftWithoutIncompleteCodon).toString();
        // }
        // });
        // descriptorsList.add(new FeatureExtractorDescriptor("-aaFeatureFromRight", "Export amino acid sequence of " +
        // "specified gene feature starting from the rightmost nucleotide (differs from -aaFeature only for " +
        // "sequences which length are not multiple of 3)", "AA. Seq.", "aaSeq") {
        // @Override
        // public String convert(NSequenceWithQuality seq) {
        // return AminoAcidSequence.translate(seq.getSequence(), FromRightWithoutIncompleteCodon).toString();
        // }
        // });
        descriptorsList.add(new FeatureExtractors.NSeqExtractor("-minFeatureQuality", "Export minimal quality of specified gene feature", "Min. qual. ", "minQual") {

            public String convert(NSequenceWithQuality seq) {
                return "" + seq.getQuality().minValue();
        descriptorsList.add(new FeatureExtractors.NSeqExtractor("-avrgFeatureQuality", "Export average quality of specified gene feature", "Mean. qual. ", "meanQual") {

            public String convert(NSequenceWithQuality seq) {
                return "" + seq.getQuality().meanValue();
        descriptorsList.add(new FeatureExtractors.NSeqExtractor("-lengthOf", "Exports length of specified gene feature.", "Length of ", "lengthOf") {

            public String convert(NSequenceWithQuality seq) {
                return "" + seq.size();
        descriptorsList.add(new FeatureExtractors.MutationsExtractor("-nMutations", "Extract nucleotide mutations for specific gene feature; relative to germline sequence.", 1, new String[] { "N. Mutations in " }, new String[] { "nMutations" }) {

            String convert(Mutations<NucleotideSequence> mutations, NucleotideSequence seq1, NucleotideSequence seq2, TranslationParameters tr) {
                return mutations.encode(",");
        descriptorsList.add(new FeatureExtractors.MutationsExtractor("-nMutationsRelative", "Extract nucleotide mutations for specific gene feature relative to another feature.", 2, new String[] { "N. Mutations in ", " relative to " }, new String[] { "nMutationsIn", "Relative" }) {

            String convert(Mutations<NucleotideSequence> mutations, NucleotideSequence seq1, NucleotideSequence seq2, TranslationParameters tr) {
                return mutations.encode(",");
        final class AAMutations extends FeatureExtractors.MutationsExtractor {

            AAMutations(String command, String description, int nArgs, String[] hPrefix, String[] sPrefix) {
                super(command, description, nArgs, hPrefix, sPrefix);

            String convert(Mutations<NucleotideSequence> mutations, NucleotideSequence seq1, NucleotideSequence seq2, TranslationParameters tr) {
                if (tr == null)
                    return "-";
                Mutations<AminoAcidSequence> aaMuts = MutationsUtil.nt2aa(seq1, mutations, tr);
                if (aaMuts == null)
                    return "-";
                return aaMuts.encode(",");
        descriptorsList.add(new AAMutations("-aaMutations", "Extract amino acid mutations for specific gene feature", 1, new String[] { "AA. Mutations in " }, new String[] { "aaMutations" }));
        descriptorsList.add(new AAMutations("-aaMutationsRelative", "Extract amino acid mutations for specific gene feature relative to another feature.", 2, new String[] { "AA. Mutations in ", " relative to " }, new String[] { "aaMutationsIn", "Relative" }));
        final class MutationsDetailed extends FeatureExtractors.MutationsExtractor {

            MutationsDetailed(String command, String description, int nArgs, String[] hPrefix, String[] sPrefix) {
                super(command, description, nArgs, hPrefix, sPrefix);

