use of in project mucommander by mucommander.
the class SplitFileJob method jobCompleted.
protected void jobCompleted() {
// create checksum file
if (isIntegrityCheckEnabled()) {
if (origFileStream != null && (origFileStream instanceof ChecksumInputStream)) {
String crcFileName = sourceFile.getName() + ".sfv";
try {
String sourceChecksum;
if (recalculateCRC) {
origFileStream = sourceFile.getInputStream();
sourceChecksum = AbstractFile.calculateChecksum(origFileStream, MessageDigest.getInstance("CRC32"));
} else {
sourceChecksum = ((ChecksumInputStream) origFileStream).getChecksumString();
AbstractFile crcFile = baseDestFolder.getDirectChild(crcFileName);
OutputStream crcStream = crcFile.getOutputStream();
String line = sourceFile.getName() + " " + sourceChecksum;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.debug("Caught exception", e);
showErrorDialog(errorDialogTitle, Translator.get("error_while_transferring", crcFileName), Arrays.asList(FileJobAction.CANCEL));
use of in project mucommander by mucommander.
the class TransferFileJob method copyFile.
* Copies the given source file to the specified destination file, optionally resuming the operation.
* As much as the source and destination protocols allow, the source file's date and permissions will be preserved.
protected void copyFile(AbstractFile sourceFile, AbstractFile destFile, boolean append) throws FileTransferException {
// Reset this field in case it was set to true for the previous file
isCheckingIntegrity = false;
// Throw a specific FileTransferException if source and destination files are identical
if (sourceFile.equalsCanonical(destFile))
throw new FileTransferException(FileTransferError.SOURCE_AND_DESTINATION_IDENTICAL);
// Determine whether or not AbstractFile.copyRemotelyTo() should be used to copy the file.
// Some file protocols do not provide a getOutputStream() method and require the use of copyRemotelyTo(). Some other
// may also offer server to server copy which is more efficient than stream copy.
boolean copied = false;
if (sourceFile.isFileOperationSupported(FileOperation.COPY_REMOTELY)) {
try {
copied = true;
} catch (IOException e) {
// The file will be copied manually
// If the file wasn't copied using copyRemotelyTo(), or if copyRemotelyTo() failed
InputStream in = null;
if (!copied) {
// Copy source file stream to destination file
try {
long inLength = sourceFile.getSize();
// Try to open InputStream
try {
long destFileSize = destFile.getSize();
if (append && destFileSize != -1) {
in = sourceFile.getInputStream(destFileSize);
// Do not calculate checksum, as it needs to be calculated on the whole file
inLength -= destFileSize;
// Increase current file ByteCounter by the number of bytes skipped
// Increase skipped ByteCounter by the number of bytes skipped
} else {
in = sourceFile.getInputStream();
if (integrityCheckEnabled)
in = new ChecksumInputStream(in, MessageDigest.getInstance(CHECKSUM_VERIFICATION_ALGORITHM));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.debug("IOException caught, throwing FileTransferException", e);
throw new FileTransferException(FileTransferError.OPENING_SOURCE);
// Copy source stream to destination file
destFile.copyStream(tlin, append, inLength);
} finally {
// This block will always be executed, even if an exception
// was thrown in the catch block
// Tries to close the streams no matter what happened before
// Preserve source file's date
tryCopyFileDate(sourceFile, destFile);
// Preserve source file's permissions: preserve only the permissions bits that are supported by the source file
// and use default permissions for the rest of them.
tryCopyFilePermissions(sourceFile, destFile);
// Under Mac OS X only, preserving the file type and creator
DesktopManager.postCopy(sourceFile, destFile);
// This block is executed only if integrity check has been enabled (disabled by default)
if (integrityCheckEnabled) {
String sourceChecksum;
String destinationChecksum;
// Indicate that integrity is being checked, the value is reset when the next file starts
isCheckingIntegrity = true;
if (in != null && (in instanceof ChecksumInputStream)) {
// The file was copied with a ChecksumInputStream, the checksum is already calculated, simply
// retrieve it
sourceChecksum = ((ChecksumInputStream) in).getChecksumString();
} else {
// we have to calculate the source file's checksum from scratch.
try {
sourceChecksum = calculateChecksum(sourceFile);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new FileTransferException(FileTransferError.READING_SOURCE);
LOGGER.debug("Source checksum= " + sourceChecksum);
// Calculate the destination file's checksum
try {
destinationChecksum = calculateChecksum(destFile);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new FileTransferException(FileTransferError.READING_DESTINATION);
LOGGER.debug("Destination checksum= " + destinationChecksum);
// Compare both checksums and throw an exception if they don't match
if (!sourceChecksum.equals(destinationChecksum)) {
throw new FileTransferException(FileTransferError.CHECKSUM_MISMATCH);