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Example 1 with NetworkRequestTimeoutException

use of com.mobiledgex.matchingengine.NetworkRequestTimeoutException in project edge-cloud-sampleapps by mobiledgex.

the class MainActivity method runFlow.

private void runFlow(Task<Location> locationTask, AppCompatActivity ctx) {
    Location location = locationTask.getResult();
    if (location == null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Mising location. Cannot update.");
    // Location found. Create a request:
    try {
        someText = "";
        // Switch entire process over to cellular for application use.
        // mMatchingEngine.getNetworkManager().switchToCellularInternetNetworkBlocking();
        // String adId = mMatchingEngine.GetHashedAdvertisingID(ctx);
        // If no carrierName, or active Subscription networks, the app should use the public cloud instead.
        List<SubscriptionInfo> subList = me.getActiveSubscriptionInfoList();
        if (subList != null && subList.size() > 0) {
            for (SubscriptionInfo info : subList) {
                CharSequence carrierName = info.getCarrierName();
                if (carrierName != null && carrierName.equals("Android")) {
                    someText += "Emulator Active Subscription Network: " + info.toString() + "\n";
                } else {
                    someText += "Active Subscription network: " + info.toString() + "\n";
        // mMatchingEngine.setNetworkSwitchingEnabled(true);
        } else {
            // This example will continue to execute anyway, as Demo DME may still be reachable to discover nearby edge cloudlets.
            someText += "No active cellular networks: app should use public cloud instead of the edgecloudlet at this time.\n";
        SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(ctx);
        boolean locationVerificationAllowed = prefs.getBoolean(getResources().getString(R.string.preference_matching_engine_location_verification), false);
        // String carrierName = mMatchingEngine.getCarrierName(ctx); // Regular use case
        // Override carrierName
        String carrierName = "";
        if (carrierName == null) {
            someText += "No carrier Info!\n";
        // It's possible the Generated DME DNS host doesn't exist yet for your SIM.
        String dmeHostAddress;
        try {
            dmeHostAddress = me.generateDmeHostAddress();
            someText += "(e)SIM card based DME address: " + dmeHostAddress + "\n";
        } catch (DmeDnsException dde) {
            someText += dde.getMessage();
            // Here, being unable to register to the Edge infrastructure, app should
            // fall back to public cloud server. Edge is not available.
            // For Demo app, we use the wifi dme server to continue to MobiledgeX.
            dmeHostAddress = MatchingEngine.wifiOnlyDmeHost;
        dmeHostAddress = "eu-qa." + MatchingEngine.baseDmeHost;
        // dmeHostAddress = mMatchingEngine.generateDmeHostAddress(); // normal usage.
        // Keep same port.
        int port = me.getPort();
        // Always supplied by application, and in the MobiledgeX web admin console.
        String orgName = "automation_dev_org";
        // For illustration, the matching engine can be used to programmatically get the name of your application details
        // so it can go to the correct appInst version. That AppInst on the server side must match the application
        // version or else it won't be found and cannot be used.
        // AppName must be added to the MobiledgeX web admin console.
        String appName = "automation-sdk-porttest";
        // override the version of that known registered app.
        String appVers = "1.0";
        // Use createDefaultRegisterClientRequest() to get a Builder class to fill in optional parameters
        // like AuthToken or Tag key value pairs.
        AppClient.RegisterClientRequest registerClientRequest = me.createDefaultRegisterClientRequest(ctx, orgName).setAppName(appName).setAppVers(appVers).build();
        Log.i(TAG, "registerclient request is " + registerClientRequest);
        // This exercises a threadpool that can have a dependent call depth larger than 1
        AppClient.RegisterClientReply registerClientReply;
        Future<AppClient.RegisterClientReply> registerClientReplyFuture = me.registerClientFuture(registerClientRequest, dmeHostAddress, port, 10000);
        registerClientReply = registerClientReplyFuture.get();
        Log.i(TAG, "RegisterReply status is " + registerClientReply.getStatus());
        if (registerClientReply.getStatus() != AppClient.ReplyStatus.RS_SUCCESS) {
            someText += "Registration Failed. Error: " + registerClientReply.getStatus();
        // Find the closest cloudlet for your application to use. (Blocking call, or use findCloudletFuture)
        // There is also createDefaultFindClouldletRequest() to get a Builder class to fill in optional parameters.
