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Example 1 with FieldTypeFlow

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class JNIAccessFeature method addField.

private static void addField(Field reflField, DuringAnalysisAccessImpl access) {
    BigBang bigBang = access.getBigBang();
    JNIAccessibleClass jniClass = addClass(reflField.getDeclaringClass(), access);
    jniClass.addFieldIfAbsent(reflField.getName(), n -> {
        AnalysisField field = access.getMetaAccess().lookupJavaField(reflField);
        // Same as BigBang.addSystemField() and BigBang.addSystemStaticField():
        // create type flows for any subtype of the field's declared type
        TypeFlow<?> declaredTypeFlow = field.getType().getTypeFlow(bigBang, true);
        if (field.isStatic()) {
            declaredTypeFlow.addUse(bigBang, field.getStaticFieldFlow());
        } else {
            FieldTypeFlow instanceFieldFlow = field.getDeclaringClass().getContextInsensitiveAnalysisObject().getInstanceFieldFlow(bigBang, field, true);
            declaredTypeFlow.addUse(bigBang, instanceFieldFlow);
        return new JNIAccessibleField(jniClass, reflField.getName(), field.getJavaKind(), field.getModifiers());
Also used : FieldTypeFlow( AnalysisField( BigBang(

Example 2 with FieldTypeFlow

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class PointsToStats method asString.

