use of com.openmeap.model.ModelEntity in project OpenMEAP by OpenMEAP.
the class ModelServiceRefreshNotifier method makeRequest.
* This MUST remain state-less
* @param <T>
* @param thisUrl
* @param obj
protected void makeRequest(final URL url, final Event<ModelEntity> mesg) throws ClusterNotificationException {
com.openmeap.http.HttpResponse httpResponse = null;
String simpleName = null;
String thisUrl = url.toString() + "/" + ServletNameConstants.SERVICE_MANAGEMENT + "/";
ModelEntity obj = mesg.getPayload();
// I am not using obj.getClass().getSimpleName() because of Hibernate Proxy object wrapping
if (obj instanceof Application)
simpleName = "Application";
else if (obj instanceof ApplicationVersion)
simpleName = "ApplicationVersion";
else if (obj instanceof ApplicationArchive)
simpleName = "ApplicationArchive";
else if (obj instanceof ApplicationInstallation)
simpleName = "ApplicationInstallation";
else if (obj instanceof GlobalSettings)
simpleName = "GlobalSettings";
Hashtable<String, Object> parms = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
parms.put(UrlParamConstants.ACTION, ModelEntityEventAction.MODEL_REFRESH.getActionName());
parms.put(UrlParamConstants.AUTH_TOKEN, newAuthToken());
parms.put(UrlParamConstants.REFRESH_TYPE, simpleName);
parms.put(UrlParamConstants.REFRESH_OBJ_PKID, obj.getPk());
try {
logger.debug("Refresh post to {} for {} with id {}", new Object[] { thisUrl, simpleName, obj.getPk() });
httpResponse = getHttpRequestExecuter().postData(thisUrl, parms);
int statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusCode();
if (statusCode != 200) {
String exMesg = "HTTP " + statusCode + " returned for refresh post to " + thisUrl + " for " + simpleName + " with id " + obj.getPk();
throw new ClusterNotificationException(url, exMesg);
} catch (Exception e) {
String exMesg = "Refresh post to " + thisUrl + " for " + simpleName + " with id " + obj.getPk() + " threw an exception";
logger.error(exMesg, e);
throw new ClusterNotificationException(url, exMesg, e);
use of com.openmeap.model.ModelEntity in project OpenMEAP by OpenMEAP.
the class ModelServiceRefreshHandler method handleRefresh.
public Boolean handleRefresh(String refreshType, String objectId) throws ClassNotFoundException {
Object id = null;
if (refreshType.equals("ApplicationInstallation"))
id = objectId;
id = Long.valueOf(objectId);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<ModelEntity> clazz = (Class<ModelEntity>) Class.forName("com.openmeap.model.dto." + refreshType);
ModelEntity entity = (ModelEntity) modelManager.getModelService().findByPrimaryKey(clazz, id);
if (entity != null) {
modelManager.refresh(entity, null);
return true;