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Example 1 with MetricGetters

use of in project Dempsy by Dempsy.

the class TestDempsy method testExpandingAndContractingKeySpace.

public void testExpandingAndContractingKeySpace() throws Throwable {
    Checker checker = new Checker() {

        public void check(ApplicationContext context) throws Throwable {
            ClusterInfoSession session = null;
            try {
                // start things and verify that the init method was called
                Dempsy dempsy = (Dempsy) context.getBean("dempsy");
                TestMp mp = (TestMp) getMp(dempsy, "test-app", "test-cluster1");
                final ClusterId clusterId = new ClusterId("test-app", "test-cluster1");
                // verify we haven't called it again, not that there's really
                // a way to given the code
                assertEquals(1, mp.startCalls.get());
                // make sure that there are no Mps
                MetricGetters statsCollector = (MetricGetters) dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId("test-app", "test-cluster1")).getNodes().get(0).getStatsCollector();
                // This will wait until the keySpace is up to the maxcount which is set (in the setup, below) to 100000
                assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, statsCollector, new Condition<MetricGetters>() {

                    public boolean conditionMet(MetricGetters sc) {
                        return 100000 == sc.getMessageProcessorCount();
                // now push the cluster into backup node.
                ClusterInfoSession originalSession = dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId("test-app", "test-cluster1")).getNodes().get(0).retouRteg().getClusterSession();
                ClusterInfoSessionFactory factory = dempsy.getClusterSessionFactory();
                session = TestUtils.stealShard(originalSession, factory, clusterId.asPath() + "/" + String.valueOf(0), baseTimeoutMillis);
                // If we got here then the MpContainer is on standby and the number of Mps should
                // drop to zero.
                assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, statsCollector, new Condition<MetricGetters>() {

                    public boolean conditionMet(MetricGetters sc) {
                        return 0 == sc.getMessageProcessorCount();
                assertEquals(0, statsCollector.getMessageProcessorCount());
                // this should give control back over to the original session.
                session = null;
                // If we got here then the MpContainer is no longer on standby and the number of Mps should
                // go back to the original amount.
                assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, statsCollector, new Condition<MetricGetters>() {

                    public boolean conditionMet(MetricGetters sc) {
                        return 100000 == sc.getMessageProcessorCount();
                assertEquals(100000, statsCollector.getMessageProcessorCount());
            } finally {
                if (session != null)

        public String toString() {
            return "testExpandingAndContractingKeySpace";

        public void setup() {
            KeySourceImpl.maxcount = 100000;
            System.setProperty("min_nodes_for_cluster", "1");
            System.setProperty("total_slots_for_cluster", "1");
    runAllCombinations("SinglestageWithKeyStoreAndExecutorApplicationActx.xml", checker);
Also used : Condition( ClassPathXmlApplicationContext( ApplicationContext(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext) ClusterInfoSessionFactory( ClusterId( ClusterInfoSession( MetricGetters( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with MetricGetters

use of in project Dempsy by Dempsy.

the class TestDempsy method runMpKeyStoreTest.

public void runMpKeyStoreTest(final String methodName, final boolean disruptSession) throws Throwable {
    Checker checker = new Checker() {

        public void check(ApplicationContext context) throws Throwable {
            // start things and verify that the init method was called
            Dempsy dempsy = (Dempsy) context.getBean("dempsy");
            TestMp mp = (TestMp) getMp(dempsy, "test-app", "test-cluster1");
            // verify we haven't called it again, not that there's really
            // a way to given the code
            assertEquals(1, mp.startCalls.get());
            // wait for clone calls to reach at least 2
            assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, mp, new Condition<TestMp>() {

                public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) {
                    return mp.cloneCalls.get() == 2;
            final TestAdaptor adaptor = (TestAdaptor) context.getBean("adaptor");
            // if the session has been disrupted then this may take some time to work again.
            // wait until it works again.
            assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, mp, new Condition<TestMp>() {