private static String asString(TypeFlow<?> flow) {
    if (flow instanceof AllInstantiatedTypeFlow) {
        return "AllInstantiated(" + formatType(flow.getDeclaredType(), true) + ")";
    } else if (flow instanceof AllSynchronizedTypeFlow) {
        return "AllSynchronized";
    } else if (flow instanceof UnknownTypeFlow) {
        return "Unknown";
    } else if (flow instanceof FieldSinkTypeFlow) {
        FieldSinkTypeFlow sink = (FieldSinkTypeFlow) flow;
        return "FieldSink(" + formatField(sink.getSource()) + ")";
    } else if (flow instanceof FieldTypeFlow) {
        FieldTypeFlow fieldFlow = (FieldTypeFlow) flow;
        AnalysisField field = fieldFlow.getSource();
        return (field.isStatic() ? "StaticField" : "InstanceField") + "(" + formatField(field) + ")";
    } else if (flow instanceof StoreInstanceFieldTypeFlow) {
        StoreInstanceFieldTypeFlow store = (StoreInstanceFieldTypeFlow) flow;
        return "InstanceStore(" + formatField(store.field()) + ")@" + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof StoreStaticFieldTypeFlow) {
        StoreStaticFieldTypeFlow store = (StoreStaticFieldTypeFlow) flow;
        return "StaticStore(" + formatField(store.field()) + ")@" + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof LoadInstanceFieldTypeFlow) {
        LoadInstanceFieldTypeFlow load = (LoadInstanceFieldTypeFlow) flow;
        return "InstanceLoad(" + formatField(load.field()) + ")@" + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof LoadStaticFieldTypeFlow) {
        LoadStaticFieldTypeFlow load = (LoadStaticFieldTypeFlow) flow;
        return "StaticLoad(" + formatField(load.field()) + ")@" + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof StoreIndexedTypeFlow) {
        return "IndexedStore @ " + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof UnsafeStoreTypeFlow) {
        return "UnsafeStore @ " + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof UnsafePartitionStoreTypeFlow) {
        return "UnsafePartitionStore @ " + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof UnsafeWriteSinkTypeFlow) {
        UnsafeWriteSinkTypeFlow sink = (UnsafeWriteSinkTypeFlow) flow;
        return "UnsafeWriteSink(" + formatField(sink.getSource()) + ")";
    } else if (flow instanceof JavaWriteTypeFlow) {
        return "JavaWrite @ " + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof AtomicWriteTypeFlow) {
        return "AtomicWrite @ " + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof CompareAndSwapTypeFlow) {
        return "CompareAndSwap @ " + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof LoadIndexedTypeFlow) {
        return "IndexedLoad @ " + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof UnsafeLoadTypeFlow) {
        return "UnsafeLoad @ " + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof UnsafePartitionLoadTypeFlow) {
        return "UnsafePartitionLoad @ " + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof JavaReadTypeFlow) {
        return "JavaRead @ " + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof AtomicReadTypeFlow) {
        return "AtomicRead @ " + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof ArrayElementsTypeFlow) {
        ArrayElementsTypeFlow arrayFlow = (ArrayElementsTypeFlow) flow;
        return "ArrayElements(" + (arrayFlow.object() != null ? arrayFlow.object().type().toJavaName(false) : "?") + ")";
    } else if (flow instanceof NullCheckTypeFlow) {
        NullCheckTypeFlow nullCheck = (NullCheckTypeFlow) flow;
        return "NullCheck(" + (nullCheck.isFilterNull() ? "not-null" : "only-null") + ")@" + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof FilterTypeFlow) {
        FilterTypeFlow filter = (FilterTypeFlow) flow;
        String properties = filter.isExact() ? "exact" : "not-exact";
        properties += ", " + (filter.isAssignable() ? "assignable" : "not-assignable");
        properties += ", " + (filter.includeNull() ? "include-null" : "not-include-null");
        return "Filter(" + properties + ", " + formatType(filter.getType(), true) + ")@" + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof FieldFilterTypeFlow) {
        FieldFilterTypeFlow filter = (FieldFilterTypeFlow) flow;
        return "FieldFilter(" + formatField(filter.getSource()) + ")";
    } else if (flow instanceof FrozenFieldFilterTypeFlow) {
        FrozenFieldFilterTypeFlow filter = (FrozenFieldFilterTypeFlow) flow;
        return "FrozenFieldFilter(" + formatField(filter.getSource()) + ")";
    } else if (flow instanceof InstanceOfTypeFlow) {
        InstanceOfTypeFlow instanceOf = (InstanceOfTypeFlow) flow;
        return "InstanceOf(" + formatType(instanceOf.getDeclaredType(), true) + ")@" + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof NewInstanceTypeFlow) {
        return "NewInstance(" + flow.getDeclaredType().toJavaName(false) + ")@" + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof DynamicNewInstanceTypeFlow) {
        return "DynamicNewInstance @ " + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof InvokeTypeFlow) {
        InvokeTypeFlow invoke = (InvokeTypeFlow) flow;
        return "Invoke(" + formatMethod(invoke.getTargetMethod()) + ")@" + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof InitialParamTypeFlow) {
        InitialParamTypeFlow param = (InitialParamTypeFlow) flow;
        return "InitialParam(" + param.position() + ")@" + formatMethod(param.method());
    } else if (flow instanceof FormalParamTypeFlow) {
        FormalParamTypeFlow param = (FormalParamTypeFlow) flow;
        return "Parameter(" + param.position() + ")@" + formatMethod(param.method());
    } else if (flow instanceof FormalReturnTypeFlow) {
        return "Return @ " + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof ActualReturnTypeFlow) {
        ActualReturnTypeFlow ret = (ActualReturnTypeFlow) flow;
        InvokeTypeFlow invoke = ret.invokeFlow();
        return "ActualReturn(" + formatMethod(invoke.getTargetMethod()) + ")@ " + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof MergeTypeFlow) {
        return "Merge @ " + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof SourceTypeFlow) {
        return "Source @ " + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof CloneTypeFlow) {
        return "Clone @ " + formatSource(flow);
    } else if (flow instanceof MonitorEnterTypeFlow) {
        MonitorEnterTypeFlow monitor = (MonitorEnterTypeFlow) flow;
        return "MonitorEnter @ " + formatMethod(monitor.getMethod());
    } else {
        return flow.getClass().getSimpleName() + "@" + formatSource(flow);
Also used : MonitorEnterTypeFlow( JavaReadTypeFlow( LoadInstanceFieldTypeFlow( FieldFilterTypeFlow( FrozenFieldFilterTypeFlow( FormalParamTypeFlow( SourceTypeFlow( ActualReturnTypeFlow( NullCheckTypeFlow( DynamicNewInstanceTypeFlow( UnsafeWriteSinkTypeFlow( InvokeTypeFlow( LoadIndexedTypeFlow( ArrayElementsTypeFlow( DynamicNewInstanceTypeFlow( NewInstanceTypeFlow( UnsafeLoadTypeFlow( AllInstantiatedTypeFlow( UnsafePartitionLoadTypeFlow( CloneTypeFlow( FieldSinkTypeFlow( JavaWriteTypeFlow( AtomicWriteTypeFlow( StoreStaticFieldTypeFlow( StoreInstanceFieldTypeFlow( LoadStaticFieldTypeFlow( FieldTypeFlow( LoadInstanceFieldTypeFlow( FormalReturnTypeFlow( MergeTypeFlow( UnsafePartitionStoreTypeFlow( UnknownTypeFlow( AnalysisField( InstanceOfTypeFlow( FilterTypeFlow( FieldFilterTypeFlow( FrozenFieldFilterTypeFlow( AtomicReadTypeFlow( AllSynchronizedTypeFlow( CompareAndSwapTypeFlow( StoreStaticFieldTypeFlow( StoreIndexedTypeFlow( InitialParamTypeFlow( LoadStaticFieldTypeFlow( FrozenFieldFilterTypeFlow( StoreInstanceFieldTypeFlow( UnsafeStoreTypeFlow(

Example 3 with FieldTypeFlow

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class ContextSensitiveAnalysisObject method getReferencedObjects.

