use of com.newcosoft.cache.Shard in project disgear by yangbutao.
the class TestShard method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Range> ranges = Router.DEFAULT.partitionRange(3);
Replica replica1 = new Replica("node1", new HashMap());
Replica replica11 = new Replica("node11", new HashMap());
Map<String, Replica> replicas_1 = new HashMap<String, Replica>();
replicas_1.put("replica1", replica1);
replicas_1.put("replica11", replica11);
Map<String, Object> propMap1 = new HashMap<String, Object>();
propMap1.put("range", ranges.get(0));
Shard shard1 = new Shard("shard1", replicas_1, propMap1);
Replica replica2 = new Replica("node2", new HashMap());
Replica replica21 = new Replica("node21", new HashMap());
Map<String, Replica> replicas_2 = new HashMap<String, Replica>();
replicas_2.put("replica2", replica2);
replicas_2.put("replica21", replica21);
Map<String, Object> propMap2 = new HashMap<String, Object>();
propMap2.put("range", ranges.get(1));
Shard shard2 = new Shard("shard2", replicas_2, propMap2);
Replica replica3 = new Replica("node3", new HashMap());
Replica replica31 = new Replica("node31", new HashMap());
Map<String, Replica> replicas_3 = new HashMap<String, Replica>();
replicas_3.put("replica3", replica3);
replicas_3.put("replica31", replica31);
Map<String, Object> propMap3 = new HashMap<String, Object>();
propMap3.put("range", ranges.get(2));
Shard shard3 = new Shard("shard3", replicas_3, propMap3);
Map<String, Shard> shards = new HashMap<String, Shard>();
shards.put("shard1", shard1);
shards.put("shard2", shard2);
shards.put("shard3", shard3);
CacheCollection col = new CacheCollection("testCol", shards, new HashMap(), Router.DEFAULT);
int shard1Count = 0;
int shard2Count = 0;
int shard3Count = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < 9999999; i++) {
String key = "0000000000" + i;
String shardName = Router.DEFAULT.getTargetShard(key, col).getName();
if (shardName.equals("shard1")) {
} else if (shardName.equals("shard2")) {
} else if (shardName.equals("shard3")) {
System.out.println("shard1=" + shard1Count);
System.out.println("shard2=" + shard2Count);
System.out.println("shard3=" + shard3Count);
System.out.println("*****************uuuuudoo1**********"+Router.DEFAULT.getTargetShard("uuuuudoo5", col).getName());
System.out.println("*****************uuuuudoo2**********"+Router.DEFAULT.getTargetShard("423423468913", col).getName());
System.out.println("*****************uuuuudoo3**********"+Router.DEFAULT.getTargetShard("423423468925", col).getName());
use of com.newcosoft.cache.Shard in project disgear by yangbutao.
the class TestShard method main1.
public static void main1(String[] args) {
/*List<Range> ranges1 = Router.DEFAULT.partitionRange(2);
for (Range range : ranges1) {
List<Range> ranges = Router.DEFAULT.partitionRange(3);
Replica replica1 = new Replica("node1", new HashMap());
Replica replica11 = new Replica("node11", new HashMap());
Map<String, Replica> replicas_1 = new HashMap<String, Replica>();
replicas_1.put("replica1", replica1);
replicas_1.put("replica11", replica11);
Map<String, Object> propMap1 = new HashMap<String, Object>();
propMap1.put("range", ranges.get(0));
Shard shard1 = new Shard("shard1", replicas_1, propMap1);
Replica replica2 = new Replica("node2", new HashMap());
Replica replica21 = new Replica("node21", new HashMap());
Map<String, Replica> replicas_2 = new HashMap<String, Replica>();
replicas_2.put("replica2", replica2);
replicas_2.put("replica21", replica21);
Map<String, Object> propMap2 = new HashMap<String, Object>();
propMap2.put("range", ranges.get(1));
Shard shard2 = new Shard("shard2", replicas_2, propMap2);
Replica replica3 = new Replica("node3", new HashMap());
Replica replica31 = new Replica("node31", new HashMap());
Map<String, Replica> replicas_3 = new HashMap<String, Replica>();
replicas_3.put("replica3", replica3);
replicas_3.put("replica31", replica31);
Map<String, Object> propMap3 = new HashMap<String, Object>();
propMap3.put("range", ranges.get(2));
Shard shard3 = new Shard("shard3", replicas_3, propMap3);
Map<String, Shard> shards = new HashMap<String, Shard>();
shards.put("shard1", shard1);
shards.put("shard2", shard2);
shards.put("shard3", shard3);
CacheCollection col = new CacheCollection("testCol", shards, new HashMap(), Router.DEFAULT);
System.out.println("*****************uuuuudoo1**********" + Router.DEFAULT.getTargetShard("uuuuudoo5", col).getName());
System.out.println("*****************uuuuudoo2**********" + Router.DEFAULT.getTargetShard("423423468913", col).getName());
System.out.println("*****************uuuuudoo3**********" + Router.DEFAULT.getTargetShard("423423468925", col).getName());
use of com.newcosoft.cache.Shard in project disgear by yangbutao.