                public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) throws Throwable {
                    // this causes the container to clone the Mp
                    adaptor.pushMessage(new TestMessage("output"));
                    // wait for it to be received.
                    // this will not go past 3 as long as the same TestMessage is sent.
                    return mp.cloneCalls.get() == 3;
            // this WONT causes the container to clone the Mp because test1 was already pre-instantiated.
            adaptor.pushMessage(new TestMessage("test1"));
            // give it a little time.
            // wait for it to be received.
            assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, mp, new Condition<TestMp>() {

                public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) {
                    return mp.cloneCalls.get() == 3;
            List<Node> nodes = dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId("test-app", "test-cluster1")).getNodes();
            Assert.assertTrue(nodes.size() > 0);
            Node node = nodes.get(0);
            double duration = ((MetricGetters) node.getStatsCollector()).getPreInstantiationDuration();
            Assert.assertTrue(duration > 0.0);

        public String toString() {
            return methodName;

        public void setup() {
            KeySourceImpl.disruptSession = disruptSession;
    runAllCombinations("SinglestageWithKeyStoreApplicationActx.xml", checker);
    runAllCombinations("SinglestageWithKeyStoreAndExecutorApplicationActx.xml", checker);
Also used : Condition( ClassPathXmlApplicationContext( ApplicationContext(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext) ClusterId( Node( MetricGetters(

Example 3 with MetricGetters

use of in project Dempsy by Dempsy.

the class TestDempsy method testFailedMessageHandlingWithKeyStore.

public void testFailedMessageHandlingWithKeyStore() throws Throwable {
    final AtomicBoolean currentActivateCheckedException = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    Checker checker = new Checker() {

        public void check(ApplicationContext context) throws Throwable {
            // start things and verify that the init method was called
            Dempsy dempsy = (Dempsy) context.getBean("dempsy");
            TestMp mp = (TestMp) getMp(dempsy, "test-app", "test-cluster1");
            // verify we haven't called it again, not that there's really
            // a way to given the code
            assertEquals(1, mp.startCalls.get());
            // make sure that there are no Mps
            MetricGetters statsCollector = (MetricGetters) dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId("test-app", "test-cluster1")).getNodes().get(0).getStatsCollector();
            assertEquals(0, statsCollector.getMessageProcessorsCreated());
            TestAdaptor adaptor = (TestAdaptor) context.getBean("adaptor");
            // this causes the container to clone the Mp
            adaptor.pushMessage(new TestMessage("test1"));
            assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, mp, new Condition<TestMp>() {

                public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) {
                    return mp.cloneCalls.get() == 1;
            assertEquals(0, statsCollector.getMessageProcessorsCreated());
            // instead of the latch we are going to poll for the correct result
            // wait for it to be received.
            assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, mp, new Condition<TestMp>() {

                public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) {
                    return mp.cloneCalls.get() == 3;
            assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, statsCollector, new Condition<MetricGetters>() {

                public boolean conditionMet(MetricGetters mg) {
                    return mg.getMessageProcessorsCreated() == 2;
            adaptor.pushMessage(new TestMessage("test1"));
            assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, mp, new Condition<TestMp>() {

                public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) {
                    return mp.handleCalls.get() == 1;
            adaptor.pushMessage(new TestMessage("test2"));
            assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, mp, new Condition<TestMp>() {

                public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) {
                    return mp.handleCalls.get() == 2;
            adaptor.pushMessage(new TestMessage("test1"));
            assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, mp, new Condition<TestMp>() {

                public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) {
                    return mp.handleCalls.get() == 3;
            adaptor.pushMessage(new TestMessage("test2"));
            assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, mp, new Condition<TestMp>() {

                public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) {
                    return mp.handleCalls.get() == 4;
            adaptor.pushMessage(new TestMessage("test1"));
            assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, mp, new Condition<TestMp>() {

