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Example 1 with DockerRegistryNamedAccountCredentials

use of in project halyard by spinnaker.

the class DockerRegistryAccountValidator method validate.

public void validate(ConfigProblemSetBuilder p, DockerRegistryAccount n) {
    String resolvedPassword = null;
    String password = n.getPassword();
    String passwordFile = n.getPasswordFile();
    String username = n.getUsername();
    boolean passwordProvided = password != null && !password.isEmpty();
    boolean passwordFileProvided = passwordFile != null && !passwordFile.isEmpty();
    if (passwordProvided && passwordFileProvided) {
        p.addProblem(Severity.ERROR, "You have provided both a password and a password file for your docker registry. You can specify at most one.");
    if (passwordProvided) {
        resolvedPassword = password;
    } else if (passwordFileProvided) {
        resolvedPassword = ValidatingFileReader.contents(p, passwordFile);
        if (resolvedPassword == null) {
        if (resolvedPassword.isEmpty()) {
            p.addProblem(Severity.WARNING, "The supplied password file is empty.");
    } else {
        resolvedPassword = "";
    if (!resolvedPassword.isEmpty()) {
        if (username == null || username.isEmpty()) {
            p.addProblem(Severity.WARNING, "You have supplied a password but no username.");
    } else {
        if (username != null && !username.isEmpty()) {
            p.addProblem(Severity.WARNING, "You have a supplied a username but no password.");
    DockerRegistryNamedAccountCredentials credentials;
    try {
        credentials = (new DockerRegistryNamedAccountCredentials.Builder()).accountName(n.getName()).address(n.getAddress()).email(n.getEmail()).password(n.getPassword()).passwordFile(n.getPasswordFile()).dockerconfigFile(n.getDockerconfigFile()).username(n.getUsername()).clientTimeoutMillis(n.getClientTimeoutMillis()).cacheThreads(n.getCacheThreads()).paginateSize(n.getPaginateSize()).sortTagsByDate(n.getSortTagsByDate()).trackDigests(n.getTrackDigests()).insecureRegistry(n.getInsecureRegistry()).build();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        p.addProblem(Severity.ERROR, "Failed to instantiate docker credentials for account \"" + n.getName() + "\".");
    ConfigProblemBuilder authFailureProblem = null;
    if (n.getRepositories() == null || n.getRepositories().size() == 0) {
        try {
            DockerRegistryCatalog catalog = credentials.getCredentials().getClient().getCatalog();
            if (catalog.getRepositories() == null || catalog.getRepositories().size() == 0) {
                p.addProblem(Severity.WARNING, "Your docker registry has no repositories specified, and the registry's catalog is empty. Spinnaker will not be able to deploy any images until some are pushed to this registry.").setRemediation("Manually specify some repositories for this docker registry to index.");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (n.getAddress().endsWith("")) {
                p.addProblem(Severity.ERROR, "The GCR service requires the Resource Manager API to be enabled for the catalog endpoint to work.").setRemediation("Visit to enable the API.");
            authFailureProblem = p.addProblem(Severity.ERROR, "Unable to connect the registries catalog endpoint: " + e.getMessage() + ".");
    } else {
        try {
            // effectively final
            int[] tagCount = new int[1];
            tagCount[0] = 0;
            n.getRepositories().forEach(r -> tagCount[0] += credentials.getCredentials().getClient().getTags(r).getTags().size());
            if (tagCount[0] == 0) {
                p.addProblem(Severity.WARNING, "None of your supplied repositories contain any tags. Spinnaker will not be able to deploy anything.").setRemediation("Push some images to your registry.");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            authFailureProblem = p.addProblem(Severity.ERROR, "Unable to reach repository: " + e.getMessage() + ".");
    if (authFailureProblem != null && !StringUtils.isEmpty(resolvedPassword)) {
        String message = "Your registry password has %s whitespace; if this is unintentional, this may be the cause of failed authentication.";
        if (Character.isWhitespace(resolvedPassword.charAt(0))) {
            authFailureProblem.setRemediation(String.format(message, "leading"));
        char c = resolvedPassword.charAt(resolvedPassword.length() - 1);
        if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
            authFailureProblem.setRemediation(String.format(message, "trailing"));
            if (passwordFileProvided && c == '\n')
                authFailureProblem.setRemediation("Your password file has a trailing newline; many text editors append a newline to files they open." + " If you think this is causing authentication issues, you can strip the newline with the command:\n\n" + " tr -d '\\n' < PASSWORD_FILE | tee PASSWORD_FILE");
Also used : ConfigProblemBuilder( ConfigProblemBuilder( ConfigProblemSetBuilder( DockerRegistryCatalog( DockerRegistryNamedAccountCredentials(


DockerRegistryCatalog ( DockerRegistryNamedAccountCredentials ( ConfigProblemBuilder ( ConfigProblemSetBuilder (