            String convert(Mutations<NucleotideSequence> mutations, NucleotideSequence seq1, NucleotideSequence seq2, TranslationParameters tr) {
                if (tr == null)
                    return "-";
                MutationsUtil.MutationNt2AADescriptor[] descriptors = MutationsUtil.nt2aaDetailed(seq1, mutations, tr, 10);
                if (descriptors == null)
                    return "-";
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < descriptors.length; i++) {
                    if (i == descriptors.length - 1)
                return sb.toString();
        String detailedMutationsFormat = "Format <nt_mutation>:<aa_mutation_individual>:<aa_mutation_cumulative>, where <aa_mutation_individual> is an expected amino acid " + "mutation given no other mutations have occurred, and <aa_mutation_cumulative> amino acid mutation is the observed amino acid " + "mutation combining effect from all other. WARNING: format may change in following versions.";
        descriptorsList.add(new MutationsDetailed("-mutationsDetailed", "Detailed list of nucleotide and corresponding amino acid mutations. " + detailedMutationsFormat, 1, new String[] { "Detailed mutations in " }, new String[] { "mutationsDetailedIn" }));
        descriptorsList.add(new MutationsDetailed("-mutationsDetailedRelative", "Detailed list of nucleotide and corresponding amino acid mutations written, positions relative to specified gene feature. " + detailedMutationsFormat, 2, new String[] { "Detailed mutations in ", " relative to " }, new String[] { "mutationsDetailedIn", "Relative" }));
        descriptorsList.add(new ExtractReferencePointPosition());
        descriptorsList.add(new ExtractDefaultReferencePointsPositions());
        descriptorsList.add(new PL_A("-readId", "Export id of read corresponding to alignment", "Read id", "readId") {

            protected String extract(VDJCAlignments object) {
                return "" + object.getMinReadId();

            public FieldExtractor<VDJCAlignments> create(OutputMode outputMode, String[] args) {
                System.out.println("WARNING: -readId is deprecated. Use -readIds");
                return super.create(outputMode, args);
        descriptorsList.add(new PL_A("-readIds", "Export id of read corresponding to alignment", "Read id", "readId") {

            protected String extract(VDJCAlignments object) {
                long[] readIds = object.getReadIds();
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
                    if (i == readIds.length - 1)
                        return sb.toString();
        descriptorsList.add(new ExtractSequence(VDJCAlignments.class, "-sequence", "Export aligned sequence (initial read), or 2 sequences in case of paired-end reads", "Read(s) sequence", "readSequence"));
        descriptorsList.add(new ExtractSequenceQuality(VDJCAlignments.class, "-quality", "Export initial read quality, or 2 qualities in case of paired-end reads", "Read(s) sequence qualities", "readQuality"));
        descriptorsList.add(new PL_C("-cloneId", "Unique clone identifier", "Clone ID", "cloneId") {

            protected String extract(Clone object) {
                return "" + object.getId();
        descriptorsList.add(new PL_C("-count", "Export clone count", "Clone count", "cloneCount") {

            protected String extract(Clone object) {
                return "" + object.getCount();
        descriptorsList.add(new PL_C("-fraction", "Export clone fraction", "Clone fraction", "cloneFraction") {

            protected String extract(Clone object) {
                return "" + object.getFraction();
        descriptorsList.add(new ExtractSequence(Clone.class, "-sequence", "Export aligned sequence (initial read), or 2 sequences in case of paired-end reads", "Clonal sequence(s)", "clonalSequence"));
        descriptorsList.add(new ExtractSequenceQuality(Clone.class, "-quality", "Export initial read quality, or 2 qualities in case of paired-end reads", "Clonal sequence quality(s)", "clonalSequenceQuality"));
        descriptorsList.add(new PL_A("-descrR1", "Export description line from initial .fasta or .fastq file " + "of the first read (only available if --save-description was used in align command)", "Description R1", "descrR1") {

            protected String extract(VDJCAlignments object) {
                List<SequenceRead> reads = object.getOriginalReads();
                if (reads == null)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error for option \'-descrR1\':\n" + "No description available for read: either re-run align action with -OsaveOriginalReads=true option " + "or don't use \'-descrR1\' in exportAlignments");
                return reads.get(0).getRead(0).getDescription();

