use of com.mucommander.commons.file.AuthException in project mucommander by mucommander.
the class S3ProtocolProvider method getFile.
public AbstractFile getFile(FileURL url, Map<String, Object> instantiationParams) throws IOException {
Credentials credentials = url.getCredentials();
if (credentials == null || credentials.getLogin().equals("") || credentials.getPassword().equals(""))
throw new AuthException(url);
S3Service service;
String bucketName;
if (instantiationParams.isEmpty()) {
Jets3tProperties props = new Jets3tProperties();
props.setProperty("s3service.s3-endpoint", url.getHost());
boolean secure = Boolean.parseBoolean(url.getProperty(S3File.SECUTRE_HTTP));
if (url.getPort() > 0)
props.setProperty(secure ? "s3service.s3-endpoint-https-port" : "s3service.s3-endpoint-http-port", String.valueOf(url.getPort()));
props.setProperty("s3service.https-only", String.valueOf(secure));
props.setProperty("s3service.disable-dns-buckets", url.getProperty(S3File.DISABLE_DNS_BUCKETS));
props.setProperty("s3service.default-bucket-location", url.getProperty(S3File.DEFAULT_BUCKET_LOCATION));
service = new RestS3Service(getProviderCredentials(url), null, null, props);
} else {
service = (S3Service) instantiationParams.get("service");
String path = url.getPath();
// Root resource
if (("/").equals(path))
return new S3Root(url, service);
// Fetch the bucket name from the URL
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(path, "/");
bucketName = st.nextToken();
// Object resource
if (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
org.jets3t.service.model.S3Object obj = (org.jets3t.service.model.S3Object) instantiationParams.get("object");
if (obj != null)
return new S3Object(url, service, bucketName, obj);
return new S3Object(url, service, bucketName);
// Bucket resource
org.jets3t.service.model.S3Bucket bucket = (org.jets3t.service.model.S3Bucket) instantiationParams.get("bucket");
if (bucket != null)
return new S3Bucket(url, service, bucket);
return new S3Bucket(url, service, bucketName);
use of com.mucommander.commons.file.AuthException in project mucommander by mucommander.
the class S3File method getHadoopFileSystem.
// /////////////////////////////
// HadoopFile implementation //
// /////////////////////////////
protected FileSystem getHadoopFileSystem(FileURL url) throws IOException {
if (!url.containsCredentials())
throw new AuthException(url);
// Note: getRealm returns a fresh instance every time
FileURL realm = url.getRealm();
// Import credentials
Credentials creds = url.getCredentials();
if (creds != null) {
// URL-encode secret as it may contain non URL-safe characters ('+' and '/')
realm.setCredentials(new Credentials(creds.getLogin(), URLEncoder.encode(creds.getPassword(), "UTF-8")));
// Change the scheme to the actual Hadoop fileystem (s3 -> s3n)
return FileSystem.get(URI.create(realm.toString(true, false)), DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION);
use of com.mucommander.commons.file.AuthException in project mucommander by mucommander.
the class ConnectionHandler method throwAuthException.
* Throws an {@link AuthException} using this connection handler's realm, credentials and the message passed as
* an argument (can be <code>null</code>). The FileURL instance representing the realm that is used to create
* the <code>AuthException</code> is a clone of this realm, making it safe for modification.
* @param message the message to pass to AuthException's constructor, can be <code>null</code>
* @throws AuthException always throws the created AuthException
public void throwAuthException(String message) throws AuthException {
FileURL clonedRealm = (FileURL) realm.clone();
throw new AuthException(clonedRealm, message);
use of com.mucommander.commons.file.AuthException in project mucommander by mucommander.
the class BrowseLocationThread method run.
public void run() {
LOGGER.debug("starting folder change...");
boolean folderChangedSuccessfully = false;
// Show some progress in the progress bar to give hope
boolean userCancelled = false;
CredentialsMapping newCredentialsMapping = null;
// True if Guest authentication was selected in the authentication dialog (guest credentials must not be
// added to CredentialsManager)
boolean guestCredentialsSelected = false;
AuthenticationType authenticationType = folderURL.getAuthenticationType();
if (credentialsMapping != null) {
newCredentialsMapping = credentialsMapping;
CredentialsManager.authenticate(folderURL, newCredentialsMapping);
} else // avoid waiting for an AuthException to be thrown.
if (!folderURL.containsCredentials() && ((authenticationType == AuthenticationType.AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED) || (authenticationType == AuthenticationType.AUTHENTICATION_OPTIONAL && CredentialsManager.getMatchingCredentials(folderURL).length > 0))) {
AuthDialog authDialog = popAuthDialog(folderURL, false, null);
newCredentialsMapping = authDialog.getCredentialsMapping();
guestCredentialsSelected = authDialog.guestCredentialsSelected();
// User cancelled the authentication dialog, stop
if (newCredentialsMapping == null)
userCancelled = true;
else // Use the provided credentials and invalidate the folder AbstractFile instance (if any) so that
// it gets recreated with the new credentials
CredentialsManager.authenticate(folderURL, newCredentialsMapping);
folder = null;
if (!userCancelled) {
boolean canonicalPathFollowed = false;
do {
// Set cursor to hourglass/wait
mainFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR));
// Render all actions inactive while changing folder
try {
// Thread was created using a FileURL
if (folder == null) {
AbstractFile file = FileFactory.getFile(folderURL, true);
synchronized (KILL_LOCK) {
if (killed) {
LOGGER.debug("this thread has been killed, returning");
// File resolved -> 25% complete
// or doesn't exist
if (file == null || !file.exists()) {
// Restore default cursor
if (!file.canRead()) {
// Restore default cursor
// File is a regular directory, all good
if (file.isDirectory()) {
// Just continue
} else // File is a browsable file (Zip archive for instance) but not a directory : Browse or Download ? => ask the user
if (file.isBrowsable()) {
// of the OpenAction (enter pressed on the file). This works well enough in practice.
if (!globalHistory.contains(folderURL) && !file.equals(folderPanel.getFileTable().getSelectedFile())) {
// Restore default cursor
// Download or browse file ?
