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Example 1 with EagerStreamWrapper

use of in project cyclops by aol.

the class SimpleReactStream method allOf.

 * @param collector
 *            to perform aggregation / reduction operation on the results
 *            from active stage (e.g. to Collect into a List or String)
 * @param fn
 *            Function that receives the results of all currently active
 *            tasks as input
 * @return A new builder object that can be used to define the next stage in
 *         the dataflow
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
default <R1, R2> SimpleReactStream<R2> allOf(final Collector<? super U, ?, R1> collector, final Function<? super R1, ? extends R2> fn) {
    final CompletableFuture[] array = lastActiveArray(getLastActive());
    final CompletableFuture cf = CompletableFuture.allOf(array);
    final Function<Exception, R2> f = (final Exception e) -> {
        BlockingStreamHelper.capture(e, getErrorHandler());
        return BlockingStreamHelper.block(this, Collectors.toList(), new EagerStreamWrapper(Stream.of(array), getErrorHandler()));
    final CompletableFuture onFail = cf.exceptionally(f);
    final CompletableFuture onSuccess = onFail.thenApplyAsync((result) -> {
        return new StageWithResults(getTaskExecutor(), null, result).submit(() -> fn.apply(BlockingStreamHelper.aggregateResultsCompletable(collector, Stream.of(array).collect(Collectors.toList()), getErrorHandler())));
    }, getTaskExecutor());
    return (SimpleReactStream<R2>) withLastActive(new EagerStreamWrapper(onSuccess, getErrorHandler()));
Also used : CompletableFuture(java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture) EagerStreamWrapper( StageWithResults(com.oath.cyclops.react.StageWithResults) FilteredExecutionPathException(com.oath.cyclops.internal.react.exceptions.FilteredExecutionPathException) SimpleReactFailedStageException(com.oath.cyclops.react.SimpleReactFailedStageException) CompletionException(java.util.concurrent.CompletionException) ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)

Example 2 with EagerStreamWrapper

use of in project cyclops by aol.

the class SimpleReactStream method reverse.

 * Reversed, operating on the underlying futures.
 * <pre>
 * {@code
 * // (3, 2, 1) EagerFutureStream.of(1, 2, 3).reverse()
 * }</pre>
 * @return
default SimpleReactStream<U> reverse() {
    final EagerStreamWrapper lastActive = getLastActive();
    final ListIterator<CompletableFuture> it = lastActive.list().listIterator();
    final List<CompletableFuture> result = new ArrayList<>();
    while (it.hasPrevious()) result.add(it.previous());
    final EagerStreamWrapper limited = lastActive.withList(result);
    return this.withLastActive(limited);
Also used : CompletableFuture(java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture) EagerStreamWrapper(

Example 3 with EagerStreamWrapper

use of in project cyclops by aol.

the class SimpleReactStream method skip.

 * In contast to EagerFutureStream#skip skipFutures will skip the first n entries
 * of the underlying Stream of Futures.
 * <pre>
 * {@code
 * EagerFutureStream.of(()>loadSlow(),()>loadMedium(),()>loadFast())
 * 				.skip(2)
 * }
 * //[loadFast]
 * </pre>
 * @param n
 * @return
default SimpleReactStream<U> skip(final long n) {
    final EagerStreamWrapper lastActive = getLastActive();
    final EagerStreamWrapper limited = lastActive.withList(;
    return this.withLastActive(limited);
Also used : EagerStreamWrapper(

Example 4 with EagerStreamWrapper

use of in project cyclops by aol.

the class SimpleReactStream method anyOf.

 * React to the completion of any of the events in the previous stage. Will not work reliably with Streams
 * where filter has been applied in earlier stages. (As Filter completes the Stream for events that are filtered out, they
 * potentially shortcircuit the completion of the stage).
 * @param fn Function to applyHKT when any of the previous events complete
 * @return Next stage in the stream
default <R> SimpleReactStream<R> anyOf(final Function<? super U, ? extends R> fn) {
    final CompletableFuture[] array = lastActiveArray(getLastActive());
    final CompletableFuture cf = CompletableFuture.anyOf(array);
    final CompletableFuture onSuccess = cf.thenApplyAsync(fn, getTaskExecutor());
    return (SimpleReactStream<R>) withLastActive(new EagerStreamWrapper(onSuccess, getErrorHandler()));
Also used : CompletableFuture(java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture) EagerStreamWrapper(

Example 5 with EagerStreamWrapper

use of in project cyclops by aol.

the class SimpleReactStream method limit.

 * Perform a limit operation on the underlying Stream of Futures
 * In contrast to EagerFutureStream#limit this removes entries basaed on their
 * skip position
 * <pre>
 * {@code
 * EagerFutureStream.of(()>loadSlow(),()>loadMedium(),()>loadFast())
 * 				.limitFutures(2)
 * }
 * //[loadSlow, loadMedium]
 * </pre>
 * @param maxSize The size of the subsequent Stream
 * @return limited Stream
default SimpleReactStream<U> limit(final long maxSize) {
    final EagerStreamWrapper lastActive = getLastActive();
    final EagerStreamWrapper limited = lastActive.withList(;
    return this.withLastActive(limited);
Also used : EagerStreamWrapper(


EagerStreamWrapper ( CompletableFuture (java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture)3 FilteredExecutionPathException (com.oath.cyclops.internal.react.exceptions.FilteredExecutionPathException)1 SimpleReactFailedStageException (com.oath.cyclops.react.SimpleReactFailedStageException)1 StageWithResults (com.oath.cyclops.react.StageWithResults)1 CompletionException (java.util.concurrent.CompletionException)1 ExecutionException (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)1