            public FieldExtractor<VDJCAlignments> create(OutputMode outputMode, String[] args) {
                System.out.println("WARNING: -descrR1 is deprecated. Use -descrsR1");
                return super.create(outputMode, args);
        descriptorsList.add(new PL_A("-descrR2", "Export description line from initial .fasta or .fastq file " + "of the second read (only available if --save-description was used in align command)", "Description R2", "descrR2") {

            protected String extract(VDJCAlignments object) {
                List<SequenceRead> reads = object.getOriginalReads();
                if (reads == null)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error for option \'-descrR1\':\n" + "No description available for read: either re-run align action with -OsaveOriginalReads=true option " + "or don't use \'-descrR1\' in exportAlignments");
                SequenceRead read = reads.get(0);
                if (read.numberOfReads() < 2)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error for option \'-descrR2\':\n" + "No description available for second read: your input data was single-end");
                return read.getRead(1).getDescription();

            public FieldExtractor<VDJCAlignments> create(OutputMode outputMode, String[] args) {
                System.out.println("WARNING: -descrR2 is deprecated. Use -descrsR2");
                return super.create(outputMode, args);
        descriptorsList.add(new PL_A("-descrsR1", "Export description lines from initial .fasta or .fastq file " + "of the first reads (only available if -OsaveOriginalReads=true was used in align command)", "Descriptions R1", "descrsR1") {

            protected String extract(VDJCAlignments object) {
                List<SequenceRead> reads = object.getOriginalReads();
                if (reads == null)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error for option \'-descrR1\':\n" + "No description available for read: either re-run align action with -OsaveOriginalReads option " + "or don't use \'-descrR1\' in exportAlignments");
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
                    if (i == reads.size() - 1)
                        return sb.toString();
        descriptorsList.add(new PL_A("-descrsR2", "Export description lines from initial .fasta or .fastq file " + "of the second reads (only available if -OsaveOriginalReads=true was used in align command)", "Descriptions R2", "descrsR2") {

            protected String extract(VDJCAlignments object) {
                List<SequenceRead> reads = object.getOriginalReads();
                if (reads == null)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error for option \'-descrR1\':\n" + "No description available for read: either re-run align action with -OsaveOriginalReads option " + "or don't use \'-descrR1\' in exportAlignments");
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
                    SequenceRead read = reads.get(i);
                    if (read.numberOfReads() < 2)
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error for option \'-descrsR2\':\n" + "No description available for second read: your input data was single-end");
                    if (i == reads.size() - 1)
                        return sb.toString();
        descriptorsList.add(new PL_A("-readHistory", "Export read history", "Read history", "readHistory") {

            protected String extract(VDJCAlignments object) {
                try {
                    return GlobalObjectMappers.toOneLine(object.getHistory());
                } catch (JsonProcessingException ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(ex);
        for (final GeneType type : GeneType.values()) {
            String c = Character.toLowerCase(type.getLetter()) + "IdentityPercents";
            descriptorsList.add(new PL_O("-" + c, type.getLetter() + " alignment identity percents", type.getLetter() + " alignment identity percents", c) {

                protected String extract(VDJCObject object) {
                    VDJCHit[] hits = object.getHits(type);
                    if (hits == null)
                        return NULL;
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
                        if (i == hits.length - 1)
                            return sb.toString();
        for (final GeneType type : GeneType.values()) {
            String c = Character.toLowerCase(type.getLetter()) + "BestIdentityPercent";
            descriptorsList.add(new PL_O("-" + c, type.getLetter() + "best alignment identity percent", type.getLetter() + "best alignment identity percent", c) {

                protected String extract(VDJCObject object) {
                    VDJCHit hit = object.getBestHit(type);
                    if (hit == null)
                        return NULL;
                    return Float.toString(hit.getIdentity());
        descriptorsList.add(new PL_O("-chains", "Chains", "Chains", "Chains") {