the class TestClient method getWriteUrl.
public static String getWriteUrl(String col, String key) {
ClusterState clusterState = ClusterStateCacheManager.INSTANCE.getClusterState();
Set<String> liveNodes = clusterState.getLiveNodes();
Shard shard = Router.DEFAULT.getTargetShard(key, clusterState.getCollection("col1"));
Replica leader = shard.getLeader();
while (!liveNodes.contains(leader.getName())) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
leader = shard.getLeader();
return leader.getStr("base_url");
use of com.newcosoft.cache.Shard in project disgear by yangbutao.
the class ShardLeaderElectionContext method waitForReplicasToComeUp.
private void waitForReplicasToComeUp(boolean weAreReplacement, String leaderVoteWait) throws InterruptedException {
int timeout = Integer.parseInt(leaderVoteWait);
long timeoutAt = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout;
final String shardsElectZkPath = electionPath + LeaderElector.ELECTION_NODE;
Shard slices = zkController.getClusterState().getSlice(collection, shardId);
int cnt = 0;
while (true && !isClosed) {
// wait for everyone to be up
if (slices != null) {
int found = 0;
try {
found = zkClient.getChildren(shardsElectZkPath, null).size();
} catch (KeeperException e) {
log.error("Error checking for the number of election participants", e);
// shards
if (found >= slices.getReplicasMap().size()) {"Enough replicas found to continue.");
} else {
if (cnt % 40 == 0) {"Waiting until we see more replicas up for shard " + shardId + ": total=" + slices.getReplicasMap().size() + " found=" + found + " timeoutin=" + (timeoutAt - System.currentTimeMillis()));
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > timeoutAt) {"Was waiting for replicas to come up, but they are taking too long - assuming they won't come back till later");
} else {
log.warn("Shard not found: " + shardId + " for collection " + collection);
slices = zkController.getClusterState().getSlice(collection, shardId);
use of com.newcosoft.cache.Shard in project disgear by yangbutao.
the class TestClient method getReaderUrl.
public static String getReaderUrl(String col, String key) {
// String key = "000000000000000001";
ClusterState clusterState = ClusterStateCacheManager.INSTANCE.getClusterState();
Set<String> liveNodes = clusterState.getLiveNodes();
Shard shard = Router.DEFAULT.getTargetShard(key, clusterState.getCollection("col1"));
// for read
// roundrobin
Replica[] replicas = shard.getReplicas().toArray(new Replica[shard.getReplicas().size()]);
int totals = ClusterStateCacheManager.INSTANCE.getTotals().getAndDecrement();
if (totals <= 0) {
ClusterStateCacheManager.INSTANCE.setTotals(new AtomicInteger(10000));
int index = totals % (replicas.length);
Replica reader = replicas[index];
while (!liveNodes.contains(reader.getName())) {
totals = ClusterStateCacheManager.INSTANCE.getTotals().getAndDecrement();
if (totals <= 0) {
ClusterStateCacheManager.INSTANCE.setTotals(new AtomicInteger(10000));
index = totals % (replicas.length);
reader = replicas[index];
return reader.getStr("base_url");