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Example 1 with AllocationContextSensitiveObject

use of in project graal by oracle.

the class BytecodeAnalysisContextPolicy method calleeContext.

 * Captures the context of a method invocation.
 * <p>
 * Iterates over the list of {@linkplain BytecodeAnalysisContext context chains} of the receiver
 * object, i.e. the contexts from which it's allocator method was invoked, and extends each of
 * this chains with the current receiver's {@linkplain AnalysisObject analysis object}. The
 * depth of each context chain is bounded to {@link PointstoOptions#MaxCallingContextDepth}.
 * <p>
 * @param bb the bigbang.
 * @param receiverObject invocation's {@linkplain AnalysisObject receiver object}
 * @return the list of {@link BytecodeAnalysisContext context chains} leading to this invocation
 *         extended with the current receiver object
public BytecodeAnalysisContext calleeContext(BigBang bb, AnalysisObject receiverObject, BytecodeAnalysisContext callerContext, MethodTypeFlow callee) {
    int maxCalleeContextDepth = callee.getLocalCallingContextDepth();
         * If the calling context depth is 0 return ContextChain.EMPTY_CONTEXT so that the unique
         * clone is linked in.
    if (maxCalleeContextDepth == 0 || !receiverObject.isAllocationContextSensitiveObject()) {
        return emptyContext();
    AllocationContextSensitiveObject receiverHeapObject = (AllocationContextSensitiveObject) receiverObject;
         * If the context depth is greater than 0 and the receiver object has context information
         * then extend the receiver's context by appending the receiver object allocation site,
         * otherwise create a context containing the receiver object allocation site.
    BytecodeLocation[] labelList;
    if (receiverHeapObject.allocationContext() != null) {
        labelList = extend(((BytecodeAnalysisContext) receiverHeapObject.allocationContext()).labels(), receiverHeapObject.allocationLabel(), maxCalleeContextDepth);
    } else {
        // TODO remove branch if never taken
        JVMCIError.shouldNotReachHere("CoreAnalysisContextPolicy.merge: receiverHeapObject.heapContext() is null");
        labelList = new BytecodeLocation[] { receiverHeapObject.allocationLabel() };
    return lookupContext(labelList);
Also used : AllocationContextSensitiveObject( BytecodeLocation(


BytecodeLocation ( AllocationContextSensitiveObject (