                public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) {
                    return mp.handleCalls.get() == 5;
            adaptor.pushMessage(new TestMessage("test2"));
            // instead of the latch we are going to poll for the correct result
            // wait for it to be received.
            assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, mp, new Condition<TestMp>() {

                public boolean conditionMet(TestMp mp) {
                    return mp.handleCalls.get() == 6;
            assertEquals(6, mp.handleCalls.get());
            assertEquals(3, mp.cloneCalls.get());
            assertEquals(2, statsCollector.getMessageProcessorsCreated());
            // prepare for the next run
            KeySourceImpl.pause = new CountDownLatch(1);

        public String toString() {
            return "testFailedMessageHandlingWithKeyStore";

        public void setup() {
            KeySourceImpl.pause = new CountDownLatch(1);
            TestMp.activateCheckedException = currentActivateCheckedException.get();
    // make sure both exceptions are handled since the logic in the container
    // actually varies depending on whether or not the exception is checked or not.
    runAllCombinations("SinglestageWithKeyStoreApplicationActx.xml", checker);
    runAllCombinations("SinglestageWithKeyStoreAndExecutorApplicationActx.xml", checker);
Also used : Condition( AtomicBoolean(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean) ClassPathXmlApplicationContext( ApplicationContext(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext) ClusterId( CountDownLatch(java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch) MetricGetters( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with MetricGetters

use of in project Dempsy by Dempsy.

the class TestDempsy method testFailedClusterManagerDuringKeyStoreCalls.

public void testFailedClusterManagerDuringKeyStoreCalls() throws Throwable {
    Checker checker = new Checker() {

        public void check(ApplicationContext context) throws Throwable {
            ClusterInfoSession session = null;
            try {
                // start things and verify that the init method was called
                Dempsy dempsy = (Dempsy) context.getBean("dempsy");
                TestMp mp = (TestMp) getMp(dempsy, "test-app", "test-cluster1");
                final ClusterId clusterId = new ClusterId("test-app", "test-cluster1");
                // verify we haven't called it again, not that there's really
                // a way to given the code
                assertEquals(1, mp.startCalls.get());
                // make sure that there are no Mps
                MetricGetters statsCollector = (MetricGetters) dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId("test-app", "test-cluster1")).getNodes().get(0).getStatsCollector();
                assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, statsCollector, new Condition<MetricGetters>() {

                    public boolean conditionMet(MetricGetters sc) {
                        return 100000 == sc.getMessageProcessorCount();
                // now there's 100000 mps in the container created from the KeySource. So we steal the 
                // shard and force if offline but continuously disrupt it while it tries to come
                // back up.
                // now push the cluster into backup node.
                ClusterInfoSession originalSession = dempsy.getCluster(new ClusterId("test-app", "test-cluster1")).getNodes().get(0).retouRteg().getClusterSession();
                ClusterInfoSessionFactory factory = dempsy.getClusterSessionFactory();
                String path = clusterId.asPath() + "/" + String.valueOf(0);
                session = TestUtils.stealShard(originalSession, factory, path, baseTimeoutMillis);
                DefaultRouterSlotInfo si = (DefaultRouterSlotInfo) session.getData(path, null);
                // checks to see who actually has the slot.
                assertTrue(si.getDestination() instanceof JunkDestination);
                // we will keep disrupting the session but we should still end up with zero mps.
                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
                    ((DisruptibleSession) originalSession).disrupt();
                // now wait until we get to zero.
                assertTrue(poll(baseTimeoutMillis, statsCollector, new Condition<MetricGetters>() {

                    public boolean conditionMet(MetricGetters sc) {
                        return 0 == sc.getMessageProcessorCount();
                assertEquals(0, statsCollector.getMessageProcessorCount());
                // ok. Now we will close the session that's holding the shard and allow the container
                // to re-establish control of that shard. During the KeyStore reinstantiation of the 
                // MPs we will be disrupting the session.
                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
                    ((DisruptibleSession) originalSession).disrupt();
                // Now we should get back to 100000 Mps.
                poll(baseTimeoutMillis, statsCollector, new Condition<MetricGetters>() {

