use of com.mucommander.commons.file.util.FileSet in project mucommander by mucommander.
the class InternalEditAction method performInternalAction.
// - AbstractViewerAction implementation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Opens the internal editor on the specified file.
* @param file file to edit.
protected void performInternalAction(AbstractFile file) {
if (file.isDirectory()) {
FileSet fileSet = new FileSet();
new ChangePermissionsDialog(mainFrame, fileSet).showDialog();
} else {
EditorRegistrar.createEditorFrame(mainFrame, file, getIcon().getImage());
use of com.mucommander.commons.file.util.FileSet in project mucommander by mucommander.
the class CommandAction method performAction.
// - Action code -----------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
public void performAction() {
FileSet selectedFiles;
// Retrieves the current selection.
selectedFiles = mainFrame.getActiveTable().getSelectedFiles();
// If no files are either selected or marked, aborts.
if (command.hasSelectedFileKeyword() && selectedFiles.size() == 0)
// If we're working with local files, go ahead and runs the command.
if (selectedFiles.getBaseFolder().getURL().getScheme().equals(LocalFile.SCHEMA) && (selectedFiles.getBaseFolder().hasAncestor(LocalFile.class))) {
try {
InformationDialog.showErrorDialogIfNeeded(getMainFrame(), ProcessRunner.executeAsync(command.getTokens(selectedFiles), selectedFiles.getBaseFolder()));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.debug("Failed to execute command: " + command.getCommand(), e);
} else // Otherwise, copies the files locally before running the command.
ProgressDialog progressDialog = new ProgressDialog(mainFrame, Translator.get("copy_dialog.copying"));
progressDialog.start(new TempOpenWithJob(new ProgressDialog(mainFrame, Translator.get("copy_dialog.copying")), mainFrame, selectedFiles, command));
use of com.mucommander.commons.file.util.FileSet in project mucommander by mucommander.
the class PasteClipboardFilesAction method performAction.
public void performAction() {
// Retrieve clipboard files
FileSet clipboardFiles = ClipboardSupport.getClipboardFiles();
if (clipboardFiles == null || clipboardFiles.isEmpty())
// Start copying files
ProgressDialog progressDialog = new ProgressDialog(mainFrame, Translator.get("copy_dialog.copying"));
AbstractFile destFolder = mainFrame.getActivePanel().getCurrentFolder();
CopyJob job = new CopyJob(progressDialog, mainFrame, clipboardFiles, destFolder, null, TransferMode.COPY, FileCollisionDialog.FileCollisionAction.ASK);
use of com.mucommander.commons.file.util.FileSet in project mucommander by mucommander.
the class FileDragSourceListener method dragGestureRecognized.
// /**
// * Creates a custom DragGestureEvent instance re-using the information contained in the given DragGestureEvent, but
// * overridding the actions with the specified actions bitwise mask.
// * When used with <code>DragSource.startDrag</code>, this allows to start a drag operation with a different source
// * action set from the one specified in the <code>DragGestureRecognizer</code>, based on the current state and
// * contents of the FolderPanel.
// */
// private DragGestureEvent createCustomDragGestureEvent(DragGestureEvent originalDGE, int actions) {
// Vector eventList = new Vector();
// Iterator eventIterator = originalDGE.iterator();
// while(eventIterator.hasNext())
// eventList.add(;
// DragGestureRecognizer dragGestureRecognizer = originalDGE.getSourceAsDragGestureRecognizer();
// dragGestureRecognizer.setSourceActions(actions);
// return new DragGestureEvent(dragGestureRecognizer,
// actions,
// originalDGE.getDragOrigin(),
// eventList);
// }
// ///////////////////////////////
// DragGestureListener methods //
// ///////////////////////////////
public void dragGestureRecognized(DragGestureEvent event) {
if (folderPanel.getMainFrame().getNoEventsMode())
FileTable fileTable = folderPanel.getFileTable();
FileTableModel tableModel = fileTable.getFileTableModel();
// Return (do not initiate drag) if mouse button2 or button3 was used
if ((event.getTriggerEvent().getModifiers() & (InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK | InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK)) != 0)
// Do not use that to retrieve the current selected file as it is inaccurate: the selection could have changed since the
// the mouse was clicked.
// AbstractFile selectedFile = fileTable.getSelectedFile(false);
// // Return if selected file is null (could happen if '..' is selected)
// if(selectedFile==null)
// return;
// Find out which row was clicked
int clickedRow = fileTable.rowAtPoint(event.getDragOrigin());
// Return (do not initiate drag) if the selected file is the parent folder '..'
if (clickedRow == -1 || fileTable.isParentFolder(clickedRow))
// Retrieve the file corresponding to the clicked row
AbstractFile selectedFile = tableModel.getFileAtRow(clickedRow);
// Find out which files are to be dragged, based on the selected file and currenlty marked files.
// If there are some files marked, drag marked files only if the selected file is one of the marked files.
// In any other case, only drag the selected file.
FileSet markedFiles;
FileSet draggedFiles;
if (tableModel.getNbMarkedFiles() > 0 && (markedFiles = fileTable.getSelectedFiles()).contains(selectedFile)) {
draggedFiles = markedFiles;
} else {
draggedFiles = new FileSet(folderPanel.getCurrentFolder(), selectedFile);
// Set initial DnDContext information
// Start dragging
DragSource.getDefaultDragSource().startDrag(event, null, new TransferableFileSet(draggedFiles), this);
// DragSource.getDefaultDragSource().startDrag(createCustomDragGestureEvent(event, DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE), null, new TransferableFileSet(draggedFiles), this);
use of com.mucommander.commons.file.util.FileSet in project mucommander by mucommander.
the class EmailFilesDialog method actionPerformed.
// //////////////////////////
// ActionListener methods //
// //////////////////////////
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
Object source = e.getSource();
// OK Button
if (source == okButton) {
String to = toField.getText().trim();
String subject = subjectField.getText();
String body = bodyArea.getText();
if (!to.equals("")) {
lastTo = to;
lastSubject = subject;
lastBody = body;
// Starts by disposing the dialog
// Creates new FileSet with files that have been selected
FileSet filesToSend = new FileSet(flattenedFiles.getBaseFolder());
int nbFiles = fileCheckboxes.length;
for (int i = 0; i < nbFiles; i++) if (fileCheckboxes[i].isSelected())
// Starts sending files
ProgressDialog progressDialog = new ProgressDialog(mainFrame, Translator.get("email_dialog.sending"));
SendMailJob mailJob = new SendMailJob(progressDialog, mainFrame, filesToSend, to, subject, body);
} else // Cancel button
if (source == cancelButton) {