use of com.nimbusds.oauth2.sdk.auth.ClientSecretPost in project nifi by apache.
the class StandardOidcIdentityProvider method exchangeAuthorizationCode.
public String exchangeAuthorizationCode(final AuthorizationGrant authorizationGrant) throws IOException {
if (!isOidcEnabled()) {
final ClientAuthentication clientAuthentication;
if (oidcProviderMetadata.getTokenEndpointAuthMethods().contains(ClientAuthenticationMethod.CLIENT_SECRET_POST)) {
clientAuthentication = new ClientSecretPost(clientId, clientSecret);
} else {
clientAuthentication = new ClientSecretBasic(clientId, clientSecret);
try {
// build the token request
final TokenRequest request = new TokenRequest(oidcProviderMetadata.getTokenEndpointURI(), clientAuthentication, authorizationGrant, getScope());
final HTTPRequest tokenHttpRequest = request.toHTTPRequest();
// get the token response
final TokenResponse response = OIDCTokenResponseParser.parse(tokenHttpRequest.send());
if (response.indicatesSuccess()) {
final OIDCTokenResponse oidcTokenResponse = (OIDCTokenResponse) response;
final OIDCTokens oidcTokens = oidcTokenResponse.getOIDCTokens();
final JWT oidcJwt = oidcTokens.getIDToken();
// validate the token - no nonce required for authorization code flow
final IDTokenClaimsSet claimsSet = tokenValidator.validate(oidcJwt, null);
// attempt to extract the email from the id token if possible
String email = claimsSet.getStringClaim(EMAIL_CLAIM_NAME);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(email)) {
// extract the bearer access token
final BearerAccessToken bearerAccessToken = oidcTokens.getBearerAccessToken();
if (bearerAccessToken == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No access token found in the ID tokens");
// invoke the UserInfo endpoint
email = lookupEmail(bearerAccessToken);
// extract expiration details from the claims set
final Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
final Date expiration = claimsSet.getExpirationTime();
final long expiresIn = expiration.getTime() - now.getTimeInMillis();
// convert into a nifi jwt for retrieval later
final LoginAuthenticationToken loginToken = new LoginAuthenticationToken(email, email, expiresIn, claimsSet.getIssuer().getValue());
return jwtService.generateSignedToken(loginToken);
} else {
final TokenErrorResponse errorResponse = (TokenErrorResponse) response;
throw new RuntimeException("An error occurred while invoking the Token endpoint: " + errorResponse.getErrorObject().getDescription());
} catch (final ParseException | JOSEException | BadJOSEException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to parse the response from the Token request: " + e.getMessage());