            protected String extract(VDJCObject object) {
                return object.commonChains().toString();
        descriptorsList.add(new PL_O("-topChains", "Top chains", "Top chains", "topChains") {

            protected String extract(VDJCObject object) {
                return object.commonTopChains().toString();
        descriptors = descriptorsList.toArray(new Field[descriptorsList.size()]);
    return descriptors;
Also used : GeneFeature(io.repseq.core.GeneFeature) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) VDJCObject(com.milaboratory.mixcr.basictypes.VDJCObject) Alignment(com.milaboratory.core.alignment.Alignment) AminoAcidSequence(com.milaboratory.core.sequence.AminoAcidSequence) NSequenceWithQuality(com.milaboratory.core.sequence.NSequenceWithQuality) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) VDJCAlignments(com.milaboratory.mixcr.basictypes.VDJCAlignments) JsonProcessingException(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException) Clone(com.milaboratory.mixcr.basictypes.Clone) Mutations(com.milaboratory.core.mutations.Mutations) ReferencePoint(io.repseq.core.ReferencePoint) TranslationParameters(com.milaboratory.core.sequence.TranslationParameters) NucleotideSequence(com.milaboratory.core.sequence.NucleotideSequence) SequenceRead( GeneType(io.repseq.core.GeneType) VDJCHit(com.milaboratory.mixcr.basictypes.VDJCHit)

Example 2 with Alignment

use of com.milaboratory.core.alignment.Alignment in project mixcr by milaboratory.

the class TargetMerger method merge.

 * @param targetLeft       left sequence
 * @param targetRight      right sequence
 * @param trySequenceMerge whether to try merging using sequence overlap (if alignment overlap failed)
public TargetMergingResult merge(AlignedTarget targetLeft, AlignedTarget targetRight, boolean trySequenceMerge) {
    for (GeneType geneType : GeneType.VJC_REFERENCE) {
        if (!hasAlignments(targetLeft, geneType) || !hasAlignments(targetRight, geneType))
        List<HitMappingRecord> als = extractSortedHits(targetLeft, targetRight, geneType);
        Alignment<NucleotideSequence>[] topHits = als.get(0).alignments;
        if (topHits[0] != null && topHits[1] != null) {
            final Alignment<NucleotideSequence> left = topHits[0];
            final Alignment<NucleotideSequence> right = topHits[1];
            final int from = Math.max(left.getSequence1Range().getFrom(), right.getSequence1Range().getFrom());
            final int to = Math.min(left.getSequence1Range().getTo(), right.getSequence1Range().getTo());
            if (to <= from)
            int delta = left.convertToSeq2Position(from) - right.convertToSeq2Position(from);
            if (delta != left.convertToSeq2Position(to) - right.convertToSeq2Position(to))
            int seq1Offset = delta > 0 ? delta : 0;
            int seq2Offset = delta > 0 ? 0 : -delta;
            int overlap = Math.min(targetLeft.getTarget().size() - seq1Offset, targetRight.getTarget().size() - seq2Offset);
            int mismatches = SequencesUtils.mismatchCount(targetLeft.getTarget().getSequence(), seq1Offset, targetRight.getTarget().getSequence(), seq2Offset, overlap);
            double identity = MismatchOnlyPairedReadMerger.identity(identityType, targetLeft.getTarget(), seq1Offset, targetRight.getTarget(), seq2Offset, overlap);
            if (identity < minimalAlignmentMergeIdentity)
                return new TargetMergingResult(geneType);
            final AlignedTarget merge = merge(targetLeft, targetRight, delta, OverlapType.AlignmentOverlap, mismatches);
            return new TargetMergingResult(true, null, merge, PairedReadMergingResult.MATCH_SCORE * (overlap - mismatches) + PairedReadMergingResult.MISMATCH_SCORE * mismatches, overlap, mismatches, delta);
    if (!trySequenceMerge)
        return new TargetMergingResult();
    final PairedReadMergingResult merge = merger.merge(targetLeft.getTarget(), targetRight.getTarget());
    if (!merge.isSuccessful())
        return new TargetMergingResult();
    return new TargetMergingResult(false, null, merge(targetLeft, targetRight, merge.getOffset(), OverlapType.SequenceOverlap, merge.getErrors()), merge.score(), merge.getOverlap(), merge.getErrors(), merge.getOffset());
Also used : Alignment(com.milaboratory.core.alignment.Alignment) NucleotideSequence(com.milaboratory.core.sequence.NucleotideSequence) PairedReadMergingResult(com.milaboratory.core.merger.PairedReadMergingResult) GeneType(io.repseq.core.GeneType)

