use of in project riposte by Nike-Inc.
the class AsyncHttpClientHelperTest method executeAsyncHttpRequest_completes_future_if_exception_happens_during_setup.
@DataProvider(value = { "true", "false" }, splitBy = "\\|")
public void executeAsyncHttpRequest_completes_future_if_exception_happens_during_setup(boolean throwCircuitBreakerOpenException) {
// given
RuntimeException exToThrow = (throwCircuitBreakerOpenException) ? new CircuitBreakerOpenException("foo", "kaboom") : new RuntimeException("kaboom");
Logger loggerMock = mock(Logger.class);
Whitebox.setInternalState(helperSpy, "logger", loggerMock);
// when
CompletableFuture result = helperSpy.executeAsyncHttpRequest(mock(RequestBuilderWrapper.class), mock(AsyncResponseHandler.class), null, null);
// then
Throwable ex = catchThrowable(result::get);
if (throwCircuitBreakerOpenException)
verify(loggerMock).error(anyString(), any(), any(), eq(exToThrow));
use of in project riposte by Nike-Inc.
the class AsyncHttpClientHelperTest method executeAsyncHttpRequest_completes_future_if_exception_happens_during_setup.
@DataProvider(value = { "true", "false" }, splitBy = "\\|")
public void executeAsyncHttpRequest_completes_future_if_exception_happens_during_setup(boolean throwCircuitBreakerOpenException) {
// given
RuntimeException exToThrow = (throwCircuitBreakerOpenException) ? new CircuitBreakerOpenException("foo", "kaboom") : new RuntimeException("kaboom");
Logger loggerMock = mock(Logger.class);
Whitebox.setInternalState(helperSpy, "logger", loggerMock);
// when
CompletableFuture result = helperSpy.executeAsyncHttpRequest(mock(RequestBuilderWrapper.class), mock(AsyncResponseHandler.class), null, null);
// then
Throwable ex = catchThrowable(result::get);
if (throwCircuitBreakerOpenException)
verify(loggerMock).error(anyString(), any(), any(), eq(exToThrow));
use of in project riposte by Nike-Inc.
the class AsyncHttpClientHelper method executeAsyncHttpRequest.
* Executes the given request asynchronously, handling the response with the given responseHandlerFunction, and
* returns a {@link CompletableFuture} that represents the result of executing the
* responseHandlerFunction on the downstream response. Any error anywhere along the way will cause the returned
* future to be completed with {@link CompletableFuture#completeExceptionally(Throwable)}.
* <p/>
* <b>Distributed Tracing and MDC for the downstream call:</b> The given {@code distributedTraceStackForCall} and
* {@code mdcContextForCall} arguments are used to setup distributed trace and MDC info for the downstream call so
* that the callback will be performed with that data attached to whatever thread the callback is done on.
public <O> CompletableFuture<O> executeAsyncHttpRequest(RequestBuilderWrapper requestBuilderWrapper, AsyncResponseHandler<O> responseHandlerFunction, Deque<Span> distributedTraceStackForCall, Map<String, String> mdcContextForCall) {
CompletableFuture<O> completableFutureResponse = new CompletableFuture<>();
try {
Optional<ManualModeTask<Response>> circuitBreakerManualTask = getCircuitBreaker(requestBuilderWrapper).map(CircuitBreaker::newManualModeTask);
// If we have a circuit breaker, give it a chance to throw an exception if the circuit is open/tripped
// Setup the async completion handler for the call.
AsyncCompletionHandlerWithTracingAndMdcSupport<O> asyncCompletionHandler = new AsyncCompletionHandlerWithTracingAndMdcSupport<>(completableFutureResponse, responseHandlerFunction, performSubSpanAroundDownstreamCalls, requestBuilderWrapper, circuitBreakerManualTask, distributedTraceStackForCall, mdcContextForCall, spanNamingAndTaggingStrategy);
// Add distributed trace headers to the downstream call if we have a span.
Span spanForCall = asyncCompletionHandler.getSpanForCall();
if (spanForCall != null) {
HttpRequestTracingUtils.propagateTracingHeaders((headerKey, headerValue) -> {
if (headerValue != null) {
requestBuilderWrapper.requestBuilder.setHeader(headerKey, headerValue);
}, spanForCall);
// Add span tags if we're doing a subspan around the call.
if (performSubSpanAroundDownstreamCalls && spanForCall != null) {
spanNamingAndTaggingStrategy.handleRequestTagging(spanForCall, requestBuilderWrapper);
// Execute the downstream call. The completableFutureResponse will be completed or completed exceptionally
// depending on the result of the call.
