use of com.optimizely.ab.config.Variation in project java-sdk by optimizely.
the class DecisionServiceTest method getVariationBucketingId.
public void getVariationBucketingId() throws Exception {
Bucketer bucketer = mock(Bucketer.class);
DecisionService decisionService = spy(new DecisionService(bucketer, mockErrorHandler, validProjectConfig, null));
Experiment experiment = validProjectConfig.getExperiments().get(0);
Variation expectedVariation = experiment.getVariations().get(0);
when(bucketer.bucket(experiment, "bucketId")).thenReturn(expectedVariation);
Map<String, String> attr = new HashMap<String, String>();
attr.put(DecisionService.BUCKETING_ATTRIBUTE, "bucketId");
// user excluded without audiences and whitelisting
assertThat(decisionService.getVariation(experiment, genericUserId, attr), is(expectedVariation));
use of com.optimizely.ab.config.Variation in project java-sdk by optimizely.
the class Optimizely method track.
public void track(@Nonnull String eventName, @Nonnull String userId, @Nonnull Map<String, String> attributes, @Nonnull Map<String, ?> eventTags) throws UnknownEventTypeException {
ProjectConfig currentConfig = getProjectConfig();
EventType eventType = getEventTypeOrThrow(currentConfig, eventName);
if (eventType == null) {
// if no matching event type could be found, do not dispatch an event"Not tracking event \"{}\" for user \"{}\".", eventName, userId);
// determine whether all the given attributes are present in the project config. If not, filter out the unknown
// attributes.
Map<String, String> filteredAttributes = filterAttributes(currentConfig, attributes);
if (eventTags == null) {
logger.warn("Event tags is null when non-null was expected. Defaulting to an empty event tags map.");
eventTags = Collections.<String, String>emptyMap();
List<Experiment> experimentsForEvent = projectConfig.getExperimentsForEventKey(eventName);
Map<Experiment, Variation> experimentVariationMap = new HashMap<Experiment, Variation>(experimentsForEvent.size());
for (Experiment experiment : experimentsForEvent) {
if (experiment.isRunning()) {
Variation variation = decisionService.getVariation(experiment, userId, filteredAttributes);
if (variation != null) {
experimentVariationMap.put(experiment, variation);
} else {"Not tracking event \"{}\" for experiment \"{}\" because experiment has status \"Launched\".", eventType.getKey(), experiment.getKey());
// create the conversion event request parameters, then dispatch
LogEvent conversionEvent = eventBuilder.createConversionEvent(projectConfig, experimentVariationMap, userId, eventType.getId(), eventType.getKey(), filteredAttributes, eventTags);
if (conversionEvent == null) {"There are no valid experiments for event \"{}\" to track.", eventName);"Not tracking event \"{}\" for user \"{}\".", eventName, userId);
}"Tracking event \"{}\" for user \"{}\".", eventName, userId);
logger.debug("Dispatching conversion event to URL {} with params {} and payload \"{}\".", conversionEvent.getEndpointUrl(), conversionEvent.getRequestParams(), conversionEvent.getBody());
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Unexpected exception in event dispatcher", e);
notificationCenter.sendNotifications(NotificationCenter.NotificationType.Track, eventName, userId, filteredAttributes, eventTags, conversionEvent);
use of com.optimizely.ab.config.Variation in project java-sdk by optimizely.
the class GroupJacksonDeserializer method parseExperiment.
private Experiment parseExperiment(JsonNode experimentJson, String groupId) throws IOException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String id = experimentJson.get("id").textValue();
String key = experimentJson.get("key").textValue();
String status = experimentJson.get("status").textValue();
JsonNode layerIdJson = experimentJson.get("layerId");
String layerId = layerIdJson == null ? null : layerIdJson.textValue();
List<String> audienceIds = mapper.readValue(experimentJson.get("audienceIds").toString(), new TypeReference<List<String>>() {
List<Variation> variations = mapper.readValue(experimentJson.get("variations").toString(), new TypeReference<List<Variation>>() {
List<TrafficAllocation> trafficAllocations = mapper.readValue(experimentJson.get("trafficAllocation").toString(), new TypeReference<List<TrafficAllocation>>() {
Map<String, String> userIdToVariationKeyMap = mapper.readValue(experimentJson.get("forcedVariations").toString(), new TypeReference<Map<String, String>>() {
return new Experiment(id, key, status, layerId, audienceIds, variations, userIdToVariationKeyMap, trafficAllocations, groupId);
use of com.optimizely.ab.config.Variation in project java-sdk by optimizely.
the class DecisionService method getStoredVariation.
* Get the {@link Variation} that has been stored for the user in the {@link UserProfileService} implementation.
* @param experiment {@link Experiment} in which the user was bucketed.
* @param userProfile {@link UserProfile} of the user.
* @return null if the {@link UserProfileService} implementation is null or the user was not previously bucketed.
* else return the {@link Variation} the user was previously bucketed into.
Variation getStoredVariation(@Nonnull Experiment experiment, @Nonnull UserProfile userProfile) {
// ---------- Check User Profile for Sticky Bucketing ----------
// If a user profile instance is present then check it for a saved variation
String experimentId = experiment.getId();
String experimentKey = experiment.getKey();
Decision decision = userProfile.experimentBucketMap.get(experimentId);
if (decision != null) {
String variationId = decision.variationId;
Variation savedVariation = projectConfig.getExperimentIdMapping().get(experimentId).getVariationIdToVariationMap().get(variationId);
if (savedVariation != null) {"Returning previously activated variation \"{}\" of experiment \"{}\" " + "for user \"{}\" from user profile.", savedVariation.getKey(), experimentKey, userProfile.userId);
// A variation is stored for this combined bucket id
return savedVariation;
} else {"User \"{}\" was previously bucketed into variation with ID \"{}\" for experiment \"{}\", " + "but no matching variation was found for that user. We will re-bucket the user.", userProfile.userId, variationId, experimentKey);
return null;
} else {"No previously activated variation of experiment \"{}\" " + "for user \"{}\" found in user profile.", experimentKey, userProfile.userId);
return null;
use of com.optimizely.ab.config.Variation in project java-sdk by optimizely.
the class Optimizely method activate.
private Variation activate(@Nonnull ProjectConfig projectConfig, @Nonnull Experiment experiment, @Nonnull String userId, @Nonnull Map<String, String> attributes) {
// determine whether all the given attributes are present in the project config. If not, filter out the unknown
// attributes.
Map<String, String> filteredAttributes = filterAttributes(projectConfig, attributes);
// bucket the user to the given experiment and dispatch an impression event
Variation variation = decisionService.getVariation(experiment, userId, filteredAttributes);
if (variation == null) {"Not activating user \"{}\" for experiment \"{}\".", userId, experiment.getKey());
return null;
sendImpression(projectConfig, experiment, userId, filteredAttributes, variation);
return variation;