Example 3 with Alignment

use of com.milaboratory.core.alignment.Alignment in project mixcr by milaboratory.

the class PreVDJCHit method combine.

static VDJCHit[] combine(final List<VDJCGene> genes, final GeneFeature feature, final PreVDJCHit[][] hits) {
    for (int i = 0; i < hits.length; i++) Arrays.sort(hits[i]);
    ArrayList<VDJCHit> result = new ArrayList<>();
    final int[] pointers = new int[hits.length];
    Alignment<NucleotideSequence>[] alignments;
    int i, minId;
    while (true) {
        minId = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        for (i = 0; i < pointers.length; ++i) if (pointers[i] < hits[i].length && minId > hits[i][pointers[i]].id)
            minId = hits[i][pointers[i]].id;
        if (minId == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
        alignments = new Alignment[hits.length];
        for (i = 0; i < pointers.length; ++i) if (pointers[i] < hits[i].length && minId == hits[i][pointers[i]].id) {
            alignments[i] = hits[i][pointers[i]].alignment;
        result.add(new VDJCHit(genes.get(minId), alignments, feature));
    VDJCHit[] vdjcHits = result.toArray(new VDJCHit[result.size()]);
    return vdjcHits;
Also used : Alignment(com.milaboratory.core.alignment.Alignment) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) VDJCHit(com.milaboratory.mixcr.basictypes.VDJCHit)

Example 4 with Alignment

use of com.milaboratory.core.alignment.Alignment in project mixcr by milaboratory.

the class PreVDJCHit method convert.

static VDJCHit[] convert(List<VDJCGene> genes, GeneFeature feature, List<PreVDJCHit> preHits, int indexOfTargets, int numberOfTargets) {
    VDJCHit[] hits = new VDJCHit[preHits.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < preHits.size(); i++) {
        PreVDJCHit h = preHits.get(i);
        Alignment<NucleotideSequence>[] alignments = new Alignment[numberOfTargets];
        alignments[indexOfTargets] = h.alignment;
        hits[i] = new VDJCHit(genes.get(, alignments, feature);
    return hits;
Also used : Alignment(com.milaboratory.core.alignment.Alignment) VDJCHit(com.milaboratory.mixcr.basictypes.VDJCHit)

Example 5 with Alignment

use of com.milaboratory.core.alignment.Alignment in project mixcr by milaboratory.

the class VDJCAlignmentsFormatter method getTargetAsMultiAlignment.

