use of com.navercorp.pinpoint.web.vo.BusinessTransactions in project pinpoint by naver.
the class TransactionInfoServiceImpl method selectBusinessTransactions.
// Temporarily disabled Because We need to solve authentication problem inter system.
// @Value("#{pinpointWebProps['log.enable'] ?: false}")
// private boolean logLinkEnable;
// @Value("#{pinpointWebProps[''] ?: ''}")
// private String logButtonName;
// @Value("#{pinpointWebProps[''] ?: ''}")
// private String logPageUrl;
public BusinessTransactions selectBusinessTransactions(List<TransactionId> transactionIdList, String applicationName, Range range, Filter filter) {
if (transactionIdList == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("transactionIdList must not be null");
if (applicationName == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("applicationName must not be null");
if (filter == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("filter must not be null");
if (range == null) {
// TODO range is not used - check the logic again
throw new NullPointerException("range must not be null");
List<List<SpanBo>> traceList;
if (filter == Filter.NONE) {
traceList = this.traceDao.selectSpans(transactionIdList);
} else {
traceList = this.traceDao.selectAllSpans(transactionIdList);
BusinessTransactions businessTransactions = new BusinessTransactions();
for (List<SpanBo> trace : traceList) {
if (!filter.include(trace)) {
for (SpanBo spanBo : trace) {
// show application's incoming requests
if (applicationName.equals(spanBo.getApplicationId())) {
return businessTransactions;