        AppClient.FindCloudletRequest findCloudletRequest = // location requires location services active with permissions.)
        me.createDefaultFindCloudletRequest(ctx, automationCloudlet2).setCarrierName("").build();
        AppClient.FindCloudletReply closestCloudlet = me.findCloudlet(findCloudletRequest, dmeHostAddress, port, 10000);
        Log.i(TAG, "closest Cloudlet is " + closestCloudlet);
        mLastFindCloudlet = closestCloudlet;
        if (closestCloudlet.getStatus() != AppClient.FindCloudletReply.FindStatus.FIND_FOUND) {
            someText += "Cloudlet not found!";
        // This is a legal point to keep posting edgeEvents updates, as the EdgeEventBus
        // should now be initalized, unless disabled.
        registerClientReplyFuture = me.registerClientFuture(registerClientRequest, dmeHostAddress, port, 10000);
        registerClientReply = registerClientReplyFuture.get();
        Log.i(TAG, "Register status: " + registerClientReply.getStatus());
        AppClient.VerifyLocationRequest verifyRequest = me.createDefaultVerifyLocationRequest(ctx, location).build();
        Log.i(TAG, "verifyRequest is " + verifyRequest);
        if (verifyRequest != null) {
            // Location Verification (Blocking, or use verifyLocationFuture):
            AppClient.VerifyLocationReply verifiedLocation = me.verifyLocation(verifyRequest, dmeHostAddress, port, 10000);
            Log.i(TAG, "VerifyLocationReply is " + verifiedLocation);
            someText += "[Location Verified: Tower: " + verifiedLocation.getTowerStatus() + ", GPS LocationStatus: " + verifiedLocation.getGpsLocationStatus() + ", Location Accuracy: " + verifiedLocation.getGpsLocationAccuracyKm() + " ]\n";
            List<distributed_match_engine.Appcommon.AppPort> ports = closestCloudlet.getPortsList();
            String portListStr = "";
            boolean first = true;
            String appPortFormat = "{Protocol: %d, Container Port: %d, External Port: %d, Path Prefix: '%s'}";
            for (Appcommon.AppPort aPort : ports) {
                if (!first) {
                    portListStr += ", ";
                portListStr += String.format(Locale.getDefault(), appPortFormat, aPort.getProto().getNumber(), aPort.getInternalPort(), aPort.getPublicPort(), aPort.getEndPort());
                String host = aPort.getFqdnPrefix() + closestCloudlet.getFqdn();
                int knownPort = 2015;
                int serverPort = aPort.getPublicPort() == 0 ? knownPort : aPort.getPublicPort();
                // mMatchingEngine.getAppConnectionManager().getHttpClient(10000).get();
                OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
                // Our example server might not like random connections to non-existing /test.
                String api = serverPort == knownPort ? "/test" : "";
                Response response = null;
                try {
                    Request request = new Request.Builder().url("http://" + host + ":" + serverPort + api).build();
                    response = client.newCall(request).execute();
                    someText += "[Test Server response: " + response.toString() + "]\n";
                } catch (IOException | IllegalStateException e) {
                    someText += "[Error connecting to host: " + host + ", port: " + serverPort + ", api: " + api + ", Reason: " + e.getMessage() + "]\n";
                } finally {
                    if (response != null) {
                // Test from a particular network path. Here, the active one is Cellular since we switched the whole process over earlier.