public static MultiAlignmentHelper getTargetAsMultiAlignment(VDJCObject vdjcObject, int targetId, boolean addHitScore, boolean addReads) {
    if (addReads && !(vdjcObject instanceof VDJCAlignments))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Read alignments supported only for VDJCAlignments.");
    NSequenceWithQuality target = vdjcObject.getTarget(targetId);
    NucleotideSequence targetSeq = target.getSequence();
    SequencePartitioning partitioning = vdjcObject.getPartitionedTarget(targetId).getPartitioning();
    List<Alignment<NucleotideSequence>> alignments = new ArrayList<>();
    List<String> alignmentLeftComments = new ArrayList<>();
    List<String> alignmentRightComments = new ArrayList<>();
    for (GeneType gt : GeneType.values()) for (VDJCHit hit : vdjcObject.getHits(gt)) {
        Alignment<NucleotideSequence> alignment = hit.getAlignment(targetId);
        if (alignment == null)
        alignment = alignment.invert(targetSeq);
        alignmentRightComments.add(" " + (int) (hit.getAlignment(targetId).getScore()) + (addHitScore ? " (" + (int) (hit.getScore()) + ")" : ""));
    // Adding read information
    if (addReads) {
        VDJCAlignments vdjcAlignments = (VDJCAlignments) vdjcObject;
        SequenceHistory history = vdjcAlignments.getHistory(targetId);
        List<SequenceHistory.RawSequence> reads = history.rawReads();
        for (SequenceHistory.RawSequence read : reads) {
            NucleotideSequence seq = vdjcAlignments.getOriginalSequence(read.index).getSequence();
            int offset = history.offset(read.index);
            Alignment<NucleotideSequence> alignment = Aligner.alignOnlySubstitutions(targetSeq, seq, offset, seq.size(), 0, seq.size(), AffineGapAlignmentScoring.IGBLAST_NUCLEOTIDE_SCORING);
    MultiAlignmentHelper helper =, new Range(0, target.size()), targetSeq, alignments.toArray(new Alignment[alignments.size()]));
    if (!alignments.isEmpty())
        drawPoints(helper, partitioning, POINTS_FOR_REARRANGED);
    drawAASequence(helper, partitioning, targetSeq);
    helper.addSubjectQuality("Quality", target.getQuality());
    helper.setSubjectLeftTitle("Target" + targetId);
    helper.setSubjectRightTitle(" Score" + (addHitScore ? " (hit score)" : ""));
    for (int i = 0; i < alignmentLeftComments.size(); i++) {
        helper.setQueryLeftTitle(i, alignmentLeftComments.get(i));
        helper.setQueryRightTitle(i, alignmentRightComments.get(i));
    return helper;
Also used : MultiAlignmentHelper(com.milaboratory.core.alignment.MultiAlignmentHelper) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SequencePartitioning(io.repseq.core.SequencePartitioning) Range(com.milaboratory.core.Range) ReferencePoint(io.repseq.core.ReferencePoint) Alignment(com.milaboratory.core.alignment.Alignment) NSequenceWithQuality(com.milaboratory.core.sequence.NSequenceWithQuality) NucleotideSequence(com.milaboratory.core.sequence.NucleotideSequence) GeneType(io.repseq.core.GeneType)


Alignment (com.milaboratory.core.alignment.Alignment)6 NucleotideSequence (com.milaboratory.core.sequence.NucleotideSequence)4 NSequenceWithQuality (com.milaboratory.core.sequence.NSequenceWithQuality)3 VDJCHit (com.milaboratory.mixcr.basictypes.VDJCHit)3 GeneType (io.repseq.core.GeneType)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 Mutations (com.milaboratory.core.mutations.Mutations)2 ReferencePoint (io.repseq.core.ReferencePoint)2 JsonProcessingException (com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException)1 Range (com.milaboratory.core.Range)1 MultiAlignmentHelper (com.milaboratory.core.alignment.MultiAlignmentHelper)1 SequenceRead ( PairedReadMergingResult (com.milaboratory.core.merger.PairedReadMergingResult)1 MutationsBuilder (com.milaboratory.core.mutations.MutationsBuilder)1 AminoAcidSequence (com.milaboratory.core.sequence.AminoAcidSequence)1 SequenceQualityBuilder (com.milaboratory.core.sequence.SequenceQualityBuilder)1 TranslationParameters (com.milaboratory.core.sequence.TranslationParameters)1 Clone (com.milaboratory.mixcr.basictypes.Clone)1 VDJCAlignments (com.milaboratory.mixcr.basictypes.VDJCAlignments)1 VDJCObject (com.milaboratory.mixcr.basictypes.VDJCObject)1