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Example 1 with StateTransitionResult

use of in project SilverKing by Morgan-Stanley.

the class SingleWriterConsistentWrite method update.

 * Called after a replica state updates
public void update(DHTKey key, IPAndPort replica, byte storageState, OpResult update, PutVirtualCommunicator pvComm) {
    assert replica != null;
    if (update == OpResult.SUCCEEDED || update == OpResult.INVALID_VERSION || update == OpResult.MUTATION || update == OpResult.NO_SUCH_NAMESPACE) {
        SingleWriterConsistentStorageEntryState entryState;
        if (debug) {
            System.out.printf("key %s replica %s\tupdate %s\n", KeyUtil.keyToString(key), replica, update);
        // FUTURE - could refactor code to only perform this lookup once if needed
        entryState = getEntryState(key);
        synchronized (entryState) {
            if (entryState.getCurOpResult() == OpResult.INCOMPLETE) {
                TwoPhaseStorageState prevState;
                StateTransitionResult transitionResult;
                TwoPhaseStorageState nextState;
                OpResult opResult;
                prevState = TwoPhaseStorageState.values[storageState];
                if (update.toOperationState() != OperationState.FAILED) {
                    nextState = TwoPhaseStorageState.nextState(prevState);
                    transitionResult = entryState.transitionFromState(replica, prevState);
                    opResult = nextState.toOpResult();
                } else {
          , prevState);
                    transitionResult = StateTransitionResult.COMPLETION;
                    nextState = TwoPhaseStorageState.FAILED;
                    opResult = update;
                if (debug) {
                    System.out.printf("key %s prevState %s nextState %s transitionResult %s\n", KeyUtil.keyToString(key), prevState, nextState, transitionResult);
                switch(transitionResult) {
                    case REPLICA_TRANSITION:
                    case QUORUM_TRANSITION:
                        quorumTransition(key, entryState.primaryReplicas(), nextState, update, pvComm);
                        quorumTransition(key, entryState.secondaryReplicas(), nextState, update, pvComm);
                        if (!nextState.isComplete()) {
                        } else {
                        // fall through if complete
                    case COMPLETION:
                        int _completeEntries;
                        pvComm.sendResult(key, opResult);
                        _completeEntries = completeEntries.incrementAndGet();
                        if (debug) {
                            System.out.printf("COMPLETION %s %d %d\n", KeyUtil.keyToString(key), _completeEntries, numEntries);
                        if (_completeEntries >= numEntries) {
                        if (debug) {
                            System.out.printf("opResult %s\n", getOpResult());
                    case NO_TRANSITION:
                        // must be old update
                        throw new RuntimeException("panic");
            } else {
                if (Log.levelMet(Level.FINE)) {
                    Log.fine("Update for non-incomplete: ", key + " " + replica + " " + update);
    } else {
        // FUTURE - Consider additional error handling
        Log.warning("Unexpected update: ", key + " " + replica + " " + update);
Also used : OpResult( StateTransitionResult(


OpResult ( StateTransitionResult (