 * Returns the list of referenced objects, i.e., field objects or array elements discovered by
 * the static analysis.
 * Since this list is not updated during the analysis, for complete results this should only be
 * called when the base analysis has finished.
public List<AnalysisObject> getReferencedObjects() {
    if (referencedObjects == null) {
        // TODO do we need to materialize the objects in a HashSet here, or could we just
        // iterate over them?
        HashSet<AnalysisObject> objectsSet = new HashSet<>();
        if (this.type().isArray()) {
            for (AnalysisObject object : arrayElementsTypeStore.readFlow().getState().objects()) {
        } else {
            if (instanceFieldsTypeStore != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < instanceFieldsTypeStore.length(); i++) {
                    FieldTypeStore fieldTypeStore = instanceFieldsTypeStore.get(i);
                    if (fieldTypeStore != null) {
                        FieldTypeFlow fieldFlow = ((UnifiedFieldTypeStore) fieldTypeStore).readWriteFlow();
                        if (!fieldFlow.getState().isUnknown()) {
                                 * If the field state is unknown we don't process the state. Unknown
                                 * means that the state can contain any object of any type, but the
                                 * core analysis guarantees that there is no path on which the
                                 * objects of an unknown type state are converted to and used as
                                 * java objects; they are just used as data.
                            for (AnalysisObject object : fieldFlow.getState().objects()) {
        referencedObjects = new ArrayList<>(objectsSet);
    return referencedObjects;
Also used : FieldTypeFlow( UnifiedFieldTypeStore( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) FieldTypeStore( UnifiedFieldTypeStore(

Example 4 with FieldTypeFlow

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class ContextSensitiveAnalysisObject method mergeInstanceFieldFlow.

 * Merge the read and write flows of the fieldTypeStore with those of the context insensitive
 * object.
private static void mergeInstanceFieldFlow(BigBang bb, FieldTypeStore fieldTypeStore, AnalysisObject object) {
    AnalysisField field = fieldTypeStore.field();
    FieldTypeFlow readFieldFlow = fieldTypeStore.readFlow();
    FieldTypeFlow writeFieldFlow = fieldTypeStore.writeFlow();
    FieldTypeFlow parentWriteFieldFlow = object.getInstanceFieldFlow(bb, field, true);
    FieldTypeFlow parentReadFieldFlow = object.getInstanceFieldFlow(bb, field, false);
    parentWriteFieldFlow.addUse(bb, writeFieldFlow);
    readFieldFlow.addUse(bb, parentReadFieldFlow);
Also used : FieldTypeFlow( AnalysisField(

Example 5 with FieldTypeFlow

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class AnalysisObjectScanner method forNonNullFieldValue.

public void forNonNullFieldValue(JavaConstant receiver, AnalysisField field, JavaConstant fieldValue) {
    AnalysisType fieldType = bb.getMetaAccess().lookupJavaType(bb.getSnippetReflectionProvider().asObject(Object.class, fieldValue).getClass());
    assert fieldType.isInstantiated();
    if (bb.getAllInstantiatedTypeFlow().getState().containsType(fieldType)) {
        /* Add the constant value object to the field's type flow. */
        FieldTypeFlow fieldTypeFlow = getFieldTypeFlow(field, receiver);
        AnalysisObject constantObject = bb.analysisPolicy().createConstantObject(bb, fieldValue, fieldType);
        if (!fieldTypeFlow.getState().isUnknown() && !fieldTypeFlow.getState().containsObject(constantObject)) {
            /* Add the new constant to the field's flow state. */
            TypeState constantTypeState = TypeState.forNonNullObject(bb, constantObject);
            fieldTypeFlow.addState(bb, constantTypeState);
Also used : AnalysisType( AnalysisObject( FieldTypeFlow( TypeState(


FieldTypeFlow ( AnalysisField ( BigBang ( ActualReturnTypeFlow ( AllInstantiatedTypeFlow ( AllSynchronizedTypeFlow ( ArrayElementsTypeFlow ( CloneTypeFlow ( DynamicNewInstanceTypeFlow ( FieldFilterTypeFlow ( FieldSinkTypeFlow ( FilterTypeFlow ( FormalParamTypeFlow ( FormalReturnTypeFlow ( FrozenFieldFilterTypeFlow ( InitialParamTypeFlow ( InstanceOfTypeFlow ( InvokeTypeFlow ( LoadInstanceFieldTypeFlow ( LoadStaticFieldTypeFlow (