use of in project oci-java-sdk by oracle.
the class ResponseHelperTest method test_throwIfNotSuccessful_InvalidJsonResponse.
public void test_throwIfNotSuccessful_InvalidJsonResponse() {
final Response jsonResponse = buildMockResponse(OPC_REQUEST_ID, JSON_MEDIA_TYPE, BAD_GATEWAY_STATUS);
final String dummyServiceCode = "DummyServiceCode";
final String dummyMessage = "DummyMessage";
try {
fail("Should have thrown");
} catch (BmcException exception) {
validateExceptionFields(exception, OPC_REQUEST_ID, BAD_GATEWAY_STATUS, dummyServiceCode, dummyMessage);
use of in project oci-java-sdk by oracle.
the class X509FederationClientTest method makeCall_shouldReuseWrappedInvocationBuilderReference_whenBmcExceptionIsThrown.
public void makeCall_shouldReuseWrappedInvocationBuilderReference_whenBmcExceptionIsThrown() throws Exception {
// Set up WrappedInvocationBuilder used to verify
URI requestURI = PowerMockito.mock(URI.class);
final WrappedInvocationBuilder expectedWIb = mock(WrappedInvocationBuilder.class);
final Invocation.Builder ib = mock(Invocation.Builder.class);
whenNew(WrappedInvocationBuilder.class).withArguments(ib, requestURI).thenReturn(expectedWIb);
final Response expectedResponse = mock(Response.class);
// Stub exceptions thrown by the client 3 consecutive times then a successful
when(<WrappedInvocationBuilder>any(), Mockito.<X509FederationClient.X509FederationRequest>any(), Mockito.<BmcRequest>any())).thenThrow(new BmcException(409, "ServiceCode", "Exception 1", "RequestId")).thenThrow(new BmcException(409, "ServiceCode", "Exception 2", "RequestId")).thenThrow(new BmcException(409, "ServiceCode", "Exception 3", "RequestId")).thenReturn(expectedResponse);
// Method under test.
final Response actualResponse = clientUnderTest.makeCall(ib, requestURI, mock(X509FederationClient.X509FederationRequest.class));
assertEquals("Response should be equal", expectedResponse, actualResponse);
verify(mockFederationClient, times(4)).post(wrappedIbCaptor.capture(), isA(X509FederationClient.X509FederationRequest.class), isA(BmcRequest.class));
final List<WrappedInvocationBuilder> wrappedIbsFromInvocation = wrappedIbCaptor.getAllValues();
assertFalse("Captured list of WrappedInvocationBuilder should not be empty", wrappedIbsFromInvocation.isEmpty());
assertEquals("Captured list of WrappedInvocationBuilder size should be 4", 4, /* expected number of captures */
for (WrappedInvocationBuilder actualWib : wrappedIbsFromInvocation) {
assertEquals("Captured WIB should be the same", expectedWIb, actualWib);
use of in project oci-java-sdk by oracle.
the class DnsExample method patchZoneRecords.
* In addition to updates, we can use the patch operation to add and remove records from the zone without
* having to send through the complete list of records each time. In this example, we'll remove the existing
* TXT record that updateZoneRecords() added, and add a new one in
private static void patchZoneRecords(final Dns client, final String zoneName, final String compartmentId) {
final List<Record> allZoneRecords = getZoneRecords(client, GetZoneRecordsRequest.builder().zoneNameOrId(zoneName).zoneVersion(getZone(client, zoneName).getVersion()));
Record txtRecord = null;
for (Record r : allZoneRecords) {
if (r.getRtype().equals("TXT")) {
txtRecord = r;
if (txtRecord == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Expected to find a TXT record in the list of zone records");
final List<RecordOperation> patchAddRemoveTxtRecord = new ArrayList<>();
patchAddRemoveTxtRecord.add(RecordOperation.builder().domain(zoneName).rtype("TXT").rdata("Patch add new data").ttl(60).operation(RecordOperation.Operation.Remove).build());
final List<Record> recordsAfterPatch = getZoneRecords(client, GetZoneRecordsRequest.builder().zoneNameOrId(zoneName).zoneVersion(getZone(client, zoneName).getVersion()));
System.out.println("Zone records after patch");
// As part of patch operations, we can also specify preconditions (REQUIRE - data must be present, and
// PROHIBIT - data must not be present) which must be met for the operation to succeed.
