use of com.mxt.anitrend.model.entity.anilist.WebToken in project anitrend-app by AniTrend.
the class WebTokenRequest method checkTokenState.
* Double checks to assure that multiple threads attempting to access
* the token don't invoke multiple refresh token requests all at once
private static void checkTokenState(Context context, BasePresenter presenter) {
if (token == null || token.getExpires() < (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L)) {
WebToken response = WebFactory.requestCodeTokenSync(presenter.getDatabase().getAuthCode().getCode());
if (response != null) {
Log.d("WebTokenRequest", "Token refreshed & saved at time stamp: " + System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L);
} else
Log.e("WebTokenRequest", "Token had an invalid instance from context: " + context);
use of com.mxt.anitrend.model.entity.anilist.WebToken in project anitrend-app by AniTrend.
the class WebTokenRequest method getToken.
* Request a new access token using access code for authenticated content,
* and replace the current token with the new one from the server after authentication
public static synchronized boolean getToken(Context context, String code) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
WebToken authenticatedToken = new AuthenticationCodeAsync().execute(code).get();
if (authenticatedToken != null) {
DatabaseHelper databaseHelper = new DatabaseHelper(context);
databaseHelper.saveAuthCode(new AuthBase(code, authenticatedToken.getRefresh_token()));
return true;
return false;