                Site site = new Site(me.getNetworkManager().getActiveNetwork(), NetTest.TestType.CONNECT, 5, host, serverPort);
            someText += "[Cloudlet App Ports: [" + portListStr + "]\n";
            String appInstListText = "";
            AppClient.AppInstListRequest appInstListRequest = me.createDefaultAppInstListRequest(ctx, location).build();
            AppClient.AppInstListReply appInstListReply = me.getAppInstList(appInstListRequest, dmeHostAddress, port, 10000);
            for (AppClient.CloudletLocation cloudletLocation : appInstListReply.getCloudletsList()) {
                String location_carrierName = cloudletLocation.getCarrierName();
                String location_cloudletName = cloudletLocation.getCloudletName();
                double location_distance = cloudletLocation.getDistance();
                appInstListText += "[CloudletLocation: CarrierName: " + location_carrierName;
                appInstListText += ", CloudletName: " + location_cloudletName;
                appInstListText += ", Distance: " + location_distance;
                appInstListText += " , AppInstances: [";
                for (AppClient.Appinstance appinstance : cloudletLocation.getAppinstancesList()) {
                    appInstListText += "Name: " + appinstance.getAppName() + ", Version: " + appinstance.getAppVers() + ", FQDN: " + appinstance.getFqdn() + ", Ports: " + appinstance.getPortsList().toString();
                appInstListText += "]]\n";
            if (!appInstListText.isEmpty()) {
                someText += appInstListText;
        } else {
            someText = "Cannot create request object.\n";
            if (!locationVerificationAllowed) {
                someText += " Reason: Enhanced location is disabled.\n";
        someText += "[Is WiFi Enabled: " + me.isWiFiEnabled(ctx) + "]\n";
        if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 28) {
            someText += "[Is Roaming Data Enabled: " + me.isRoamingData() + "]\n";
        } else {
            someText += "[Roaming Data status unknown.]\n";
        CarrierConfigManager carrierConfigManager = ctx.getSystemService(CarrierConfigManager.class);
        someText += "[Enabling WiFi Calling could disable Cellular Data if on a Roaming Network!\nWiFi Calling  Support Status: " + me.isWiFiCallingSupported(carrierConfigManager) + "]\n";
        // Background thread. Post update to the UI thread:
        updateText(ctx, someText);
        // Set network back to last default one, if desired:
    } catch (/*DmeDnsException |*/
    ExecutionException | StatusRuntimeException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
        Log.e(TAG, Log.getStackTraceString(e));
        if (e.getCause() instanceof NetworkRequestTimeoutException) {
            String causeMessage = e.getCause().getMessage();
            someText = "Network connection failed: " + causeMessage;
            Log.e(TAG, someText);
            // Handle network error with failover logic. MobiledgeX MatchingEngine requests over cellular is needed to talk to the DME.
            updateText(ctx, someText);
    } catch (InterruptedException | IllegalArgumentException | Resources.NotFoundException | PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
        // Import MEL messaging.
        MelMessaging.getCookie("MobiledgeX SDK Demo");
        someText += "Exception failure: " + e.getMessage();
        updateText(ctx, someText);
        Log.e(TAG, Log.getStackTraceString(e));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        someText += "Exception failure: " + e.getMessage() + ": ";
        updateText(ctx, someText);
    } finally {
        updateText(ctx, someText);
Also used : Site(com.mobiledgex.matchingengine.performancemetrics.Site) OkHttpClient(com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient) SubscriptionInfo(android.telephony.SubscriptionInfo) StatusRuntimeException(io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException) ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException) CarrierConfigManager(android.telephony.CarrierConfigManager) SharedPreferences(android.content.SharedPreferences) LocationRequest( Request(com.squareup.okhttp.Request) IOException( DmeDnsException(com.mobiledgex.matchingengine.DmeDnsException) IOException( ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException) StatusRuntimeException(io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException) NetworkRequestTimeoutException(com.mobiledgex.matchingengine.NetworkRequestTimeoutException) Appcommon(distributed_match_engine.Appcommon) Response(com.squareup.okhttp.Response) NetworkRequestTimeoutException(com.mobiledgex.matchingengine.NetworkRequestTimeoutException) AppClient(distributed_match_engine.AppClient) Location(android.location.Location) DmeDnsException(com.mobiledgex.matchingengine.DmeDnsException)


SharedPreferences (android.content.SharedPreferences)1 Location (android.location.Location)1 CarrierConfigManager (android.telephony.CarrierConfigManager)1 SubscriptionInfo (android.telephony.SubscriptionInfo)1 LocationRequest ( DmeDnsException (com.mobiledgex.matchingengine.DmeDnsException)1 NetworkRequestTimeoutException (com.mobiledgex.matchingengine.NetworkRequestTimeoutException)1 Site (com.mobiledgex.matchingengine.performancemetrics.Site)1 OkHttpClient (com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient)1 Request (com.squareup.okhttp.Request)1 Response (com.squareup.okhttp.Response)1 AppClient (distributed_match_engine.AppClient)1 Appcommon (distributed_match_engine.Appcommon)1 StatusRuntimeException (io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException)1 IOException ( ExecutionException (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)1