use of com.mongodb.MongoConfigurationException in project mongo-java-driver by mongodb.
the class DefaultDnsResolver method resolveHostFromSrvRecords.
The format of SRV record is
priority weight port target.
0 5 5060
The priority and weight are ignored, and we just concatenate the host (after removing the ending '.') and port with a
':' in between, as expected by ServerAddress.
It's required that the srvHost has at least three parts (e.g. and that all of the resolved hosts have a parent
domain equal to the domain of the srvHost.
public List<String> resolveHostFromSrvRecords(final String srvHost, final String srvServiceName) {
String srvHostDomain = srvHost.substring(srvHost.indexOf('.') + 1);
List<String> srvHostDomainParts = asList(srvHostDomain.split("\\."));
List<String> hosts = new ArrayList<String>();
InitialDirContext dirContext = createDnsDirContext();
try {
String resourceRecordName = "_" + srvServiceName + "._tcp." + srvHost;
Attributes attributes = dirContext.getAttributes(resourceRecordName, new String[] { "SRV" });
Attribute attribute = attributes.get("SRV");
if (attribute == null) {
throw new MongoConfigurationException(format("No SRV records available for %s", resourceRecordName));
NamingEnumeration<?> srvRecordEnumeration = attribute.getAll();
while (srvRecordEnumeration.hasMore()) {
String srvRecord = (String);
String[] split = srvRecord.split(" ");
String resolvedHost = split[3].endsWith(".") ? split[3].substring(0, split[3].length() - 1) : split[3];
String resolvedHostDomain = resolvedHost.substring(resolvedHost.indexOf('.') + 1);
if (!sameParentDomain(srvHostDomainParts, resolvedHostDomain)) {
throw new MongoConfigurationException(format("The SRV host name '%s'resolved to a host '%s 'that is not in a sub-domain of the SRV host.", srvHost, resolvedHost));
hosts.add(resolvedHost + ":" + split[2]);
if (hosts.isEmpty()) {
throw new MongoConfigurationException("Unable to find any SRV records for host " + srvHost);
} catch (NamingException e) {
throw new MongoConfigurationException("Unable to look up SRV record for host " + srvHost, e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (NamingException e) {
// ignore
return hosts;
use of com.mongodb.MongoConfigurationException in project mongo-java-driver by mongodb.
the class SrvPollingProseTests method shouldIgnoreDnsRecordLookupFailure.
// 6. DNS record lookup timeout
// Unimplemented as DnsResolver doesn't throw a different exception for timeouts
// 7. DNS record lookup failure
public void shouldIgnoreDnsRecordLookupFailure() {
initCluster(new MongoConfigurationException("Unable to look up SRV record for host " + srvHost, new NamingException()));
assertEquals(setOf(initialHosts), clusterHostsSet());
use of com.mongodb.MongoConfigurationException in project mongo-java-driver by mongodb.
the class LoadBalancedClusterTest method shouldTimeoutSelectServerWhenThereIsSRVLookupException.
public void shouldTimeoutSelectServerWhenThereIsSRVLookupException() {
// given
String srvHostName = "";
ServerAddress resolvedServerAddress = new ServerAddress("host1");
ClusterableServer expectedServer = mock(ClusterableServer.class);
ClusterSettings clusterSettings = ClusterSettings.builder().serverSelectionTimeout(10, MILLISECONDS).mode(ClusterConnectionMode.LOAD_BALANCED).srvHost(srvHostName).build();
ClusterableServerFactory serverFactory = mockServerFactory(resolvedServerAddress, expectedServer);
DnsSrvRecordMonitorFactory dnsSrvRecordMonitorFactory = mock(DnsSrvRecordMonitorFactory.class);
when(dnsSrvRecordMonitorFactory.create(eq(srvHostName), eq(clusterSettings.getSrvServiceName()), any())).thenAnswer(invocation -> new TestDnsSrvRecordMonitor(invocation.getArgument(2)).sleepTime(Duration.ofMillis(1)).exception(new MongoConfigurationException("Unable to resolve SRV record")));
cluster = new LoadBalancedCluster(new ClusterId(), clusterSettings, serverFactory, dnsSrvRecordMonitorFactory);
MongoTimeoutException exception = assertThrows(MongoTimeoutException.class, () -> cluster.selectServer(mock(ServerSelector.class)));
assertEquals("Timed out after 10 ms while waiting to resolve SRV records for " + "Resolution exception was 'com.mongodb.MongoConfigurationException: Unable to resolve SRV record'", exception.getMessage());
use of com.mongodb.MongoConfigurationException in project mongo-java-driver by mongodb.
the class ServerSelectionSelectionTest method shouldPassAllOutcomes.
public void shouldPassAllOutcomes() {
// skip this test because the driver prohibits maxStaleness or tagSets with mode of primary at a much lower level
ServerSelector serverSelector = null;
List<ServerDescription> suitableServers = buildServerDescriptions(definition.getArray("suitable_servers", new BsonArray()));
List<ServerDescription> selectedServers = null;
try {
serverSelector = getServerSelector();
selectedServers =;
if (error) {
fail("Should have thrown exception");
} catch (MongoConfigurationException e) {
if (!error) {
fail("Should not have thrown exception: " + e);
assertServers(selectedServers, suitableServers);
ServerSelector latencyBasedServerSelector = new CompositeServerSelector(asList(serverSelector, new LatencyMinimizingServerSelector(15, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)));
List<ServerDescription> inLatencyWindowServers = buildServerDescriptions(definition.getArray("in_latency_window"));
List<ServerDescription> latencyBasedSelectedServers =;
assertServers(latencyBasedSelectedServers, inLatencyWindowServers);
use of com.mongodb.MongoConfigurationException in project mongo-java-driver by mongodb.
the class SingleServerCluster method onChange.
public void onChange(final ServerDescriptionChangedEvent event) {
withLock(() -> {
ServerDescription newDescription = event.getNewDescription();
if (newDescription.isOk()) {
if (getSettings().getRequiredClusterType() != ClusterType.UNKNOWN && getSettings().getRequiredClusterType() != newDescription.getClusterType()) {
newDescription = null;
} else if (getSettings().getRequiredClusterType() == ClusterType.REPLICA_SET && getSettings().getRequiredReplicaSetName() != null) {
if (!getSettings().getRequiredReplicaSetName().equals(newDescription.getSetName())) {
newDescription = ServerDescription.builder(newDescription).exception(new MongoConfigurationException(format("Replica set name '%s' does not match required replica set name of '%s'", newDescription.getSetName(), getSettings().getRequiredReplicaSetName()))).type(ServerType.UNKNOWN).setName(null).ok(false).build();
publishDescription(ClusterType.UNKNOWN, newDescription);