use of com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.AuthorizationRequest in project OpenConext-oidcng by OpenConext.
the class AuthorizationEndpoint method validateGrantType.
public static ResponseType validateGrantType(AuthorizationRequest authorizationRequest, OpenIDClient client) {
ResponseType responseType = authorizationRequest.getResponseType();
List<String> grants = client.getGrants();
if ((responseType.impliesImplicitFlow() || responseType.impliesHybridFlow()) && !grants.contains(GrantType.IMPLICIT.getValue())) {
throw new InvalidGrantException(String.format("Grant types %s does not allow for implicit / hybrid flow", grants));
if (responseType.impliesCodeFlow() && !grants.contains(GrantType.AUTHORIZATION_CODE.getValue())) {
throw new InvalidGrantException(String.format("Grant types %s does not allow for authorization code flow", grants));
return responseType;
use of com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.AuthorizationRequest in project OpenConext-oidcng by OpenConext.
the class AuthorizationEndpoint method createAndSaveAuthorizationCode.
private AuthorizationCode createAndSaveAuthorizationCode(AuthorizationRequest authorizationRequest, OpenIDClient client, User user) {
URI redirectionURI = authorizationRequest.getRedirectionURI();
Scope scope = authorizationRequest.getScope();
List<String> scopes = scope != null ? scope.toStringList() : Collections.emptyList();
// Optional code challenges for PKCE
CodeChallenge codeChallenge = authorizationRequest.getCodeChallenge();
String codeChallengeValue = codeChallenge != null ? codeChallenge.getValue() : null;
CodeChallengeMethod codeChallengeMethod = authorizationRequest.getCodeChallengeMethod();
String codeChallengeMethodValue = codeChallengeMethod != null ? codeChallengeMethod.getValue() : (codeChallengeValue != null ? CodeChallengeMethod.getDefault().getValue() : null);
List<String> idTokenClaims = getClaims(authorizationRequest);
String code = tokenGenerator.generateAuthorizationCode();
Nonce nonce = authorizationRequest instanceof AuthenticationRequest ? AuthenticationRequest.class.cast(authorizationRequest).getNonce() : null;
AuthorizationCode authorizationCode = new AuthorizationCode(code, user.getSub(), client.getClientId(), scopes, redirectionURI, codeChallengeValue, codeChallengeMethodValue, nonce != null ? nonce.getValue() : null, idTokenClaims, redirectionURI != null, tokenValidity(10 * 60));
return authorizationCode;
use of com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.AuthorizationRequest in project Application-Gateway by gianlucafrei.
the class GitHubDriverTest method getCallbackTest.
public void getCallbackTest() throws ParseException {
// Arrange
var settings = GitHubDriverSettingsTest.getValidSettings();
var driver = GitHubDriverSettingsTest.getDriver(settings);
var callbackUri = URI.create("https://example/callback");
// Act
LoginDriverResult loginDriverResult1 = driver.startLogin(callbackUri);
LoginDriverResult loginDriverResult2 = driver.startLogin(callbackUri);
// Assert
// Check if the values from the oauth2 request are expected
AuthorizationRequest req1 = AuthorizationRequest.parse(loginDriverResult1.getAuthURI());
assertEquals(req1.getState().toString(), loginDriverResult1.getState());
assertEquals(req1.getClientID().toString(), settings.get("clientId"));
assertEquals(req1.getRedirectionURI(), callbackUri);
// Check if the login states are not the same
assertNotEquals(loginDriverResult1.getState(), loginDriverResult2.getState(), "State variables must not be equal");
use of com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.AuthorizationRequest in project OpenConext-oidcng by OpenConext.
the class AuthorizationEndpointUnitTest method doValidateScope.
private void doValidateScope(String clientScope, String requestResponseScope) throws IOException, ParseException {
AuthorizationRequest authorizationRequest = authorizationRequest(new FluentMap<String, String>().p("client_id", "http://oidc-rp").p("response_type", "code").p("scope", requestResponseScope));
OpenIDClient client = openIDClient("http://redirect", clientScope, "authorization_code");
OpenIDClientRepository openIDClientRepository = mock(OpenIDClientRepository.class);
when(openIDClientRepository.findByClientIdIn(null)).thenReturn(Collections.singletonList(openIDClient("http://redirect", clientScope, "authorization_code")));
List<String> scopes = AuthorizationEndpoint.validateScopes(openIDClientRepository, new Scope(requestResponseScope), client);
assertEquals(singletonList(requestResponseScope), scopes);
use of com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.AuthorizationRequest in project Kustvakt by KorAP.
the class OpenIdAuthorizationService method handleAuthenticationRequest.
* Kustvakt does not support the following parameters:
* <em>claims</em>, <em>requestURI</em>, <em>requestObject</em>,
* <em>id_token_hint</em>, and ignores them if they are included
* in an authentication request. Kustvakt provides minimum support
* for <em>acr_values</em> by not throwing an error when it is
* included in an authentication request.
* <p>Parameters related to user interface are also ignored,
* namely <em>display</em>, <em>prompt</em>,
* <em>ui_locales</em>, <em>login_hint</em>. However,
* <em>display</em>, <em>prompt</em>, and <em>ui_locales</em>
* must be supported by Kalamar. The minimum level of
* support required for these parameters is simply that its use
* must not result in an error.</p>
* <p>Some Authentication request parameters in addition to
* OAuth2.0 authorization parameters according to OpenID connect
* core 1.0 Specification:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>nonce</li>
* <p> OPTIONAL. The value is passed through unmodified from the
* Authentication Request to the ID Token.</p>
* <li>max_age</li>
* <p>OPTIONAL. Maximum Authentication Age in seconds. If the
* elapsed time is
* greater than this value, the OpenID Provider MUST attempt
* to actively re-authenticate the End-User. When max_age is used,
* the ID Token returned MUST include an auth_time Claim
* Value.</p>
* <li>claims</li>
* <p>Support for the claims parameter is OPTIONAL. Should an OP
* (openid provider) not support this parameter and an RP (relying
* party /client) uses it, the OP SHOULD return a set of Claims to
* the RP that it believes would be useful to the RP and the
* End-User using whatever heuristics it believes are
* appropriate.</p>
* </ul>
* @see "OpenID Connect Core 1.0 specification"
* @param authRequest
* @param code
* @param username
* @param authenticationTime
* @return
* @throws KustvaktException
private URI handleAuthenticationRequest(AuthenticationRequest authRequest, AuthorizationCode code, String username, ZonedDateTime authenticationTime) throws KustvaktException {
// TO DO: extra checking for authentication params?
Nonce nonce = authRequest.getNonce();
String nonceValue = null;
if (nonce != null && !nonce.getValue().isEmpty()) {
nonceValue = nonce.getValue();
checkMaxAge(authRequest.getMaxAge(), authenticationTime);
AuthorizationRequest request = authRequest;
return handleAuthorizationRequest(request, code, username, authenticationTime, nonceValue);