use of in project pinpoint by naver.
the class DefaultBaseTraceFactory method continueAsyncTraceObject.
// entry point async trace.
public Trace continueAsyncTraceObject(final TraceId traceId) {
final TraceSampler.State state = traceSampler.isContinueSampled();
final boolean sampling = state.isSampled();
if (sampling) {
final TraceRoot traceRoot = traceRootFactory.continueTraceRoot(traceId, state.nextId());
final Span span = spanFactory.newSpan(traceRoot);
final SpanChunkFactory spanChunkFactory = new DefaultSpanChunkFactory(traceRoot);
final Storage storage = storageFactory.createStorage(spanChunkFactory);
final CallStack<SpanEvent> callStack = callStackFactory.newCallStack();
final ActiveTraceHandle handle = registerActiveTrace(traceRoot);
final SpanAsyncStateListener asyncStateListener = new SpanAsyncStateListener(span, storageFactory);
final AsyncState asyncState = new ListenableAsyncState(asyncStateListener, handle);
final SpanRecorder spanRecorder = recorderFactory.newSpanRecorder(span, traceId.isRoot(), sampling);
final WrappedSpanEventRecorder wrappedSpanEventRecorder = recorderFactory.newWrappedSpanEventRecorder(traceRoot, asyncState);
final DefaultTrace trace = new DefaultTrace(span, callStack, storage, sampling, spanRecorder, wrappedSpanEventRecorder, ActiveTraceHandle.EMPTY_HANDLE);
final AsyncTrace asyncTrace = new AsyncTrace(traceRoot, trace, asyncState);
return asyncTrace;
} else {
return newDisableTrace(state.nextId());
use of in project pinpoint by naver.
the class DefaultBaseTraceFactory method continueTraceObject.
// continue to trace the request that has been determined to be sampled on previous nodes
public Trace continueTraceObject(final TraceId traceId) {
// TODO need to modify how to bind a datasender
// always set true because the decision of sampling has been made on previous nodes
// TODO need to consider as a target to sample in case Trace object has a sampling flag (true) marked on previous node.
// Check max throughput(permits per seconds)
final TraceSampler.State state = traceSampler.isContinueSampled();
if (state.isSampled()) {
final TraceRoot traceRoot = traceRootFactory.continueTraceRoot(traceId, state.nextId());
final Span span = spanFactory.newSpan(traceRoot);
final SpanChunkFactory spanChunkFactory = new DefaultSpanChunkFactory(traceRoot);
final Storage storage = storageFactory.createStorage(spanChunkFactory);
final CallStack<SpanEvent> callStack = callStackFactory.newCallStack();
final boolean samplingEnable = true;
final SpanRecorder spanRecorder = recorderFactory.newSpanRecorder(span, traceId.isRoot(), samplingEnable);
final WrappedSpanEventRecorder wrappedSpanEventRecorder = recorderFactory.newWrappedSpanEventRecorder(traceRoot);
final ActiveTraceHandle handle = registerActiveTrace(traceRoot);
final DefaultTrace trace = new DefaultTrace(span, callStack, storage, samplingEnable, spanRecorder, wrappedSpanEventRecorder, handle);
return trace;
} else {
return newDisableTrace(state.nextId());
use of in project pinpoint by naver.
the class DefaultBaseTraceFactory method newAsyncTraceObject.
// entry point async trace.
public Trace newAsyncTraceObject() {
final TraceSampler.State state = traceSampler.isNewSampled();
final boolean sampling = state.isSampled();
if (sampling) {
final TraceRoot traceRoot = traceRootFactory.newTraceRoot(state.nextId());
final Span span = spanFactory.newSpan(traceRoot);
final SpanChunkFactory spanChunkFactory = new DefaultSpanChunkFactory(traceRoot);
final Storage storage = storageFactory.createStorage(spanChunkFactory);
final CallStack<SpanEvent> callStack = callStackFactory.newCallStack();
final ActiveTraceHandle handle = registerActiveTrace(traceRoot);
final SpanAsyncStateListener asyncStateListener = new SpanAsyncStateListener(span, storageFactory);
final AsyncState asyncState = new ListenableAsyncState(asyncStateListener, handle);
final TraceId traceId = traceRoot.getTraceId();
final SpanRecorder spanRecorder = recorderFactory.newSpanRecorder(span, traceId.isRoot(), sampling);
final WrappedSpanEventRecorder wrappedSpanEventRecorder = recorderFactory.newWrappedSpanEventRecorder(traceRoot, asyncState);
final DefaultTrace trace = new DefaultTrace(span, callStack, storage, sampling, spanRecorder, wrappedSpanEventRecorder, ActiveTraceHandle.EMPTY_HANDLE);
final AsyncTrace asyncTrace = new AsyncTrace(traceRoot, trace, asyncState);
return asyncTrace;
} else {
return newDisableTrace(state.nextId());
use of in project pinpoint by naver.
the class DefaultBaseTraceFactory method newTraceObject.
public Trace newTraceObject() {
// TODO need to modify how to inject a datasender
final TraceSampler.State state = traceSampler.isNewSampled();
final boolean sampling = state.isSampled();
if (sampling) {
final TraceRoot traceRoot = traceRootFactory.newTraceRoot(state.nextId());
final Span span = spanFactory.newSpan(traceRoot);
final SpanChunkFactory spanChunkFactory = new DefaultSpanChunkFactory(traceRoot);
final Storage storage = storageFactory.createStorage(spanChunkFactory);
final CallStack<SpanEvent> callStack = callStackFactory.newCallStack();
final TraceId traceId = traceRoot.getTraceId();
final SpanRecorder spanRecorder = recorderFactory.newSpanRecorder(span, traceId.isRoot(), sampling);
final WrappedSpanEventRecorder wrappedSpanEventRecorder = recorderFactory.newWrappedSpanEventRecorder(traceRoot);
final ActiveTraceHandle handle = registerActiveTrace(traceRoot);
final DefaultTrace trace = new DefaultTrace(span, callStack, storage, sampling, spanRecorder, wrappedSpanEventRecorder, handle);
return trace;
} else {
return newDisableTrace(state.nextId());
use of in project pinpoint by naver.
the class DefaultBaseTraceFactory method newDisableTrace.
private Trace newDisableTrace(long nextDisabledId) {
final long traceStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
final long threadId = Thread.currentThread().getId();
final ActiveTraceHandle activeTraceHandle = registerActiveTrace(nextDisabledId, traceStartTime, threadId);
final Trace disableTrace = new DisableTrace(nextDisabledId, traceStartTime, activeTraceHandle);
return disableTrace;