use of com.minecolonies.api.research.IGlobalResearchTree in project minecolonies by ldtteam.
the class GenericRecipeUtils method getResearchDisplayName.
private static ITextComponent getResearchDisplayName(@NotNull final ResourceLocation researchId) {
final IGlobalResearchTree researchTree = IGlobalResearchTree.getInstance();
// first, try to see if this is a research id
final IGlobalResearch research = researchTree.getResearch(researchId);
if (research != null) {
return research.getName();
// next, see if it's an effect id
final Set<IGlobalResearch> researches = researchTree.getResearchForEffect(researchId);
if (researches != null && !researches.isEmpty()) {
// there might be more than one, but this should be sufficient for now
return researches.iterator().next().getName();
// otherwise it may be an effect with no research (perhaps disabled via datapack)
return new StringTextComponent("???");
use of com.minecolonies.api.research.IGlobalResearchTree in project minecolonies by ldtteam.
the class ResearchListener method apply.
protected void apply(@NotNull final Map<ResourceLocation, JsonElement> object, @NotNull final IResourceManager resourceManagerIn, @NotNull final IProfiler profilerIn) {
Log.getLogger().info("Beginning load of research for University.");
// First, index and map out all research effects. We need to be able to map them before creating Researches themselves.
// Because data packs, can't assume effects are in one specific location.
// For now, we'll populate relative levels when doing so, but we probably want to do that dynamically.
final Map<ResourceLocation, ResearchEffectCategory> effectCategories = parseResearchEffects(object);
// We /shouldn't/ get any removes before the Research they're trying to remove exists,
// but it can happen if multiple data packs affect each other.
// Instead, get lists of research locations for researches and branches to not load and quit their parsing early.
final Tuple<Collection<ResourceLocation>, Collection<ResourceLocation>> removeResearchesAndBranches = parseRemoveResearches(object);
// Next, populate a new map of IGlobalResearches, identified by researchID.
// This allows us to figure out root/branch relationships more sanely.
// We need the effectCategories and levels to do this.
MinecraftServer server = ServerLifecycleHooks.getCurrentServer();
final Map<ResourceLocation, GlobalResearch> researchMap = parseResearches(object, effectCategories, removeResearchesAndBranches.getA(), removeResearchesAndBranches.getB(), !(server instanceof DedicatedServer));
// After we've loaded all researches, we can then try to assign child relationships.
// This is also the phase where we'd try to support back-calculating university levels for researches without them/with incorrect ones.
final IGlobalResearchTree researchTree = calcResearchTree(researchMap);
// Finally, check for branch-specific settings -- these are optional and only apply to the IGlobalResearchTree.
parseResearchBranches(object, researchTree);
Log.getLogger().info("Loaded " + researchMap.values().size() + " recipes for " + researchTree.getBranches().size() + " research branches");
// We only need to send to players during a data pack reload event during live play.
if (server != null) {
for (ServerPlayerEntity player : server.getPlayerList().getPlayers()) {
use of com.minecolonies.api.research.IGlobalResearchTree in project minecolonies by Minecolonies.
the class GenericRecipeUtils method getResearchDisplayName.
private static ITextComponent getResearchDisplayName(@NotNull final ResourceLocation researchId) {
final IGlobalResearchTree researchTree = IGlobalResearchTree.getInstance();
// first, try to see if this is a research id
final IGlobalResearch research = researchTree.getResearch(researchId);
if (research != null) {
return research.getName();
// next, see if it's an effect id
final Set<IGlobalResearch> researches = researchTree.getResearchForEffect(researchId);
if (researches != null && !researches.isEmpty()) {
// there might be more than one, but this should be sufficient for now
return researches.iterator().next().getName();
// otherwise it may be an effect with no research (perhaps disabled via datapack)
return new StringTextComponent("???");
use of com.minecolonies.api.research.IGlobalResearchTree in project minecolonies by Minecolonies.
the class ResearchListener method calcResearchTree.
* Parses out a GlobalResearch map to apply parent/child relationships between researches, and to graft and warn about inconsistent relationships.
* @param researchMap A Map of ResearchIDs to GlobalResearches to turn into a GlobalResearchTree.
* @return An IGlobalResearchTree containing the validated researches.
private IGlobalResearchTree calcResearchTree(final Map<ResourceLocation, GlobalResearch> researchMap) {
final IGlobalResearchTree researchTree = MinecoloniesAPIProxy.getInstance().getGlobalResearchTree();
// The research tree should be reset on world unload, but certain events and disconnects break that. Do it here, too.