} catch (Throwable t) {
// normal when the circuit breaker associated with this request has been tripped.
if (!(t instanceof CircuitBreakerOpenException)) {
logger.error("An error occurred while trying to set up an async HTTP call for method {} and URL {}. " + "The CompletableFuture will be instantly failed with this error", requestBuilderWrapper.httpMethod, requestBuilderWrapper.url, t);
return completableFutureResponse;
use of in project riposte by Nike-Inc.
the class AsyncHttpClientHelper method executeAsyncHttpRequest.
* Executes the given request asynchronously, handling the response with the given responseHandlerFunction, and
* returns a {@link CompletableFuture} that represents the result of executing the
* responseHandlerFunction on the downstream response. Any error anywhere along the way will cause the returned
* future to be completed with {@link CompletableFuture#completeExceptionally(Throwable)}.
* <p/>
* <b>Distributed Tracing and MDC for the downstream call:</b> The given {@code distributedTraceStackForCall} and
* {@code mdcContextForCall} arguments are used to setup distributed trace and MDC info for the downstream call so
* that the callback will be performed with that data attached to whatever thread the callback is done on.
public <O> CompletableFuture<O> executeAsyncHttpRequest(RequestBuilderWrapper requestBuilderWrapper, AsyncResponseHandler<O> responseHandlerFunction, Deque<Span> distributedTraceStackForCall, Map<String, String> mdcContextForCall) {
CompletableFuture<O> completableFutureResponse = new CompletableFuture<>();
try {
Optional<ManualModeTask<Response>> circuitBreakerManualTask = getCircuitBreaker(requestBuilderWrapper).map(CircuitBreaker::newManualModeTask);
// If we have a circuit breaker, give it a chance to throw an exception if the circuit is open/tripped
// Setup the async completion handler for the call.
AsyncCompletionHandlerWithTracingAndMdcSupport<O> asyncCompletionHandler = new AsyncCompletionHandlerWithTracingAndMdcSupport<>(completableFutureResponse, responseHandlerFunction, performSubSpanAroundDownstreamCalls, requestBuilderWrapper, circuitBreakerManualTask, distributedTraceStackForCall, mdcContextForCall, spanNamingAndTaggingStrategy);
// Add distributed trace headers to the downstream call if we have a span.
Span spanForCall = asyncCompletionHandler.getSpanForCall();
if (spanForCall != null) {
HttpRequestTracingUtils.propagateTracingHeaders((headerKey, headerValue) -> {
if (headerValue != null) {
requestBuilderWrapper.requestBuilder.setHeader(headerKey, headerValue);
}, spanForCall);
// Add span tags if we're doing a subspan around the call.
if (performSubSpanAroundDownstreamCalls && spanForCall != null) {
spanNamingAndTaggingStrategy.handleRequestTagging(spanForCall, requestBuilderWrapper);
// Execute the downstream call. The completableFutureResponse will be completed or completed exceptionally
// depending on the result of the call.
} catch (Throwable t) {
// normal when the circuit breaker associated with this request has been tripped.
if (!(t instanceof CircuitBreakerOpenException)) {
logger.error("An error occurred while trying to set up an async HTTP call for method {} and URL {}. " + "The CompletableFuture will be instantly failed with this error", requestBuilderWrapper.httpMethod, requestBuilderWrapper.url, t);
return completableFutureResponse;
use of in project riposte by Nike-Inc.
the class BackstopperRiposteFrameworkErrorHandlerListenerTest method should_handle_CircuitBreakerException.
public void should_handle_CircuitBreakerException() {
verifyExceptionHandled(new CircuitBreakerOpenException("foo", "bar"), singletonError(listener.CIRCUIT_BREAKER_OPEN_API_ERROR));
verifyExceptionHandled(new CircuitBreakerTimeoutException("foo", "bar"), singletonError(listener.CIRCUIT_BREAKER_TIMEOUT_API_ERROR));
verifyExceptionHandled(new CircuitBreakerException("foo", "bar") {
}, singletonError(listener.CIRCUIT_BREAKER_GENERIC_API_ERROR));