// Note that currently (as of 6 February 2018) sending through rdata or a record hash as part of a
// precondition is not supported
final List<RecordOperation> failingPatchOperation = new ArrayList<>();
// This will fail as nothing matches this criteria
failingPatchOperation.add(RecordOperation.builder().domain("testsubdomain1." + zoneName).rtype("A").rrsetVersion("1234567").operation(RecordOperation.Operation.Require).build());
failingPatchOperation.add(RecordOperation.builder().domain("testsubdomain1." + zoneName).rtype("A").rdata("").ttl(1800).operation(RecordOperation.Operation.Add).build());
try {
} catch (BmcException e) {
System.out.println(String.format("Patch failed with BmcException of status: %d", e.getStatusCode()));
// This operation will succeed since we're asking that something matching the criteria doesn't exist (PROHIBIT). Note
// also that the TTL will be applied to all other A records in the domain (i.e. our existing A record will have its
// TTL changed to 2100)
final List<RecordOperation> successfulPatchOperation = new ArrayList<>();
successfulPatchOperation.add(RecordOperation.builder().domain("testsubdomain1." + zoneName).rtype("A").rrsetVersion("1234567").operation(RecordOperation.Operation.Prohibit).build());
successfulPatchOperation.add(RecordOperation.builder().domain("testsubdomain1." + zoneName).rtype("A").rdata("").ttl(2000).operation(RecordOperation.Operation.Add).build());
final List<Record> recordsAfterPatchWithPreconditions = getZoneRecords(client, GetZoneRecordsRequest.builder().zoneNameOrId(zoneName).zoneVersion(getZone(client, zoneName).getVersion()));
System.out.println("Zone records after patch with preconditions");
use of in project oci-java-sdk by oracle.
the class GetInstancePublicIpExample method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// TODO: Fill in these values
String instanceId = "SOME OCID";
String compartmentId = "SOME OCID";
String configurationFilePath = "~/.oci/config";
String profile = "DEFAULT";
// Configuring the AuthenticationDetailsProvider. It's assuming there is a default OCI config file
// "~/.oci/config", and a profile in that config with the name "DEFAULT". Make changes to the following
// line if needed and use ConfigFileReader.parse(CONFIG_LOCATION, profile);
final ConfigFileReader.ConfigFile configFile = ConfigFileReader.parseDefault();
final AuthenticationDetailsProvider provider = new ConfigFileAuthenticationDetailsProvider(configFile);
ComputeClient computeClient = new ComputeClient(provider);
VirtualNetworkClient vcnClient = new VirtualNetworkClient(provider);
// Account for multiple VNICs being attached to the instance
Iterable<VnicAttachment> vnicAttachmentsIterable = computeClient.getPaginators().listVnicAttachmentsRecordIterator(ListVnicAttachmentsRequest.builder().compartmentId(compartmentId).instanceId(instanceId).build());
List<String> vnicIds = new ArrayList<>();
for (VnicAttachment va : vnicAttachmentsIterable) {
final Set<String> publicIps = new HashSet<>();
for (String vnicId : vnicIds) {
GetVnicResponse getVnicResponse = vcnClient.getVnic(GetVnicRequest.builder().vnicId(vnicId).build());
if (getVnicResponse.getVnic().getPublicIp() != null) {
* Handles the scenario where public IP addresses are assigned to
* secondary private IPs on the VNIC. First we find all private IPs
* associated with the VNIC and for each of those try and find the
* public IP (if any) which has been associated with the private IP
Iterable<PrivateIp> privateIpsIterable = vcnClient.getPaginators().listPrivateIpsRecordIterator(ListPrivateIpsRequest.builder().vnicId(vnicId).build());
for (PrivateIp privateIp : privateIpsIterable) {
try {
GetPublicIpByPrivateIpIdResponse getPublicIpResponse = vcnClient.getPublicIpByPrivateIpId(GetPublicIpByPrivateIpIdRequest.builder().getPublicIpByPrivateIpIdDetails(GetPublicIpByPrivateIpIdDetails.builder().privateIpId(privateIp.getId()).build()).build());
} catch (BmcException e) {
// A 404 is expected if the private IP address does not have a public IP
if (e.getStatusCode() != 404) {
System.out.println(String.format("Exception when retriving public IP for private IP %s (%s)", privateIp.getId(), privateIp.getIpAddress()));
} else {
System.out.println(String.format("No public IP for private IP %s (%s)", privateIp.getId(), privateIp.getIpAddress()));
for (String publicIp : publicIps) {
use of in project oci-java-sdk by oracle.
the class EventsServiceExample method deleteRule.
* Delete a Rule
* @param ruleId OCID of the Rule to be deleted.
private void deleteRule(final String ruleId) {
final DeleteRuleRequest deleteRuleRequest = DeleteRuleRequest.builder().ruleId(ruleId).build();
try {
System.out.println("Rule " + ruleId + "was deleted");
} catch (final BmcException e) {
System.out.println("Failed to delete rule " + ruleId);
throw e;