// Next, set up child relationships, and handle cases where they're not logically consistent.
for (final Map.Entry<ResourceLocation, GlobalResearch> entry : researchMap.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().getParent().getPath().isEmpty() && entry.getValue().getDepth() > 1) {
// For now, log and re-graft entries with no parent and depth to the root of their branch.
entry.setValue(new GlobalResearch(entry.getValue().getId(), entry.getValue().getBranch(), 1, entry.getValue().getEffects(), entry.getValue().getIconTextureResourceLocation(), entry.getValue().getIconItemStack(), entry.getValue().isImmutable()));
Log.getLogger().error(entry.getValue().getBranch() + "/" + entry.getKey() + "could not be attached to tree: inconsistent depth for parentage.");
} else if (!entry.getValue().getParent().getPath().isEmpty()) {
if (researchMap.containsKey(entry.getValue().getParent())) {
if (researchMap.get(entry.getValue().getParent()).getBranch().equals(entry.getValue().getBranch())) {
} else {
Log.getLogger().error(entry.getValue().getBranch() + "/" + entry.getKey() + "could not be attached to " + entry.getValue().getParent() + " on " + researchMap.get(entry.getValue().getParent()).getBranch());
// For now, log and re-graft entries with inconsistent parent-child relationships as a separate primary research.
entry.setValue(new GlobalResearch(entry.getValue().getId(), entry.getValue().getBranch(), 1, entry.getValue().getEffects(), entry.getValue().getIconTextureResourceLocation(), entry.getValue().getIconItemStack(), entry.getValue().isImmutable()));
} else {
Log.getLogger().error(entry.getValue().getBranch() + "/" + entry.getKey() + " could not find parent " + entry.getValue().getParent());
// For now, log and re-graft entries with inconsistent parent-child relationships as a separate primary research.
entry.setValue(new GlobalResearch(entry.getValue().getId(), entry.getValue().getBranch(), 1, entry.getValue().getEffects(), entry.getValue().getIconTextureResourceLocation(), entry.getValue().getIconItemStack(), entry.getValue().isImmutable()));
researchTree.addResearch(entry.getValue().getBranch(), entry.getValue(), true);
return researchTree;
use of com.minecolonies.api.research.IGlobalResearchTree in project minecolonies by Minecolonies.
the class ResearchListener method apply.
protected void apply(@NotNull final Map<ResourceLocation, JsonElement> object, @NotNull final IResourceManager resourceManagerIn, @NotNull final IProfiler profilerIn) {
Log.getLogger().info("Beginning load of research for University.");
// First, index and map out all research effects. We need to be able to map them before creating Researches themselves.
// Because data packs, can't assume effects are in one specific location.
// For now, we'll populate relative levels when doing so, but we probably want to do that dynamically.
final Map<ResourceLocation, ResearchEffectCategory> effectCategories = parseResearchEffects(object);
// We /shouldn't/ get any removes before the Research they're trying to remove exists,
// but it can happen if multiple data packs affect each other.
// Instead, get lists of research locations for researches and branches to not load and quit their parsing early.
final Tuple<Collection<ResourceLocation>, Collection<ResourceLocation>> removeResearchesAndBranches = parseRemoveResearches(object);
// Next, populate a new map of IGlobalResearches, identified by researchID.
// This allows us to figure out root/branch relationships more sanely.
// We need the effectCategories and levels to do this.
MinecraftServer server = ServerLifecycleHooks.getCurrentServer();
final Map<ResourceLocation, GlobalResearch> researchMap = parseResearches(object, effectCategories, removeResearchesAndBranches.getA(), removeResearchesAndBranches.getB(), !(server instanceof DedicatedServer));
// After we've loaded all researches, we can then try to assign child relationships.
// This is also the phase where we'd try to support back-calculating university levels for researches without them/with incorrect ones.
final IGlobalResearchTree researchTree = calcResearchTree(researchMap);
// Finally, check for branch-specific settings -- these are optional and only apply to the IGlobalResearchTree.
parseResearchBranches(object, researchTree);
Log.getLogger().info("Loaded " + researchMap.values().size() + " recipes for " + researchTree.getBranches().size() + " research branches");
// We only need to send to players during a data pack reload event during live play.
if (server != null) {
for (ServerPlayerEntity player : server.getPlayerList().getPlayers()) {