                    public boolean conditionMet(MetricGetters sc) {
                        return 100000 == sc.getMessageProcessorCount();
                assertEquals(100000, statsCollector.getMessageProcessorCount());
            } finally {
                if (session != null)

        public String toString() {
            return "testFailedClusterManagerDuringKeyStoreCalls";

        public void setup() {
            KeySourceImpl.maxcount = 100000;
            System.setProperty("min_nodes_for_cluster", "1");
            System.setProperty("total_slots_for_cluster", "1");
    runAllCombinations("SinglestageWithKeyStoreAndExecutorApplicationActx.xml", checker);
Also used : Condition( JunkDestination( ClusterInfoSessionFactory( ClusterId( DisruptibleSession( ClassPathXmlApplicationContext( ApplicationContext(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext) ClusterInfoSession( DefaultRouterSlotInfo( MetricGetters( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with MetricGetters

use of in project Dempsy by Dempsy.

the class TestMpContainer method testEvictCollision.

public void testEvictCollision() throws Throwable {
    // This forces the instantiation of an Mp
    BlockingQueueAdaptor adaptor = context.getBean(BlockingQueueAdaptor.class);
    inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo")));
    // Once the poll finishes the Mp is instantiated and handling messages.
    assertNotNull(outputQueue.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
    assertEquals("did not create MP", 1, container.getProcessorCount());
    TestProcessor mp = (TestProcessor) container.getMessageProcessor("foo");
    assertNotNull("MP not associated with expected key", mp);
    assertEquals("activation count, 1st message", 1, mp.activationCount);
    assertEquals("invocation count, 1st message", 1, mp.invocationCount);
    // now we're going to cause the passivate to be held up.
    mp.blockPassivate = new CountDownLatch(1);
    // allow eviction
    // now kick off the evict in a separate thread since we expect it to hang
    // until the mp becomes unstuck.
    // this will allow us to see the evict pass complete
    final AtomicBoolean evictIsComplete = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
    //let it get going.
    // check to see we're hung.
    final MetricGetters sc = (MetricGetters) container.getStatsCollector();
    assertEquals(0, sc.getMessageCollisionCount());
    // sending it a message will now cause it to have the collision tick up
    inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo")));
    assertTrue(TestUtils.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, sc, new TestUtils.Condition<MetricGetters>() {

        public boolean conditionMet(MetricGetters o) {
            return o.getMessageCollisionCount() == 1;
    // now let the evict finish
    // wait until the eviction completes
    assertTrue(TestUtils.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, evictIsComplete, new TestUtils.Condition<AtomicBoolean>() {

        public boolean conditionMet(AtomicBoolean o) {
            return o.get();
    // invocationCount should still be 1 from the initial invocation that caused the clone
    assertEquals(1, mp.invocationCount);
    // send a message that should go through
    inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo")));
    // Once the poll finishes a new Mp is instantiated and handling messages.
    assertNotNull(outputQueue.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
    TestProcessor mp2 = (TestProcessor) container.getMessageProcessor("foo");
    // make sure this new Mp isn't the old one.
    assertTrue(mp != mp2);
Also used : AtomicBoolean(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean) BlockingQueueAdaptor( ContainerTestMessage( CountDownLatch(java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch) MetricGetters( Test(org.junit.Test)


MetricGetters ( Test (org.junit.Test)5 Condition ( ClusterId ( ApplicationContext (org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext)4 ClassPathXmlApplicationContext ( CountDownLatch (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch)3 AtomicBoolean (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean)3 ClusterInfoSession ( ClusterInfoSessionFactory ( ContainerTestMessage ( BlockingQueueAdaptor ( Node ( JunkDestination ( DisruptibleSession ( DefaultRouterSlotInfo (