QuestionDialog dialog = new QuestionDialog(mainFrame, null, Translator.get("table.download_or_browse"), mainFrame, Arrays.asList(BrowseLocationThreadAction.BROWSE, BrowseLocationThreadAction.DOWNLOAD, BrowseLocationThreadAction.CANCEL), 0);
DialogAction ret = dialog.getActionValue();
if (ret == DIALOG_DISPOSED_ACTION || ret == BrowseLocationThreadAction.CANCEL)
// Download file
if (ret == BrowseLocationThreadAction.DOWNLOAD) {
// Continue if BROWSE
// Set cursor to hourglass/wait
mainFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR));
// else just continue and browse file's contents
} else // File is a regular file: show download dialog which allows to download (copy) the file
// to a directory specified by the user
this.folder = file;
} else // Thread was created using an AbstractFile instance, check file existence
if (!folder.exists()) {
// Find a 'workable' folder if the requested folder doesn't exist anymore
if (findWorkableFolder) {
AbstractFile newFolder = locationChanger.getWorkableFolder(folder);
if (newFolder.equals(folder)) {
// If we've already tried the returned folder, give up (avoids a potentially endless loop)
// Try again with the new folder
folder = newFolder;
folderURL = folder.getURL();
// Discard the file to select, if any
fileToSelect = null;
} else {
} else if (!folder.canRead()) {
// resolved again.
if (!canonicalPathFollowed && followCanonicalPath(folder)) {
try {
// Recreate the FileURL using the file's canonical path
FileURL newURL = FileURL.getFileURL(folder.getCanonicalPath());
// Keep the credentials and properties (if any)
this.folderURL = newURL;
// Invalidate the AbstractFile instance
this.folder = null;
// There won't be any further attempts after this one
canonicalPathFollowed = true;
// Loop the resolve the file
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
// In the unlikely event of the canonical path being malformed, the AbstractFile
// and FileURL instances are left untouched
synchronized (KILL_LOCK) {
if (killed) {
LOGGER.debug("this thread has been killed, returning");
// File tested -> 50% complete
synchronized (KILL_LOCK) {
if (killed) {
LOGGER.debug("this thread has been killed, returning");
// From now on, thread cannot be killed (would comprise table integrity)
doNotKill = true;
// files listed -> 75% complete
LOGGER.trace("calling setCurrentFolder");
// Change the file table's current folder and select the specified file (if any)
locationChanger.setCurrentFolder(folder, fileToSelect, changeLockedTab, true);
// folder set -> 95% complete
// Do not add the credentials if guest credentials were selected by the user.
if (newCredentialsMapping != null && !guestCredentialsSelected)
// All good !
folderChangedSuccessfully = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.debug("Caught exception", e);
if (killed) {
// If #tryKill() called #interrupt(), the exception we just caught was most likely
// thrown as a result of the thread being interrupted.
// The exception can be a java.lang.InterruptedException (Thread throws those),
// a java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException (InterruptibleChannel throws those)
// or any other exception thrown by some code that swallowed the original exception
// and threw a new one.
LOGGER.debug("Thread was interrupted, ignoring exception");
// Restore default cursor
if (e instanceof AuthException) {
AuthException authException = (AuthException) e;
// Retry (loop) if user provided new credentials, if not stop
AuthDialog authDialog = popAuthDialog(authException.getURL(), true, authException.getMessage());
newCredentialsMapping = authDialog.getCredentialsMapping();
guestCredentialsSelected = authDialog.guestCredentialsSelected();
if (newCredentialsMapping != null) {
// Invalidate the existing AbstractFile instance
folder = null;
// Use the provided credentials
CredentialsManager.authenticate(folderURL, newCredentialsMapping);
} else {
// Find a 'workable' folder if the requested folder doesn't exist anymore
if (findWorkableFolder) {
AbstractFile newFolder = locationChanger.getWorkableFolder(folder);
if (newFolder.equals(folder)) {
// If we've already tried the returned folder, give up (avoids a potentially endless loop)
// Try again with the new folder
folder = newFolder;
folderURL = folder.getURL();
// Discard the file to select, if any
fileToSelect = null;
// Stop looping!
} while (true);
synchronized (KILL_LOCK) {
// Clean things up
use of com.mucommander.commons.file.AuthException in project mucommander by mucommander.
the class GoogleDriveClient method connect.
public void connect() throws AuthException {
try {
NetHttpTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();
Credential credential = this.credential != null ? this.credential : getCredentials(HTTP_TRANSPORT, fileUrl.getHost(), null);
drive = new Drive.Builder(HTTP_TRANSPORT, JSON_FACTORY, credential).build();
} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
throw new AuthException(fileUrl);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IOError(e);